Pokemon: Disappearance(IC)

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In truth, she wanted to snort at her captor; as if she would be sheepled into doing something of their whim without telling her what was going on. The rescuer wasn't as resourceful or valiant as she had first hoped them to be, but at least it was clear to her that he meant no harm. Besides, what other choice did she have when obviously this creature - dubbed 'Mawile' by the blond - couldn't communicate properly with her?

"...Yeah okay. Like, I've no idea where to go anyway." After a moment of consideration, the Mawile released Jamie. She stood up without a moment to lose, checking her attire and possession. She recognized her uniform, the blouse, the vest and pants combo which signaled anyone observing her that she was a student of a private school. There were cringe-worthy creases here and there but all in all there were no clothing destruction of note. Her tote bag managed to survive the abuse as well, hanging from her right shoulder. She fished out her phone - a pretty little thing of white and teal, it was just big enough to fit snugly in her hand. Now, she was ready to move on.

"I guess let's get going then, uh. Right, before that thank you at least for helping me. Call me Jamie," She addressed the blond after adjusting her glasses, waiting for his side of the greetings before turning to the Steel-type Pokemon. "And I dunno if it's okay to give you a nickname depending on your speech but, like. I'll call you Mawile I gues- " Mawile gave a nod in understanding, but tilted its head at the way Jamie cut her sentence short. The tomboy's vision were fixed at a direction. Curious, the Mawile turned to see what she was seeing. Jamie's gaze flickered back to the Mawile at the same time, regretting it instantly; she got a better view of its back jaw, slightly shuddering at seeing the sharp tooth-like pieces. She silently thanked the powers that be for not being accidentally held by the sharper end of those lethals.

What caught Jamie's attention was a brunet who non-chalantly walked past them. It's wasn't that hard to miss him, what with the tune he was whistling, but it was as if to him the four -or perhaps two plus two creatures - did not exist. Jamie felt it wasn't worth talking to someone who downright denies her existence however, and decided to ignore him in return. She saw that he, too, had a creature on him and she had started to question if she was the strange one here, thinking these creatures were weird and should be wary of them. She turned to the blond with that in mind, to ask his opinion of these creatures. At least, she attempted to but her voice was lost in the winds by the sudden scream from the casually ignored boy.

Needless to say the sudden outburst caught both Jamie and Mawile's attention. They both made the same perplexed faces while staring at the collapsed boy. Neither moved from their spot for a while.

It was Mawile who recovered first. It approached the boy and the Weedle, proceeding to interact with the latter for information, and to see if it can be of assistance for anything.

Jamie snapped out of her shock thanks to yet another voice entering her ears. This time it was someone with a much deeper voice to the collapsed boy earlier, perhaps more pronounced due to the slight edge of abuse and disuse it carried. Turning to face the general direction of the new voice, she spotted the speaker; a towering man with a grubby fashion sense - or was it just from an accident, Jamie's train of thought wondered - stood there with yet another unique creature at his disposal. This one resembled a humanoid as well albeit quite furry, and she had to admit out of all the ones she's seen it was the least weird and perhaps quite cute. Anyway, back to the man. Jamie wasn't one to happen upon a time when she noticed anyone's height mainly because she herself was considered quite tall in her class, but this man was on a league of his own. And yet his overall attitude and perhaps due to the cutie atop his head, he didn't seem like a bad man to Jamie.

"Like, no sir. That's exactly what I've been thinking when I saw you, actually. Welcome to the club, I'm Jamie." Her hand started working on the phone as she talked, swiping up a pattern to unlock the feature and access the social networking App she used so many times that she can accurately open on her phone even without looking.
Jamie and Mawile joined Alex and Rhys!
Jamie used Introductions on Alex!
Mawile asks Julia the Weedle what's going on and if it can help!
Brandon used Questions! Jamie was affected!
Jamie used Introductions on Brandon!
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ℑKen Marbleℑ
Ken looked at everyone, the girl with the fox, the boy with the blue thing, and the guy with the cat-fox or whatever. He was just smiling from ear to ear. He didn't notice that Buizel was moving around. Buizel was looking for something. "Buizel! What are you doing?" "Buizel!" He waved Ken off, like he was telling him to shut up.

Buizel was watching the other animals. He wanted to find out what they could do. Ken on the other hand was just looking back in forth, in disbelief. "So are you guys like, animal tamers or something?" Ken was giddy with excitement.
〈Champ Maximum〉
Waking up in a foreign place, with a dog alien thing holding a log over your head, is not something that would be expected. Champ did not know what was happening, the last thing he knew he was boxing. He was in a match and was hit, but he didn't remember getting knocked out. When he did wake up, a thing was about to hit him with a log. Champ jumped to the side.

