Out of Greed {w/ potassiumboron}

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Dumah smiled into his neck in return, the trauma having little affect on her since she barely remembered anything that happened in the first place, although she did remember the very first bits. But she didn't believe a word coming out of her mouth after seeing Charlie and Tate and she'd be honestly relieved as always that she wasn't right. She spoke, "If you want to move us to move in with your family, that's fine.

"Remember how Charlie said she does these things like she's on a schedule? She actually is. We don't know just how it works but once a year, she's very specific about her timing usually, and then we don't see her at all until the following. It's an assumption, but she never drops by more than once. So she won't be able to hurt me until her year is up, so you can sleep if you trust my word. I wouldn't blame you if you stay awake though," Huffing, she would continue to add, "If it was possible, I'd kill her the first chance I get, but the only thing that can kill any angel or fallen one off permanently is missing. Always has been. She's also very stupidly agile and quick for an old woman."
"No offence, but angels can't be totally invincible. I mean, I'm pretty sure demons killed a fair few of them in the wars between our kinds. Mind you, this was at least a thousand years ago, and the books I've read are probably biased, but why would we enter a war against those we know we couldn't defeat? That's silly," he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. He was at least glad of a conversation that didn't involve the other's grandmother, because if he was honest, the least mentioned about her, the better.

He wanted to focus on him and Dumah, and creating a family with her; not spend anymore time focusing on whether or not her maniac of a grandmother would come and ruin things. It wasn't something he liked to think of. "Just get some sleep, stop talking~"​
Certainly planning on not mentioning her grandmother as much as she could keep her out of their lives, but she did tell him, "We're not totally invincible, yeah. But it's..complicated. Only a certain metal can kill our..glow, our spirit. I don't know what to call it. I've died many times, or at least my vessel has. Angels have little quiet rules that they stand by, even me. In a war such as the one a thousand years ago, they still lived by them. When they die, they would never come back from the dead and fight another day. They would go hime. They did what they could. My father died twice in that war trying to bring peace. Angels..don't like playing unfairly.

"So it wasn't that we couldn't be defeated, we just couldn't be killed off all that easy unless you had the dagger. I mean, if the intention was to kill us permanently. We don't know what happened to it. And besides, I remember that we didn't have all that many causalities towards your kind. I can't say we've ever truly hated your kind either not like entirely or for good reasons most likely, actually. Abbadon and her kind are a completely different story for us. We're still at war with her kind, I think. I don't think it's ever ended. We can't truly ever let our guards down anymore." The raven smiled weakly before obliging after kissing him gently on the lips before cuddling into him contently, closing her eyes and fell silent after murmuring, "I love you."
He didn't want to, but he found himself rolling his eyes at the whole conversation now. He had felt relief instantly when it was off the topic of the grandmother, but it had grown tiresome for him just as the other topic had. "...I'm not being mean or anything, but... angels are really annoying creatures," he said slowly, biting the inside of his cheek absently. "I mean, you're just all pretty... I don't know how to explain it, but you beg innocence and it's pretty irritating. I dunno, obviously not every angel is the same. Or I wouldn't like your family, or love you, but some of your kind are just... ugh..."

Deciding to just drop that there in fear of upsetting her, which wasn't that easy to do given how understanding she was. A demon would have these sorts of thoughts, after all. "I love you too," he replied with a quiet grin, pecking her forehead a last time. "Now I'll wake you in an hour, okay?"​
As he'd speak, her posture nearly started to stiffen before she'd relax and didn't bother opening her eyes as she would say calmly, "You're right. Not every angel is the same. But the same goes for demons, doesn't it. Not all of you scream pure evil. There's bible praising angels that look straight out of a Christian magazine or whatever, and there's angels that have.." She paused briefly before she would continue, "..massacred people without remorse. Then there's angels who just..want to be human and pretend that they're normal. There's so much more. So yeah, not all of us are the same. Some of us aren't all of us. But I get it. We get it."

She fell quiet, letting her facial expressions lack emotion and didn't respond whenever he said when he'd wake her up for she already zoned out and lulled herself into sleep, hiding her face into the other male. Dumah did understand, but it didn't mean she still couldn't get up upset and just easily hide that fact from the male. There was no point in getting upset with him and she didn't want to. It wasn't worth it. So she would rather just sleep it off and forget.
"I'm just fed up of hearing about bloody angels all the time. If I ranted about demons all the time, you'd dislike it, especially if I made my kind out to be invincible, it's annoying--" He started, only stopping once spotting she had drifted off. He didn't entirely care if he had upset her, because he was just being honest, and he hadn't ever pretended to like angels. He had disliked them since the two met, so she knew what she was getting into as far as he was concerned.

