Poke'mon Battle Grounds

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Undisputed king of the Dinosaurs
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well, it's time to give this IC another go. only this time where it probably belonged in the first place that being the area where shit getting dark is a common sight. Now the reason this is here is because what I have in mind can indeed get fucking scary real fast. I'm talking evisceration, Public executions, mass genocide, and even walking waist deep into hell. some possible sexual themes but nothing that IS having sex. Basically I put this RP here just so people can get... creative, of how they fight one another, how they kill others, and how they them selves die. The REASON why this is so gory, is because this RP is sort of a middle ages themed RP, only with poke'mon... and no humans what so ever. that said lets talk about the story.


Our story takes place in a world completely populated with poke'mon...humans will NOT be taking part in this because they do not exist. In a Region known as Xecra, which is divided into four kingdoms. Land, Sky, Sea, and Magic. all of them are at war with one another for control over Xecra. This war has been going on for 500 years and so far no one seems to be winning or losing. So much so that it is possible that some of the kingdoms are starting to hire mercenaries to aid the war effort, but nothing at this point is known. It's Time for you to pick a side, where dose your loyalty lye?

Will you Join the Sky Kingdom? They who cherish flight look down on the ones who can not aviate, calling them cruel names such as 'earth walker' or 'dirt crawler'. They believe that only those who can reach the highest reaches of Xecra deserve to rule it, so only Poke'mon that have the "Flying" typing or can "Levitate" may join their cause. They are lead by a Rayquaza with exceptional power and a gruesome mentality, should any foe meet his path... may Arceus have mercy on your soul.

(This kingdom is located on a tall mountain)

Will You join the Sea Kingdom? These sea dwellers have the thought that since life in the world began in the ocean that they are the true rulers of Xecra and wish to flood the world so all may bask in the glory of their home. Needless to say those who live in the Sea Kingdom have the "Water" Typing and can survive under water. Their king is a (Poke'mon here), who rules the sea with an Iron grip, Can he be defeated? or are his foes out of their depth?

(this kingdom is located at the bottom of the ocean)

Will you join the Magic Kingdom? Their power is of an unnatural sort, whitch is why the believe only the "Gifted" poke'mon should rule over Xecra. their population seems to be mostly "Dark", "Ghost", "Psychic", "and "Fairy" types. Each of them with outstanding power without explanation. The Magic Kingdom sees others as weak and inferior creatures, no doubt from the influence of their king... a (Poke'mon Here). Could the Magic Kingdom win this? or is their, "Special Power", not as strong as they claim to be?

(this kingdom is located at the base of a canyon with walls of crystal)

Will you join the Land Kingdom? They seem to be the most... welcoming, of kingdoms for lack of a better word. As they believe that since Arceus gave rise to 18 types of poke'mon, that no select group is destined to rule over the others. But rather that all types should share Xecra and have equal rights as one another. With such a philosophy there seems to be no typing restriction in their population, however because of their location all in inhabitants are terrestrial poke'mon. They are ruled by a Tyrantrum, who's powerful jaws can crush anything. Should his jaws be clamped on you... consider your life, over.

(this kingdom is located in the middle of a huge forest)

Or Maybe you wish to avoid the rage of war, and attempt to live a more peaceful life exploring the land of Xecra before the nations destroy it. Or Perhaps you wish to be a sell sword, and make a bit of gold off of aiding the war effort. Or maybe your path lies some where else... no mater the reason. it's time to gear up for war.


Now for The rules for claiming slots (yes you claim slots first and make character sheets later). follow these and we will have no issues.

1. The Sky Kingdom's king slot is NOT negotiable. if you WANT to be the king of the sky kingdom you WILL play Rayquaza.
2. You may play up to 6 characters, but you can only play as 1 king or queen at a time, you can not have both.
3. When claiming your slot state the poke'mon you wish to play as. This makes it easy for me to update the cast.
4. you CAN a legendary poke'mon. just look at the "Legendary" list to see whats available to you.
5. You can only play as ONE legendary at a time. this INCLUDES the Rayquaza of the Sky Kingdom.
6. Please be considerate of others and scatter your roles across as many factions as possible. Do NOT hog the slots one kingdom
7. THIS IS AN UNRATED RP! People WILL die, and it WILL be graphic! This is your only warning!
8. When playing as an "Outsider" please state what you are and if you are a mercenary or a jester state what kingdom you serve.
9. Do not ask about Character sheets, and do not make them here. this is an INTEREST CHECK and a SLOT CLAIMING thread.
10. If you have questions, ask and I'll get to them when I can.
11. Try to keep species diverse, I know there are a lot of popular poke'mon but it would get boring just seeing 12 (poke'mon name) in the game.
12. PM me about the "Other Faction" if you want to know about it. I WILL ignore you if you say anything here.