"What the hell are you doing, you bastard!" Champ was getting angry, he was hurting and now he was being attacked by some little monster. "Timburr!" Champ looked around, was a tree falling? "Timburr!" No, it was coming from the thing. Champ was confused, what the hell was happening.

Champ could see that the thing was hostile, maybe he was on it's land or something, but Champ didn't get a rat's ass. "Hey listen, Little Monster. You better stop swinging that log around, before I knock you silly." "Timburr!" "Yeah, Whatever." Champ was looking around, he could see two people and some real tall boy, he thought they would know what was happening. He started to walk but the thing, Timburr was following him. "What?" "Timburr, Timburr, Timburr!" Champ just looked at him.

"Come on, Little Monster." The Timburr or Little Monster, started to follow Champ to the green haired girl and blonde haired boy and the really tall guy. He walked over to them. Champ wasn't as tall as the guy, but he had muscles popping out of everywhere. It was bad enough that he wasn't wearing a shirt anyway, he just looked like a sexier hulk. "Hey you know what's going on here? This shit is crazy and I need to get going."
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Alex kept trying to shake Rio off, but to no avail. All it did was made it cling tighter. The only conclusion Alex could think of was that this 'Vlupix' was a natural predator of the Riolu species so he gave up. And when he did, he noticed a black haired teen with some kind of weasel thing with a yellow floaty. When he asked if they were animal tamers Alex shrugged and Jared tiled his head.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, but the term is 'Pokemon Trainers'. By the way, do you guys even have a permit to train Pokemon? If not you're going to get into trouble with Team Eradicar."

"Team Eradicar? Who the hell are they?" Alex bite his lips as images of Nazis and Secret Police flash by. Meanwhile, Rio just kept looking in fear at the Vulpix.
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"No, wai-!" before she could finish the warning, Jared was already too close to Baelfire for the Pokemon's comfort. Apparently, the Vulpix in question wasn't nearly as fond of the boy by it as he was towards it. As result of this, a small puff of flames were blown at the male(not dissimilar to how Vulpix in the TV series reacted to Misty touching it). The fox growled lowly, dancing away from the boy's presence and taking position by Jessabelle's feet. "I- I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, apologetically. "I'm really sorry, he just doesn't really like people.." she apologized again.

The boy's question, on the other hand, appeared to leave her fairly surprised. "Catch him..?" There was a pause, before she shook her head. "No, no.. I- I don't think you understand.. He was following me," she explained. "..And then I followed him, and accidentally stumbled there," she pointed to the area where she'd fell by the bushes.

It was about then that another boy approached, and the girl blinked owlishly, giving the newcomer one glance before her gaze returned to the ground. "I- I- No.. I'm not an animal tamer..." she replied, voice still soft and quiet. Apparently, the female was extremely easily intimidated, by how timid, shy, and submissive she acted.

She tilted her head at Jared's question, obviously confused. "Pokemon training permit..?" What in the name of the Eternals was that? She didn't know, but something about the next thing the boy said put her off. It sounded... Sinister. Who the hell was Team Eradicar? She didn't know, and she wasn't sure she wanted to find out.

@Archwar @Shattered♦Secrets™
"Okay...Am I the only one who has no idea how I got here and why a strange animal had seemed to become attached to me?"

"no...Welcome to the club..."

"..." So, this was...real? Julia kept staring at his eyes, in front of him, trying to get his attention by waving her many arms around like a psychopath, but to no avail. Sighing, she turned around and addressed the Mawile, shaking her head, "Weedle wee...." I have no idea what's going on. This guy's crazy. Again, Oliver pinched himself in the arm, so hard he actually drew blood. Seeming to wake up at the sight and the pain of bleeding, his head jerked up. More people. Supposedly, they all were in the same circumstance as he was in. Though, of course, that didn't change anything. Raising his head, he asked in a pathetic voice, "...Is this real..?" For a moment, he looked very childish; for all the false bravado of being an emperor in his household, he definitely didn't actually feel like one. Never, honestly; it was all fun, an imaginary world for him and his brothers, an escape from the mundane life. This world seemed like it came straight out of a fairy world. But a twisted one, like a Grimm brother's book, and it would definitely not be mundane. Hearing footsteps, he stirred, turning around.

