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Paradox Question

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Derailment stuff below the Spoili.

The archive to which I was referring was for a different website, in this case. The forum died and all its memory was lost with it. Sorry, I wasn't being clear because I was addressing @Halo—both of us knew each other from that forum.

Wait. Hold up. I am majorly derailing this thread for a moment. I shall re-rail it as soon as my question is answered.

There's an archive?
In a sense. As @Jorick said, it is very limited in the threads it saved. Not only that, but if you don't know the exact URL yourself, navigating through the sub-forums, their pages, and the particular days each page of the subforum was recorded to find specific threads is quite the hassle.

Even if you do find a thread, not all the pages within the thread itself will be saved—usually just the first. Some subforums are worse off than others, though. The writing contests fared quite well.

Ah, fair enough. I might try to track it down myself at some point.
Sorry, mate, just didn't want to give you unrealistic hopes.

If I do come across it in my own searches—assuming it's in Spam—I'll be sure to pass it along. :)[/spoili]
Oh... OH. We're allowed to go back to the subject now, are we?

Does Big King Overlord of the Universe Peregrine permit us to get back on topic?

Well thank you so fucking much.
Right. Now I just need to comment on someone's word choice and we can start a blazing argument that exposes everyone's flippant disregard for staff authority.
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