Overture - Open to New Players!

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*Cracks knuckles*

I'll take the pain.

We shall draw blood. You shall not escape the holy spanking of the spankspankgoddess of spank!
"Bluered it shall be!", said the Acolyte!
So, this roleplay is going rather slow right now. In fact it's going so slow that Ultima and I have considered trashing this roleplay as a whole. The only thing keeping us from that is you. I love this rolepaly, and have worked hard to be able to provide interesting content and a driving story. Sadly, its not as consistent as I'd prefer it to be. We've been lagging along, so I want your opinion? Do you want to work through this, or put this idea in a cupboard for later use?
Well, I think we should keep working through it. The content is interesting. The only problem is that I don't necessarily have anything to respond to. However I also think the others should have more of a say than me. They've been more involved. Besides, I think there has been a lot of work put into this and I would hate to see it go.
Work through it! We have an interesting group here with some good posters and are already on our way.
I expect to have more time by this time tomorrow.
Would you like some more people invited? Maybe get a banner?
@AAB said already what is on my mind.

I can just remind you @Eternalfire61 what I wrote to you originally on the first 3 pages on our PM. The same still applies.

What is the problem? Maybe we can help to work around it?
Damnit eternalfire!!!!! nooooooo :( don't make me sad.... I know i've been difficult, but I truly love this rp so far.

Instead of worrying about how good it is or what not, lets just keep writing. Eventually, if we just keep writing, things WILL fall into place.

Already the roots of major character development have been sown, seriously.

I know you might feel lazy sometimes, every DM does at some point, but if your feeling lazy to post then just pawn it off to me hahahaha :P I love the combat rp, and you can just drive the plot etc.

I think we can play overture a little more like illium, where the players have more control of the npcs/enviroment... that brings a lot of pressure off you Eternal....

*give eternal the most manliest of manly hugs* :D
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We don't need more people, we have a great group and a solid number. I need this roleplay to roll a little faster than it has been. We also need to get everyone on the same page and include everyone. Lets try to do this efficiently and try to have some fun with this roleplay.
Alright! I can be honest and say I am definately not on the same page, however I am trying to be.

I know this incredibly vague, but how do we get everyone on the same page?

Can you expand a little more on the style of how you want this to go down? I've been talking with people about the illium style for some time now and I still having trouble grasping it. I am used to DND and different pacing that anythign ive seen on this site so far. I would like a clearer picture of what you want/intend. How much should each post further the plot? how much control of the plot do characters have? specifically how would you like to write combat? What is going to be the ratio of combat/discussion/plot moving etc?

spill your mind out eternal, we gotchu bro bro :) :)
I have a guided story-line until this group reaches a set point. Most of the choices are made by you, but I have influence over what is going on. You're intended to move the plot along and make the story interesting. Controlling the plot is party my job and yours. What happens within the story, whether it is my doing or yours, is supposed to drive the plot. So, in this case, it's your best interest to get to Dulemar.

Combat should be a short back and forth. There will be more discussion and plot moving then there will be combat. Then again there will be plenty of combat.

In truth, I just want consistent roleplay and an interesting story.
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After much thought and consideration, I think I'm going to drop out of this RP. In all honesty, I feel like my characters have no impact on the story what so ever. I think we can agree that they're so uninvolved that it wouldn't matter whether or not I posted ever again. They haven't made any connections with any of the characters seeing as none of them seemed to notice nor care that they just up and left. (No one mentioned it in the IC thread if I'm not mistaken). I'll take the fault for that. Maybe my characters just weren't interesting or they just didn't 'fit' as a whole. Either way, I'll be sure to improve on it at a later time. Thanks for the fun guys.
Isabel noticed that they're missing and it worries her.
Please don't leave, Musician...you're a good roleplayer.
Here's the plan.

We are going to have some discussion over this roleplay, whether it's the future, what we will change, or tweaking it to fit what we are doing.

For now I am going to have to put the roleplay on hold.