If he wasn't so scared of the situation he was in, he would have laughed; the guy looked like a stereotypical bodybuilder. Again, he wanted to believe he was dreaming, but he obviously wasn't. The blonde guy, for whatever reason, actually felt the most normal; with the girl having green hair and the body builder being so freaking muscly. Then again, the tall guy looked normal too. Looking around at everyone, he decided that he could probably just let them handle it, considering they seemed to adapt being in this world longer than he has. Stretching back and pretending to ignore his own odd outburst from before, he looked around at everyone. He had to at least ask one more time; even though he already knew the answer. He hated himself for asking it constantly, to them and to himself, but, in an odd sense, it felt like that was the only thing stopping him from going insane at this point. Again, he repeated the pathetic question, his arm reflexively reaching behind his head to scratch his neck as he asked weakly, "...What now..?" Julia string shotted her way back to his shoulder, a long trail of silk trailing from him to the ground. Turning to face the other pokemon, she cocked her head in a curious fashion, as if wondering why all of them were here. "Weedle wee? Weedle." Are you guys heading to the city? Staying too long isn't safe.
"Don't worry about it," Alex said, glad to see the massive jaws of the Mawile open and release Jamie - he definitely didn't want to be on the wrong side of those. "Well, we had best keep going for the city then. All I could see were a few buildings - no telling how far off it is if those are skyscrapers."

He was about to head of towards them when an anguished cry rang out. Instantly, the blond's head snapped toward where he thought the sound had come from, expecting to find someone else in some state of trouble like Jamie had been. Mawile was the first to spot the collapsed body and the creature beside it - some sort of bug thing. The two pokemon began talking in their strange language, which both seemed able to understand even though both of them seemed to only be able to say one thing, just like Rhys, and that would appear to be their name or something, maybe species.

About to approach and see what was wrong, he was distracted by yet another voice, one that had come up from behind. He wheeled about to answer the question that had been posed by the obviously male voice.

"You're definitely not the only one-"

That was all he managed to get out before he froze up. His blue eyes traveled up to meet the towering young man's own and instantly a blush came to Alex's cheeks. He looked to the side quickly, not wanting to meet those eyes anymore than he had to, for fear of making the obvious blush under his pale skin even more obvious. The guy was tall, easily half a foot over Alex but he was cute, amazingly cute, and Alex was trying his best not to let his attraction show.

He started rubbing his arm in his usual manner whenever he felt awkward or embarrassed. It wasn't the first time that something like this had happened to him. In fact, it happened more often than he wanted. The way his life was, he didn't want to risk coming out because he still lived with his parents and both of them were homophobic. He didn't know how they would react at all and had kept it a secret. He didn't even want to let it out here, for fear that they were still in the area. Taking a few deep breaths, he managed to calm himself down, his fast-beating heart slowing and the blush leaving his cheeks. Just in time too, since someone else had approached them.

This time it was one of the muscleheads that Alex constantly saw around the university. Invariably, they were freshmen who would flunk out or athletes who were barely getting through on a sports scholarship. His eyes narrowed at the sight; there was an instant dislike of him, but only because these were the type of guys that made life hell for guys like Alex.

"What's going on here," he said, his eyes meeting Champ's, "is something none of us know about yet. As far as any of us can tell, we're all lost, given how no one seems to know what they're doing, and we each seem to have attracted a... something-"


"You're not all Gibles, Rhys. That's a Mawile, and that's a Weedle, I think. I've been going off what they say since they seem to only be able to say one word. I wouldn't even know what we would call them. Critters seems inappropriate, monsters is more accurate but these are too... well, I want to say adorable but that implies too much cute-"


"Okay, you're cute, I'll admit it. The point is, it looks like none of us know where we are, let alone what we're doing here. So I say this: I'll check out the one with the Weedle, make sure he's alright. Then, we head for the city I saw. I don't know how far it is - I only saw the tops of the buildings past the treeline and I don't know if it's even occupied. For all we know, we're in the middle of nowhere and this is some dystopian parallel world like in the books. So..."

He turned and went over to Oliver's side, doing his best to avoid Brandon and his heart-pounding attractiveness, kneeling beside the brunette. Placing a hand against Oliver's forehead and two fingers from his other hand on the boy's neck, he waited a few moments before he answered Oliver's question.

"Well, you weren't paying attention so I'll say it again. There's a city nearby and we're heading there. You're fine - no fever and your pulse is within acceptable range. So get up and lets go."

Standing up, he looked back at the rest of the group, his eyes meeting Brandon's once more and causing a quick blush to come to his cheeks, flashing before he turned away to look at where the city was.

"A-Alright, Rhys... Mawile... The two of you seem to know where the city is. Lead the way."

