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Ruby's heroic bsod would continue till after work tomorrow
Lucifer found a makeup case in the room's desk before long, but there was no sign of scotch or sellotape for the time being. Stationery of such a caliber was for desk jockeys, not executives, and in a technologically-inclined company such as RKDC the computers were constantly getting smaller and their processors getting bigger, largely eliminating the need for excessive physical paperwork. Heaps of physical files and data could now be distilled into portable tablets and phones of the company's own design. Impressive, if not of particular interest.

As soon as their paths crossed and the two were finished catching up in all their brevity, the corridors at least didn't seem as empty as they had before. For all Lucifer's senses could glean the level was empty except for the two of them, no heartbeats or footsteps to be heard discounting the numerous floors above and below. On the other hand, there was a more obvious indicator of a sentient presence here in the form of another sliding door over on the side of the floor Bucky and company hadn't visited previously, contrasting the neat handiwork of the door to the spliced worker's office by way of being slowly pried open by someone of great strength as opposed to sliced to ribbons. Inside was what looked like a de facto security checkpoint of a sort, a shambled array of broken computer monitors set up at one end of the room that presumably once displayed feeds of the other floors. On a blank section of the wall someone had scrawled something in stark, red marker.


The last letter veered off sharply towards the end, as though the marker had been abruptly dropped. Unsettling as that was, it probably would've been fair to say it wasn't entirely the most attention-grabbing thing in the room.


That honor went to the veritable arsenal of weaponry decorating the opposite section of the room behind an open wire-mesh cage, hardware that would've been more at home among classified sectors of the military than in a security office. RKDC were military contractors, after all, and it looked as if someone had taken to stockpiling hardware in the few days since the event that brought all normal business conducted here to a screeching stop. The make and model of the weapons were unfamiliar even to Bucky, but many of the ammunition calibers were in line with the ones he knew, .22LR and 7.62mm boxes and whatnot in abundance. A high-grade sniper rifle lay discarded on the centerpiece table, magazine emptied of a single round but otherwise practically unused, which it had in common with the rest of the weaponry; practically all of it was brand new.

Maybe the angels were listening after all.

Or maybe someone else was. It wasn't terribly long before the sound of the stairwell door opening roughly and boots crossing the floor reached Lucifer's keen ears first and the Winter Soldier's soon after, finally signifying the presence of someone or something else on the floor that seemed to be searching from room to room.​

"More security. Not your typical rent-a-cops. Obviously. Forced into. Heh," he was somewhat reminded of his earlier entry into the security room on the ground floor. "Though...," the Winter Soldiers words became lost to soft murmuring, moving beyond apprising the doorway to the attention-grabber to the back of the room. There his words regained strength as he continued in his nominal volume, "Maybe they knew what was in here. Don't recognize these guns. Munitions, I do."

A curious Barnes hoisted a heavy machine gun free from its rack, apprising it closely via many a criterion. Decent distribution of weight, meant it was balanced. Fortified stock, ergonomic grip and under-barrel, and more. A brief glance confirmed some of the munitions were something you'd not find on the civilian market. Nor the military, as general purpose, for that matter. A sharp exhale via pursed lips as the Winter Soldier threw a glance back to the Dhampir. "State of the art, cutting tech. Hardly surprising." Though it reminded him of HYDRA to a degree. Truly, the comparisons that could be drawn between HYDRA and RDKC was somewhat unnerving. There was hope in finding meaningful differences.

It was then Bucky heard the noise, well after Lucifer had. His features went rough, muscles tensing to form chiseled contours upon his face. As much as he'd liked to appreciate the hardware, there was no time for that. Was not why they were here. That and the situation evidently grew the more dire.

But first: he checked the sniper rifle laid out on the table, supported by its sniper stand. A swift detaching later and a once over, he noted a single round had been depleted. The rifle had been used, earlier. Replacing its magazine, he racked his brain in attempt of remembering the distinct sound of such a rifle firing. He failed to recount any instance. Before he determined there was nothing of merit in pursuing the matter further, given extenuating circumstances of the imminent nature, he glanced down the way and out beyond the doorway. Back whence they came, searching swiftly with keen eyes a bullet-hole befitting of the rifle's mighty caliber. Regardless of not there existed one, the soldier moved swiftly.​
.....Now this was interesting. And at the same time, disturbing. More and more, Lucifer was harboring dark suspicions about the Spliced that Bucky was friends with. It was in an absence of life, save for them here. It was in little details and things that refused to add up.

And letting Bucky arm himself as he liked, Lucifer took out the makeup case. Flipping it open to expose the mirror, he held it carefully in hand to peek around the door, as sneakily as he could to see who was coming.​

"Smart," Barnes commented as he moved in a hurry, collecting first munitions to replace all expended prior to their arrival here. There was something to be said when a private facility like RKDC had grenade shells within its private security's repertoire. The implications were something the soldier hadn't desired to consider. Fortune favors the prepared and this was it, in spades.

The three pistols' ammo supply was well in hand, having never been once expended. The M4A1's missing magazines were replaced, five of such containing 5.56×45mm NATO rounds ensuring a protracted firefight was in Barnes's favor. Grenade shells repleted back to five as well, slotted into once empty pockets of the Soldier's bandolier, with one already chambered. The same for the Skorpion's .32 ACP munitions, three magazines ensuring its readiness.

All in all: The Winter Soldier was back to full fighting capacity... and more.​
*Due to the absence of any sort of written acknowledgement from one James Buchanan Barnes, please accept this canonical narrator's interpretation of his reaction.


