[ potassiumboron & tragictrees ] Trouble's Brewing

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Malphas smiled a little, bumping his shoulder against Taylor's lightly "Remember that its going to be me and the rest of them here. If you think you can get anything close to resembling 'alone time' with me, I regret to inform you that's going to be extremely difficult." He pointed out "Also, out of curiosity, don't you have things to be doing today? Considering you run a gang."

That was something he was genuinely curious about. He wasn't actually sure how that worked, nor what Taylor actually DID. All he got during his time as a detective was that what he was doing was bad, and he should've gotten his ass tossed in jail. That, of course, was what he had been working on doing, but he didn't actually put too much thought into it. If he did, he was sure it would've actually happened before they had become friendly.

He'd never seen the human working, but then again, he wasn't exactly around him a lot. Who really knew? Not him, that was for sure.
"Curiosity killed the cat, love. You don't really need to know what I have to do today. Technically, you haven't resigned from your detective job, so technically, you can still arrest me. I won't go telling you anything just yet as curious as you may be. And hey, as cute as you are and as much as I like you... you're just going to have to remain clueless," he grinned back in return, seeming to totally block out the presence of Storm and the lounging Lucifer nearby if he was openly flirting with Malphas. Hell, he went as far as to kiss his cheek before he got up off the floor, groaning at the reminder that he had his gang to get back to, and had a shit tonne of work to be getting on with.

"Try not to let your unruly demon buddies trash my beautiful house, hm? I do the cleaning myself. I don't have maids doing this for me, and no way am I coming back home later tonight to clean up after you lot," he laughed, cracking his hands again as he straightened his back. "And if that Gomory is coming here for any reason, and if she's intent on sleeping here, tell her she can have the couch. I'm not allowing her to have a bedroom. That bitch was awful to me-- and Aamon was too, actually. The only decent one is Storm."

Grinning quietly to himself at the compliment, he was caught between disliking the human and liking him. He wasn't used to being complimented, so that was nice-- but hearing the woman he had a huge crush on being called a bitch wasn't... too nice to hear. Instead, he wisely chose to stay quiet until Taylor had gone to get himself dressed, turning his eyes onto Malphas calmly.

"...I don't mind if Gomory stays, actually. I may have overreacted earlier," he decided. As hard as it would be seeing her, he couldn't handle not seeing her either. "Everyone should stay together, it seems wiser that way."
"It probably would be. And they'll get bedrooms no matter what, honestly, because I doubt Taylor could actually do anything about it." Malphas replied, nodding his head, before getting up "Anyway, you said you wanted to explore, right? I can show you around now, if you want. Might even see the other two on the way around town."

Walking around outside might do them some good anyway. Taylor didn't want his house trashed, and nothing would get done indoors. Besides, it may actually start the 'plan' they had slapped together. Overall, he just didn't want to stay cooped up for the rest of the day, and he had been reminded that Storm wanted to go out. Which, of course, meant the buddy system would be in effect, and everyone could be happy.

Getting to his feet and downing the remainder of his cocktail in one, the boy only really hesitated when taking into account the fact that they might bump into the others. Almost instantly, he became very aware of himself and how he looked.

Was his outfit alright?

His hair - jeez, was his hair smart enough

What if she just made fun of him in that playful way she always did? That wouldn't be great for his aspirations to date her now, would it...

Forcing himself to at least shrug his faux nonchalant agreement, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his smart jeans in an effort to seem okay with heading out, and even more okay about possibly bumping into the others. On the inside, he was panicking self-consciously about every single detail of his person... but he knew better than to show that.

"Sounds cool," he eventually murmured, shrugging again for emphasis before turning to his now dozing father. "Let's not bring my father, I'd rather let him sleep. Everyone's just that little bit safer with him napping like that."
"I doubt he'd like being out and about anyway." Malphas agreed, heading to the door "So I'm fine with that. So, anywhere you want to go first? Or do you just want to walk around?"