Rhys bounded up next to Mawile with it's happy, toothy grin and bounced happily.

"Gible-Gib Gible Ble-Gible Gib!"

It started trotting off towards the city, the blond following behind the little dragon pokemon.
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{There, there.} Mawile comforted Julia at the comment about Oliver's sanity. And as if that wasn't enough, the boy proceeded to make himself bleed. Mawile couldn't help but agree, though he swallowed that comment; it probably wasn't the best of times to say such things. Instead, he glanced at his partner's way and saw that Jamie was frozen on her spot, staring at a peculiar box she took out from her bag. He shrugged; he also had little to no idea about his partner, just that he found a strange closeness to them.

Alex's approach to Oliver and his speech answered Julia's question quite smoothly, and so Mawile left it at that. Instead, he wanted to interact with the other Pokemons who had appeared one by one but they all seemed occupied being next to their partners, at least to the Steel-type Pokemon's eyes.

When asked by the polite guy to become the guide, Mawile happily obliged; he had been to the outskirts of the city in the past, and so he knew the way. Rhys joined him soon after. That was when he noticed that they, too, were quite intimate with their partners, evident by the nicknames they got. Himself on the other hand... He looked back at Jamie once more, and their eyes met.

The moment Jamie finally focused on her phone's screen, her eyes widened. Her surroundings melted away from her consciousness. She didn't see Alex's somewhat erratic reactions towards the Brandon despite the fact they were addressing the same person - not that she would've realized why he was like that - nor did she notice the hulk of a man within her vicinity. She completely missed Oliver's mutterings as well, not to mention Alex's short speech for she saw the undeniable and horrendous truth; there were no signal in this area.

No signal.

That meant no new updates.
That meant no idle chatter for hours and hours.
That meant no way to contact any of her friends.

For that small instance of time, Jamie's face darkened and she bit her lip. It wasn't as if she was one of those addicts who couldn't function without internet [although very very close] but it would take her some time to get used to it. If only she wasn't thrown away to this forsaken shrubbery but a city... A city?

Jamie's head whipped towards the direction of the city and spotted Gible, Mawile and Alex making their way towards the place. Yes, a city! Surely they would have a phone signal? She had to hope for the best, but she knew that there was just as much chance that there won't be any. Jamie sighed, dampening her outburst of hope for a good signal. It was at that moment that Mawile tilted its head back at her, their eyes meeting. She reacted with a scowl, her mind remembering the treatment she had gone through... but regardless took upon herself to follow them while replacing her phone back in her bag.

That was when she recalled there were more people around her than just the blond and herself, and so turned to face them.

"Uwa!" She yelped, finally seeing the latest member of the group. It wasn't common to see a mass of walking muscle the moment you turn around. It also didn't help how she was occupied with her own thoughts until just then, either. She let out another sigh. "Ugh, like, don't just randomly pop out of nowhere, you... uh. What's your name. More like, what should I call you all? And, like, call me Jamie."

Before she could reply to the answers she got or perhaps after being awks at the silence if no one replies there was a sharp call from Mawile.[/hr]
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ℜKen Marbleℜ
Ken didn't know what a pokemon was, but he guessed that they were the little animals. He looked at the boy with the cat-fox, "What permit...Buizel just followed me around. I don't even know what's happening." "Buizel!" "He doesn't even know either." Ken looked at the girl, with the red fox, she was pretty cute. Ken faced started to redden. SMACK! Buizel had hit him again. "Hey...stop doing that." "Buizel!" "Anyway, were you guys going to the city?" Ken pointed towards the buildings, he wanted to know if anyone else was going. He didn't want to end up somewhere forbidden or something and die.
ℵChamp Maximumℵ
Ken could see that none of these people knew anything. He just huffed. He turned to the green hair tomboy girl. "My names Champ, Champ Maximum. This little monster is..." "Timburr!" Timburr didn't like being called a little monster, he tried to smack Champ with the log. Champ just dodge it. "Your going to have to try harder then that." Champ's ears started to get irrtated, the plant beast thing, shrilled at the girl. "At least I'm not the only one with a little monster." "Timburr!" Champ started to walk with the others, figuring they might find something in a group, as long as no one told him what to do, he would stick with them for now.
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Before Jared could answer either one, he heard someone call. Turning he saw another boy with a feenekin. With all these people, he was starting to become worried and Alex ignored the others instead focusing on what startled Rio. The only conclusion he kept coming to was the Vulpix. Somehow, it seemed fire was the bane of his own Pokemon.

