Oriental Adventures, Rokugan

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Kiyoshi was taken by surprise but his training took over and he leaned forward attempting to get the monk in front of him, his arms, weapons still in hand straining to loosen the Fox's grip.

"Bei what are you trying to do?" Kiyoshi half grunted as he struggled. He half wanted to stab at the monk, but it was taking him all he had to fend off the sleeper grip, and it didn't look like it was going to be enough.
"Save you from your inexperience." The samurai's struggling was not enough to throw the monk from him, and with a swish of his tail and a grunt, he held the struggling man within the hold... until he stopped struggling, going limp in his arms. The armor would be a problem, but Bei ignored it for now, letting the samurai slowly flow to the floor. "That'll do it."

Giving a calm bow to Yue. "I apologize for my use of force. We must all flee. The town is lost." Kneeling forward, he grabs Kiyoshi's arm and wraps it around his head, struggling for a moment before lifting the man. He looked over his shoulder at them, waiting for Ryoko. "Honorable Unicorn Samurai! I will need aid!" With a glance to Yue once more, he nods. "Stay with us. It's safer in numbers."
Yue rose from her bow after ending her prayer and nodded. "This one agrees, honored Fox Hengeyokai. But ... my companion ..." She looked around. Wherever had he gone? They had gotten separated by the chaos but he was resourceful and knew this city better than she. Surely he had been spirited to safety!

Yue's voice trailed off. It was too dangerous to go looking for him now. She would heed the Fox Hengeyokai's advice and stay with them. If the spirits and ancestors willed it, she and Endo would find each other again. She would pray for his protection in the meantime.

Ryoko heard Bei from downstairs. "Coming!" She tucked the helmet under her arm, the halberd in its sheath at her back, and went running up the steps. She noticed Kiyoshi's daisho on the floor. The least she could do was pick them up--even if she wasn't his servant.

"Lady Shaman, could you take this?" She gave the helmet to Yue so she could grab Kiyoshi's weapons. She would need the other hand free just in case they met up with enemies and she didn't trust her skill with something that wasn't a halberd.

"Let's go then."
[BG=#000099]Japik was no stranger to warfare. At the sound of the first catapult impact, he instinctively dropped into a half-crouch, holding his shield canted at an angle to protect his head and upper body. He followed followed Roppu's example because, frankly, it was a good idea; the town was doomed. It was too vulnerable. Catapults meant an invasion force of Company size or larger, and the Lions just didn't have enough manpower to defend an open-plan town like Renga Murai against an organized force that size. Not nearby, at any rate. As he slammed into the wall in the hallway - for the second time in under an hour - he grabbed the front of Tokito by the front of his tunic and heaved the smaller man toward the stairs.

"The town is about to be overrun! Get out while you can!"

Japik, himself, did not bother with the stairs. Instead, he took the express route. As soon as his boots hit the ground, he was off for the door. The peasants would be vulnerable; he needed to cover their retreat as best he could before falling back himself. He thundered past Kiyoshi and Bei's scuffle without a thought and into the street, shouting to the Lions defending the town.


It occurred to him, for the second time in as many minutes, that they would have no idea what he was shouting, so he used a word from his limited Rokugani vocabulary.


Another loud volley of CRACK!s sounded, and he felt something slam into his upper arm, spinning him around. As he pushed himself to his feet, he felt the dull ache of a wound not quite prevented by armor. He sprinted for brief refuge in an alleyway and saw that the edge of his sheild had a splintered chunk out of it, and a small misshapen metal lump had embedded itself in his arm, rather badly mangling his armor there.

"What in the nine hells?"


Thunder wand hit: 3 Damage
Remaining HP: 9
"Japik!" Roppu yells, running after him, "Wait, don't make-make yourself seem like a tar-" She was cut off, not that he'd have understood her - she spoke in clear Rokugani. Her heart skipped a beat when the wound entered his arm. The rat's fur stood on end - cowardly shaking within the building for a good few moments. Biting her lower lip, she presses her hands together, mentally praying for protection.

She then dashes out to where Japik stood, "No t-time for that! Run now!" Tugging on his good arm, the rat-female nodded, leading the way through an alley - now blocked by a massive stone boulder. She let out what was very universally an expletive, turning on her heel, "H-have to use the open way..."

She turned to Japik, "First..." Reaching a gentle hand up to his wound, she bites her lower lip... giving a second prayer to the spirits. Soon, the wound stopped bleeding - as if tiny, invisible hands had mended it. She nods, spinning on her heel. "This way!"

