POSITIVITY One Good Thing About Today - Every Day!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I finished my homework that's due tomorrow. And I'm already nearly finished with the final project in the same class.
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I suggested going to Zombie Walk to my friend; her twin sister just text me to tell me that she wants us to stay with her the night before so we can get our make-up done by the pros that are going to be there. :D
I also found a spin doctor top in my size for an absolute steal. It's been a good day.
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Just read the latest One Piece chapter . . . . I am in awe. It was amazing!!!! <3<3<3 =D=D=D
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I can finally start my eagle project in a little more than a week, once I do that I am done. Woooo!
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My grandparents (whom I currently live with) adopted a dog from someone who had to give him up due to working too many long hours to take care of him. My grandad has been wanting one for a while, and the hope is that a pet will help him with his dementia. So, I have a dog now. :-)
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I got linked this today!

You ARE too precious for this world Vay.

I got down one minute's worth of this choreography:

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I picked the saddest looking hanging ivy to bring home and saved it from the idiots at Home Depot that apparently like to drown their ivy, and a baby ficas and another mystery plant 0.0

I have two things! Because I think I missed yesterday >_>


2) This made me laugh! :D http://imgur.com/gallery/6iG4r5u
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Missed yesterday because nasty illness got nasty. No good things about yesterday...

But I'm feeling better today!
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let's seeee today it started off raining but turned sunny! Oh! and I have a new expansion for my card game Sentinels of the Multiverse all opened and sorted.
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Ok, several thing today.
The Boss bought took the marketing department out for breakfast and we talked about NON-WORK stuff!
I finished the congratulations poster for a coworker in time for everyone to sign it!
I hit a point where all my projects were waiting on other people's feedback and was able to write some posts while I waited!
It's Friday!
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I carried like 10 pounds of groceries over each shoulder during the entire walk home from the grocery store. Plus a liter of pop in one hand. I FEEL MIGHTY.
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Today I have two good things.

I spent about 2 and a half hours helping a classmate who's having lots of trouble in my Calc 3 class. He seems to be understanding the concepts better now, and I'm hoping he can pull his grade up to pass so he doesn't have to retake it.

Then I spent some time playing with a little 5 year old boy who seems to enjoy music and actually listened when I was explaining some of the stuff of how a piano worked, how music was written down so that other people could perform it, and other things like that. He was mad that he had to go home, so he was obviously having fun, and he was learning stuff at the same time. So I felt pretty good about that.
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Today I realized I have one thing my older brothers never had. Independence. Unlike them, I've always lived on my own, I have my OWN apartment with my OWN messes and my OWN food! I have finally figured out that I am the Independent one!
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