"Alright, before more people come we should head towards the city,"Jared waved the newcomer over and began walking towards the city.

As the group neared the city, they would spot a trio of men sitting in their navy blue uniforms and police badge. Two dog-like creatures with orange fur and black stripes sat quietly while their masters played poker.
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ℜKen Marbleℜ
Ken didn't know what a pokemon was, but he guessed that they were the little animals. He looked at the boy with the cat-fox, "What permit...Buizel just followed me around. I don't even know what's happening." "Buizel!" "He doesn't even know either." Ken looked at the girl, with the red fox, she was pretty cute. Ken faced started to redden. SMACK! Buizel had hit him again. "Hey...stop doing that." "Buizel!" "Anyway, were you guys going to the city?" Ken pointed towards the buildings, he wanted to know if anyone else was going. He didn't want to end up somewhere forbidden or something and die.
ℵChamp Maximumℵ
Ken could see that none of these people knew anything. He just huffed. He turned to the green hair tomboy girl. "My names Champ, Champ Maximum. This little monster is..." "Timburr!" Timburr didn't like being called a little monster, he tried to smack Champ with the log. Champ just dodge it. "Your going to have to try harder then that." Champ's ears started to get irrtated, the plant beast thing, shrilled at the girl. "At least I'm not the only one with a little monster." "Timburr!" Champ started to walk with the others, figuring they might find something in a group, as long as no one told him what to do, he would stick with them for now.
Before Jared could answer either one, he heard someone call. Turning he saw another boy with a feenekin. With all these people, he was starting to become worried and Alex ignored the others instead focusing on what startled Rio. The only conclusion he kept coming to was the Vulpix. Somehow, it seemed fire was the bane of his own Pokemon.

"Alright, before more people come we should head towards the city,"Jared waved the newcomer over and began walking towards the city.

As the group neared the city, they would spot a trio of men sitting in their navy blue uniforms and police badge. Two dog-like creatures with orange fur and black stripes sat quietly while their masters played poker.
In all honesty, Jess was relieved to hear she wasn't the only one lost, confused, and being stalked by an odd little animal. Though, she was confused as to why this Ken man had looked at her, blushed, and then been slapped by the strange weasel-like creature. But now that she thought about it, it was possible she didn't want to know.

She nodded slightly, showing her agreement with Jared's statement. "Yeah, right... Lead the way," she agreed, offering a small smile. She followed Jared and the others reluctantly, keeping her mouth shut out of timid nature and bad habit. She observed everything around her quietly, trying to deduce just where she'd ended up. Her tensity was visible upon spotting the police-looking folk, shying behind the others. "Who.. Who are they..?" she stammered, eyes wide. Something felt off about these people.... And she didn't like it. Her Vulpix seemed just as tense and on end as her, and stayed crouched in a ready position at her feet.

(Sorry for the short post!)​
The ravenette was a bit surprised to hear that the small group was in a similar predicament as himself. He chuckled a bit at the news, his voice deep yet soft with the sound. His body shook a bit, causing Ran Mao to tighten her grip on his hair a bit. He cringed at the feeling before stopping and placing the Mienfoo on the ground.

"We can take our time now." He said as he scratched the back of her ears, earning a full on purr before standing to his full height again.

It was upon reaching said height that he met the blonde's eyes, a bright almost iridescent blue that seemed to glow with a hidden sense of mischief. They seemed to grow even brighter when the small blush reached his pale cheeks before the blond looked away. It was such a cute reaction that the ravenette could not help but chuckle lightly. Ran Mao looked between the two with a curious expression on her face before latching onto Brandon's leg and glaring daggers at the blond.

"Mien! Mienfoo!" 'Mine! Stay away!' She barked at the boy.

"Hey now! Relax Ran Mao, they're friends." He reprimanded her with a quiet, worried voice. She huffed in annoyance while clinging tighter to his legs.

Not even a moment later a brute of a man and his own little creature seemed to join the group, causing the apparently shy blonde's demeanor to change rapidly. It was interesting to see and Brandon could not stop the words that seemed to fly out of his mouth before the thought had been processed.

"Woah! Blondie's a little spitfire, eh?"

He covered his mouth quickly after before the green haired girl introduced herself, although not before falling into this almost trance like state after looking at her phone. Thankful for the distraction of her asking their names, Brandon pulled out the open pack of cigarettes from his messenger bag and a pack of matches. Striking one against the back he lit the small cardboard stick before pulling a cigarette out with his lips and lit it up. Taking a long, smooth drag and expelling it from his nose, he sighed in relief.

"My name is Brandon, nice to meet you guys and gal." He said with a smile around the stogie.