While Bucky busied himself rubbing his face up against the large-calibre weaponry tenderly...​

He was, in fact, stuffing a military duffle bag full of munitions still encapsulated within their plastic packaging interred inside cardboard. Down the rabbit hole followed a fairly adequate piece of machinery, so the Winter Soldier deemed:

Its intended recipient would be one Miss Chell. An upgrade, one with ensured supply of ammunition given its drum magazine never mind the better firepower, that Barnes would be remiss to nab. The opportunity stared the man in the face and odds were they weren't coming back. :' ) Spread the love. Suck it Shaun, still all mine. Ish.

And yes, toting around the duffle bag was going to make matters difficult given he was loaded himself. Thankfully, efficiently placed holsters such as the right thigh that contained two pistols, the one located against the small of his back where a skorpion dwelt, and another pistol opposite the aforementioned thigh made that a non-issue. Especially when one considered the man toting such luggage to be a super-human soldier, one armed (heh get it???) with a bionic arm.

Normally he had people to carry his weapons for him. : |

The shotgun rested atop the bundle of the munitions, the bag having been filled to reasonably less than half its volume capacity. He couldn't afford to go crazy, and a few boxes of munition was more than enough for a single soldier. Naturally, there were a few boxes of shells for Chell as well.

Slinging it the strap over his front, the bag rested against his back effectively rendering it difficult to retrieve the Skorpion at a moment's notice. And just in time too as he instinctively fell to a knee due to the following--
Lucifer's efforts yielded a brief glimpse of the approaching figure from the corridor as the mirror reflected the hallway lighting subtly. It was a spliced man dressed in a casual suit, scuffed and slightly torn at the collar, shaggy hair and dark sunglasses hiding his eyes as he walked with an imperial swagger and casually munched an apple in one hand.

What was more pressing was what was in his other hand.

And it was only in thanks to Lucifer's reflexes that he even registered the presence of the great metal cross wrapped in chains before it exploded, a massive round moving at a velocity greater than any ballistics he was used to all but annihilating the makeup case in his hand as a deafening gunshot cracked like thunder. Smoke wafted from the stock of the enormous weapon, its wielder lowering it to hold it vertical to the floor as he took another unconcerned bite of his fruit, seemingly more intent on announcing himself than in shooting to maim proper.


"I'll take it ye be the ones aggressin' me fine crew of brigands this curs'd evenin', then."

He tutted, grinning with a mouth full of apple.

"Didjer mothers never warn ye o' the dangers of triflin' with pirates?"

The light warped and shimmered next to him to unveil the gray, distorted figure of an eight-foot creature in heavy spiked battle armor, unfamiliar to Lucifer's eyes but more than recognizable to Bucky as the elite he'd combated just recently, alive and well despite the magazine that was emptied into it.

It was at that moment that a speaker connected to the monitor array within the security station crackled to life, strong static fuzzing a nonetheless recognizable voice that came in subdued and monotone in contrast to the jittery state the Winter Soldier had heard it in earlier. Agent Brand.

"They like it."

The fact that the sound carried over the speaker was made more disturbing by the lack of power supplying any of the adjoining equipment.​

It didn't take an experienced, weathered (hue hue) soldier to recognize that was an exceptional big fucking gun that just fired. The Winter Soldier smirked. "Another enhanced. With a big gun... so I'm not the only one. Nice to know," his tone was deathly quiet though it was evident he made a quip. His words barely constituted what defined a whisper yet the dhampir's enhanced senses would certainly catch it.

"Siesta's over, it seems," Bucky added... before his features went blank, repleting in their place the momentary expression of recognition. Not because of the self-professed pirate and his words. Specifically, it was the voice that emerged following.

"That was Agent Brand. Something's wrong--"​


Honest-to-God pirates and one of them dressed in the garb of a priest. The duality between him and the other was not lost on Lucifer, further proof that God or whatever powers-that-be had a sense of dramatic irony.

If only that iron wasn't in that really, big gun. He shook out the remains of the make up case from his hand and took a deep breath.

Before walking right out of cover, calmly and as polite as can be. He adjusted his sleeves, he fixed his white collar and then turned to regard the other. For a moment, the only sound was the crunch of the apple and the breathing before Lucifer inclined his head towards the other as though they had just met on the street, rather then have something shot out of his hand.

"Captain I presume then. Rest assured, maligning innocent pirates was the last thing on the mind of my group."

He glanced over with interest at the uncloaked Elite, having never seen the like before as he nodded towards him.

"He seems to be no worse for wear, to be sure. We're looking for two people....One with a shield and the other, some girl with him. You wouldn't have happened to have seen either, have you?

Definitely wrong. Barnes frowned, maintaining his low posture as he swiveled around to the central table with nary a sound made on his part. Edging around the table swiftly, fingers clambered onto and over the tabletop, laying claim to the sniper rifle once more as Lucifer engaged the pirates into dialogue.

Odds were, they knew he was there with Lucifer. They just didn't know what he was doing. Perhaps that put the dhampir in danger. Perhaps the lack of knowing gave them the advantage.

In the form of leveraging what was an effin' hueg sniper rifle towards a wall adjacent to the doorway, aligning into the direction of the pirates solely based on his hearing. chances were incredibly low that he'd score a shot on the pirates. Not that it mattered: a surprise was a surprise and the opportunities such afforded were immensely valuable. If the gambit was allowed and realized anyway, especially with Bucky taking care in ascertaining Lucifer's status and the nature of the dialogue as it unfolded.

