One Piece: The Black Moon Pirates

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Lorcana strolled around for a while, letting herself get distracted by the wares of shops and the alluring scent of food, despite having eaten recently. The most alluring were shops selling these beautiful glasses statuettes and pieces of shaped volcanic glass. They were as lovely as jewels and the bright eyed traveller could not resist buying just a few to glance at for the next time she had gone out to sea. On her way out one of the shops, a scream disrupted her train of though. She paused for a moment, considering her options.

Some could be in very real danger with a scream like that, may she rush off to save them? Lorcana made it a thing to not concern herself with other's affairs unless it benefit her to some extent. The solution she accepted was to go see what had happened and make a mental note; if someone had indeed just been murdered surely someone would be willing to reward the one to bring in the killer or knows something about it. Therefore, her own ambitions took her toward the source of the outburst. She found herself standing in front of a building that seemed to be a business of some sort but there was no one inside.

"My luck so far has been pretty good," she said as she walked into the building through the front door. There didn't seem to be any security and she was thankful for that but the size of the building meant she would have to search every room for the assumed victim. Lorcana snuck about the second floor then worked her way up until she reached a door marked seemingly for an important person. She took the sign from the door marked "DO NOT DISTURB". She rolled her eyes and gently grasped the doorknob, turning it slowly.

Whatever was behind that door, she had mentally prepared herself for. She had killed in her line of work, seen people die in her line of work, so a bloody mess was not the worse of her troubles. It was when she opened it enough to peek inside that she would understand just what kind of scene she had stumbled upon. From there she could not see very well, but she could make out a...woman... There were flowing garbs and so it could only be a woman in her mind. What she was doing was still far beyond the spy. Was there a way to get closer without getting seen? Perhaps she had done enough as it is... She pondered her position, unsure whether to move or retreat.
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Requiem watched the girl and the bird quietly for a moment, contemplating the behaviours of each, regarding the food, and their behaviour with eachother. They almost seemed meant to meet eachother. Finally he let out a sigh mixed in with a slight smile. "I think Kenichi is a fine name, assuming the Coo accepts it. For now however, how about we eat, hm?" He asked, offering her the meat first.

"If you messed it up, it's your tastebuds on the line." He teased slightly. His mind was of course running and not at the same time. The most recent thought was that this Coo could be in fact a blessing for the ship. News Coo's rarely settled with a ship, but when they did, they usually always returned when sent out. They could be counted on to relay messages without much concern, so long as the poor thing wasn't eaten along the way that is. "Kenichi there can have some too, if he's up for risking it." He shifted his wings slightly as he watched the two casually.
The Striker, gold
"Creating winds takes a lot more than manipulating ones that are already there. When I was, we probably got a quarter of that difference but that was early on when you were sleeping. As it were, I've been keeping a tailwind behind us so we're not going maximum speed by my powers but we're doing pretty well. I'd say that we're nearly half a day ahead of the Marines, presuming they scrambled as soon as we left and have average luck in the wind."

Emrik whistled as he looked at the map and traced the route and the distance they had come, "The way we left things I'd be surprised if they made out of port within the last hour," he murmured. "Still, better to be cautious. And with all the help you've given us it looks as though we'll make Andesite before dusk today!"
He turned to look at Kyy as the doctor gave him instructions on his shoulder.

"Ya, but knowing you, you'll do them anyway." He laughs. "Anything physically straining."

"Physical straining?" he asked with a chuckle. "That means no fighting I suppose? Well that's fine. I know how to stay out of a fight when I have too. It's the rest of you who drag me into trouble. They'll drag you into trouble too if you're not careful," he told Julius.
The Blackjack, red
"Kenichi" the bird could live with that name, but he was not pleased to be offered a share of the food he was trying to warn these people against. At least the man had some sense, asking how it had been prepared and telling the girl she had to eat it first. The coo ruffled its feathers and pottered off to sit on the corner of the makeshift table as far from the meat as possible.

Sabaku Island- Main Port, saddlebrown
Ryan Alexander whistled as he walked down the docks looking between the civilian and marine ships that were commonly mixed together. It was a cheery tune, a happy tune, a tune that did not give away the fact that the strawberry blond was a man on a mission. A mission for a story. Though the brown trench coat, dark newsboy hat, and sunglasses might give away that he was the sort of man who got his story, always got his story, one way or another.