Hopefully it would be relaxing. Malphas already knew the area, but it would be interesting to see Storms reaction. The boy hadn't been up before, so this was exciting. In his mind, at least. He couldn't remember his first time up, since it was so long ago, but did it matter? Storm seemed interested. That was the point.
"Maybe for something to eat? I don't really know what humans eat, but I'd definitely like to try something, I suppose," he replied quietly in response. When you were raised by both Lucifer and Sanaa, you were bound to have been brought up with a whole lot of confidence, and usually Storm was confident. He may not be arrogant with it, fortunately, but he had a pretty sold self-esteem.

But in this instance, in a totally new realm with humans everywhere he looked, he was understandably a little wary of himself. And of course he was nervous. It was exciting, incredibly so, but it was the biggest thing he'd ever done in his life-- but he was fairly confident Malphas wouldn't allow any harm to be brought to him.

He happened to trust him like he trusted his own mother and father, so that was at least comforting.
Malphas offered him a smile "Good choice. Human food is....interesting, most of the time. It isn't bad, though." He replied, nodding his head as he walked out and began down the sidewalk "I usually don't use my abilities up here, but since we don't have money yet, I'm going to have to. So, that means you can pick anything that you like the look of out, alright? Because there's a lot of choices."

Food was a great choice, in general. Bars were someplace that Sanaa would probably get pissed off about if Storm went into them, so going for a drink was a no. Parks were boring, and while checking out shops wasn't BAD, Malphas generally didn't like the people in them. So, as far as he was concerned, this was a good outcome, even if he had to 'persuade' a waiter to give them a free meal. It wasn't as if he hadn't done mind tricks on humans before.

He didn't mind human food. He wasn't extremely fond of most of it, but he didn't mind it. The sweet things, like the baked goods and candies, he liked those. But other things weren't as appealing. He'd definitely eat them, though, and he was sure that Storm would at least find the experience fun, if not the taste.
"Oh, don't worry - I intend to get what I want. Aamon told me that humans have nice food, so... I don't know, I want to experience everything I can. I don't think my mother is going to allow me to visit again," he admitted casually, his distracted behaviour a result of him being far too occupied taking in the sights around him. The cars, the lights on in people's homes-- hell, even the birds fluttering about now the sun was going down. It was all pretty spectacular.

It wasn't Hell, and he liked it there. But it was different, and just because it was different didn't mean it was any less enjoyable.

Amazingly, he found it all incredibly pretty up here. He wasn't going to openly gush about it, but the lack of fire, screams and constant violence was... nice.

"Maybe I can have a doughnut? Aamon said they were nice. And a... hot chocolate? I don't quite know what that is, but I trust Aamon's judgement when it comes to food," he grinned, biting again on his lip piercing in an effort to keep himself from smiling more - he wasn't exactly known for his happy expressions, after all.

"...Look, I can trust you, can't I? I mean, there are some things I can talk to you and Aamon about that I can't discuss with my parents. My mother's my best friend in many ways, but she's still also my mother, and it's awkward taking to her about... girls I may like. She still thinks I'm a child. I can't talk with my father, either, because... well, I just can't."
"We can do hot chocolate and doughnuts, yea." Malphas confirmed. Having a distinct idea of what Storm wanted would help decide the place, for sure. It made it much easier.

Obviously it would have to be something cafe-like or a bakery of sorts. You couldn't find doughnuts everywhere. Malphas had learned that over the months that he had stayed surface-side. Hot chocolate was also generally in places like that, so that wouldn't be too difficult to find either.

At the next question, he raised an eyebrow, glancing over at Storm with slight curiosity "You can trust me, sure." He agreed, shrugging his shoulders "Though, I'm not really great for dating advice for girls, if that's what you're going for. But is there someone specific you're looking at?"
"I've already figured that you aren't exactly the wisest one to consult when it comes to girl advice, given you have the hots for that human, but I... I don't entirely know who else to ask. Besides, you're doing yourself an injustice - you're actually rather reliable when it comes to this sort of thing. I definitely trust you enough to listen to what you have to say."