@OrlandoBloomers @Ringmaster
The words from the two as they argued slipped into Ruby's ears and swirled around inside her head, lost among her thoughts. Despondent wasn't even the right word for what she was right now. These people had decided she was in charge, and just like back home that meant the whole team's safety was on her. Raime had died in front of her. Hawke abandoned them. Luvia, Yang, Vash, and the other she'd used the mark on may have all been sent home safe, but at the cost of the existence of their other selves.

And now this.

But the words did reach her, and slowly but surely her brain pieced together that there was some fault of logic in the situation at hand. Someone was here that shouldn't be after what she'd seen. Someone had said they couldn't die, Azula was even angrier than usual at someone.



The only logical conclusion was ghost or zombie, and Ruby let out a terrified shriek as her scythe unfolded, and the unkindled suddenly lost the arm that was holding Azula's, and then his head. Which got double tapped with sniper rounds when it bounced to the ground a few seconds later. Ruby stared at her handiwork with her chest heaving, eyes wide with mild terror at her second encounter with the undead on this stupid world.

@BarrenThin @C.T.

The words from the two as they argued slipped into Ruby's ears and swirled around inside her head, lost among her thoughts. Despondent wasn't even the right word for what she was right now. These people had decided she was in charge, and just like back home that meant the whole team's safety was on her. Raime had died in front of her. Hawke abandoned them. Luvia, Yang, Vash, and the other she'd used the mark on may have all been sent home safe, but at the cost of the existence of their other selves.

And now this.

But the words did reach her, and slowly but surely her brain pieced together that there was some fault of logic in the situation at hand. Someone was here that shouldn't be after what she'd seen. Someone had said they couldn't die, Azula was even angrier than usual at someone.



The only logical conclusion was ghost or zombie, and Ruby let out a terrified shriek as her scythe unfolded, and the unkindled suddenly lost the arm that was holding Azula's, and then his head. Which got double tapped with sniper rounds when it bounced to the ground a few seconds later. Ruby stared at her handiwork with her chest heaving, eyes wide with mild terror at her second encounter with the undead on this stupid world.

@BarrenThin @C.T.

The Unkindled One didn't even have time to be confused when his arm got sent flying, then his head. His corpse, spraying blood everywhere, slumped to its knees, then fell flat on the ground. Admittedly, he deserved it, but that didn't make him any less angry when he came back. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" He threw a middle finger up at her. "I get that I might have scared you, but how was that any better?" He shouted at her, remaining several feet away.

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers
The words from the two as they argued slipped into Ruby's ears and swirled around inside her head, lost among her thoughts. Despondent wasn't even the right word for what she was right now. These people had decided she was in charge, and just like back home that meant the whole team's safety was on her. Raime had died in front of her. Hawke abandoned them. Luvia, Yang, Vash, and the other she'd used the mark on may have all been sent home safe, but at the cost of the existence of their other selves.

And now this.

But the words did reach her, and slowly but surely her brain pieced together that there was some fault of logic in the situation at hand. Someone was here that shouldn't be after what she'd seen. Someone had said they couldn't die, Azula was even angrier than usual at someone.



The only logical conclusion was ghost or zombie, and Ruby let out a terrified shriek as her scythe unfolded, and the unkindled suddenly lost the arm that was holding Azula's, and then his head. Which got double tapped with sniper rounds when it bounced to the ground a few seconds later. Ruby stared at her handiwork with her chest heaving, eyes wide with mild terror at her second encounter with the undead on this stupid world.​

The Unkindled One didn't even have time to be confused when his arm got sent flying, then his head. His corpse, spraying blood everywhere, slumped to its knees, then fell flat on the ground. Admittedly, he deserved it, but that didn't make him any less angry when he came back. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" He threw a middle finger up at her. "I get that I might have scared you, but how was that any better?" He shouted at her, remaining several feet away.

It was one thing to fight in a war, to hear stories of the ferocity of battles. To have it happen right before her...twice...was something else. Of course, he came back in due time. A walking, talking idiot who cheapened death. Made a joke out of it. An insult to every Fire Nation soldier who died permanently on the field of battle. She would have made an effort to swipe off the blood now splattered over on her...except it was all over her face. And hair. And her outfit. It would be a futile effort.

"So what, you kill yourself for a giggle but you draw the line at being killed by someone else? Strange." She remarked. "On that note...how many times can you do that?"

@BarrenThin @Schnee Corp Lawyer


It was one thing to fight in a war, to hear stories of the ferocity of battles. To have it happen right before her...twice...was something else. Of course, he came back in due time. A walking, talking idiot who cheapened death. Made a joke out of it. An insult to every Fire Nation soldier who died permanently on the field of battle. She would have made an effort to swipe off the blood now splattered over on her...except it was all over her face. And hair. And her outfit. It would be a futile effort.

"So what, you kill yourself for a giggle but you draw the line at being killed by someone else? Strange." She remarked. "On that note...how many times can you do that?"

@BarrenThin @Schnee Corp Lawyer

"It's a matter of principle!" He'd been about to go into a rant when she asked that question, and he got really, really quiet. After a few moments, he shrugged. "To my understanding, Undead- people like me- never stop coming back. We're just kinda stuck. I've died more times than I care to count, some ways more horrific than others, and, at this point, death is... An annoyance. A setback. If you ever need a suicide mission done, I'm your guy. But it is still annoying, when it can be avoided or I didn't die for fun." Death for fun might be a strange concept to most, but it was perfectly normal for him.

