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Macey almost jumped when his brother walked in, snatching his shirt to cover himself up, but setting it down when he realized it was just Cameron. "Good morning.." He chirped, shuddering when he felt hands running down his torso, watching their interaction in the mirror. The smaller gave a slow nod, leaning up on tiptoe towards the cabinet where he knew their mother kept her cover up. "Maybe they'll just think we finally got ourselves some boyfriends? It's not a complete lie, after all..." He mused as he rummaged through the medicine cabinet, producing a container of the make up and dipping his finger in. "This'll work, here, let me see..." He turned to face his twin, reaching up to gingerly dab at one of the bruises on his neck, successfully hiding it from view. He's used it on himself once or twice, so he figured it'd work.
Cameron giggled when Macey jumped like that seeing him, trying to cover himself up. Cameron actually thought it was because of him, but then when he seemed to calm down and realize it was his brother and not his mom, he let the shirt fall down and of course, Cameron stared a bit too long at that beautiful body with his love marks all over it. "Good morning love..." He whispered in a seductive voice, loving how he felt shudders go through his twin whenever he moved his hands over his body. "Hmm... yeah, maybe they'd thing something weird like that, or maybe they'd hope that it was girlfriends and not boyfriends, they always have the right." He smiled as he looked down at Macey, "Oh... yeah, I guess you'd need to cover up the upper ones, just so I can cover the rest with my clothes..." Cameron said gently as he let his twin work with it. He smiled as one of the marks were hidden away.
"I think they both know we're pretty gay," giggled Macey, finishing with what he was doing. You could still faintly see the red splotch, but it was much lighter beneath the cover up. "There you go. Nobody should ask about it, hopefully." He smiled and leaned up to kiss the spot sweetly, then turned back to the mirror to work on hiding his own marks away. "It's really a shame that we have to be a secret though...I don't want to have to hide my relationship from everyone. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to kiss when we wanted? I just know that when we're not alone we can't a couple." As long as he had Cameron, though, he was fine with it.
"Yeah, I suppose so, with the way that we stare at boys all the time... well, used to, anyways." Said Cameron, chuckling slightly. He smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror, leaning down to kiss Macey afterwards. "Thanks, it looks really nice! I'm glad that you could make it look more or less normal." He looked at Macey hiding away his own hickeys, and he smiled sadly hearing what the boy had to said. He sighed and wrapped both arms around Macey's waist from behind. "Well, there's nothing we can do about that. It'd be wonderful to be able to take you on the streets and still have it accepted, but it's going to be fine... after all, I have you so I don't really care about other things."
"Same, I guess." He sighed, finishing up covering the most visible of the hickeys, the rest he'd cover with his clothes. Macey decided not to dwell. "Even more importantly, we can't do naughty things anywhere but our rooms and the shower.." He teased, a little grin pulling at the boy's lips. Macey had a blush tinting at his cheeks as he imagined beingg intimate with Cameron in places like the kitchen, possibly concerning an apron...he quickly waved the idea away before his face got any redder.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and Macey jumped in alarm, a feminine voice coming from the other side. "You've been in there forever, Cam, you done yet?" It was their younger sister, only by a year or two, but younger. And the boy was floored, unable to come up with a response.
"Hmm... I'd like to do things with you in other places than the shower..." Cameron whispered as he pulled Macey closer by the waist, noticing the obvious blush on his face. "The kitchen setup is tempting..." He muttered into Macey's ear before letting him go with a smile on his face. "I promise I'll make everything, every lost second up to you when mom, dad and sis are going on their holiday in two weeks. Ahh, I can't wait for it now!" Just the thought of being able to do dirty things to Macey all around the house for a month... the thought was wonderful.

When the knock came, he sighed and ruffled a hand through his hair. "Great." He muttered under his breath. He had put on most of his clothes before he made it to the door. "No, Macey's here with me so we're taking the double time, sis." He drawled as he sighed slightly. "Just wait for a little, we're almost done." He said restlessly.
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