Ran Mao tugged at his leg for attention before he added with another chuckle, "And this little one is Ran Mao."

Not too long after, the creatures and the Blonde, whose name was yet to be discovered, had decided that they would head toward the city. Just over the horizon, he could see the tops of buildings and the smell that seemed to burn his nose even from this distance was emanating from the smoke he could just barely see. Against his better judgement, and the pressuring from Ran Mao who was pulling at his pants for him to head that way, the tall amber eyed man walked along side the small group.

Ran Mao on the other hand, had decided to stick close to him unlike the other creatures who had apparently decided to join into a mini group in front of the humans.
Alex had caught the rest of their names, though he didn't look back for fear of being caught in Brandon's eyes once more. He kept his face forward, raising his hand in a nonchalant wave.

"You can call me Alex. Or Hart. Whichever you want. Only reason people call me by my last name is because sometimes there are two or three Alexs in a room and it's easier to call me that. I answer to both so you whatever you feel comfortable with."

He had to keep a brisk pace to keep up with the hyper Rhys, who's constant bouncing and happiness seemed a bit infectious. Still, the group was heading quickly for the city at a reasonable clip. Their last stretch had them at the top of a hill where the treeline was about to end. About two hundred meters off, he could see three blue uniformed individuals with small orange and black dog-things at their heels. Approaching them was another small group of about four people, all of whom seemed varying degrees of uneasy, especially the young woman who was hanging back behind the others.

Raising a hand, he signaled a halt to the others, reaching down swiftly to grab Rhys and keep him from going out into the open.

"I thought as much," he said in a stage whisper, loud enough for the rest of the group to hear but impossible for the others to. "It looks like we're not the only ones if I'm reading their body language right. Looks like we have three people in matching uniforms. I can't make them out but I don't recognize that shade of blue as a uniform colour. We'll see what happens with those four before we go."
ℜKen Marbleℜ
Ken was walking with the others, with Buizel in the front. He could see that the girl was really shy and nervous. He smiled at her, "You know I'm scared too, this place is weird. At least we can be scared together. Ha!" Ken laughed, still walking. He stopped when he saw some guys, they didn't look like friendly people. Ken could see that Buizel was tense, he didn't like the men either. "Maybe...we should, you know find another way to get to the city."

Ken didn't expect these guys to just let them go by. They would probably mess with them. He didn't want any problems, they seemed liked the types who liked causing problems. Ken waited for the others to make a move, he wasn't going to be the first. Buizel came running back over to Ken, he stood behind him. If Buizel was scared, it meant bad news.

Ken noticed another guy coming there way, he was with a pokemon too. A cute fox one, but it looked different then the girl's. Ken and Buizel ran over to him. "Shh, those guys over there, might hear you." Ken pointed at the uniform guys, not knowing what they were capable of.

ℵChamp Maximumℵ
Champ and Timburr were walking with the others. They were a colorful bunch, none of them seemed like the types Champ would ever hang with. This world was changing everything. The one named Alex or Hart, stopped everyone. Champ grunted, but then he looked at what he was talking about. There were some type of officers, or something.

He also saw another group of people, were they lost too. Great! This is just a freaking amazing day. Champ walked to the front of everyone. "I say we go over to the uniform dudes. They might know something and if they try anything..." "Timburr!" "Yeah, what Little Monster said."

Champ didn't wait for any of them to respond, he wasn't a punk. He started to walk towards them, with Timburr right beside him. "Let's go get some answers, Little Monster." "Timburr!" Champ made it over to the uniform guys. They were with some dog looking things. "Hey! You guys know what this place is? Why I'm here?!"

"Let me handle this guys," Jared put on a smile and shouted some greeting. The dogs there leaped to their feet assuming a defensive posture while the three men looked up from their game of poker. One rose up and Alex's eyes narrowed upon seeing what appeared to be a handgun. He slightly tumbled having a bad experience with firearms before, but Rio was on fire climbing up on Alex's back and trying to hide itself behind him as the man and the dog-thing approached.

"Show identification."The man said as if he had repeated this one single line over a hundred times.

Jared gave a thumbs up and stuffed his hand into one of his pockets. After rummaging through for a second he pulled out a white card plastered with basic info and his own picture. The man nodded and then turned his cold gaze to the others before repeating,"Show identification."