@C.T @Schnee Corp Lawyer
Unless karnak intended to jump under the APC where the portal ended up, he wasn't going to be able to reach where the spliced popped out after Chell did her portal switcheroo.

Not that it was going to matter, as Cyclops the warboy found himself falling up for a brief moment and twisted his head in confusion. The beam cleaved straight through a storefront a chunk of street, and the top right corner of the van.

And completely through the front chunk of the APC, right before the warboy head got hit by the back tire of the APC's momentum, smashing it and pushing it up against the side of the portal, splitting the warboy in half at opposite ends of the portal. The APC remaining front thudded to the ground and skidded across the pavement in a sea of sparks as Immordekaiser Joe bailed out. The metal body thudded to the ground, and it was slow to stand back up as the Van sped away. It seemed like they were going to make it!

Just two small problems

The first was that Joe snarled, looked at his remaining chunk of APC, and yelled to the gunner "I WILL WITNESS YOU!" Then clenched his fist, raised his hand, and heaved it forward like he was throwing something. The metal in the APC groaned, before it suddenly went flying forward, fastballed by an invisible giant as the man on the minigun opened fire towards the Van as he fell towards it and howled "WITNESS MEEEEEEE!" at the top of his lungs.

The other was that Karnak wasn't in the van, and after his toss Immordekaiser Joe slowly turned towards where the inhuman had landed and gave a growl as he cracked his knuckles.

@Jeremi @Kaykay @Thuro 116 Pendragon @T.O.M @york
  • Love
Reactions: Chewy Rabbits
@T.O.M. for the above post because periods are annoying


If Ruby was bad after her first murder of the unkindled, there wasn't a good word for what she was about to be. It was a slow buildup for sure, but her heaving breaths didn't seem to be slowing as her eyes slowly widened and-​
"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" He threw a middle finger up at her. "I get that I might have scared you, but how was that any better?" He shouted at her, remaining several feet away.

She whirled around and planted her scythe blade in the ground to turn it into a makeshift bipod for the rifle part of Crescent with the sights on the unkindled as he came back again. What was going on?!? And why wasn't Azula freaking out too?!

It was one thing to fight in a war, to hear stories of the ferocity of battles. To have it happen right before her...twice...was something else. Of course, he came back in due time. A walking, talking idiot who cheapened death. Made a joke out of it. An insult to every Fire Nation soldier who died permanently on the field of battle. She would have made an effort to swipe off the blood now splattered over on her...except it was all over her face. And hair. And her outfit. It would be a futile effort.

"So what, you kill yourself for a giggle but you draw the line at being killed by someone else? Strange." She remarked. "On that note...how many times can you do that?"

@BarrenThin @Schnee Corp Lawyer

"It's a matter of principle!" He'd been about to go into a rant when she asked that question, and he got really, really quiet. After a few moments, he shrugged. "To my understanding, Undead- people like me- never stop coming back. We're just kinda stuck. I've died more times than I care to count, some ways more horrific than others, and, at this point, death is... An annoyance. A setback. If you ever need a suicide mission done, I'm your guy. But it is still annoying, when it can be avoided or I didn't die for fun." Death for fun might be a strange concept to most, but it was perfectly normal for him.

@C.T @Schnee Corp Lawyer



Angry was not a emotion that suited Ruby Rose very well. Through all of this mess, the only time she'd gotten angry was with the psycopathic robot Wahl, and that had technically never happened now. But the little red huntress was actually shaking as she walked past where Crescent was planted and right up to the unkindled to jab him in the chest with her finger "What was funny about that!? If you thought it was normal then you wouldn't have even tried it as a joke, so don't even try that 'I didn't know it'd surprise' her crud on me mr.! We're literally trying to save the worlds with only us to do it and you think pretending to kill yourself was going to be FUNNY?! YOU'RE IN TIME OUT! FOR THAT AND FOR SWEARING!"

@C.T. @BarrenThin @OrlandoBloomers
@T.O.M. for the above post because periods are annoying


If Ruby was bad after her first murder of the unkindled, there wasn't a good word for what she was about to be. It was a slow buildup for sure, but her heaving breaths didn't seem to be slowing as her eyes slowly widened and-​


She whirled around and planted her scythe blade in the ground to turn it into a makeshift bipod for the rifle part of Crescent with the sights on the unkindled as he came back again. What was going on?!? And why wasn't Azula freaking out too?!




Angry was not a emotion that suited Ruby Rose very well. Through all of this mess, the only time she'd gotten angry was with the psycopathic robot Wahl, and that had technically never happened now. But the little red huntress was actually shaking as she walked past where Crescent was planted and right up to the unkindled to jab him in the chest with her finger "What was funny about that!? If you thought it was normal then you wouldn't have even tried it as a joke, so don't even try that 'I didn't know it'd surprise' her crud on me mr.! We're literally trying to save the worlds with only us to do it and you think pretending to kill yourself was going to be FUNNY?! YOU'RE IN TIME OUT! FOR THAT AND FOR SWEARING!"

@C.T. @BarrenThin @OrlandoBloomers

His eyes narrowed, and Ruby would quickly find her finger batted aside. "Oh, fuck off. Saving the world? I don't even fucking know what the fucking fuck is going on in this goddamn shithole!" He made each swear word pointed and intentional, but he really did seem mad now. "I didn't even fucking know I wasn't in my world until Miss Fire Witch told me just now, and, frankly, I have no idea what the flying fuck you're on about!" His disturbingly pupilless eyes seemed to drill into her. "If you want me to start taking you and this seriously, a good place to start would be explaining!"