This Post is The Role Call

Land Kingdom-

King - Tyrantrum (@TyranntX )
Queen- Open (Female Leader)
Captain - Open (Highest Ranking Military officer)
Commander 1 - open (High ranking Military officer)
Commander 2 - open (High ranking Military officer)
Commander 3 - open (High ranking Military officer)
Chamberlain - open (Adviser to the king and queen)
Champion - open (Strongest fighter in the local arena)
Prince - open (son of the king and queen) [sub-role]
Princess - open (daughter of the king and queen) [Sub-role]

Sea Kingdom-

King- Open (Male Leader)
Queen- Open (Female Leader)
Captain - Open (Highest Ranking Military officer)
Commander 1 - open (High ranking Military officer)
Commander 2 - open (High ranking Military officer)
Commander 3 - open (High ranking Military officer)
Chamberlain - open (Adviser to the king and queen)
Champion - Kingler (@TyranntX )
Prince - open (son of the king and queen) [sub-role]
Princess - open (daughter of the king and queen) [Sub-role]

Sky Kingdom-

King- Raquaza (@Crow )
Queen- Open (Female Leader)
Captain - Open (Highest Ranking Military officer)
Commander 1 - open (High ranking Military officer)
Commander 2 - open (High ranking Military officer)
Commander 3 - open (High ranking Military officer)
Chamberlain - Chatot (@TyranntX )
Champion - open (Strongest fighter in the local arena)
Prince - open (son of the king and queen) [sub-role]
Princess - open (daughter of the king and queen) [Sub-role]

Magic Kingdom-

King- Open (Male Leader)
Queen- Open (Female Leader)
Captain - Open (Highest Ranking Military officer)
Commander 1 - Bisharp (@TyranntX )
Commander 2 - open (High ranking Military officer)
Commander 3 - open (High ranking Military officer)
Chamberlain - open (Adviser to the king and queen)
Champion - open (Strongest fighter in the local arena)
Prince - open (son of the king and queen) [sub-role]
Princess - open (daughter of the king and queen) [Sub-role]


1. Kabutops (@TyranntX )


1. Banette (@TyranntX )
11. [Slot locked until further notice]
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The Legendary List

Articuno - Yes
Zapdos - Yes
Moltres - Yes
Mewtwo - [Reserved by the GM, for the GM in a later chapter]
Mew - Yes
Raikou - Yes
Entie - Yes
Suicune - yes
Ho-Oh - No [NPC poke'mon]
Lugia - No [NPC Poke'mon]
Celebi- Yes
Regice - Yes
Regirock - Yes
Regirteel - Yes
Latias - TBD
Latios - TBD
Groudon - No [NPC Poke'mon]
Kyogre - Yes
Rayquaza - Yes [IS the Sky King] @Crow
Deoxys - No [Mythical Pokemon]
Jirachi- No [NPC Pokemon]
Azelf - Yes
Mesprit - Yes
Uxie - Yes
Dialga - No [Mythical Poke'mon]
Palkia - No [Mythical Poke'mon]
Giratina - Yes/No [Playable, but not til a later Chapter. do NOT ask until then]
Cresselia - TBD
Heatran - No [NPC Poke'mon]
Reggigigas - TBD
Arcues - No [Mythical Poke'mon]
NO TO ALL THE SWORDS OF JUSTICE AND KELDO [I don't take them seriously enough]
NO TO THE FORCES OF NATURE [Mythical poke'mon]
NO TO THE TAO TRIO [for the time being at least]
The XYZ pokemon are TBD
No to Gen 7 [until sun and moon hit the US]​
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Sky Kingdom King is good for me. How about a Black Rayquaza?
Sky Kingdom King is good for me. How about a Black Rayquaza?
yes you can be Shiny if you wish to, Forgot to mention that. The role is yours
This is a bump to keep the thread alive and relevent
I'm unsure if it's a good idea to put no-human RPs in Libertine areas. We can still have mature themes in the regular zones.
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