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Pokemon: Primal Origins

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"That's why I don't think I could ever be a full time trainer..." Anne shook her head, looking back from the paternal Fenrir back to the older trainer. "I don't want to hurt my Pokemon unless it's necessary..." She admitted, looking from the dressed up Pikachu to the Plusle that had decided to take a nap in her arms. "Alex wants to take on the Pokemon League, though." At this, she looked over at her brother.

Alex was currently trying to shush the Mime Junior, who thought it'd be a great idea to start picking fights with the strange Pokemon. So he met his sister's gaze with a Mime Jr. in a headlock and a miffed looking Minun on his shoulder, because she was ejected from her spot. He didn't say anything, just nodded to show that he indeed had been listening to the conversation while struggling with the small Pokemon.

Outside of the Pokemon League's building, the Dark typed Elite was currently taking a break in the lull of challengers. His Pokemon were all in various places around him, either stretched out and relaxing, or tumbling around in the dirt. A Crobat perched on the young man's shoulders as he watched the bedlam unfold, massive yellow eyes fixed on his trainer's Battle Pokemon.
Aois: Pokémon L eague, purple
The lone girl stood in the back of the third Elite Four member's room, smiling innocently as she watched him and his Pokémon. She enjoyed the fact that his Pokémon were able to enjoy free time out of their capture devices, rather than stay confined all the time like some trainers make them do. Of course, if things weren't like that here, she'd probably scold him about it.

She watched him for a short while longer before speaking up. "You seem to be enjoying yourself," she said, approaching the male that was much taller than she was. The Ditto on her shoulder shifted only slightly upon the approach. It didn't speak at all, so Aois would communicate with it using the little movements it made. She shook her head at its request and turned her attention back to Tristan. "It's pretty boring here, huh?" She wasn't really looking for an answer from him, but rather looking for an excuse to give her own.

"Everyone wonders why I'm never here, but it's because it's so much more exciting out there! Don't you just love watching the new coming trainers?" she asked Tristan, this time looking for an actual answer.
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"Yeah." Tristan agreed, one word for three questions. If he had been startled by his boss's appearance, he didn't show it. Instead, the lanky man turned a sleepy glance back toward the young woman. "It's been a slow day, though. Not as many challengers." He finally elaborated, before looking back at his Pokemon. "Everyone was getting bored." Silence from the man for a few moments, watching his Pokemon scuffle around. Ozzy took off from his companion's shoulder, beating his four wings and zooming around to investigate the Ditto. Most of the eyes of the Elite's Pokemon flashed in the semi-darkness. Challengers would often be unnerved fighting the Elite Four, with all but the final two having 'creepy' types of Pokemon, but the dark haired man was obviously comfortable in the gloom, and in the shadows of the previous Elites in the chain.
The purple-haired member of the Elite Four announced her presence with a loud sigh, followed by the Zorua in her arms imitating her with a little sigh of its own. "Bored doesn't even begin to describe it," Wisteria placed Midnight onto the ground and stretched her arms before adjusting the dark purple ribbon in her hair. "Hm. Hello, Aois. Fancy actually seeing you here, for once. What sparked the change?" Despite her question, Wisteria's tone betrayed her utter disinterest in the Pokémon Champion's motives for coming back. As if the prove this, she began inspecting her perfectly cut nails.

Aois: Pokémon League, purple
Aois smiled at the nearby Crobat, then turned her attention towards Wisteria, who'd just entered the room. "Well, I have to be here sometimes," she told her, trying yo sound as respectful as possible. "Just because any challengers haven't shown up yet, it doesn't mean that none will." Though she said this, she knew how unlikely it was that they'd be seeing any action today. Even if a challenger did come their way, she wouldn't be able to face them until they beat each of the other member's of the Pokémon League. Each of them was strong in their own right, so it would take a really promising trainer to be able to reach her.

She lightly patted Ditto and sat down amongst all of Tristan's Pokémon. Though she did enjoy a good battle, she also enjoyed spending quality time with Pokémon, even if they aren't her own. Her own, at present, were in the other room. They knew how to keep each other company while she was away, which was quite often. Whenever she went out, she'd usually only carry whatever Pokémon were locally available. Several times had she ventured through the Petalburg Woods with only her Ditto, a Zigzagoon, a Taillow, and a Wurmple.

