[OOC] Summoner: The Cataclysm

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The problem I see, Duran, is that certain people don't know how to wait for the other players they're interacting with. It's stupid to have your character start interacting with someone and then just make up some stupid excuse to move on to another character because the player isn't online. Those people need to learn some manners.
I haven't seen you do that Bellsong. Or you Duran. Enthusiasm is good and fine but no one is going to get anywhere bouncing around from character to character because people aren't online.
Random thought, the Arabian prince character i have in mind is going to be Edward's doppelganger but his exact opposite. That's if I decide to make him that is. Also, everyone once we get the whole cast, let's try to gravitate towards night time. I have an event in mind. . .
Think of it this way. Call someone up for a chat and they put the phone down for a second to talk to someone in the immediate vicinity, but don't hang up cos they still wanna talk to you. You hang on til they're done and then resume the conversation :)

Basically, the breaks between posts might be a bit longer, but it's the same idea.

Also, obsession with pixies and fairies is coming through in my writing a wee bit.
btw that for the lulz was meant for way earlier but it seems i forgot to refresh the page haha >.<
.... I swear, my head is gonna explode!! I can barley keep up with everyone's conversations, I have, like, 13 other tabs open, I can't keep track of my things (weird how I just remembered that) And I'm getting mad at the word "rare". ITS ONLY A WORD, PEOPLES! THINGS ARE RARE CAUSE WE SAY THEY ARE!!!!
I agree with you completely Farore, but it's not quite like that in this particular case from what I can see. xp And Bellsong...wtf are you talking about x D
Bell, try not to have 13 tabs open. It helps, trust me. ^^
.... Sorry. My mom got sick today, and I have a lot of things to do. I really am sorry.
(Oh, and turns out it was 17 tabs. I just got rid of 13 now.)
Might i suggest taking a few deep breaths and trying to calm down?
What was thing about rare though? x D That's what confused me
Well, I play games (of course) with rare items in them. And that bothers me, cause their only rare cause we say they are!
I KNOW WHAT IM GONNA BE FOR HALLOWEEN!!! MOM SAID THAT I CAN BE A NEKO!!! And I told her that I want to be a fox, and she said that me would have to dye my hair red! And I thought she was kidding, and she thought that I wouldn't want that, but I do!! So my hair is gonna be dyed, woooo!!!
Your nekomata sounds like a lot of fun, Laha. I have a feeling Lea would like her if she met her :P

Also, woot on the neko thing, Bell :3