Roppu casts 'Cure Minor Wounds' on Japik, healing 1 point of damage. Japik's remaining HP: 10.


Bei's fur stood on end, eyes widening at the sight of the nezumi running by. He snarls, murmuring, "Curse-blood" after her, before hefting Kiyoshi and making his way into the village-under fire himself.

He did, however, feel relieved that the Lion bushi seemed to be taking the gaijin-samurai's shouted advise, slowly falling back once they were assured that the peasants in the area had a head start. Three horsemen from the ruined fortress rode into Renga Murai, each horse pulling a reinforced cart - saving a few of those that could not run... and one samurai on foot, walking towards the bandits, deflecting every other shot with his katana... until finally, he falls as well.

Bei shook his head - Kiyoshi would not be happy when he awoke. Still, the fox moved swiftly, "If we can move outside Renga Murai, a little ways up the road, we should be safe - their big weapons can't be fast enough to catch us."
[BG=#000099]Japik nodded his thanks as the wound sealed itself and the little metal lump fell out of his arm. It still hurt like a stone bitch, but at least it wasn't bleeding anymore. He grabbed the rat-girl's shoulder as she started to run out of the alley and held her back until he heard a volley of CRACK!s, then let go and started sprinting for the next alley down the road.[/bg]
As soon as the Kuroma saw the gaijin's arm shoot blood, he realized that Japik was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Still, the man could use some help. More than a mere ratling could provide, and Kuroma decided that it was his duty to provide that help. After all, he had wrongly accused the man of being a spy, albeit in his mind alone. Kuroma dashed over to the alleyway where Japik and Roppu had taken refuge. Turning to Roppu, Kuroma said, "This place is not safe. I suggest we leave at once. Don't try and argue. It is clear that this village is lost. If we were to try and stay and fight, we'd merely add to the body count. Our best hope of reducing the number of casualties is to head to nearby villages and warn them, so that they may prepare for possible attacks." Kuroma now paused a minute, as he remembered that Japik couldn't understand him. "Um...Could you relay as much of that as possible to our gaijin friend here?"
Holding on tightly to the samurai's helmet, Yue led the way, keeping to the side and hopefully out of the line of fire. She didn't look back and somehow her legs carried her to where she needed to go. All she heard was the sounds of the invaders' weapons, of people dying.

Once they had left the city far behind, then and only then did she stop and turn, to check on the Fox Hengeyokai and the others. They were on a road somewhere that she didn't recognize. There was smoke rising from the city but they were so far away, she didn't see any of the other survivors, or any of the Lion samurai.

It wasn't until the shaman had stopped that Ryoko stopped, too. She had told herself not to look back, although the temptation had been so strong. But if she had, her sense of justice would have won out and she probably would've been killed.

So now, instead of looking at the city, she was turning to Bei and Kiyoshi. She still had his daisho, having made a personal promise to herself not to let anything happen to it. But now that she had a moment, she was beginning to think back to those last minutes before the attack, to that awkward scene when she'd gone to investigate the scream.

By the Kami, what else had she done with him that she couldn't remember?!
[FONT=&quot]"Argue!? Are you d-damaged? I'm n-n-not going to stick a-around and be the 'hero' h-h-here, this is-is a lost cause... I'm n-not heading to any other village, I'm saving my own hide-de-de and le-leaving Lion lands!" She nods, "Though you're w-welcome to come as w-well out of here. Strength in numbers." She gives a glance to Japik, motioning 'Move Out' with her hands, swiftly moving through the now-diminished crowd.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]


Bei turns and looks behind him, ears flicking, huffing slightly from the effort of carrying Kiyoshi. A sense of dread washed over him, and he bit his lower lip. Though he did see the nezumi-girl and two others making it out of the city and up the road to where they were, there weren't that many other survivors. <o:p></o:p>[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Sorrow of the Stone,
Shattered by the winds of hate,
We will not forget."[/FONT]

"How eloquent, Oni." A voice from a small grouping of trees stated, a horse clomping out from behind it, several more of the 'bandits' dropping from the trees. "Sadly, it will be forgotten, along with all of you - we cannot have any survivors, you realize..." Each of them hefted a spear, and their horseman leader sneers from the back.<o:p></o:p>[/FONT]
<o:p> </o:p>

<o:p>We now take you into the major basis of Dungeons and Dragons - combat. We'll take it one step at a time. The first step is to determine the order of battle - "Initiative". Roll a d20, and add your Dexterity to it. This will determine who goes first, last, or the in-between of every round of combat.</o:p>
During your 'Turn', you get a Move Action and a Standard Action. The Move Action is moving your character - humans can move 6 squares per combat. A Standard Action refers to attacking, casting a spell, and other simple things like that. Speaking is considered a 'free action' - you may do as much of that as you want, even when it is not your turn.
This is our Battle Map
The blue dots are Player Characters - you guys. The red dots are NPC's - in this case, enemies you must defeat (or escape from) to continue the game beyond this encounter. The locations of important figures are as follows:
Yue: B2
Bei: A4
Kiyoshi: B4
Ryoko: C4
Bandit Horseman: H1
The other red dots are regular Bandit Spearmen. The brown squares are trees (and impassible).