"I might go out in a bit. Today is the day that new trainers are sent out, isn't it? It's interesting to see what types of Pokémon they have with them!" She let out a contented sigh and patted Ditto again, who seemed to be quite enjoying the pampering.
"Hnn...that's right. That's today." Tristan mused as he looked up at the starry ceiling of his chamber. Meanwhile, his Houndoom poked her nose curiously at the Ditto, a small furl of steam coming from the horned dog's open mouth. Sableye was on her back, riding his friend like a Ponyta, and his Honchkrow landed beside him to fix a similarly lazy pair of eyes on the Champion. The energetic Crobat might be his companion, but Honchkrow had to be the most like the Elite in personality. "Either of you know any kids that might be starting today?"
(Curse you faulty watching system!)

Crim led the two aspiring trainers though the foliage and to the dirt path he had came from. "Come now." He said without looking back. They eventually reached Oldale Town. "Ah, how long has it been since I payed this place a visit?" He thought out loud. Crim then turned around to the two and was about to say something when a Zigzagoon darted out of nowhere and nabbed his crutch with its teeth then ran off into town. He topped over and was caught by Taizai who he thanked. "Could you get that back for me please?" He asked with a apologetic smile.
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When Midnight began to bark her name at Wisteria, she gathered her companion back into her arms and returned her gaze to Tristan. "Thankfully, I do not. New Trainers are horribly nosy," She shook her head slightly as she rubbed her Zorua's head. Even her challengers were relatively irritating, especially when they asked to see all of her team after she completely demolished theirs. Sure, she supposed she appreciated the admiration and attention, but seriously. The Trainer would get to see her team in battle if they were good enough to deserve it.

Aois: Pokémon League, purple
Aois went about to petting the dog-like Pokémon that had found his way over to her. Hearing Wisteria's words, she laughed a bit nervously to herself. Even though she was the Champion, she always had her team out on full display, even when challengers were around. This hadn't affected her thus far, but she knew it made it easier for the challenger to strategize. Maybe the only reason she won most of her battles was because of her bizzare battle tactic...

"I don't think I would know any. I haven't followed up on any trainers recently, so I wouldn't know if they had any siblings." Aois leaned in close to the Houndoom and rubbed her cheek against his own. "I'll know them soon though, and I hope to be great friends with them. It makes it more fun to bear with this title when you have newcomers to look forward to." Indeed, her whole reason for remaining Champion was to be the ultimate test for upcoming trainers. She loved the thrill of watching someone she'd watched grow on their journey, as well as the hard work they put forth to make it to the League.
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"Hmmn..." Tristan nodded for both of their answers, scratching behind one of the horns on Houndoom's head. "We have a lot of foreign trainers this time around, it seems." He continued. "Interesting Pokemon." While he hadn't ever been to anywhere apart from Hoenn, with occasional trips to Kanto and Johto, he found himself slightly unfamiliar with these new Pokemon from the regions recently in communication with Hoenn. It made for interesting battles, to say the least. Murkrow gives a soft, effortless caw before nestling into his feathers and appearing to doze off.
Aois: Pokémon League, purple
Standing up from where she sat, Aois walked over to the entrance of Tristan's room. "If that's the case, I'd love to see what types of Pokémon they all battle with." Ditto shifted a bit to show that it was excited by the idea, and received a smile in response. "Ditto wants to go too," she said cheerfully. "So, would either of you two like to join us? Things are really slow anyway, so it would be a good break."
Tristan gives a slow glance around his arena: still deserted. The suckish part about being number three in the Elite Four is that most kids didn't make it past Wisteria and Kina, so most of the time he just sat here and...stared at a wall until some kid who had grinded his Pokemon until they were nearly unstoppable made it through the girls. And they usually didn't come until the last possible moments in the season, taking as much time as possible to train. "Might as well." He yawned. "Wisty, if someone actually makes it past you two, you'll call me, right?" Looking over at the shorter woman, the man waits a response. If he got some sort of advanced warning after they beat Wisteria, he could fly back while they were battling Kina, and still make it in time to battle whatever upstart made it to three. "I have some baby Pokemon I want to train anyway." He furthered his motives; he wasn't going to risk his title to train Poochyena, Houndour, and Murkrow in a registered League battle, that would be stupid. His little baby Pokemon could get hurt, or worse, and he would probably lose.
Jack was currently making his way from Victory road to the Pokemon league, riding on the back of his Haxorus and staring at the sky. Man, what a beautiful day for some battling. Evee was currently laying on his head, sleeping like a log.