Give your thoughts and ideas here. If you want to drop out at this point, you may, but consider trying to help revitalize this setting.
I'm staying.
I suggest lots of death. We have Persues to mourn already. Think of the character development if a third of the party were killed in the first fight.
That's what is going to happen most likely. I just need everyone to have a grasp on what is going on.

With two people gone, that means three characters are going to have to be dealt with.

Four if we don't get any response from @Akuma.
I'm not on the same page at all. To be honest, I'm definitely lost as to what's going on in the story right now.
So far you are all on a scouting mission. You have been hired by Lord Biltmore to scout out Dulemar, a fallen village on the border of Gehen and Arendanna. Now you see that there are others on the way to Dulemar, and it's up to you to take it back.
Alright, im just speaking real casual now :P prepare yourself for a wall of text :P

Yall have no idea how confused I was this whole time. I guess it because I didn't ask enough questions to figure out how we were going to execute. From my perspective I felt like there was nearly no IG plot detail. I mean there was a vague understanding of the mission at hand with the characters, but nothing specific to the dialogue. It kind of reminds me of the early square style, :P final fantasy 1 were the plot is: "bad shit mang, now go save the world" then you go off to kill shit... Not saying we even got that far in order to kill stuff, but well, you know thats what it reminded me of :P

I think a low-fantasy gritty medieval fantasy rp, it is important to pay attention to details. for example, the hardship of life and combat. Politics occurring in front of the characters. realistic combat ( If we dont get to do insane crazy moves and shot fireballs, we better be able to get funky with what we got lololol)... in my mind, the over-all mystery of dunemar is something that comes through the plot slower and is the "main mission" per say. I imagine "side quests" to world build and character develop to lead up to the "impossible main mission". The best thing about world building in an epic quest themed rp, is that it is all about the JOURNEY not the destination. So what if we all end up all dying in battle because our decisions fucked up it is okay. As long as we can make that rollercoaster amazing, we succeed in this rp.

lol I feel like I might be rambling nonsensically lol :P I stress to say, I have no idea what the dm had planned, other than what I have read IG and tad bits of info from this thread.

If it was completely up to me on how to proceed, I would make the first arc like a week journey through the forest. The whole time is focused on PC development so that we can get an actual team going while seeding plots. Fortunately, we have some real unique character's here, all of them hardcore warriors except for willie. I don't know about yall, but when I think of a team of warriors I would imagine talk how they fight, how they kill, technology, battles, and most of all not just talk of fight, but actual SPARRING. (though willie is old, I can totally imagine a roughneck way to getting some wisdom through to the young ones :P.) I want to see ALL PCs spar/fight each other in the first arc, then have the decide whom has the best skills. When is the paladin going to actually step up to Wolf's drunk and ridicules banter? LOL I wanna see Karren understand why armor is better the hard way ;) I wanna see Alex kick wolfs arse :P ... Also we need to see at least one or two more skrimishes. Once we RP through all that, the group will have a leader and combat roles more solidified.

I think that the RP is already beautifully set up for what I just described... I mean, I that just how I imagine it going, especially with how much of an asshole/instigator wolf has been. LOL Remember though that we must weave little hooks and plot seed while we do what I described above, or else we would be rp straight combat for months :P

Food for thought homies! this is just from my perspective. You can disagree with me all day, but I really would love to just hear all your thoughts laid out on the plate so we can all see were each person is at creatively and mentally. I pose a question to all of you, what do you envision happening if you could decide how everything went down in the first arc? Lets dig into each others brains boys n girls :P :P :P

NOW for a palate cleanser for reading the wall hahahahaha :P
Dont be afraid to click it to full sized :P

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I actually really liked what Wordsmith is saying. If that was to happen, my characters would probably be a lot more involved in the roleplay. I don't know how I feel necessarily about PVP, just because it's never really been my thing unless it was in DND and non-lethal. However, I would be willing to give it a shot in this manner to be honest. If there is anyway that something like that can be incorporated into the RP, I feel like the characters would have a much better time bonding and getting to know each other as a whole. This way characters are less likely to get ignored or neglected.
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