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
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His eyes narrowed, and Ruby would quickly find her finger batted aside. "Oh, fuck off. Saving the world? I don't even fucking know what the fucking fuck is going on in this goddamn shithole!" He made each swear word pointed and intentional, but he really did seem mad now. "I didn't even fucking know I wasn't in my world until Miss Fire Witch told me just now, and, frankly, I have no idea what the flying fuck you're on about!" His disturbingly pupilless eyes seemed to drill into her. "If you want me to start taking you and this seriously, a good place to start would be explaining!"

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
"It's a matter of principle!" He'd been about to go into a rant when she asked that question, and he got really, really quiet. After a few moments, he shrugged. "To my understanding, Undead- people like me- never stop coming back. We're just kinda stuck. I've died more times than I care to count, some ways more horrific than others, and, at this point, death is... An annoyance. A setback. If you ever need a suicide mission done, I'm your guy. But it is still annoying, when it can be avoided or I didn't die for fun." Death for fun might be a strange concept to most, but it was perfectly normal for him.

@C.T @Schnee Corp Lawyer
"Oh, please. After fooling around pretending to be a chair and killing yourself for a laugh, it's pretty clear to me. You don't have principles." Azula retorted. "Case in point. You're immortal in a sense, making you an incredible asset. Tempered by your braindead nature of stupidity, however. A shame."



Angry was not a emotion that suited Ruby Rose very well. Through all of this mess, the only time she'd gotten angry was with the psychopathic robot Wahl, and that had technically never happened now. But the little red huntress was actually shaking as she walked past where Crescent was planted and right up to the unkindled to jab him in the chest with her finger "What was funny about that!? If you thought it was normal then you wouldn't have even tried it as a joke, so don't even try that 'I didn't know it'd surprise' her crud on me mr.! We're literally trying to save the worlds with only us to do it and you think pretending to kill yourself was going to be FUNNY?! YOU'RE IN TIME OUT! FOR THAT AND FOR SWEARING!"
The princess just stayed silent, observing the huntress. Her right index finger rose up. That was one thing she agreed on with Ruby, it was not at all funny. Though the punishment of time-out made her snicker quietly.
"I didn't even fucking know I wasn't in my world until Miss Fire Witch told me just now, and, frankly, I have no idea what the flying fuck you're on about!"
"Not our fault you're as blind and dumb as a rock."
"If you want me to start taking you and this seriously, a good place to start would be explaining!"
"Practically everyone else around is either dead or out of their minds. Monsters are running around in filthy legions. The sky is purple. We're trying to fix all that. Somehow."
Her right middle finger rose up to join her index finger. "And that's two things I said to this moron too! Ha." It was a start.

"Oh, please. After fooling around pretending to be a chair and killing yourself for a laugh, it's pretty clear to me. You don't have principles." Azula retorted. "Case in point. You're immortal in a sense, making you an incredible asset. Tempered by your braindead nature of stupidity, however. A shame."

The princess just stayed silent, observing the huntress. Her right index finger rose up. That was one thing she agreed on with Ruby, it was not at all funny. Though the punishment of time-out made her snicker quietly.

"Not our fault you're as blind and dumb as a rock."

"Practically everyone else around is either dead or out of their minds. Monsters are running around in filthy legions. The sky is purple. We're trying to fix all that. Somehow."

Her right middle finger rose up to join her index finger. "And that's two things I said to this moron too! Ha." It was a start.


He looked Azula dead in the face. "Do you want to know the only differences between this world and mine? The archicecture, and the transportation. The corpses and strange monsters are an everyday sight, and so, I just kinda assumed I was home, just in a strange place with magic horseless carriages -I've seen much, much weirder, so fuck off-, until you told me otherwise, which was after I killed myself, might I add! With that in mind, believing myself to be home, I thought everyone knew what an Undead was! You'd have to be a total moron not to and be from my world! When she got concerned at my request for her to kill me, I thought she was joking!" He threw his arms up in frustration as these people expected a genius level I.Q. from an uneducated knight. "Besides, why the fuck would my first conclusion be traveling across worlds!? What kind of person would just immediately decide that?" In fairness, who truly would without knowledge of interdimensional travel?

"'Uh, excuse me, I'm sorry, I went for the less fucking stupid explanation first, hyuck.' Fuck you." He glared at Azula pointedly before it shifted to Ruby, then softened a little. "I apologize for frightening you. It was only sort of my intention. People like me are very common where I'm from, and I'm not used to people being surprised by it." The apology was... Mostly sincere. He didn't like saying sorry.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
He looked Azula dead in the face. "Do you want to know the only differences between this world and mine? The archicecture, and the transportation. The corpses and strange monsters are an everyday sight, and so, I just kinda assumed I was home, just in a strange place with magic horseless carriages -I've seen much, much weirder, so fuck off-, until you told me otherwise, which was after I killed myself, might I add! With that in mind, believing myself to be home, I thought everyone knew what an Undead was! You'd have to be a total moron not to and be from my world! When she got concerned at my request for her to kill me, I thought she was joking!" He threw his arms up in frustration as these people expected a genius level I.Q. from an uneducated knight. "Besides, why the fuck would my first conclusion be traveling across worlds!? What kind of person would just immediately decide that?" In fairness, who truly would without knowledge of interdimensional travel?