Admittedly, though, he was still hesitant. Gomory and Malphas had clearly been close friends for centuries, and admitting that he liked her might just be a little... awkward to do. He trusted Malphas not to laugh at him, and he especially trusted that he wouldn't be too critical with his opinion, but the risk of being told to stop being silly was one that prevented him from blurting out what was weighing so heavily on him.

But the fact it was weighing that heavily encouraged him to talk - he needed to tell someone because it was incredibly stressful keeping it to himself.

"Gomory's... I think she's nice," he shrugged, acting as casually as he could. Of course, his feelings were far from casual about her, as evidenced by his now slightly pink cheeks. "She's obviously very attractive and she's... I don't know, I like her. I'm just a kid though, right? She's seen me when I was toddling about in diapers, it's probably weird for her to realise that I like her like this, so... so let's just forget about it, aha..."
"Gomory?" Malphas hadn't been expecting that one, looking over at Storm with a surprised expression as he avoided oncoming people on the sidewalk "I'm not judging! Just wasn't expecting it." He tried to assure, looking ahead once more and spotting their destination.

Gomory was certainly an interesting choice. Though, he supposed it wasn't really a 'choice' in the first place. Still, he was surprised, mainly because yes, Gomory HAD known storm since he was a baby. Malphas didn't really know how she'd react to it.

But he felt bad saying that, because who knew, really? Maybe it would work out. Gom wasn't there as often as Malphas had been. Even Aamon beat her in that respect, and he didn't hang around children often at all.

So maybe.


He walked up to the shop, thinking over what to say "Well.....she's attractive, yeah. Charming to some people, I guess?" He said after a moment "Is that why you didn't want her at the house?"
"...I thought I would cope better not having her around, sure. I didn't want to blush in front of her, and I also didn't want her thinking I hated her if I deliberately avoided her. Though, I'd much rather see her than not see her, so... I want her at the house. I'll cope with my feelings," he shrugged, smiling very briefly to himself when the other didn't erupt into ridiculed laughter - he might be shocked, but Storm was incredibly thankful for Malphas at least being supportive.

He could easily have just laughed in his face.

"I also didn't want my father flirting with her in front of me. It pissed me off when he did that before. I like her, you know? Having my own father ask her on a date was... fucking annoying. I'm just glad she isn't into him. It makes me think there's a chance. I'm nothing like my father," he beamed, silently admiring the cute little bakery on the outside before following Malphas in-- and immediately smiling his delight at the cosy warmth and the smell of breads and cakes in the air. That was all even before he saw the threats on display, which his eyes lit up at when he eventually spotted them.

"Maybe I'll ask her out, I don't... know. She's always been nice to me. She's always encouraged me to be myself, and that's... it's always nice to hear."
"I mean, I say go for it. She either says yes or she says no. Doubt she'll judge you too much for it." He suggested, studying the choices "But I'd ask Aamon, he deals directly with this sort of stuff. Knows more than me for sure."

Aamon hadn't actually dated anyone, not for lack of trying, but he obsessed over things like this. One of the few things he liked from the human realm were the romance novels and movies. It wasn't uncommon to find him with one or the other. So, yes, the blonde demon was surely a better choice for the topic.

"Alright, putting a pause on this conversation. Choose something to get, okay?" He said, having already chosen what he wanted.
It may not be confirmation that Gomory would say yes, but at least it wasn't a resounding no.

Like Malphas said, Gomory could say yes; it wasn't impossible. If he didn't ask, he'd never know. Granted, perhaps Aamon was best to talk to about all of this - he would gush about it all, offer some advice, go into the nitty-gritty details of just asking Gomory out.

But Malphas' brief statement was just enough to convince Storm that, hey, he should at least ask.

"I'll have one of those," he shrugged, nodding towards the colourfully-iced doughnut, opting for it simply due to it catching his attention. It wasn't like he could choose something based on taste, after all.
"Alright, got it. Go grab a seat or something I guess? I think I saw a bench outside." He replied, flashing the other a smile "I'll bring everything out."