He had a particular reason for being on the dock this day, and as he walked along his destination became clear. A marine ship currently being outfitted a ready to sail was right in front of him, and as he passed he noted a group of what looked to be officers on the deck above talking. Planning probably. To rescue the captured lieutenant. That's what Ryan Alexander was interested in.
He waited until most of the officers left to go about their jobs, leaving one behind, before calling up loudly to the man.

"Hello there! Might I have a word?"
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"I make it a point of mine to stay out of trouble as much as possible," Julius laughed. "But sometimes trouble find me just like on Sabaku. Then again I couldn't stand for Brito to take the blame for the failure of a soldier. If there was one thing Gregorovitch beat into us night and day, it was accountability."

"I don't know much about Andesite though. What's going on there?"
While Caim waited for whoever was in charge to arrive, he and his little crew prepared the ship as far as they could. After they were done, Caim walked around on the deck in circles while cursing silently. One of the problems he had was his patience. The fact that the Black Moon Pirates kept gaining distance didn't help him ether. Just when he was about to walk back to the Vice Admiral and ask what the hold up was about, he heard someone coming closer to the ship and then call out for someone. Caim left the ship and approached the man.
"Sure. I seem to have nothing to do anyway."
Just after saying it, he noticed how it must have sounded like. He let out a sigh and calmed down a little.
"Sorry. Nothing personal. Just a little stress and impatience. What do you want?"
"Sss!" Morla snapped at the intruder coming through the open door, giving the woman a warning bite in the air around her face before recoiling back into the flower pot hanging near the door. Cassiopeia, who was still distracted with her meal, heard Morla's warning and began shifting back to her human form. While her face was still turning human, Cassiopeia turned to watch her unwanted guest at the door.

"Greetings." Cassiopeia whispered as she wiped off the blood running from the edge of her mouth. Her glassy, satellite eyes were slowly reverting back to their smaller, human version as they retracted their ends from the beginning of her ears and the top of her forehead. Her petite nose was growing back through the bloody hole that was the center of her face and the fanged teeth she smiled with returned to their square white ones. Yes, even with the high potential of her arrest, Cassiopeia smiled. She knew with even her amazon height, she couldn't hide the exploded chest cavity of the lifeless man at her feet. Nor would she have a plausible excuse for the front half of her of white dress being drenched in blood. There was no hiding in that small, deathly office. Only confrontation.

"Let me guess, you heard screaming and you came to the rescue. Are you a hero, dark woman?" Cassiopeia eyed the woman for the marine insignia, but found none. Her chocolate skin made Cassiopeia assume the woman was from an island or a desert. Yet the experienced look in the woman's green eyes hinted to something more than a civilian or a curious tourist, and Cassiopeia caught on to her jade orbs faster than Morla could give another warning hiss. "Or are you a vulture in the shadow of the sun looking to turn the big, bad woman in?" Cassiopeia dragged the words 'big' and 'bad' with husky baby talk, while wiggling her hips in a taunting way, though it appeared more like a snake's slithering advance.
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Lorcana was shocked to be confronted by the hidden body in the room. A python, unexpected but reliable, evidently. She growled back at the snake then looked back to the white garbed stranger. She was standing now and turning toward her. Lorcana slowly stood as the other faced her, not wanting to alarm the large snake. She pushed the door open with her foot and paused. Her features were morphing right before her eyes.

The woman was covered in blood and so Lorcana assumed the victim quite dead. A glance past her reassured her assumptions. "Actually I heard screaming and decided to come see if there were any pockets to pick or, you know, relatives to bleed. But I'm not a vulture." She took a step forward into the room. "I prefer opportunist. It's a little more realistic for my practice."

