Overlords and Guardians; Age of Antagonism

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I was all excited that I was safe and then I saw the other post. lol

The Events have clearly begun to take their emotional toll!

Oh, giant evil empire with a million soldiers. Fun.
I've got a few questions.
First, did word of the attack get out in some way such that people on the western continent know about it already too?
Second, what are the specific rules about Tunnel of Travel again? How many people can be taken and is there a limit on where you can go with it?
Third, how long would it take for my army to get from my land in Moorstear to The Last Retreat via conventional travel methods?
Though you don't have to travel far to answer the events now those are relevant questions.

A: No, the Scarazaran invasion has not reached the Western Continent yet. It'll be a couple months before the news gets there.

B: The Tunnel of Travel can transport approximately 30 humanoids, twice that many of a smaller race, half that many of a larger race. (eg: You have 30 travel points to spend. Humans cost 1 point, smaller races like Goblins would cost .5 points. Larger races like Centaurs would cost 2 points)
Mounts do not count for the travel limit, and monsters can't fit. A tunnel of travel can be opened to anywhere you have been before (though it costs significant effort), if you're travelling to your Sanctuary/Lair portal it doesn't cost any effort to open, ditto if travelling to a Wild Portal.

C: Ok, if you go overland into Ronterrion to a coastal city on their northern side you'd be looking at approximately four months travel overland, and another three by sea to reach Last Retreat, if you went straight by sea from Moorstear it'd be approximately a months travel overland to the coast, then approximately eight months by sea, possibly nine. (Longer if there were problems with storms and inclement weather.)
Undead and golems? Ya, we got a mad wizard sciencey type of deal going on here. I have a feel walls are not going to be the most effective defense and I can only imagine how Jean is faring.
After conversing with Kadeaux, I think I've finally worked out how to make a "ninja overlord" theme work out.

WIP: Armies not selected (need to know prices of Shaded Army units?).

  • Asanko Jazei

    Preferred Equipment: A master of all weapons, Asanko can readily pick up anything and fight with it skillfully. Still, his past training has left him most adept in hand-to-hand combat, and is his most comfortable style of combat available.

    Treasury: 14,175

    Special Traits:

    Nightmare Son:
    Surrounded by loyal Nightmare disciples, Asanko's imagination and quest for power had spurred him on to develop a new form of magic, and to adopt the powers of the Mydraal. What became of this quest is seen in his characteristic combat style today; utilizing shadow portals to move about small areas near-instantly, unleashing confusion upon his enemies. By generating a portal (up to a maximum size fitting his whole self) of darkness, he can slip through either partially or completely and arrive in another location. Throwing weapons can be sent through portals to arrive from unseen locations, or allow him to appear behind an opponent and stick a blade into their back, among other options. The portals can only carry him where he can see (assuming that if he turned in place, he could see the location) and up to a maximum of 30 meters.

    The Shaded Army: Asanko's army is made up of men and women who adhere to his shadier standards of warfare. Stealth tactics, smaller fighting groups, night-focused combat, use of poisons, camouflage, and a strong gravitation towards the martial arts. Often dubbed 'ninja' if only for their aesthetic tendencies and former lives, they have shifted their skills towards less single-target focused warfare, and moved onto the "battlefield" directly. The Shaded Army is adept in nighttime warfare and combat in enclosed areas, but suffers in direct and obvious encounters with more heavily armed armies. The Shaded Army is very much about accountability and individuality; one expects the other to maintain a certain level of skill and success, and is not beholden to aid them even as a 'group'. While this means a generally stronger individual, the army as a whole is less unified than a common army.






    Weapon Mastery Fire Magic Nightmares Furs Public Executions You Can't Kill the Messiah
    Dirty Trickster Water Magic Skaven Goblin Iron Local Lord's Favor Self-Sufficient
    Night-sight Earth Magic   Orc Steel   Stare of Fate
    Thunderous Strength Air Magic   Meteoric Iron   Tireless Fellowship
      Gateway   Small Lands   One Vision, One Purpose
          Normal Lands   Implacable Will
          Antique Artifacts   Wiser than He Looks
          Assassins   An Heir

    "Out of the dark."