He hadn't done something like this in a while. There had been work and him being stuck down under, and before that, he just didn't find the time to do much than hunt down something to throw Taylor in jail for. Which, of course, that was hilarious in hindsight, but at the time he'd been set on it.

Doing this with Storm was just....nice. Relaxing. Aamon would do things like this with him, but considering how little he came up, it didn't happen a lot. Gomory just scoffed a bit, and told him to meet her at a bar or something. He HIGHLY doubted that something like this would go well with Taylor, and he wasn't going to ask. But it was pretty great to just head out and go to a random bakery, even if he didn't plan to pay
He was pretty sure that if he was with his mother right now, she'd be pestering him for every single detail of his crush, and probably wouldn't rest until Storm had unloaded every significant feeling he'd developed for Gomory.

Admittedly, his mother would be great at this sort of advice, better than most in fact. Not only was she his mother, but she was a succubus - love, lust and romance was sort of her thing. It was partly why she got on with Aamon so well: they could spend literally hours chatting and gossiping about cute demons around the castle.

Though, the fact she would have just spent hours bombarding Storm was why he'd sought to ask Malphas instead, and the fact he had handled it all so casually was a relief. He was quite happy to divulge more information-- but not now. Now, he just wanted to sit down on the bench outside -which he did so quickly- and try out a handful of human food.
Due to his skills being a bit rusty, it took Malphas several minutes to 'convince' the cashier to give him everything for free. Eventually, though, he did succeed, and walked out with a bag and a hot chocolate. He paused when he reached outside, before spying Storm and walking over. He sat down, offering up the bag and cup to him as he did.

"Here. Your brightly colored doughtnut and a hot chocolate. Hope they actually taste good." He said, leaning back in his seat and yawning.

It hadn't been that long since Lucifer had came up, nor since the angel incident, but it already felt like it had been forever. It might've been because of all the stress or something. It might've also been because of the fact that ANYTHING away from hell felt like a 'long time'. That was to him, at least. The few months he'd been up due to the dare were the longest months he'd ever experienced, really. It was weird.
"...I'm sure it'll taste fine. Anything's better than the raw flesh and blood they serve down in Hell, right?" Replied Storm, the small smile that broke not long after indicating his playfulness. He wasn't usually the sort of guy to go breaking jokes and laughing out loud, but he could definitely be considered 'playful' with those he felt comfortable around and liked.

Quietly picking at the colourful icing to nibble tentatively at, he eventually decided he liked it enough to take a small bite of the doughnut-- and it easily trumped anything he'd eaten in the past. Hell was nice and it had a lot of things going for it, but food really, really wasn't one of them.
"I guess so." He agreed, nodding his head "Not that I ever really mind the food back home. This is a nice change of pace, though." He shrugged, stretching out his legs as he did "Kinda like it better up here than down there. Don't tell your dad, though. Doubt he'd find it amusing."

Hell was better in some ways. In one, he was a prince. He could get what he wanted, usually. There was also just the fact that he was around things that were familiar to him, and there were no priests. However, up here....the scenery was nicer. There was fresher air. It was peaceful, and the food was decent.

It was pretty good, all things considered.

"Look, I'm sure you don't want me trailing you this whole time, right?" Malphas said after a moment, sitting up "I'll let you explore on your own. Just don't tell your parents, okay? And head back later. I'll let Gomory and Aamon know that they can stay at Taylors, so don't worry about that."
"You're just going to leave me on my own? I suppose I'm old enough to go and explore on my own, of course I am, but still... Oh well, I can explore, it's fine. Let's just not tell me mother, she'll lose her temper with the both of us," replied the teenager, physically cringing at the thought of his mother finding out that he would be left to explore by himself.

He was old enough to do so, and her suffocating protectiveness had neglected him the chance to do so in the past. At least now he had the opportunity to just... breathe and do things by himself.

He definitely respected Malphas for giving him that chance.


(Apologies for the small reply, lack of colour, etc. On my iPod and not at home right now so if it's crappy, that's the reason :/ )