This woman was a killer but not one this spy would much like to tangle with. She possibly had the power of a devil fruit as well. There were plenty out there for others to find just as she had, well more like stole. Either way she preferred to avoid a confrontation. "On the question of my intentions I offer you a simple answer. I would like to give this room a quick once over. I assume you and this...gentleman were not in pleasant acquaintances so you would not mind me looking around, would you?" She stood on the left of the door, glancing at the snake occasionally.
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Kyy laughs at Emrik's response. "True... I guess we do, huh?" He looks over at the door. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to find something to eat."
Angel observed a street vender. He had an assortment of fruits laid out on the table and Angel wanted some. He scanned the area for a distraction until his eyes rested on one of the poles that held up the canopy above the table.
"there you are..." He whispered. He looked around until there was the least amount of people on the street as possible, then swiftly ran towards the table and slid on one knee, one foot pointed outward. He kicked on the pole, causing it to lift from the ground. Just as he had planned, the canopy tilted to one side, and fell on top of the vender, who thrashed and tried to get it off. Angel was now under the table and he snatched some of the fruit from above, crawled out as fast as he could, and ran away.
This was his chance, it was a relatively easy job, but if he did it right,the closer he would be to the action. Just imagine, me a hero, the thought brought a smile to his face, and then I can finally learn how to use this . . . power, test my limits. Remembering back to when he was younger, his dad had been given the fruit, from the military, as a reward for his accomplishments, it was lying on the table, and I ate it thinking it was a snack. Recalling the taste, made him cringe, killing his smile, the fruit didn't just taste bad, it tasted so bad it hurt. It was like biting into poison, that was lit on fire, flecked with rotten bits, like decmposing body parts . . . yum.

Breaking himself of his thoughts he got to work, scrambling around the base to find a suitable room for their coming house guest, "away from the sensitive areas of the base", as the captain had ordered. After setting his sights, on a vacant room, it needed to be refurnished, and restocked, looking around to make sure no one was watching, he closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them to see an identical pair of them. "Clone reporting for duty, anything you need me to do, oh and by the by, have I mentioned you look stellar, other me~!", he was staring at a clone of himself, in mock salute. " Me and I both heard the captains orders, so you know what to do!" mirroring his clones gesture in response. Before Arvand #2, could leave the room, he tossed him the silver badge, before adding, "And might I say, you look FANTASTIC today." Before his clone could get back from carrying the supplies, Arvand numero uno, began to sweep up around the room. It took his clone two trips, before the room was completely set up. It didn't take long, Arvand was sadly accustomed to menial labor, adding his enthusiasm to impress the captain, the job didn't take long. He was embarrassed to be out of work so quickly, he would have swept the halls, of the base . . . but he had already did that earlier. Arriving at Captain Nesmath's office, looking for more work he timidly knocked, on the door and waited.
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Angel found a narrow street behind a few houses and sat against a wall to eat. He took one fruit and bit into it. He kept glancing around to see if anyone had caught him stealing. It was quiet except for the noise of the main street in the distance. He finished the fruit and threw the core.
Lorelei laughed. "Oh trust me. You'll have a tough time keeping me off of you!" She took the marine's hand before quickly getting out of the room. "I think the captain is busy with Kyy so I'm going to try and keep out of their way. Let's start with the deck!" As the fishwoman showed the marine around, she told her about each room and about fixes she would make, if she needed to.

"Oh, if you want to swim, then I wouldn't do it now. The fish in these waters are irritating and like to try and bite you. Usually, you have to bite them back." The fishwoman explained, leading the marine toward the kitchen. She felt glad to have somebody to talk to at the very least.
"Relatives to bleed?" Cassiopeia whispered under her breath as she tried to understand the meaning of that phrase. She assumed it was an idiom, but not one she could immediately make sense of. "Must be from her hometown." Cassiopeia looked behind her at the desk where she had set down the large diamond from before. It was a beautiful gem, and it never crossed her mind that she could take it as her own now that Tanaka was dead. But it was stolen. By her own two hands nonetheless. So she decided to leave the prized rock, regardless of it's incredible value. Her chances for escaping the office were much higher now that she had someone foolish enough to stick around in her place, and it was best to not bring along any more trouble.

"You want to raid a dead man's office and you prefer to not be called a vulture?" Cassiopeia began making her way towards the door, slowly closing the distance between her and the blonde woman with a purposeful, taunting strut. When the two were but a few inches apart, Cassiopeia leaned in closer to the woman's face, attempting to agitate her into attacking. Cassiopeia's snake eyes lowered to look at the large emeralds below her as she attempted to push her own body closer to the woman. "Whatever pleases you." The smell of blood was thick on Cassiopeia's breath and on her body as well. But instead of disgusting Cassiopeia, it only edged her closer to the more destructive side of her. The amazon didn't know what power the woman she taunted wielded, but she knew she wanted to eat her. And she'd dance with death to taste those sparkling, dangerous green eyes. She could gnaw on them like taffy before flossing her teeth with the golden hair that tempted Cassiopeia to move closer and closer.

