Picture Thread 5.0!

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Alright decided to take one in the morning before I started caring about what I look like.

Is that a cherry coke can!? That's the bestest best soda in the world. <333 Coke Coke COOOOKE.

... >>; *looks at Piro instead of the insignificant coke can* You look so huggable! And I like your beard. Which, you should take as a HUGE compliment because I usually hate facial hair unless it's a teensy amount. Heehee. :3 Is handsome.
It is a cherry coke can. I'm also blocking a whole stack of cans in the picture.

Thank you for the compliment :)E
TC decided to post up pictures again after several years

Just me.

Just me in lab coat I bought for Halloween.

Just me in lab coat I bought for Halloween without glasses.

I like my cane sword, even if it is cheap.

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
Wh-what is that I see behind those curtains, TC? I-Is that sun?? *scratches his hands at the screen before the polar bears finds him and drags him back into their cave*

Awesome beard, Piro! :)
you look cute without glasses TC ^_^

A WILD PIRO APPEARS?! O.O you DO look huggable! I WANT A HUG!
Pan and I were playing in the 2 feet of snow!!!

I fell back into the snow, aaaand then it instantly buried me.

I couldn't breath, but it was all good!

"What the fuck is this?" Beer in hand Pan knee deep in snow!

Yay influx of pictures!
TC, it HAS been a while. Nice coat.
Piro, I approve of the beard.
Mickey! Nice haircut.
OK, looking super as always. The house building is cool, I don't know if I'd be allowed anywhere near construction even if I tried. ^^;;
Asmo looks intellectual and most handsome.
Jumi, you seductive beast, you have an interesting crew of friends. Also, yes, I /do/ indeed. >>;

That's not metal, that is CLEARLY shampoo commercial, movements!
Oh my gosh, Katla... are you a model?


Seriously, you look fine! ^.^
Ha-ha. God, no! Pfft, who would want to handle that kind of pressure?
Tux "Bitches don't know bout my Grand Imperial Army Training Curriculum.!"
The silk mums add a nice touch, Tux. XD

In my haste to have the ultimate tiger lady hair; I greatly overestimated my own abilities. Mistakes were made. The the bathtub looked like a place where tribbles go to die. And I look like a dude.

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