OOC Thread for 'From Scratch'

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letting anyone volunteer to interact with her i'm not that social
Also...Since when did Geoff become like...The leader.
He just filled a position that was open. It's natural for the real leaders to do so first.
So I think Demmy might of forgotten... Anyway who's gonna teach Rowan/Safia?
Yeah it's just I...*Mandarin Voice* Neverr saw it coming. *normal voice* I find Geoff tends to be serious but at the same time reckless.
BountyHunter probably forgot about this rp, gonna go remind her
Sure lol.
Yay responsibili- (other self tackles me)
*batman voice* Don't bother doing that, just eat candy and sleep
Me: Um... But -
Other me: NO
Me: ...
Other me: NO, OK NO
Me: Troll, still doing it *disappears*

I don't know what is wrong with me
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