"Now that we've blazed through that, lets go and take down the Elite our of this Region, which will make it the third, with Kalos and Sinnoh already under my belt. Next will be Unova, the Johto and Kanto, then I have no idea. oh well, lets do this." Jack got off of his Haxorus, returning the pokemon to his Pokeball before he walked inside the building. He healed up his pokemon at the center, bought a bunch of full heals, full restores, and revives. Feeling ready to bring the pain to this version of the Elite Four, he kicked open the doors and walked into the first Arena. Evee was still laying on his head, only it was now drowzily awake, and making cute little yawning sounds.

"Okay, whose up first to get a smack down by yours truly?"
Wisteria nodded at Tristan's request before turning her gaze over to Jack. She could already tell that this challenger was extremely arrogant. What a bother. She visibly rolled her eyes as she took a step towards him. "A smack down? You come all the way here on your travels, and you can't even use some intelligent vocabulary?" Wisteria was going to enjoy beating this one into the ground. Well, she usually did enjoy almost always winning her battles, but she would get a special kind of ego boost from this one.
"...on second thought..." Tristan kind of wanted to see this. The man must be pretty confident in his abilities. After all, you don't come bursting foot first into the Pokemon League with a team full of Magikarp. Well...he supposed you could, and in hindsight this guy might be an idiot, but that'd still be entertaining to watch. "...we might have to hold off on the journey, Aois." He mused, looking over at his 'boss'. To be fair, Aois was pretty new. She'd managed to beat him in battle, which gave him a fair share of respect in the new champion, but he was still several years older and a couple of feet taller than her. He felt odd speaking to her like she was his boss and not just a...coworker, like he did with the other three; whom he'd known for a substantially longer time. Ozzy let out a shriek of agreement, his feet clamping around Tristan's shoulder, and his wings tucked against his small body.
"Why waste time on such things when their battling to be done, this'll be my third time facing an Elite Four so please humor me if I seem a little confident." Jack said with a smile, studying his opponent with a predatory eye. Wisteria, she uses Psychic types, so they didn't have any advantages over each other. Psychic had crappy defense, so his best bet would be to hit hard, and to hit fast before they could react. That meant it was Haxorus that would go first. Throwing the ball into the air, and bolt of red light came from it striking behind him to form Haxorus. The dragon type let out a roar of challenge, his eyes locking on the Elite Four member in front of him. "My name is Jack Walker, this is my Haxorus, and we are here to see what you guys are made of. I don't expect this fight to be easy, but I do expect it to be interesting."

(Haxorus knows Outrage, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, and Giga Impact, and has the ability Rivalry)
[Hmmn....in preparation for this...I should probably get Tristan's team's ability and moveset down, shouldn't I?]
Aois: Pokémon League, purple
Aois sighed internally at the sight of the trainer that had recently entered. She'd pumped herself up to see the newcomers, but now she had to stay behind. Regardless of her attitude, she paid close attention to him and the way he held himself. She turned towards Tristan and smiled a bit. "That's alright. It's about time we got a challenger, isn't it?"

She truly was a new addition to the League, which she enjoyed. Nobody knew what the Champion looked like unless they made it to her or she openly admitted to being the Champion. Who'd believe her without a battle though? If anything, people would wonder what such a girl was even doing, standing around the Elite Four as if she were their equals. Unironically, this was actually how she viewed herself. She liked to think of each other as friends, rather than them simply being a test to see if challengers were worthy of facing her.

Presently, though, she was unsure about the way this challenger held himself. He had spunk, but something seemed to be off. "You might need a bit of luck to see this one," she told Tristan, as she watched the battle begin. She giggled a little to herself after she'd said this. "Not to be interpretated as an excuse for me to leave even though we have a challenger!"
([I'll be doing the same. XO Anything I should know in case he happens to make it to Aois?])
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