But when Morla had moved from the flower pot to Cassiopeia's torso, she snapped out of her fantasies and began to walk away from the office.
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The opportunity was just too good to pass up now that she was there, besides, it isn't as if she'd be hurting anyone. Lorcana watched the taller woman approach with intrigue. The way the white gown moved with each step of her long legs and the dangerous look in her eyes, she was very lovely. And tall. There was a hint of admiration in the shorter woman's eyes as she approached but she was still well aware of the danger she was possibly in. Taller people were always taken as more of a threat than shorter ones and she preferred it that way.

At the moment, however, she and this woman were the only ones in the room, save a rather large snake. "You want to raid a dead man's office and you prefer to not be called a vulture?"
"If he wasn't dead and I thought he had something of value then I would have hung around anyway," she said with a smirk. "So no, I don't." Lorcana steeled her nerves as the woman drew closer and peered into her eyes. She kept her expression clear of anything beyond the unavoidable admiration shining in her eyes. There was no want for an altercation here from the spy, rather just a want for whatever of value just lying around. Her gaze shifted a moment past the woman then back. "Whatever pleases you." Lorcana smiled at that. "Perhaps a jewel or two."

Intimidation was one thing she had long gotten over. It was too easy to be shaken and give up a job or treasure. She was not for giving up anything she felt she rightfully earned or was owed. Fear had to go. Even now, with this woman drenched in blood standing in her face with eyes that seemed to peer into her soul she did not feel this fear of intimidation, only the spark of rivalry for whatever reason. The snake she had almost forgotten was in the room suddenly wrapped around the woman's waist, it seemed to cue her exit.

Lorcana watched her leave with narrowed eyes. What a strange woman... There had been a few strange peopel she had come across since arriving on Andesite. She shook her head and surveyed the room. On the desk a nice sized diamon sat. "Just for me," Lorcana said happily as she went around the back of the desk and snatched it then quickly shoved it into her bag. She gave the room a thorough search before leaving with her bag just a little heavier then when she had come. She didn't go out the front door, as that may seem too suspicious since someone must have seen the woman drenched in blood leave a few minutes earlier.

Instead she went through a window and lept onto to the roof of a nearby building and slid down in an alley. Lorcana brushed the dirt from her clothes and checked to make sure there was nothing that could get her any unwanted attention on her clothes. All clear! She walked calmly from the alleyway and back into the busy streets to continue her sightseeing. This really was a beautiful place.
Angel pulled a rock from the side of a building, revealing a small leather bag. He put the fruit he didn't eat into the bag and pushed the rock back over it. He sat down and leaned against it. Looking around, the sun shined in his eyes. He tilted his body so his face was covered by the shadow of the buidling on the other side of the alley.This was his alley. Where he always rested and hid his collectings.
The Striker, gold
Emrik nodded as Kyy excused himself to get something to eat. "Make sure you get some rest too!" he called after the doctor. He was pleased to find Julius was the sort of man to stay out of trouble if he could, though surprised to learn the man had once been a part of Gregorovitch's crew. He had heard that name before, but out of respect for Julius's privacy didn't ask for more details.

"I don't know much about Andesite though. What's going on there?"

"Come with me," Emrik stated in reply and led the way next door to the library where he pulled open his log and an atlas that were still on the table. "I've never been there myself, but between old ship's logs and any news pieces I've managed to gather, this is the information I've managed to piece together. We'll learn more once we get there I suppose." There was an ink blob on the page that matched to one on the Captain's cheek, but the words were still easily legible.

[bg=cornsilk]Captain's Log – South Blue: Andesite Island

Andesite Island, our next destination, is the complete opposite of Sabaku where we last made port. Where Sabaku was a massive island of heat and sand, by all reports Andesite is a small island of rain, jungle, and volcanic rock. There still lies an active volcano at its center, and the island seems to make a crescent shape around a bay where part of the island is said to have collapsed during the last eruption.

