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Rumors are floating around about a powerful Sunblade that protects girls. A few people sighted her and her fellow Valkyrie leaving toward the Ukian Mountains, making for Florence.

Hmm...sounds interesting.Arashi is the type to want that Sunblade! I admit if it were I'd want it too! XD
Sunblade is a class. I was referring to Yui and group.
Damn it. I was going to reveal Yui as being Nai's greatest fear.
I thought about it, but I knew I wanted to develop Nai's character more than Yui's. Plus, one of the strongest people on the server would be a much scarier enemy than an impulsive child with lightning magic.
Oh... :poke:that was unexpected.Now I'm embarrassed... O.O
Maybe your character also thought that by Sunblade people were talking about an sword, given that it's a somewhat rare class. It's a kind of weird combination of spellsword, battlemage and paladin, so it's unlikely that many people would have chosen the skills and stats related to it.
I can't think of a fear Kiku should have. :/
Type 54 Black Star

Maybe Yui will be separated from the group, then everybody else will have to fight a Dark Yui!
Or maybe the evil witch king demon satyr centaur lemonoid boss casts an illusion spell similar to the fear ones that makes it look to the others that Yui has traitored against them?
Also anyone else watching SAO2? Im trying to share how pissed off I am with that cliff hanger with as many people as possible.
Which cliffhangar? Death Gun leveling his gun at Sinon, blackout, gunshot? Really, that one just left me feeling empty. No static charge, no dieing of suspense, not even a slight concern.

Or do you mean where it left off this morning?
I'm just watching that episode now :D Started college this week and I've completely lost track of time. I only realised it was saturday about an hour ago. It was more the cliffhanger of how exactly does Kirito manage to save Sinon though. Given it was less than halfway through it wasn't exactly a question of if.
As bizarre as it is, Kirito didn't use his sword. Mind-blowing, isn't it?
I am too lazy to finish SAO (and many other animes) that I've planned to finish.*sighs*
Yup. It's also the fact that I have a hard time trying to read the subtitles while watching, too.
Eh, I started off not being able to watch subbed but now I watch subbed exclusively because the english voice actors are just awful. I kinda mastered reading a line and still watching what's happening. It's really really useful to learn some common phrases so you don't have to read as much.
I'll keep that in mind.
Maybe your character also thought that by Sunblade people were talking about an sword, given that it's a somewhat rare class. It's a kind of weird combination of spellsword, battlemage and paladin, so it's unlikely that many people would have chosen the skills and stats related to it.
Maybe my character did think that too. O.O
Kiku's biggest fear is being alone?? :0
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