Not Without Honour


Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Transgender
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Horror, Supernatural, High Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Alternative History, Superhero/Mutant, Light Science Fiction, Apocalyptic, Folklore

  • For generations, the Kanegawa clan has taken great care in ruling over the people of Yaku, earning them high esteem in the eyes of the Shogunate, as well as those living in the region. A key part of the Kanegawa's successful reign is their loyal army, made up of skilled and fearless warriors. At the top of these ranks are the Daimyo's personal military attendants, his most trusted samurai. Though these samurai come from far and wide, they are the best, and serve their Lord faithfully.

    However, the peaceful ruling is in danger, as rumors of a terrible plot to end the Daimyo's life have reached the ear of his most trusted men. Their only goal now is to root out this assassin and protect their lord, no matter what obstacles may fall in their path. However, fate is a cruel mistress like no other; the dastardly plans have wrenched all power from them. Can these men and women of honour bring themselves to do what no samurai should in order to save their Lord?

  • 1. Be polite- OOC fighting will not be tolerated
    2. No power-play or godmodding- there will be fighting, but this is a realistic roleplay.
    3.Characters will die if the situation seems to fit it. They cannot live through everything. Same goes for injuries, they will happen and they will inhibit your character if serious.
    4. Two paragraph minimum- this is an intermediate roleplay, meaning posts that move the story forward and work on character development are expected. Time constraints and writers block can and will be worked around.
    5. Not really a rule but asking questions is encouraged!
    6. Non-rule number two- Have fun! We all roleplay because we enjoy it, let's keep it that way.

  • 29nhzjs.jpg
    Yaku is plush, green lands full of many forests. It is a rich land, great for farming and the ruling family is Kanegawa. Kanegawa is one of the oldest ruling Families, and because of this. His lands have prospered and flourished greatly with much respect. The people are loyal to their Lord.

    Though the climate is cold and harsh, the dense forests and mineral-rich mountains of Seikki make this prefecture valuable. The people here live a rustic life in villages dotting the foothills and coniferous forest.

    Though the weather can be unpredictable and cold as in Seikki, the lands here provide good farming for hardy grains and long-ripening vegetables. The people here are peaceful, simple farmers.

    Filling the ocean void between Seikki and Kaze-Tousho, the peninsula is much like the other northern territories, though it lacks any major exports. The brave people living here rely on a hunter-gatherer lifestyle.

    Surrounded by the unforgiving northern sea and constantly buffeted by bitter winds, these barren stone islands are uninhabitable. However, there are long-standing rumors of both terrible creatures and sea-fairing bandits living there.

    One of the wealthiest prefectures, Tetsu-tousho produces the highest quality iron and steel in all of Akuo. The greatest weapons of the nation have come from these islands. However, this prefecture has frequent issues with bands of criminals and general unrest.

    Rich, varied forest and long coastlines offer many resources, namely herbs, fish and bamboo.

    Fertile farmland allows for this prefecture to be a prominent producer of silk and dyes, making it quite wealthy. Many wealthy merchants and artisans live here.

    As the birthplace of the first shogun, Sofu is regarded as one of the most important prefectures of Akuo. Its low mountain ridges and fertile plains make it ideal for both crops and animals.

    Kuzo split from Sofu two decades ago when the lands were granted to a relative of the Shogun. The dense, clay-heavy soil found here is perfect for creating fine clayware. New citizens arrive every year, eager to start a new life in the young prefecture.

    Many stories surround the dense, eerily dark forests that cover this prefecture.
    An old story in Okamimori tells of a wise and caring leader who ruled the lands in younger times. This leader, Shigeo had two sons whom he loved very much - neither more or less than the other. The first son, Taro, was an excellent warrior but possessed a peaceful disposition. He harboured a strong connection to the natural world and spent much of his time in the forests, serenely communing with the spirits there. Shigeo's second son, Jirou, also excelled as a warrior, though he was not as kind or compassionate as his elder brother - seeing such as a sign of weakness.

    As the years passed the aging Shigeo fell ill. Both sons tended to him, but the man's condition did not improve and he began to suffer greatly. In desperation, Taro left his father's bedside and went into the dark of the forest to pray to the spirits for aid. Jirou remained by his father's side, angry that his brother would abandon them at such a time. The following morning, Taro returned exclaiming that a great spirit of an okami had deemed his need worthy and imparted to him the knowledge of herbs that may bring their father relief from his suffering. Jirou perceived his brother's words as madness and the two argued bitterly.

    Ignoring his brother's claims of nonsense, Taro gathered the plants and with them made a poultice that seemed to ease some of Shigeo's pain. Jirou was beside himself. He felt that his brother's actions were irresponsible - that reliance on spirits and herbs was a fool's hope and he loathed that such a man would soon become the leader of their clan. Consumed by such thoughts, Jirou followed his brother as he went to collect more of the plants and hastily attacked him on the edge of the village, intending to cut him down. Not expecting his brother's betrayal, Taro carried only a kama for harvesting plants. Despite his disadvantage, the elder brother fought valiantly; Jirou had not expected such strength and it further fueled his anger. He declared that Taro should have no rights as the first son and that he would lead their people to ruin.

