Plot Discussion (Chapter 2)

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Everyone returning from the monolith expedition:

You've all got some important decisions to make by the end of this chapter. I had everyone brought back to Hosia so that they could choose whether or not they would return home or keep on this plot.

What I was thinking is this: @Seth Bloodmoon will be given a new ship (yay! living ships!) and tasked to hunt down the pirates who stole the Grieve Mask, captured @Falcon and slaughtered his men, using the three captains @Desaecula traded with Ironblood as leads. Along the way, he and his crew can slowly discover how @Requiem infiltrated their ranks and eventually this investigation will make him suspicious of his colleague @Jack Shade . Anyone else who wants to come along for the ride gets a shiny promotion!

This is but one of many possibilities, should anyone choose it. Either way, just give me a heads up so I know what/what not to focus on in the near future.
Ayanne's up for healing any pirates who need it until . . . whatever, happens :)
That's it, Ayanne's staying in the brig!
What about a quick trip to check on home and then coming back?
Yes, yes. It will be a Chapter or two before they would set off again, so everyone would have a little time to do whatever.
Sing for me, Zen. >:]
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*alarms sound*


Official Retcon

Since Loveless is busy with her own... plot... and since Heliacal gave me a good idea, the Czar will be kidnapping Khanaan instead of Buhn.

Great stuff in Kaustir, people. I'll unleash the finale shortly.
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@Kino and @UltimaCircuit - wakey wakey.

*realizes he's in an Iwaku roleplay*

Oh right...

Please do not make the insects gloat, scowl, chuckle, pause in confusion, grunt in surprise, growl intimidatingly, trip on banana peels, or be distracted by your cleavage. These are ruthless and terrifying predators at the control of a hive mind who want nothing but to rip you apart and lay eggs in your intestines.

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Also, no pain noises. In fact, no noise at all, save for the drone of wings ...
Which reminds me - no need to bombard the GMs with questions about what the insects can and can't do. Feel free to give wings/poisons/egg sacs/second jaws/acid blood/fire breath or whatever the hell you like to these things as and when you encounter them.

Just don't describe the Queen, and try to keep the mantis claws. Mantis claws are important.
You hate Darin lol. All the visual, the horsey thing and then of all the people to ask him for real help... It's a woman.... Can I call do overs? :D
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There are sick puppies in the wagon too.

You've already contemplated hurling an 80 year old through a window. What's deserting a sick girl gonna matter, in the grand scheme of your alignment wobble?

I think it'd be great to end the chapter on a dick-move. Then Chapter 3 can be about your redemption arc.
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You can't ignore sick puppies, yo. Revenge can wait.
Have we not already learned Revenge gets yo' ass thrown in jail with a case of the Sunne Tavark Prison Blues?
You guys are the angel and demon on my shoulders. Save the puppies!
Let the little girl die!
So wait if Amalia is with Takeda right now.... who did the bug eat? Or did we just time skip and I'm just confused?
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