"'Uh, excuse me, I'm sorry, I went for the less fucking stupid explanation first, hyuck.' Fuck you." He glared at Azula pointedly before it shifted to Ruby, then softened a little. "I apologize for frightening you. It was only sort of my intention. People like me are very common where I'm from, and I'm not used to people being surprised by it." The apology was... Mostly sincere. He didn't like saying sorry.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer

Shaun missed Raime all of a sudden.
Things only seemed to be falling further and further on a downward slope. Despite Eric's best efforts, he'd seen the man in armor get shot straight through the head. From what Eric had seen through the Crow's eyes, the Unkindled wasn't exactly the nicest of guys. But for all of Eric's power, he couldn't have saved one life.

Well, he'd just have to try even harder to save the rest.

But taking potshots like this didn't seem to be getting him anywhere fast. Least of all when the enemy could do stuff like shoot lasers out of their eyes. If Eric had been wary of being turned into human swiss cheese by the minigun or blown to bits by the RPG, getting cleaved in two by a giant laser didn't look too fun either. Thankfully, Chell managed to divert it back at the enemy and as the APC came to a screeching halt, Eric let out a sigh of relief. Things weren't looking so good with one of their number having gotten shot right in the face but at least now it seemed like they had a moment to catch their breath.
The first was that Joe snarled, looked at his remaining chunk of APC, and yelled to the gunner "I WILL WITNESS YOU!" Then clenched his fist, raised his hand, and heaved it forward like he was throwing something. The metal in the APC groaned, before it suddenly went flying forward, fastballed by an invisible giant as the man on the minigun opened fire towards the Van as he fell towards it and howled "WITNESS MEEEEEEE!" at the top of his lungs.
If that minigun tore through the van and hit Jessica or that guy who seemed insistent on sleeping, Eric wasn't too confident they'd be able to take it. He'd been pumped full with enough lead that he should have been dead likely twenty times over. But that was one of the perks of a healing factor.

It was also one of the drawbacks.

"Jessica, keep going!" Eric shouted as he opened his door and sought to climb atop the roof. Keeping his balance while the van was still in motion was easier said than done. But with their apparent heavy hitter a bit busy at the moment, Eric didn't see much of alternative beyond trying to soak up as much of the damage as he could. The bullets tore through him like a hot knife through butter. Punching through the front and straight out the back. Eric's jacket might as well have been see-through if this didn't wrap up soon. The same could have been said for Eric's body given the bullets that either got around him or straight through him probably punched through the top of the van.


As Eric collapsed onto his back however, he kept a tight grip onto his pistols. He had managed to surprise the laser beam warboy with his healing.

Now it was time to see if he could do the same thing here. He could feel his wounds closing up, his bones mending themselves. All that would be left of the minigun assault would be very noticeable rips and tears on his clothes. But Eric himself would be fine after the ordeal. He had to be to pull off his saving grace.



Letting out a crazed laugh meant to mock the Warboy's apparent crazed level of loyalty to Joe, Eric held up his pistols and proceeded to open fire. It wasn't the best plan and hopefully Chell or someone had a much more thought out one. Eric figured he'd just put this immortality of his to some use. Even if it mean he'd look like absolute shit afterwards.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Kaykay @york @Thuro 116 Pendragon @Jeremi

  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"Fuck you."

Her response was immediate and predictable, butting her head closer to his as she shouted fiercely right back at him. "Let me explain how the day has been like for me. I woke up in a place I've never been before, with faint memories of a life I never had and a bunch of strangers around me. Monsters from portals that lead to god knows where, they come out in droves and assault us. I got knocked out from a strong punch to my temple. A talking magical cat about as annoying as I imagined spirits to be, explained it all. Our worlds, our planes of reality...they and more were drawn to this one. Collided, in a sense. Untold damage...that we're expected somehow to prevent from even happening. More fighting, more beasts, more pain. Then what do you know, an Avatar drops from the ceiling, self-righteously throwing her weight around. Filling my mind with ridiculous sentiments and...informing me of my future fate, how I am remembered by the generations that come after. I didn't...no I still don't want to believe that, but the Avatar isn't a liar. I don't think she is, anyway. I tried to refuse it, all I got for that was a sniper scythe knocking the breath out of me. Twice. Before I can even fully come to terms with what the Avatar said, an idiot pirate in sturdy gigantic armor picks a fight and injures my ear drums with his weapons. Even worse, in the fight? The freaking Avatar has to come in and save me. How wonderful it is to owe a debt to someone I once killed...and a waterbender no less, this time around. Then yet another giant beast barges on in with a legion of smaller ones, you know that part. It lashes out and rips a gash in my face. All I could do was cauterize the wound."

"Then you heal it, another debt(which is something I hate having) is formed. Debts, debts, debts. You know, I never did enjoy owing people. Don't know how many times I'll have to say it, to however many people, but I hate it. I much rather getting by on my own, which the worlds all seem to get off on laughing at, forcing me into unwanted situations. Everyone just finding a way into my head, my own damn mind. When I don't feel like I want to continue this twisted little journey, you too try to knock me out and toss me into the van, like I'm your property. I am not."

"The childish one that is supposed to be the leader sticks around and drives me up the wall with talk and her refusal to make a decision. Then you again, coming in pretending to be a chair, killing yourself in front of us for a stupid little joke, complaining that she killed you when the rules of death don't even really apply to you. I'll ask you, where do you think you get off, HUH?!


