Person Above Me

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^ is it possible to send adobo through the internet?

< hasn't actually gotten up and get his meal.

v is going to be flare again.
^ Do you want a prize? xP

< Wants a prize.

v Will give one to me for knowing it's faramond again.
^ Posted three weeks ago.

<Revived this topic, it's my own so why not?

v Has better cards than me
^ Is just not having Luck

< Has no luck himself.

V Will have better luck but just hasn't yet.
^Knew I was going to post next.

<Thinks that was pretty much guaranteed.

V Is in awe at all of the posting going on here
^Is assessing to much of the siutation

v will realize that Weavel's last down statement is true and will come to the same conclusion I did on this board being turned into a mini gaia.
^May be correct.

V has a lot more luck than King Weavel
^^^^ I have been semi lucky lately, then again its really all a matter of perception.

<<< Sun burned head itches

VVVV Has got to go NOW!!!
^ Probably forgot to polish his pauldrons

< Needs to take a bath

v Has a new computer
^^^ I do! Its about 6 months old

<<< Needs money

VVVV Has Money

< still needs to pack

V will visit her in Pittsburgh?
^^ You already know I am!

<< Wants chocolate milk.

VVV HAS chocolate milk, and is willing to share.
^^ Yes

<< Would prefer a beer

vv Will give him a beer.
^ don't have any beer D:
< is a sad panda now
V will cheer her up!
^^ I would try my hardest

<< Is a generally happy person.

VV Is a positive person.
^ define positive *evil grin*
< misses someone :(
V likes to watch storms! (we've had plenty :D no tornadoes yet though o.o)
^^ I'm a Storm chaser!!

<< Likes Colder weather

VV Likes it cold
^ wrong!! I freeze in cold...though if there's someone else there I don't mind as much...then I can snuggle :D
< has no urge to pack
V will pack my stuff for me :D
^^ Yes!

<< Has suddenly started to become nocturnal

VV Sleeps during the day?
^^ Only while you're working out, usually.
<< Is happy as ever
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