Tiredly watching the time, he made a note to wake her later as he flicked the TV on for some noise other than the woman's soft snores, and because there was nothing remotely interesting to do otherwise.​
The woman had woken up on her own before the hour was up, her eyes opening slightly as she took in her surroundings. She'd look up at Tate briefly before she would sit up and not say a word to him as she'd rub her eyes and walked off over to her bathroom. Locking the door as she would stare at herself in the mirror and sigh deeply as she looked at herself. She looked-and felt- horrible. So she would take the time to just brush her hair and wipe off whatever makeup she still had on.

She'd known why Abbadon inflicted pain where she had and it also wasn't like she meant to make it about angels all the time, hell, she barely talked about them or her family in the first place! She rarely did anymore. She was always careful about that. She hated that right now, she could feel everything. Every emotion felt all too raw and she hated it. So she would stay put and allow herself to go blank for she didn't want to feel anything. Not right now. She did love him more than anything and she knew perfectly well how it was. So she couldn't let anything get in the way of that. Besides, he knew what he was getting into as far as she was concerned as well, he knew how she could get.

So she was still quiet as she'd left the bathroom and the room entirely to go into the kitchen to grab herself a snack, her stomach growling a bit.
"If you're going to be bitchy now, I really can't wait until you're pregnant and all hormonal. How fun will that be?" Tate sarcastically muttered from the doorway, leant against the door with an arched brow and clear smirk. "Honestly, relax, alright? I'm sorry if I upset you, because I know you give me the silent treatment when you're sulking about something I've said. Go on, insult my kind. I'll give you a freebie. Say something, hm? Something really horrible, the worst thing about us. I wanna see how mean you can be," he decided with a small grin, deciding to not just beg forgiveness for his comment, because he didn't want that. He had said sorry, and other than that, he was rather intrigued on what his kind appeared like to angels, get the other perspective.

"I know we always smell of fire and ash, that's pretty horrible I bet. And our tempers, boy. They're awful. But we're a handsome species, so you can't play the 'ugly' card. Even in my true form, I'm pretty dashing, as you've seen," he said calmly, this sort of side to him only really shown to Dumah, obviously. "I love you babe, so give me your best shot. I won't go mad~"​
As he would say that, it took her all that she had not to let it affect her and stay calm and will her hands not to shake as she pulled out a jar of peanut butter. But whenever he would go on and talk like that, she would set it down to face him as she continue to keep a calm facade, not growing angry. She wasn't, but she was even more upset instead, which she wouldn't show and spoke calmly.

"You want to know what angels think of demons? Alright, I'll tell you what I've heard over the years. They say your kind are unholy beasts, arrogant, good for nothing bastards that are greedy and emotionless. They've said a lot of things. That you're destructive and evil and cunning and--where does the list end? But you know what? I've never learned to think of your kind that way, so excuse me. Even the ones that tortured me without mercy. I respected them because they could do their job with a straight face. That's really hard to do, you know? I respect your kind more than my own because they don't treat me like a waste of space.

"I do my best not to talk about my kind around you because I know you don't like to hear about them and I'm sorry. But sure, I really appreciate you getting snappy with me over it, yeah. Because it's the least I can do after everything I've done in my past that they've hated me for. They hate me because I killed off an entire town of people without feeling remorse or sadness for what I had done because I had gotten angry. They had to clean up my mess and erase the town from existence. The people that did live were elderly people who thought they did nothing with their lives and children that think their families have left them or maybe they never had one from the start. That was my fault. I deserved to have my wings taken away and I deserved to be put in Hell and tortured for the rest of eternity."

Dumah pursed her lips, her hands starting to shake unwillingly as she still wouldn't snap and instead ducked her head, "I'm not giving you the silent treatment, I'm trying to..there's a reason why Abbadon chooses me out of everyone to visit if there isn't a new child in the family. I have emotions. I don't lack them. But I still have to take others because I can't take my own. Because it hurts and there's too much I've pushed away. So the silent treatment? I'm not trying to sulk, I'm trying to not lose everything that I've worked so hard to push down. So I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm being bitchy and you're going to have to put up with it when I'm pregnant. And I'm so sorry for giving you the silent treatment because I can't help it."

