Persona RP anyone?

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Well then push Lucelle away. Not that hard to be like. "Move bitch I want Kazuo." then go back into a trance.
That's kind of weird and OOC for her. Well. Asking for Kazuo, anyway. Nihil's perfectly fine with pushing people away.
Okay nerds, if you all had to chose a battle theme for shadow Nihil, a visibly crying sad-sounding demonic-looking figure,

I love every single remix of "Ecstasy" there is, they're all great. Alternatively, there's also this version here.

There's actually a version of this song with vocals but it fucking RUINS IT so here you go. This is the one I'm leaning towards the most.

This one has that sort of calmer opening and more of eases into the song compared to #2, which I also think is nice for this. However, it's kind of... meh.

Sorry this is all video game remix bullshit, it's all I really have at the moment.

In case any of you are interested, here's some more contenders that I didn't pick for whatever reasons:
Jealousy of Silence (I'm not going to lie and say that I mainly wanted this one because it was the theme of the character who is a Hashihime. Also the lyrics work. Honestly, I still really like this one. Her voice is a bit much sometimes, but this is really great. If you're only gonna listen to one of these songs, go with this one or Flames.)
Flames Within These Black Feathers (This is the version without the terrible screamo shit)
Guardians of the Sorrowful Ice (This was just too much sad orchestra stuff)
Fragrance of Oriental Sunflower (Look it's got English subs and everything)
Blazing Heart (Okay I just really like remixes of "Extend Ash")

I'm going to bed now goodnight
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Okay so SOMEONE needs to be Nihil's Sarcastic Soulmate now who's it gonna be

Also, now that I have two characters, now I can more easily post large amounts of text.
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Okay shit Crim I forgot to ask this before you logged off: When is the posting order gonna take effect?
Okay that was totally my bad. I meant to write that Nihil was talking to Yuji. Looking back on it I must've been really tired when I wrote that post.
But this is okay.
Well as long as it's okay.

By the way, aside from D&D sessions I haven't used dice exactly does this work through the internet?
There's a function on these forums that lets you roll dice, and publicly displays the results and what type of dice you rolled. (6-sided, 10-sided, etc)
I'm guessing we'll use those
There's a function like that here...huh...alright thank you DNA. I suppose there's still some things I have to learn here.
Also @Aiva I've got the perfect setting down for Nihil's shadow. I think Kazuo's going to die from fright
....still looking for it.
I'll find this thing

Edit: found it.
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Well I hope everyone has fun with that. And that we don't all constantly roll 1's. Seriously though that would suck.
I just hope I have the insane dice luck that happened the last time I played DnD...

*edit* ahahah I might still got some...
I rolled 1's three times in all the situations the last time I played, not looking forward to this.
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