The main town is located on the best part of beach off the bay, and also holds the only port and what is said to be the largest and best artisans dedicated to working with volcanic glass this side of the Grand Line. It is also said that any who visit the island should visit the spectacular fountain located in the center of the Town Square and toss in a coin for good luck.

Opposite the town, on one of the crescent's points, is a small marine outpost. I hope to be able to lay low, get our supplies, and move on before we are noticed. As the port is shared between the locals and the Marines it might be best to anchor at an alternate location.
Andesite Island – Main Town, springgreen
The screams given off by the man called Tanaka before his death were heard by several people. But Andesite was an island caught up in its own political turmoil between multiple factions. The marines, the man called Jacobs and his friends, the locals, and any pirates who were brave enough (or bored enough) to land on the island. Screams were heard often enough. The law was loose unless the marines were actually in town. That was why those who heard them took their own sweet time to inform the authorities. The authorities in question didn't arrive until after both women in the place had managed to get out, although it was very close.

Their shouts of horror upon finding the partly eaten body were quickly followed by the barking orders of the town sheriff to fan out and find the culprit who had committed such a crime as quickly as possible.

"Find them!" he ordered, "Apprehend anyone with even the slightest trace of blood on them! And watch out. Something's been eating the body but there's no other sign of a wild animal being in here. That means there's a dangerous pet, or we have a devil fruit user with a taste for human flesh! I want them found! Somebody, you," and here he pointed to a random deputy, "run as fast as you can and inform the Marines. We'll need their help with this one. And you," he pointed at another, "Get to the news office and have a safety advisory printed up as quickly as possible!"

It wasn't long before the sheriff had a full-scale manhunt underway in search of the murderer for Tanaka, who while not well liked was still dead in a very horrific way.

Less than fifteen minutes later the News Office had managed to draft and post several cautionary fliers around town.


Dangerous individual on the loose!

Murder committed, suspect unknown.

Be advised the individual in question may have a devil fruit ability or some sort of predatory, exotic pet. Please inform the authorities of any suspicious activity immediately. Do NOT try to apprehend a criminal yourself!

All new arrivals to Andesite Island are advised to proceed with extreme caution. Residents are advised to secure their homes. Do NOT go anywhere alone and please remain within city limits for your own safety. Remaining within your own residence is preferred!

Thank You.

Andesite Island Marine Outpost, cadetblue
"Come in," Captain Nesmath called when Arvand knocked on his door. When Arvand entered the Captain looked up with a very impressed smile on his face. He hadn't expected the Ensign to be done so quickly. But before he could say anything to praise him there was another knock on his door and a very hassled looking Master Chief was pushed in by one of the town Sheriff's deputies.

"Murder," the man chocked, "there's been a murder in town." And the deputy proceeded to spill out all the details including how the body had been found partially eaten. When he finished Captain Nesmath only folded his hands together and sighed. "I knew there would be trouble today." And then his shoulders drooped as if he had been completely defeated. "Jacobs and his lot have anything to do with this?"
"No, Sir. He left town an hour before and none of his people remained behind." The Master Chief answered.
"He could have always hired an assassin . . ."
"Not his style, Sir. There're no new ships in port either. All the usual suspects are accounted for. The Sheriff's taking a tally of strangers in town now."
"And Requiem's due to arrive today . . ."

Captain Nesmath looked at the people in his office and nodded to himself. Yes, The ensign was a hard worker and trustworthy. He should be able to handle this. "Ensign Rook," he spoke after a long pause, "I want you and the Master Chief to help the Sheriff get to the bottom of this. Take as many men as you need go to town and organize a search, hire a detective, whatever the two of you think needs to be done. And when Requiem arrives see if you can't convince him to come straight to my office. Due your absolute best to make sure that pirate stays out of this mess. The last thing we need is his deciding that whoever's responsible for this murder would make a good member of his crew. I want justice in this matter and if Requiem picks up this person they could fall under the exemption clause of his contract! Am I understood? Good! Dismissed!"
Sabaku Island – Main Port, saddlebrown
"Sure. I seem to have nothing to do anyway. . . Sorry. Nothing personal. Just a little stress and impatience. What do you want?"

