Overlords and Guardians; Age of Antagonism

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The former, if you make a pyromaniac magic knight, you have higher chance of rolling fire magic for them.
Wonderful. I'll get right on that then.

EDIT: Updated with Captains. I need to know; do special units need to be purchased to apply the Special Shaded Army trait, or do all purchased units automatically get the "bonuses" mentioned?
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I don't technically have any GM authority in this RP, but I am familiar with Kads systems, so here goes.

Human troops are a free for all regardless of races chosen and i assume shaded would apply to them, nightmares and skaven are both natural fits for 'working in the shadows' so I imagine it would apply to the two of them as well.

It also occurs to me I may have misinterpreted, In the past Kad has asked that players add a cost to standard units when adding an ability such as that, usually from an added 50% to 200% base cost depending on the scope and power of the ability in question. Theoretically he should have already mentioned that if it were the case, otherwise I would just assume the 'downside' of the shaded trait means it just applys to all your troops at no additional cost.

... Course I also know what assumption is....
ignore the second (third) dice roll, i thought it would edit the dicebot and give the reason for the post.

i rolled to see if Bjorn and Mir'een were delayed by Marik's ability
*Begins rolling some dice.*


I think i'll leave that tag open for a while.
Sshh, give me some time to tinker about with my bio.
All right, I've fallen behind a bit, since my initial post plan didn't quite work out as well as I expected (mostly because I figured out that I don't have legal jurisdiction in the country despite being a Guardian). Now I just have to figure out what to do about that horde of monsters.

Now, since it's only part of a global event can I actually handle it, or do I need the help of another guardian/overlord to deal with the monsters in the autocracy?
All right, I've fallen behind a bit, since my initial post plan didn't quite work out as well as I expected (mostly because I figured out that I don't have legal jurisdiction in the country despite being a Guardian). Now I just have to figure out what to do about that horde of monsters.
Now, since it's only part of a global event can I actually handle it, or do I need the help of another guardian/overlord to deal with the monsters in the autocracy?
You can deal with it. Just how you deal with it and what casualties you end up taking are down to you.
Quick question: For Chancellor it mentions a King, does this mean the King of the nearest country or the local Lord of your area? I'm assuming it's the former but I want to make sure.
Quick question: For Chancellor it mentions a King, does this mean the King of the nearest country or the local Lord of your area? I'm assuming it's the former but I want to make sure.
Yeah, it refers to the leader of the country you start in
Well, part one of my post is down now. There is a part two coming later, but this week is finals so it'll have to wait until Tuesday at the earliest.
This is sort of starting to become a trend with me in your RP's, Kad, but after repeatedly lying to myself I'd eventually get on this and insisting it'd totally be different from the other times; I'd better request someone to slap me next time I show interest and tell me I'm going to drop like a bitch after 1-2 posts. Because that's what happened. I always like building within your systems, but in the end I don't think nation RP's are for me.

Anyway, good luck with the game and apologies for never learning. Cheers, everyone.
I've come to the same sort of realization as Kestrel. I just can't work up the motivation to write a post. Dunno if it's the nation style format not really working for me or if I simply lost interest in the characters I made. I've come and looked at this thread and read the relevant event post, plus my character sheet stuff to try to get extra inspiration, at least a dozen times since my last post and there's just nothing there. I feel like a massive shitlord for it, but I'm gonna have to admit that it's not working out and just drop out instead of pretending like it's fine.

It's not you, it's me. Sorry. :silly:
I'm interested, just wondering, is a guardian turned overlord okay, and are tanks allowed? (Tanks would be the most modern I get, the rest would be medieval, with some napoleonic cannons mixed in)
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