"We're dead," Alex rubbed his temple as the though crossed his mind.
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Slowly nodding, Oliver rose up, following the rest of the group in a daze. Shaking his head, he mentally had enough of his disbelief. Standing up straighter to feel more confident, he inserted false bravado into his steps as he resumed his old stance, and he started, again, whistling a merry tune as he followed the others. The absurdity of what he was doing almost broke the tune, but he continued all the same; stopping would probably make him question what he was doing here. In reality, it didn't matter, what happened here was final, no do overs, and he couldn't afford to be the weak wheel when everyone else stood strong. Looking around at everyone else, he noted that all of them at least looked older than him. It had been a while before he had to interact people of their age, and even longer when he had to follow them. While this new world was strange and foreign, what did he actually know? If the world was that bad, he probably wouldn't have woken up at all. As he thought of this, his eyes wandered over to the Mawile, with its steel jaws looking as if they were strong enough to crush bone. Looking to his side, he saw that Julia ninja'd her way onto his shoulder again. She looked at him with inquisitive eyes, and he stared back at her with the same gaze. Both of them seemed to reach an unspoken agreement, and they looked forward as Oliver kept on whistling. Bored, Julia occasionally shot String Shots at targets to entertain herself, which Oliver mentally connected to Silly String.

Glancing at the bodybuilder, he stifled a laugh. Champ Maximum seemed to fit him so well; perhaps his parents were psychics and could predict what their son would be like? The...beaver that was with him didn't seem too pleased with him, but that was all in the works, probably. The other...minx? Seemed to be the exact opposite, extremely protective of the tall guy. Then again, they did all have names...Jamie...Champ...Brandon....and Alex. Rhys, the midget dragon was pretty hyper, but at least he knew his name, the minx's was Ran Mao, it didn't seem the beaver or the steel jaw of doom had names. Caught in his musings, he missed Julia frantically waving to him as he was about to walk into the group who stopped. Suddenly, Julia shot a String shot right at Oliver's face, striking his nose and blocking it. Reflexively clawing at the string, he glared at Julia before she pointed with her stubby arms forward. Glancing forward, he caught the sight of some..police officers who had tiger dogs with them. Something about the tiger dogs didn't seem to make Julia happy, and she seemed to shrink back behind his back at the sight of them. Listening to Alex, the supposed leader, he nodded, staring forward at the other group. The second the other group approached the dogs shot up like bullets, at attention and tense; in direct contrast, their masters lazily halted their game, looked up and stood without a care in the world.

Narrowing his eyes, he saw the handguns securing their confidence in their holsters. One of them seemed to say something in a bored voice. Oliver quickly changed the voice to a ridiculous British accent to make himself feel better, and also because he didn't like the officer. One of the guys in the other group seemed to know what he was doing, holding up an identification card, and the guard nodded, then, in a quick turn of professionalism, sharply turned to the others. Did he not recognize them? Maybe Alex was right, and they're just like them. His mind racing, he didn't know WHAT to do. He really wanted to get into the city, but at the same time those stupid guards were there. Julia peeked over his shoulder, and as Oliver's mind raced, she saw Champ start moving forward. After his bold statement, Julia freaked out, alerting Oliver. Quickly, he whispered to her, "Silly string! Now!" Instead of firing a line of silk to halt the hulk of a man be tripping him, she instead gave him a look that said wtf? Realizing his mistake, he was about to change his wording, but he was too late. While Julia now realized what he meant by Silly String, it was way too late for him to do anything, especially with Champ walking up (or maybe he swaggered). He didn't fancy the idea of a fight...especially when they kinda had guns. By now Champ was in front of them, and instead of moving forward, Oliver just stood there, thinking to himself, WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY. If Julia had hands, she would probably face palm.
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Champ and Timber Timburr, Brandon and Ran Mao, Alex and Rhys. True to her habits, she wrote their names down in her phone. Normally she would take photos of each, but she didn't know them well enough to ask, nor did she have the time to and so resorted to making small notes about them instead. The boy with the... creature which Alex appropriately dubbed 'Weedle' failed to give his name, though Jamie wasn't sure whether he just didn't hear the conversation from being too occupied in his mind or was just not inclined to reveal his identity. She missed her chance to ask him once more due to the shrill from Mawile, beckoning her as if to say 'what are you doing, come on already!', not to mention the boy also decided to progress with the group. She left it at that, for she now had a dire reason to head towards the city. If she had any need to say his name in the near future, she could just call him whatever comes up in her mind. Something like NOOOOOO!sayer or Boy A.

