Overture - Open to New Players!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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We've had this issue before when it came to the last roleplay. Our biggest goal right now is to get to the second chapter and to finally have our bigger plot points revealed. It's hard to be able to respond in complete honesty, and I get that there are other things that happen. People either lose interest, or just have things come up. There have been roleplays that I have left because I am too busy or I've lost interest. Progression takes time and some people aren't able to comply. We have agreed to give them the time they have asked for, so let's not start a fire just yet.

EDIT: To be fair, I am very happy with our progress otherwise.
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If everyones happy with it, then I'll go along, it just seems a bit odd
Sorry guys, but this RP moves too quickly for me, so I'm going to have to drop out of it. You can make Perseus an NPC or send him on the bus, so to speak, or anything, really, but I can't keep up with this rate of posting. I like to be given more time to respond so I can make more in depth thought for my character, but I keep finding myself doing a lot of catching up here, and I feel like it's holding me back. Thanks for the fun, I hope this RP succeeds, and good luck to you all.
If everyones happy with it, then I'll go along, it just seems a bit odd

haha, I think I should let wordsmith reply first now :D
That was a quite unexpected action ;3

Yes my combat writing sucks.
The situation is placed in my head, then I am unable to form the next course of actions into words ._.
Really feels like my brain is paralyzed with combat stuff -_-

Might also be the sun getting on my nerves and messing with my ability to focus.
Teran looked at the group as they began to fight. He was not a man of war, this wasn't even his mission. Why did Jonathan have to die?

* * * * * *
"You must be Teran Arklar." The guard looked up from cleaning his sword and looked at the young scribe as he approached. "I'm here to see the King, he has requested that I take note of the upcoming trial." Teran had only just started as a scribe to be able to pay for his schooling, even though it was a pain he enjoyed it. "I'm Jonathan O'Daniel," the young man stuck out his hand toward Teran. "I am Teran Arklar," he said as he shook Jonathan's hand. "The king will see you shortly..."

* * * * * *

For a moment Teran's heart skipped a beat. He had never taken the lead before, it was always Jonathan. When Biltmore asked them to do this mission it was to be simple. Sadly, the last group perished to what ever had attacked them. Teran held his sword firmly and walked toward the group fighting. "You two stop at once!" Teran's voice echoed through the forest, his voice was not the same old tone it once was, but it now was commanding and had power. If the forest had mouths it would have given a response, but instead a greater evil would respond...

Priv heard the voice. "Looks like we will see blood today. CHARGE!" The Ghennian troops moved into formation and then charged. Their foot steps sounded like drums beating against the ground....

Can you give me a few details of their equipment, its quality and what the formation actually looks like?

They did spot @Akuma 's Cristoph, are they moving towards him or are they completly blacking him out and rushing into the direction of where wolf and Kaida are having their little picknick.? o.o
Ultima asked the same thing, so let me explain.

All of you were like "I hate you, you stole my lollipop!" Then Teran stepped in then made things worse. Along with seeing Alexander they heard Teran's voice, so they charged anyway. Overall, you have a group of seven warriors plus their leader running toward you.

They are in a marching order of twos.

G = troops
Any questions?
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I need to know the quality of their equipment and what material it has....

If you do not remember, Karrens blade is extremly sharp, cutting some metal and full plate armors dependent on quality, which means if she was to jump at them now and if their gear isnt good, they are cannon fodder for her.

Yes my mind prepared for the encounter, otherwise I may not have allowed Kaida to go do harsh love with Wolf and looked for a way to not end up in a fight with wolf.
I assume your blade would be able to cut into their armor. I'm not going to reveal IC information OOC.
I have not been receiving any notifications for this... so I will reply right now, but low and behold I'm so behind it's tragic.
I assume your blade would be able to cut into their armor. I'm not going to reveal IC information OOC.

I will go by logic then and assume that, like scouts normally should be, they are wearing leather and chainmail equipment which is considered fairly light and allows a fair degree of mobility. Scouts are meant to collect information, not to fight. For weapons I will assume that their weaponry is likely consisting of swords, wooden shields and possibly small axes which can be thrown.

Also a little bit of critic... I wouldnt say it is revealing, if you look at a person you can see what they he or she is wearing. Whereby karren does not know nor cansee them, she is merely aware of their presence. Which is the perfect argument to make me aware of the false string of thought i was following. Karren is out of sight and not close enough to see them.

Edit: I just thought, you may now know how sharp Katanas actually were and are. Katanas have no problem cutting flesh like butter, the problem lies with the human bone, cutting into the human bone decreases its sharpness severely.
The idea behind purity was to Have it even sharper. But that still does not mean it isnt affected by overuse.
The efficency of a katana lies in the wielder. The wrong usage renders a Katana useless very quickly.

A couple of hundreds of years ago samuai used to test the sharpness of a katana on prisoners, by cutting them in half.
But as i said, the efficency lies in the wielder. And Karren was trained from a young age up which makes her a fearsome opponent on melee range.

I have not been receiving any notifications for this... so I will reply right now, but low and behold I'm so behind it's tragic.

Double check that you are watching it and also tick receive email on the IC thread? Emails help :o
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That awkward moment when I thought I pressed post reply and wonder why nothing has happened only to realize that I hadn't clicked post reply. Boy do I feel like a dumb***.
That awkward moment when I thought I pressed post reply and wonder why nothing has happened only to realize that I hadn't clicked post reply. Boy do I feel like a dumb***.

happens to everybody ^^
So no self insults please~
didn't know if i could take control of the leader so i tried the guards hoping that would be better, so what are the battle rules, is someone going to control the guards and leader or do we npc a fair fight
I can control the guards if needed, since Willy will quickly extricate himself in the name of clever antics
I have no problem with controlling all enemies.

And Michael get your ass on Skype.

I'll be on when I can.

EDIT: @Tanstin I've changed my mind, I'll control the NPCS.
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