The other characters will be able to join the battle after 1 round has passed.
You will not attack on your first post - your first post will be to react, for Kiyoshi to awaken, and to roll battle order - "Initiative".
Ryoko turned back and huffed. She crouched down to put Kiyoshi's daisho down. The last thing she needed to do in this battle was draw it and call down fury from the spirits and ancestors. Besides she preferred using her halberd.

She smirked. "We'll see about that. So, let's see ... four of us against ten of you. I feel sorry for your odds."

Yue turned and studied the bandits. She was less concerned about the current situation she was in and more concerned about the bandits' welfare. "This one asks very humbly that you leave us be. The spirits and ancestors are very displeased. You have committed such atrocity today. Why would you do such a thing?!"
Kiyoshi groaned feeling his face against dirt. he could hear noises around him and placing one hand against the ground and pushed while the other grasped for the handle of his katana, and found only air. Tilting his head up he saw a pair of legs spread facing away from him in a combat stance, to his left the on the dirt of the track his weapons. There were enemies and he could fight, finally something straightforward.

He gripped the handles of his daisho and began getting to his feet when something was put over his head from behind... HIS HELMET!

"Samurai Ryoko, lets see how Unicorns fight on foot, I'm right behind you."

Tokito half fell down the stair and hurried through put of the inn. screams of dieing and wounded along with the crashing of falling stones and the roars of infernos causing his legs to move faster. He felt a pang in his gut for leaving Tae behind, a wayward member of his own clan but there was no time. The cries of battle were growing quieter, the sound of his shoes against the dirt track soon the only sound, along with his frantic breathing.

He had escaped.

Though it wasn't long before he came up on the back of another escaping party.
"Ha! Even the Spirit Folk will not stop our mission!" The horseman called, motioning with his spear. "Forward! We do not explain, nor give mercy! Let our fangs feel flesh!" With a roar, the other bandits move forward, acting on cue...


Bei's fur rustles, lips curling in a snarl as he prepares himself. His knees bend in a crouch, hand moving forth to motion 'come here' to the offending bandits.


Battle Order: Bandit 1, Bandit 2, Ryoko, Kiyoshi, Yue, Bei, Bandit 3, Bandit 4, Bandit 5, Bandit 6, Bandit 7, Bandit 8, Horseman, Bandit 9.

Two bandits cry out a charge, lunging towards Ryoko, spears lowered in their wanton attack. The first that reaches has his spear easily batted to the side by Ryoko's own weapon. The second does not fare any better, his spear missing as she deftly moves to the side.

(What happened: The bandits at E3 and G4 moved into the spaces D3 and D4, near Ryoko. They attacked, but both missed. On Ryoko's turn, she is allowed an 'Attack of Opportunity' against Bandit 1, since he moved into her range. Basically, she can make two attacks on her turn - the opportunity against Bandit 1, and her normal attack. These bandits are wearing padded armor, and are hit on an 11 or above. They have 5 HP.)
Ryoko smirked at Kiyoshi. Now this was what she was talking about. A battle and a fellow samurai who was ready to fight, not getting all emotional on her. "Heh. Don't worry about my fighting skills, Samurai Kiyoshi. Worry if I'll leave you any leftovers."

Ryoko turned to Bandit 1 and dealt a slash to him as her attack of opportunity. The blade struck home and Bandit 1 put a hand to his wound before falling down, dead. Then she moved and attempted to pierce Bandit 2.
For all his bravado it took a little effort for Kiyoshi to shake the last of the effects Bei's hold had had on him. Shaking his head vigeroustly hed quickle did up the straps that held his helmet in place as Ryoko sent the first of the bandits to the ground.

He managed to get on his feet and took in where everyone was. Glancing left he saw the woman from before and behind him Bei was brisling for the fight. He offered Yue a small nod, it was all they could afford at this point, resolving the business from the inn would come later.
Yue took two steps back. She didn't want to back down but she had little choice. She was no warrior but yet ... this was still her fight. She had to help the others and the spirits wished for justice. She had her hands clasped together and against her chest.