Suddenly, she would clutch onto her stomach as the pain from before would return ten times worse as her emotions wanted to wreck havoc and she sunk down onto the ground as for the first time in a long time did her eyes fill up with tears and she would tremble, refusing to speak as she tried to find a grip on herself. Dumah hated looking like this in front of him, but it was bound to happen. And she didn't want to show him how horrible and mean she could be, rather allowing herself to suffer.
For a long time during the conversation, what he assumed was him just being playful with her and diffusing the tension with humour clearly wasn't taken as such, and because of that, his smile did disappear rather swiftly as he observed her for the duration of the speech. Even when she sunk to the ground, he didn't react immediately, though in fairness, it did happen too quick for him to take in what happened, and when he did, he did jump to help her, scooping her up into his arms and carrying her to the bedroom. Albeit in silence.

Placing her down and quietly pulling up the covers, the usual emotionless expression was in place, stiffening as he straightened his back, refusing to really kiss her though not because she had said what she had. He just didn't want to cause her anymore pain, and he was rather panicky about touching her in case it caused her to whine painfully. "...I'll be in the living room. You need to rest," he said calmly after a moment, checking his phone to reply to a text quietly. "My brother will be with me, if that's okay. It's only Asher, and I assume Charlie will come with him. You just sleep some more."​
Dumah would just barely manage not to make a single noise as he would pick her up and she'd find herself tucked into her bed once again. She'd look up at him pitifully to see that he wasn't daring to show any emotions around her now nor was he going to kiss her. He knew he'd be too panicky to do it with how she was being. Swallowing hard, she forced herself to face away from him and hid into her blanket for she didn't want him anymore now and just nodded shortly in response.

She knew that she was taking what he'd said all too seriously, but God, he chose the wrong time to be playful about the sort of thing. It was only his type of humor and it was her own too. So she needed to shut down, for she hated feeling like this. It might be who she was in truth, but not today. She'd rather be who she made herself be for she was happy with just that. So she listened to him, in a way, only closing her eyes.
"You do realise that sometimes you can be the most stubborn, irritating cow on the planet, right?" He suddenly sighed, sinking to the seat across from the bed with head rested on his closed hand. "But I'm a complete asshole, so we're a good pair. But seriously Dumah, take a joke now and then, and just stop dwelling on your past. Ever heard of moving on? It'll help you feel better," he hummed, having been told that over and over all his life - to just move past the bad things, and learn from them. "I do love you, obviously. But please, just... stop thinking you're this horrible person. You're not."

He sighed to himself again at the oncoming flurry of messages, most from his brothers and then one from his mother checking on him, so nothing new there then. "...Are you asleep or just listening, Dumah?"​
For a moment, she was silent before she would move some and flinched slightly as she forced herself to sit up and face her fiancé tiredly, rubbing her eyes as she tried to focus on his personality rather than her own in order to keep herself steady from growing upset. Sticking her tongue out at him, she raised an eyebrow, "Do you want me to sleep or listen to you? Make a choice, babe."

Dumah rubbed at her dark orbs and sighed quietly before saying to him, "But I'm listening. And I know you do, you know I love you too. Tate, what Abbadon did to me brought out the truer part of me, the part I shoved away. That version of me can't take the shit we joke about, if you didn't notice. And you don't think I have tried moving on? She's intent on making me remember every single year if she can to make me remember and stop me from moving on, alright? If I could've, I would've moved on a long time ago, but there's always something in my way." Letting out a hiss of pain, she ignored it as she adjusted, and rubbed at her temple, feeling a bit stressed.
"Like I said, just move on. I mean, you said you can't, whatever, but you obviously can't do this all the time. Not only is it horrible to go through when you have a psychopath for a grandmother, but honestly, it'd restricting is having a family, because... I'm not going to start one with you if this is going to happen every year. You have to find a way of stopping the nutcase and then if you have an idea, we can try for a baby. I'm not bringing an innocent child into all of this, okay?" he said calmly. Sure, he wanted a child as soon as possible, but he would restrict that unless she had an idea of how to stop her grandmother. If she didn't, there would be no child - it wasn't responsible to bring a young baby into all of this, and if she cared for any infant, she would feel the same too. "... i'll stop talking, get to sleep, okay?"​
Nodding in agreement even though, sure, she did want to have a kid with him soon, but he was right. Then again..she also did have an idea already, although...dangerous. She would only tell me, "Actually I..already have one. I mean, I might not lead to something, but it's worth a try. But we'd still have to wait a year before we'd be able to do it, y'know? I'll..um, tell you about it after I sleep, alright? Let me take a nap."