    There was a time when Asanko Jazei was quiet, brooding, and loyal to customs. He was but a young product of his environment, and being situated amidst such strongly maintained beliefs and traditions, it was a wonder that his journey could have strayed as much as it eventually did.

    His clan, now nameless and scratched from the annals of history, was once a powerful but humble society of martial artists whom called themselves ninja. Devoted to a strong sense of honor and dedication, they were huddled and secretive, passing down their knowledge to their children alone, turning away those who sought after their strengths from outside. There Asanko had grown, constantly under the scrutiny and forceful wishes of his peers and parents.

    With the years of strict training, it was no surprise that Asanko had become an adept warrior. Though young, there was a light his family saw in him; a light they believed would blossom into the sort of greatness the entire clan had always striven to attain in their lineage. He was but one of many such children, of course, and his 'light' was no brighter than several others. In fact, such a title of most likely for success was often attributed to his younger sister, who had also unfortunately shown a less obedient nature.

    It was through her charisma and strength that many of her peers had also started on a path deviating from tradition. Fears grew in the parentage while Asanko remained listless in the surge of disobedience. He stayed true to what he was taught, earning a great deal of respect from the clan in turn. Where his light was normal by any measure, his demeanor and capacity for following order painted Asanko as the most probable candidate for future clan head.

    As his age group had grown into adulthood and the elders passed and the parents became older, the once taut and strict doctrines had started to become malleable, fluid, and ever-changing. The uniqueness and strength of the clan -in the elders' eyes- was waning. Asanko's sister had perpetuated years of 'foolishness' and 'insubordination'. Her existence was seen as a threat, and as heartbreaking as it was to his parents, his sister was sentenced to death.

    The punishment came as no surprise to Asanko; where normally exile was a common sentence, her disinterest in customs led the clan to believe she would break the code of artistic secrecy. They feared she would only gather followers outside of the clan and pass on their teachings to the unworthy. Still, he could not help but feel a sense of distress at the proclamation. For all her aloofness, Asanko did not dislike his sister. Despite their best efforts, she escaped the clan's village and into the surrounding country.

    Still looking to Asanko as their future hope, the clan heads nevertheless saw a tiny hint of distrust in him after he attempted to dissuade them from executing his sister. To cement their trust in him, Asanko was ordered to find and end his sister's life. Hesitantly, he did so.

    The young man headed into the country in search of his sister, and after some time, finished his quest. During the years he spent in search of her, he had come across many encounters with fascinated countrymen and amazed citizens. His skills were either unheard of or seen as mythical; legends arose about his secretive clan, and the feelings of worth could not escape him. He had become prideful.

    After a few months since killing his sibling, his mind wandered into a sense of hatred for his clan. Where he was once obedient simply out of a passive sense of self-preservation, now he had begun himself to question its society. Amidst his mission, Asanko encountered a young girl who showed keen interest in him, and who seemingly displayed a capacity for greatness. Asanko has turned the girl away when she requested to become his disciple, but after the mission had ended, he returned to her village and broke one of the most important rules of his clan. He began teaching her.

    Asanko grew up under the belief that his bloodline alone was capable of attaining the skills he was taught, but as his disciple had proven to him, lineage meant nothing. He became disenchanted with the clan the longer he taught the girl, and soon lost all interest in returning. But as he well knew, his own life was not free so long as the clan remained.

    The young man returned with fire, burning the place to the ground, and dedicated the next few years of his life towards ending his elders' lives. Those of his age group, already well on their way to deviation, were left alive. Asanko did not care for their future endeavors. Then freed, Asanko began the establishment of his own clan, and understanding the mistakes of his past clan, became ruthless in the maintenance of tradition. Where his sister had deviated under an easily-bent rulership, he would see to it that nothing was inconsistent.

    His desire for recognition had never waned since his first kill-mission, and so his clan had become well-known and feared, obedient to the harsh system of laws and reverent of Asanko's power. He seeks absolute control, and godlike reverence.