@Schnee Corp Lawyer @BarrenThin
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  • Nice Execution!
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He looked Azula dead in the face. "Do you want to know the only differences between this world and mine? The archicecture, and the transportation. The corpses and strange monsters are an everyday sight, and so, I just kinda assumed I was home, just in a strange place with magic horseless carriages -I've seen much, much weirder, so fuck off-, until you told me otherwise, which was after I killed myself, might I add! With that in mind, believing myself to be home, I thought everyone knew what an Undead was! You'd have to be a total moron not to and be from my world! When she got concerned at my request for her to kill me, I thought she was joking!" He threw his arms up in frustration as these people expected a genius level I.Q. from an uneducated knight. "Besides, why the fuck would my first conclusion be traveling across worlds!? What kind of person would just immediately decide that?" In fairness, who truly would without knowledge of interdimensional travel?

"'Uh, excuse me, I'm sorry, I went for the less fucking stupid explanation first, hyuck.' Fuck you." He glared at Azula pointedly before it shifted to Ruby, then softened a little. "I apologize for frightening you. It was only sort of my intention. People like me are very common where I'm from, and I'm not used to people being surprised by it." The apology was... Mostly sincere. He didn't like saying sorry.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer

Ruby growled, puffed out her chest, and raised a finger to refute these claim-


Her response was immediate and predictable, butting her head closer to his as she shouted fiercely right back at him. "Let me explain how the day has been like for me. I woke up in a place I've never been before, with faint memories of a life I never had and a bunch of strangers around me. Monsters from portals that lead to god knows where, they come out in droves and assault us. I got knocked out from a strong punch to my temple. A talking magical cat about as annoying as I imagined spirits to be, explained it all. Our worlds, our planes of reality...they and more were drawn to this one. Collided, in a sense. Untold damage...that we're expected somehow to prevent from even happening. More fighting, more beasts, more pain. Then what do you know, an Avatar drops from the ceiling, self-righteously throwing her weight around. Filling my mind with ridiculous sentiments and...informing me of my future fate, how I am remembered by the generations that come after. I didn't...no I still don't want to believe that, but the Avatar isn't a liar. I don't think she is, anyway. I tried to refuse it, all I got for that was a sniper scythe knocking the breath out of me. Twice. Before I can even fully come to terms with what the Avatar said, an idiot pirate in sturdy gigantic armor picks a fight and injures my ear drums with his weapons. Even worse, in the fight? The freaking Avatar has to come in and save me. How wonderful it is to owe a debt to someone I once killed...and a waterbender no less, this time around. Then yet another giant beast barges on in with a legion of smaller ones, you know that part. It lashes out and rips a gash in my face. All I could was cauterize the wound."

"Then you heal it, another debt(which is something I hate having) is formed. Debts, debts, debts. You know, I never did enjoy owing people. Don't know how many times I'll have to say it, to however many people, but I hate it. I much rather getting by on my own, which the worlds all seem to get off on laughing at, forcing me into unwanted situations. Everyone just finding a way into my head, my own damn mind. When I don't feel like I want to continue this twisted little journey, you too try to knock me out and toss me into the van, like I'm your property. I am not."

"The childish one that is supposed to be the leader sticks around and drives me up the wall with talk and her refusal to make a decision. Then you again, coming in pretending to be a chair, killing yourself in front of us for a stupid little joke, complaining that she killed you when the rules of death don't even really apply to you. I'll ask you, where do you think you get off, HUH?!


@Schnee Corp Lawyer @BarrenThin


Her finger slowly drooped as Azula launched into her rant, Ruby's own fury and frustration a tiny flickering candle to the rage that was the fire princess. It was like all the bad parts of an angry yang mixed with all the bad parts of an angry Weiss.

She quietly cleared her throat and just said. "...What she said. 'cept about me being childish. And I kinda have to give you at least a short time out for swearing too now to be fair Azula sorry"

Her response was immediate and predictable, butting her head closer to his as she shouted fiercely right back at him. "Let me explain how the day has been like for me. I woke up in a place I've never been before, with faint memories of a life I never had and a bunch of strangers around me. Monsters from portals that lead to god knows where, they come out in droves and assault us. I got knocked out from a strong punch to my temple. A talking magical cat about as annoying as I imagined spirits to be, explained it all. Our worlds, our planes of reality...they and more were drawn to this one. Collided, in a sense. Untold damage...that we're expected somehow to prevent from even happening. More fighting, more beasts, more pain. Then what do you know, an Avatar drops from the ceiling, self-righteously throwing her weight around. Filling my mind with ridiculous sentiments and...informing me of my future fate, how I am remembered by the generations that come after. I didn't...no I still don't want to believe that, but the Avatar isn't a liar. I don't think she is, anyway. I tried to refuse it, all I got for that was a sniper scythe knocking the breath out of me. Twice. Before I can even fully come to terms with what the Avatar said, an idiot pirate in sturdy gigantic armor picks a fight and injures my ear drums with his weapons. Even worse, in the fight? The freaking Avatar has to come in and save me. How wonderful it is to owe a debt to someone I once killed...and a waterbender no less, this time around. Then yet another giant beast barges on in with a legion of smaller ones, you know that part. It lashes out and rips a gash in my face. All I could do was cauterize the wound."

"Then you heal it, another debt(which is something I hate having) is formed. Debts, debts, debts. You know, I never did enjoy owing people. Don't know how many times I'll have to say it, to however many people, but I hate it. I much rather getting by on my own, which the worlds all seem to get off on laughing at, forcing me into unwanted situations. Everyone just finding a way into my head, my own damn mind. When I don't feel like I want to continue this twisted little journey, you too try to knock me out and toss me into the van, like I'm your property. I am not."