Dumah gave a weak smile before laying back down and closing her eyes with a plan pending in her mind. Come on, there was no way he was going to sleep now with it now running through her head. He was going to be in for a surprise in a bit once he left. If he left. Well, even if he didn't, honestly. She was hellbent on it now, even though she was worried it wouldn't lead to anything.
"You have a plan? You have to tell me now, seriously," he murmured, heading after her instantly. Despite all his former comments about demanding she get some sleep, the fact the other apparently had some sort of plan did distract him from that as he moved to sit back on the bed close to her. "...If you have a plan, we could start for children as early as tomorrow, I mean. I'm willing to trust what plan you have, you know. And... And I really want a child with you, Dumah, so-- you don't even have to explain the plan. We'll try for kids when you want, I trust you."

Deciding to just leave it at that, having felt he'd made his point clear, he leant down to peck her lips quickly. "I'll be in the living room with Asher then, alright? Call if you need me."​
Holding in her laughter whenever Tate seemed to go against his own words once again for what seemed to be the third time he would, she would just reopen her eyes and grin at him quietly. Once he would making his point and she would return the kiss, telling her fiancé, "You're silly, you know that? But baby, I will tell you all about it after I wake up, alright? I just need to remember everything that I'll need. Okay? I know you trust me. We'll just try for a baby when we have the time, whether that's tomorrow or today or whatever, and when I'm not depressing."

Caressing his cheek, Dumah would give him another kiss before nodding and yawning a little bit as she turned her head away briefly, "Alright, go hang out with your brother, baby. I'll wake up in a bit, okay?"
"Right. Later then, as early as possible," he grinned to himself, having to hide just how eager he was over that prospect - having been the brother they all labelled the cold one with no real ambitions, he couldn't help but feel slightly cocky that he was the one with the long relationship, the engagement and ready to plan a family. Okay, so he wouldn't be the first brother to give his parents a grandchild, but he was going to be the first to do it the conventional way in planning it with someone he loved. And he was hardly going to do what Ajax had done and just abandon Dumah - there was no chance of that happening or anything remotely like it, if he could help it.

"I'll make sure he's quiet. i think he's bringing beer-- it's better than him going out getting drugged up, anyway," he smiled, that being the plan at least. Keeping Asher company so he wouldn't get bored and venturing out to get high.​
The raven returned the grin, excited herself. No one would've ever seen it coming, her going to have a family. However, her getting married to a demon was actually predictable. She wasn't offended at all, more flattered than anything. The last angel she dated anyways was a guardian. She didn't try to find anyone after that, although she did date a dead guy for a while..obviously didn't go well. Plus he had been pretty vain.

"That's okay, he can be loud if he wants to be, I can soumdproof the room if he gets too bad. And alright, alright, go and hang out with your brother before I decide to drag you down and climb you like a vine and make sure that you won't be leaving anytime soon, yeah~?" She smirked playfully, but in a way she did mean it. It wasn't like he was going to complain if she did, she would bet to herself.
"Fine, fine, I'm going, okay? Honestly, it's almost like you don't want me to stay here," he laughed, finally getting to his feet and wandering out of the room. If he had his way, of course he would have sat by her a little longer, but she was right - he had to go see to Asher who, by the time he arrived down to the living room, had arrived and flopped out on the couch with the beers in hand and flicking over to the sports channel happily. "Sit down, hm? Charlie will be here soon, he's just helping Mom with Kyon for a sec-- where's Dumah?"

"Sleeping. She needs to rest, and then we're gonna try for a kid later--"

"Seriously? You actually want to be a Dad? All those late night feeds, changing diapers, crying and stress? You're mad. Kids are... ugh," he laughed in response, mostly teasing. He knew Tate and Dumah would be perfect, but that didn't mean it made him feel broody. In truth, he would never want his own children.​
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