Overture - OOC/Interest Check

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Dear Oddsman,

Serina will now love you forever.

Huehue hurr...

*ahem* on a serious note.

@EraSonata keep it PG-13 ;P
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Reactions: Eternalfire61
Wuh oh it looks like we have a new challenger!!!!!!!


All according to keikaku...

APPEARANCE: She is also on the shorter side and her body has a skinnier frame.
AGE: 17
PERSONALITY: Freyja has been living alone in the decimated ruins of her own home for a while now. Human interraction which didn't end in somebody's death was pretty rare. She still pretty young so she does have some childish tendencies but at the same time she's pretty hardened. She more times then often has a negative outlook on things but, she's still willing to try things out in order to reach her goal.
SKILLS: Agility (Leaning more towards parkouring then just general speed), Innovation (Freyja sets up her own booby traps, whether a simply animal catcher or a mini pressure plate powder bomb) as for the last skill well I thought it would be nice to have somebody teach her how to fight in the RP soo yeah. :3
BACK STORY: Freyja was the child left on the front door step of a orphanage located in Dulemar. Her hair was a striking sea of dark wine and her eyes were a chilling silver. The headmaster of the orphanage found the child the last night of a travelling minstrel group's stay in Dulemar. Freyja was raised in said group home, her inner rebel causing her to take interests into the more illegal spectrum of hobbies, she learned her way around crafting different mischievous devices and how to easily evade getting caught by any authority.

When Dulemar was ravaged, it was because of Freya's ingenuity that she managed to bide her time and hide out until everything was said and done. When she realized just what happened to her hometown, she was shocked to her very core. But for some reason she couldn't leave. Out of respect she over a couple of days piled the bodies in the far southern gate of the town, the farthest gate from where she stayed, the ruined orphanage.

Now she's rigged multiple traps throughout the village, surviving off of whatever unfortunate animal is caught in some.
RELATIONSHIPS: Freyja is the unknown younger sister of Tiamo. The resemblance is so striking that they could be mistaken for twins really.

copy pasta from me and Eternal's PM thread haha.
Well it's good to see you're still in the RP, Rufiya :P
yeaah left because I thought my time wouldn't allow it but then it decided to clear up so..yay. c:
We're shipping things already?

*goes back and tries to look for missed romantic undertones*
Oh god... Don't use that term around BoB...
Should I slow down on the posting? I feel like me and Spencer just kinda ran with it.
It's just interaction but uh - still up to the GMs I guess. Haha.
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