Jamie also was a bit surprised at how so many people were intimate enough with these oddities such that they would nickname them as if they were a pet. She had a rising suspicion that these creatures may be capable of some kind of hypnotism to make people feel close to them, but disregarded that thought quite easily; jumping to conclusions wasn't something she would do, plus even if they could hypnotize people, as long as it did not bring her any trouble she couldn't care less. It wasn't all that easy to accept something that seemed to have popped out of some urban bestiary as a partner that easily for her, either. Luckily the Mawile seemed to be closer to Rhys and Alex more than her, so hopefully she won't need to care about it as much.

The familiar hand raise came from Alex; it was one of those hand motion from TV shows, where military characters needed to signal 'stop' to their team in silence. Understanding the signal, Jamie cautiously glanced at her surroundings, spotting what he saw. No matter where she was, anything resembling police or some kind of enforcer group will put an unfounded uneasiness in Jamie's mind. It was most likely the uniform. In this case the quadrupedal creatures which were no doubt equivalent to guard dogs also made her frown in concern. Mawile, upon seeing what was waiting for them, shied back from being the front of the group to behind Jamie much to her discomfort, clinging to her leg. Mawile's body was surprisingly cold to the touch, but as it wasn't holding onto her tightly, she let it do what it wants for now. It was evident that it found hostility to whatever was there, along with fear. That gave Jamie more than enough idea not to get involved with them without knowing more about them.

And so she made no move to stop the burly member from doing whatever he wants, but rather proceeded to record the events on her phone. It was partially to see if Champ was actually weaker than he looked, as well as to gather intel about those standing there.
As 'Champ' boldly strode forward towards the group, the other two police officers glanced at him. Upon seeing that he wasn't properly dressed and shouting nonsense like'Why am I here?' made them jump to the conclusion he likely drank too much. This prompted one irritated man rise up to go get the man. His Growlithe jumped up obediently following him. The officer stopped a respectable distance away as not to provoke the possibly drunk man.

"Sir, place your hands over your head and get down onto your knees!" The man's hand hovered over his holstered pistol in case something happened. He didn't grip it though, simply placed a hand on the case to show he wasn't going to do anything unless the drunk did something stupid.

The man with Alex and the group shrugged after Champ shouted,"Lost your identification?"

"They're with me officer," Jared said.

He turned and replied,"Still need to show it unless they lost in which case we can provide a temporary one. Should their profile not pop up they have to head down to the Pokecenter to create it. Now, do you have identification or have you lost it?"

Alex was too afraid of the gun to speak up.
"Yeah, Champ, Like that's going to be-" Alex said, rolling his eyes.

As soon as he brought back to center, he saw the jock heading off towards the guards without so much else.

"Hard-headed idiot!" he said, dropping to his stomach to keep the guards from seeing him. "Down, Down!"

He wasn't about to get himself hurt if these guards weren't friendly. With the way his life had been, it was better to be cautious than go running in like the musclebound idiot had; if Champ got himself arrested or killed, at least they would be safe. He kept an eye up for the situation though. For all he knew, he was overreacting but this was a strange world with strange creatures and he wasn't about to go around looking for trouble with abandon.

Watching the encounter go down, it was clear that the officer thought Champ was drunk, but the more important thing was that he was packing heat of some kind and that he was quick to threaten it. That didn't bode well for first interactions.

"Wonderful, they have guns," he griped quietly.

Watching more, it seemed that one of the other officers was dealing with the group and wasn't so hot-blooded, at least from appearance's sake. It seemed like he was asking for something that the group didn't have. Some sort of proof of residence or identification would make sense.
ℵChamp Maximumℵ

Champ looked at the man, he could see he had a gun. Champ wasn't going to back down, he wanted answers. "Timburr!" The little monster, had stepped in between Champ and the man. Timburr had pushed Champ back with the log. Timburr knew that Champ would do something stupid, so he wanted to protect him.

Champ looked down at Timburr, just a few minutes ago it wanted to take his head off, now it wanted to protect him. He kind of thought that it was funny. Champ knew that right now, it wasn't the best time to get in a fight. So he just stood back, with a twitch in his eye. "I don't think I need to do all that, I didn't mean to be so rude. I just wanted to know where am I." It took everything in Champ to not knock the man out cold.

ℜKen Marbleℜ

Ken had quieted the other kid, he then went back to the group. He saw another group over away. One of them, had muscles every, even his eyebrows had muscles. The muscle man had a beaver, with a log. He went back to watching Jared and Alex talk to the man.

Ken ran over to the man. "Sadly, yes we lost them we were running from...some...pokemon. We just weren't paying attention and...BOOM! They stole some of our stuff and also our I.D.s" Ken shrugged, hoping the man believed his lie. Ken was a great liar, but he never lied to an officer before.
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