"The childish one that is supposed to be the leader sticks around and drives me up the wall with talk and her refusal to make a decision. Then you again, coming in pretending to be a chair, killing yourself in front of us for a stupid little joke, complaining that she killed you when the rules of death don't even really apply to you. I'll ask you, where do you think you get off, HUH?!


@Schnee Corp Lawyer @BarrenThin

He almost felt bad, until she went on a tirade about how bad her life was. He felt his blood boiling as the spoiled little brat tried to rationalize him being the bad guy (which he was, granted, but he didn't care) by saying today had been hard. She would find any further attempts to rant cut short as the Unkindled One, provoked by her own yelling, bellowed out, "Don't you think I'd stay dead if I could!? I woke up days ago and clawed my way out of the grave with almost no memory of who I was, and since then I've been shot, ripped to pieces, burned alive, thrown off cliffs, tortured, decapitated, impaled, smashed, eaten, you name it! So many times that it doesn't even hurt anymore! That I can joke about it! You're complaining about how bad your day has been. Do you know what my entire life is going to be? Trying to find enjoyment in an existence where I cannot find rest, dying over and over again as this Curse robs me of my memories, just like it did my memories of my family, of my friends, just like it took my fucking name!" He growled his head leaning forward so his forehead was practically against her in challenge. He stepped back and took a deep breath. "I have had to murder and pillage and die in the name of saving my own world, the Curse all the while nipping at my mind. So far, the only way I haven't gone completely insane is by trying to enjoy myself."

Ruby growled, puffed out her chest, and raised a finger to refute these claim-


Her finger slowly drooped as Azula launched into her rant, Ruby's own fury and frustration a tiny flickering candle to the rage that was the fire princess. It was like all the bad parts of an angry yang mixed with all the bad parts of an angry Weiss.

She quietly cleared her throat and just said. "...What she said. 'cept about me being childish. And I kinda have to give you at least a short time out for swearing too now to be fair Azula sorry"

The only answer she got was an angry stare.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
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He almost felt bad, until she went on a tirade about how bad her life was. He felt his blood boiling as the spoiled little brat tried to rationalize him being the bad guy (which he was, granted, but he didn't care) by saying today had been hard. She would find any further attempts to rant cut short as the Unkindled One, provoked by her own yelling, bellowed out, "Don't you think I'd stay dead if I could!? I woke up days ago and clawed my way out of the grave with almost no memory of who I was, and since then I've been shot, ripped to pieces, burned alive, thrown off cliffs, tortured, decapitated, impaled, smashed, eaten, you name it! So many times that it doesn't even hurt anymore! That I can joke about it! You're complaining about how bad your day has been. Do you know what my entire life is going to be? Trying to find enjoyment in an existence where I cannot find rest, dying over and over again as this Curse robs me of my memories, just like it did my memories of my family, of my friends, just like it took my fucking name!" He growled his head leaning forward so his forehead was practically against her in challenge. He stepped back and took a deep breath. "I have had to murder and pillage and die in the name of saving my own world, the Curse all the while nipping at my mind. So far, the only way I haven't gone completely insane is by trying to enjoy myself."
She was speechless for a long while after his counter tirade, one in the latest of shouting matches she'd been in. When she finally spoke up, it was with a quieter but just as confrontational voice. "Find a new outlet, then. If you want me to feel pity for your perpetual undead existence while you're offing yourself in front of minors for some amusement, you're barking up the wrong tree." Azula glared coldly back at the Unkindled One.

"As for your points...no, I don't think that. I hardly even know you, I practically just met you, but from what you've just revealed? You're someone from beyond the grave, clawing your way back to the top with almost no idea of who you used to be. I'm someone who was groomed almost from birth to be at the top. Countless days spent training under the hot sun, practicing my katas until my muscles ached, my bones cracked and my whole body cried out for rest. Untold hours spent learning the language of conniving snake-wasps. Politicians. How to impeccably read a situation, a person's body language, the expression in their eyes. My mind filled with dreams, a promised great destiny ahead. That we were the strongest, given the divine right to rule it all."

"That was my promised destiny. It was robbed from me before I even actually came of age. You as you are right now, started from below the bottom and forced your way back out. I started at the glorious top and hit rock bottom. We come from very different worlds and walks of life...but don't for one second think that you're the only one who's lost everything that matters." Azula turned away, suddenly very tired of it all. "If you need something to amuse yourself, there's a idiot pirate in a crater not far away. Something tells me you two would hit it off just fine." She was only semi-serious at that point.

Her finger slowly drooped as Azula launched into her rant, Ruby's own fury and frustration a tiny flickering candle to the rage that was the fire princess. It was like all the bad parts of an angry yang mixed with all the bad parts of an angry Weiss.

She quietly cleared her throat and just said. "...What she said. 'cept about me being childish. And I kinda have to give you at least a short time out for swearing too now to be fair Azula sorry"
"Worth it. And you know I'm right about you being childish, you may be a bit older and taller but it's clear who's more mature here."

With that, she sat down and actually stayed quiet, only a tiny bit for Ruby's punishment and far more to think about her plans. It had taken a reminder from another for her sense of purpose to be reignited...but their whole goal with this world was to change everything back. And perhaps, change more than that.

The others better be doing better than this.

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