"Oh no, I understand, I understand!" Ryan Alexander hastened to reassure the man who had answered him and come down to talk. "You have a friend to rescue but the red tape is complicating things isn't it." The grin the man wore said he knew a great deal more than he was letting on. "You can call me Lex. I wanted to talk to someone because. . . well . . . You see there was a bit of commotion in the desert earlier, what with that blue dome showing up and all, and this ship looks like it's being prepared for a journey, and with the events of yesterday . . . Well you understand us local folk would like to know what's going on. Here, this was printing not more than fifteen minutes ago, maybe if you take a look you'll understand why we're all concerned. . . ." And Lex handed Caim a short article that had been cut out of a rushed edition.

[bg=aliceblue]Uncertainty and Chaos Continues on Sabaku
By Ryan Alexander

Joshua Belslick, user of the Sanso Sanso no mi has been spotted on Sabaku island. This 23,000,000 beri man has so far displayed no hostile intentions towards the civilian population of out island. However, he was seen to show a display of power some ways outside Marine Base 13 and was answered by Vice-Admiral Garret Martin, user of the Ope Ope no mi, the esteemed second in command for the Marines in South Blue.

What at first looked to develop into a fight instead turned into a conversation. The exact words are not known. What we do know is that Belslick was not arrested, but was instead escorted into the base as a guest of the Vice-Admiral himself. This reporter can only speculate as to the meaning of these events, but the Vice-Admiral is known for employing unconventional methods when achieving his goals, and Belslick would not be worth 23,000,000 if he were incapable of getting things done.

Meanwhile, at the time of this printing, the ship designated to carry the rescue crew for the newly promoted Lieutenant Commander Reimu is still at port. The reason for the delay remains unknown.

Your reporter will print a continuation of the article when more facts are known and perhaps a proper interview has been granted.
"Hrmm... Nut bad... woz my fors time ag-tually." Having taken a large mouthful of meat, Haylia ate with vigor. It seemed to her that using that herbal juice wasn't bad. The wad of that medicinal herb eased her stomach and she was hungry again. She was already on her second piece before looking at the others with a perplexed expression. Both looked hesitant for some reason but Haylia didn't think nothing of it.


Somewhere on a tropical island...

A lone figure stumbled from the treeline and jungle brush onto the sandy beach. Collapsing, the man pulled himself towards the ship anchored nearby. A member of the crew, someone appointed to guarding the ship, jumped down to assist the bleeding man.

"Torin... what... happened?" The ship watcher asked in fear. "Where's the captain? Why are you alone??"

The dying man gasped some to muster enough breath to answer. The ship watcher then told the dying man to tell him later and that first he must get the ship doctor. Grasping the ship watcher's arm tightly before he could go, the dying man said, "W-we were... raiding their village... to... to- we were winning... then all the men... and even women... ate something... something and... we... the captain... we w..." And with that the fatally wounded man died.

Hearing some noise, the ship watcher looked up to see a bunch of tribal warriors run with insane speed towards him. Before he could even begin to swallow in fear, his head flew off into the air, severed from his neck.


As Haylia continued to eat, she felt completely restored. In fact, she felt better than she ever did. For some reason, she just wanted to move around... to fight... Haylia attempted to calm herself, but the meat laced with heated herbal juice worked fast upon consumption. She made a fist to flex her arm and blood dripped from where her fingers unintentionally dug in too far. Startled, she excused herself to clean up.
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Kyy gets to the kitchen and makes himself a sandwich. He eats it on his way back to his quarters. He sighs. "I wonder if I'll ever find the old man. He's a slippery one alright..."
As Lorelei showed the Marine Lieutenant around, Reimu looked at her and asked a question, "So, Lorelei.. What made you so interested in ships anyways? Any particular history about it? If that's fine to ask about." She look around at a few places, most being where Lorelei said she may need to work on, another train of thought crossing her mind. ~It may be best for all of us if I depart either on Andesite or the next island.. My gut's telling me the next island, I only sense more trouble after this... News travels fast.~
Julius gave Emrik's notes a quick perusal and nodded.

"We probably don't have much time, maybe a day, two if we're lucky before the Marines from Sabaku storm the beaches. Where did you have in mind for making port to avoid the docks?"
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