    The gods are never appeased.

    • Defector of his now-gone clan and cousin to Overlord Jazei, Rigyou serves with the same self-preserving idealism Asanko once had. He is faithful, obedient, and displays great fervor, but seems more keen on doing so out of a sense of need and fear rather than camaraderie or duty. His actions are heavily monitored, but Asanko rarely seems to give much thought to his presence or second-guessing in his trust. Rigyou is known for his talent in remaining unseen (moreso than any other captain or soldier, that is), reflective of his rather quiet and docile nature.

    • Cold, ruthless, faithful. Of all his captains, Asanko puts the most trust into Koiki. Though newer and with less of a reputation than the other three, Koiki has displayed an immediate and overwhelming obedience and reverence in Asanko. Where her novelty to the clan earns her less respect from her fellow Captains, Koiki shows a direct combat prowess few besides Akemen can match.

    • The most rarely seen of Asanko's captains, Hiken leads his Skaven numbers with an ruthless hand. Given their secrecy even within his own clan, Asanko has a tougher time commanding the rats and thus leaves the reigns to Hiken, whose dominating physique (being much larger and stronger than the Skaven she commands) elicits unquestionable obedience. Hiken's nature, however, instills mistrust in Asanko. Her activities and freedoms are held close.

    • Akemen is Asanko's most well-known captain, having been at his side for some time and a mentor in many aspects to the ninja overlord. Akemen leads Asanko's nightmare forces with a notable maturity. Few in his overall clansmen exert a more brotherly aura than Akemen and his underlings. His leadership skills are second to none, able even to extend control over those men and women who serve Rigyou and Koiki. much to their chagrin.

    • The Autumn Tower

      Type: Black Tower
      Quality: Pristine

      Expanded Barracks
      1x Wells
      1x Meat Stores
      Alchemical Laboratories
      Escape Tunnel

    • Land Types: Forest/Mountain

      1x City
      5x Advanced Farms
      Great Mines
      Dirt Roads
      2x Towns
      8x Farms
      4x Villages
      Abandoned Stronghold
      2x Trappers
      4x Foresters

  • Jazei's Army

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B: The Tunnel of Travel can transport approximately 30 humanoids, twice that many of a smaller race, half that many of a larger race. (eg: You have 30 travel points to spend. Humans cost 1 point, smaller races like Goblins would cost .5 points. Larger races like Centaurs would cost 2 points)
Mounts do not count for the travel limit, and monsters can't fit. A tunnel of travel can be opened to anywhere you have been before (though it costs significant effort), if you're travelling to your Sanctuary/Lair portal it doesn't cost any effort to open, ditto if travelling to a Wild Portal.

On the tunnel of travel/gateway spells... is it possible to teach the spell to a captain/minor and then perhaps... set up a link?

Example my characters opens the gateway from Point A to B.

At B is my apprentice who has learned the spell and concentrates on keeping the end of the Gateway open on her end, trying to create a stable tunnel to allow more than 30 humanoid through?
On the tunnel of travel/gateway spells... is it possible to teach the spell to a captain/minor and then perhaps... set up a link?
Example my characters opens the gateway from Point A to B.
At B is my apprentice who has learned the spell and concentrates on keeping the end of the Gateway open on her end, trying to create a stable tunnel to allow more than 30 humanoid through?
Afraid not.

In fact, I think it's best if you try and keep portal spells away from each other ;)


I should note that connecting a major portal to another major portal does NOT have the same restrictions.

You can, theoretically, move an army between two Wild Portals
I am also confused by the Wild Portals thing. Aside from the "what are they?" question, how do they work exactly? Do we need to first find one by conventional methods before we can teleport to it, and after we go to it is it sort of like a fast travel point in a video game that you can always zip back to (assuming you have the means for teleportation available)? Can they be found easily by Guardians and Overlords, or are they hidden and need extra work to be discovered?