"I do not wish to harm you but I cannot let your evil succeed." Yue closed her eyes and said the prayer she needed to cast the spell.

... Yards away, the animals in the woods and the surrounding area who hadn't already fled paused and lifted their heads; ears twitched, heads moved.

... Through the brush and over grass, a streak of black fur raced past all of them and broke through the line of trees. It didn't stop until it was within sigh of Yue and then it slowed.

Yue opened her eyes and looked at the black wolf from earlier. "Thank you, honored brother."

The black wolf moved in front of Yue and turned to the bandits, paws slightly apart and muscles tense, ready to attack or defend if needed.
Sliding his wrists together in a Dragon-clan monk's preparation for battle, fleet-footed fox moved forward, planting his feet into the ground, fists spread and chest thrust out, as if taunting the bandits as he moved forward to strike at one if it dared come towards him.

(Bei moves to D5, prepares an action to grapple the first creature that comes within range.)


Bei didn't need to wait long. The taunting gestures of his movements and his leader egging him on, one of the bandits charges from the trees towards the unarmed monk! While the punching strike aimed for the man's head was dodged by a swift tilt, the monk's hand opened, turning to hook the man's neck and bring him into the monk's embrace. Though the man attempts to stuggle, he finds himself locked into the monk's grip...


One of the monk's hands pulls away from his hold... palm opening, moving to strike the man squarely in the back. A spray of red liquid fans out from the bandit's mouth, along with several chunks of what can assumed to be bits of insides. Bei lets go of the man, letting him drop to the ground... the gasping man breathing his last. The fox sneers, making the motion to 'come here' at the bandits.


Contrary to human instinct, the bandits only seem to flow in quicker, though they do not get close enough at the moment, standing at the base of the trees - waiting for something.


(New Characters, Roll Initiative: Roppu, Japik, Kuroma.. you will enter on your proper order in these locations:
Roppu: A7, Japik: B7, Kuroma: C7.
You may make an 'enter' post to roll initiative.
Remember that you can always speak, even outside of initiative.)
[BG=#000099]Some, on coming upon a battle, would look for a way to flee. Not Japik. Instead, he fell into old, comfortable habits from the campaign trail. He slowed his run to a quick trot and flashed a message in battle sign to Kuroma and Roppu as he began to sing a battle hymn his troops used to love.

Move to Flank. Attack

"Into battle we ride, with gods by our side! We're strong, and not afraid to diiiiie..."
Kyoukou Kaze was enjoying a peaceful encounter inside of a local teashop. He was slowly drinking a hot cup of tea that one of the lovely ladies that worked there, had set down before him. He cupped the warm teacup with his hands and gently blew on the tea. He lifted the cup up to his lips, but noticed something...strange before he took a sip. He noticed a small ripple in the tea. What could have caused this? A few moments after however...a loud crash was heard outside, people were screaming, and more loud "blasting" noises were heard.

"Has the war spread this far allready?"

He wondered to himself, stareing at his tea. No...it couldn't have, he was near the heart of the strongest and fearless clan! Then what...He calmly finished his tea (which would explain his late arrival) and set down his cup while many of the other persons inside the teahouse began to panic, run, and wonder what was going on. He let out a soft sigh and stood up, unwielded his Katana, and headed for the exit.

When he left the building, he looked one way and saw some reckage and debree. He then looked to another where he could see several individuals locked in combat and calmly made his way to join them.

As Japik started to run off into the battle, Kuroma put out his hand to stop him. Knowing that Japik couldn't understand Rokugani, Kuroma pointed first to Japik, then his shield, then to Roppu, in an attempt to tell Japik that as the only one with a shield, it was his job to protect Roppu. Turning back to the battle, Kuroma clkicked his tongue. Tch. This isn't good. I don't have time to put my armor on, though even if there was, there's a chance that it wouldn't matter. Their weapons are quite powerful.
Ryoko looked over at the newcomers. They didn't look like bandits. Well, as long as they didn't get in her way, she wouldn't complain. She turned her attention back to more important matters--like how many bandits she'd have to mow through to get to the guy on the horse. "You're going to feel the wrath of a Unicorn warrior!" She turned to slash at the bandit closest to her (bandit on square D3).

Ryoko smirked as the bandit she attacked fell to the ground, dead. She hefted her halberd as she took a step forward, closer to the leader now. "Who's next."