Also, I'm curious about how they relate to Guardian and Overlord Portal Hearts. Are Wild Portals basically the same thing, just unclaimed, or different? Were our base places wild portals before we decided to claim them and build around them, or did we somehow create those Portal Hearts? Does the theoretically infinite travel between Wild Portals also apply to travel between one of them and a Portal Heart, or between two Portal Hearts? Also, is there some cost to this portal to portal travel, however it may work, ie our character having to use magic skills to hold it open, or are they basically free to use?
What do you mean by wild portals, this is new
You'll see references to it in the fluff :p


Wild Portals are uncontrolled portals unlike Sanctuary/Lair Hearts.

They cannot be permanently held, and anything that lingers too long near them may face destruction as the Portal rejects their presence (meaning that while they are valuable strategic assets, they cannot be held or fortified.) Travel between Lair/Sanctuary Heart Portals and Wild Portals doesn't have a manpower restriction, but there is the risk of triggering the ire of the portal.

Wild Portals are found, once found you can travel to them at will if you have a Portal type spell, or without it from your portal heart or another wild portal.

You'll never find towns, villages or cities near a wild portal and most people avoid them like the plague. Only Overlords and Guardians have enough mastery of magic to command a Wild Portal for transport.

And now and again something.... else... comes through, from where... who knows.
I am also confused by the Wild Portals thing. Aside from the "what are they?" question, how do they work exactly? Do we need to first find one in conventional methods before we can go to it, and after we go to it is it sort of like a fast travel point in a video game that you can always zip back to (assuming you have the means for teleportation available)? Can they be found easily by Guardians and Overlords, or are they hidden and need extra work to be discovered?
Also, I'm curious about how they relate to Guardian and Overlord Portal Hearts. Are Wild Portals basically the same thing, just unclaimed, or different? Were our base places wild portals before we decided to claim them and build around them, or did we somehow create those Portal Hearts? Does the theoretically infinite travel between Wild Portals also apply to travel between one of them and a Portal Heart, or between two Portal Hearts?
To break up my answer alone from the above.

A: Yes you need to discover one conventionally before you can use it, as a destination or otherwise.
B: Yes, that's a nice apt description for it, fast travel. But it can move armies and is really unsafe :p
C: They're not deliberately hidden, but people avoid them and they don't appear in heavily populated areas. But rumours can guide you in their general direction.

D: Wild Portals are natural portals, Portal Hearts are manufactured 'stable' portals made by powers in an age long past.
E: Sanctuaries or Lairs are almost always built around a discovered portal heart. And their connection to the Overlord or Guardian "imprints" the Sanctuary or Lair on it so that if destroyed (and the Portal Heart is not) the Portal Heart will slowly rebuild the Sanctuary or Lair.
F: Yes, it applies between Portal Hearts and Wild Portals. So to visualise it.

Wild Portal - Wild Portal
Wild Portal - Portal Heart
Portal Heart - Wild Portal
Portal Heart - Portal Heart
Portal Spell - Portal Heart or Wild Portal
Portal Spell - Place previously visited by the Overlord or Guardian

All of those interactions are possible.

EDIT: So while risky travel between Wild Portals and Portal Hearts is the No1 Fastest way to get around once you have discovered and personally visited them.
Alright, neat, thanks for the answers. I am no longer confused about portals.

Now to go write a post and decide what the hell I want to do about the Forbidden Reach event. I'm assuming that Moorstear folks learned of it fairly quickly, unlike the Scarazar thing on the other continent, so correct me if I'm wrong on that.
So if two overlords meet at one overlords lair they can return there whenever they want?
Forgot the required statement rule in my sheet. Fixed that. Also is it better to describe captains before or after traits have been rolled for them?
Forgot the required statement rule in my sheet. Fixed that. Also is it better to describe captains before or after traits have been rolled for them?
Up to you. Describing them before the traits give you more preferable rolls to your planned captains. After the traits is just easier.
You mean the rolls are tailored to the Captain if I describe them beforehand? Or do you mean to say that by creating a Captain I'll inherently want certain rolls which I may not recieve?
You mean the rolls are tailored to the Captain if I describe them beforehand? Or do you mean to say that by creating a Captain I'll inherently want certain rolls which I may not recieve?
the former
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