    Having been hasty in his attack, Jirou had been too near the village and people were quick to gather at the spectacle, cries going up around them. Alarmed by the crowd and the ferocity with which Taro fought, Jirou knelt in front of his brother and begged for forgiveness, claiming that he had been overcome by rage and grief. Taro pulled his brother to his feet and embraced him, offering his forgiveness and understanding - and was met by Jirou's blade in his side. The crowd immediately fell upon Jirou while Taro was carried away to recover. During the brothers' fight, Shigeo had died and Taro was now the rightful leader of their clan.

    Taro recovered from his injuries and led a long and prosperous life, his grandson becoming the first true Daimyo of Okamimori. The people from this land hold the story close and they possess a deep-rooted respect and reverence for the natural world and spirits which reside there. The continued use of medicinal plants holds a place within the Okamimori culture and many within the clans practice herbalism and healing to great effect. Another cultural practice is that the warriors are trained not only with the sword and bow, but with the kama - used in tandem with martial arts.

    Though built almost entirely over mountainous terrain, Shinzo lays claim to being the seat of the shogunate. The lofty peaks and cliffs are considered places of enlightenment, with many traveling to them for spiritual inspiration. The mountains here are also rife with gems and precious metals.

    Kogane no Urabe
    Though small, this prefecture is known for the jewelry made here from the pearls and abalone found all along the bay. The people here are proud artisans and fishermen.

    Though the iron comes from Tetsu-tousho, the unique weapons and armour from Tsuyoiha are said to rival those made on the islands.

    Solitary and odd in culture, this island is not known for much other than its strange customs. The Daimyo of this prefecture is rarely ever seen.

    Numerous famous artists have come from this prefecture, which is considered to be either cursed or blessed by Joro-Gumo, the spider-woman of lore. People from all over the country travel to the island, seeking artistic inspiration.

    Picturesque and pristine. Many sacred sites dot the region, including the most important Buddhist and Shinto temples. The Daimyo here encourages spiritual devotion.

    Though it holds riches in its stones, Hidoyama is known for its frequent rock falls and hazardous cliffs. It is said that either a dragon or a demon sleeps in the mountain. The people here rely on the grand bamboo forests for their prosperity and fortune.

    Constant battles with Yoihara has left this small prefecture with few resources. The people here are impoverished as their Daimyo struggles on.

    Though many crops are grown in the mild meadows here, Yoihara is the dominant producer of hemp and the textiles made with the plant. The people here are generally peaceful, but the Daimyo is rather aggressive, having wanted to take the Tsuno prefecture into Yoihara for decades. Skirmishes between the two happen frequently.

    Broad coastlines and gentle waves, along with the natural coves make Toujou ideal for the shipping and fishing industries. There are also regions within the prefecture that produce the highly desired clay needed for the creation of porcelain. The people here are well-versed in the on-goings of the rest of the nation, having contact with sailors from all over the continent.

    Though they look lush and inviting, these sub-tropical islands harbor danger at every turn; from monsoons to venomous snakes. Despite the hazards, the islands produce exotic goods such as fruits, sugars and fragrant woods. The Kiyomizu bloodline has almost always ruled over Ryuu-tousho, as no one has been brave enough to challenge them, nor seen its value. The people are under strict rule and though many are unhappy, no one dares challenge the law due to fear of their cruel Daimyo.

  • Name: (If you need naming help, just ask or take a gander at SengokuDaimyo. If you don't feel like reading, the tables for surnames, men's nanori and common elements of women's names are the most helpful for this.)

    Age: (No younger than 18. Keep in mind that age will dictate their skills and experience)

    Appearance: (Images or descriptions are acceptable, but if the image does not have appropriate clothing, please describe them. If you are unsure of what is worn, just ask)

    Weapon(s): (All samurai used katana, wakizashi and tanto, and are trained with a bow. You are allowed two weapon specialties, though more weapons may be known to you.)

    Personality: (Pretty obvious what this means)

    History: (Please explain where they are from, what their family line does [samurai, craftsmen, merchants, ect] as well as how they got to be a Samurai of our Daimiyo)

    Extra: (Any oddities, preferences or hobbies)

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@firejay1 @VerbalAbuse @Daws Combine @Crossed : Sorry this took a touch longer than expected. Since I have you four already interested, I figured an OOC would be a better idea. We are now looking for just two more players before we can get things underway.

I will be working on getting the map, CS and other such things up here today. All I have to do is transfer and tweak, so it should not take too long. You are welcome to re-use your profiles from Shadow Samurai, though I may or may not change the CS around a bit. Also, the current title is a placeholder. I would like to know what your suggestions are.

And, there is one more thing I would like to ask. Are there any questions or curiosities anyone has regarding culture, terms, etiquette, ect? I want to make sure I get as many of them cleared up before the IC starts, so things go a bit smoother.
I'll see if anyone I know is interested. I have every intention of completely reusing my profile from last time without any tweaks, but you can check it again just to make sure it still fits if you've changed anything in this version. I do have a couple questions about the culture. I am assuming we're all starting out at the same position, so we would be pretty polite to each other, but do you want us to use formal language, or attach -san or the like to names? Also, since we are all relatively higher ranking samurai, how are we supposed to treat the (NPC) lower ranks? This part confused me the most in the last version, but are we not all starting from the same place, and waking up at around the same time? Last time, there were people at a waterfall and a shrine, etc, and I got a little confused.
Thank you, I hope we can get those slots filled quickly. Any tweaks I make of the CS will be small, I do no intend on making you rework anything major.

Yes, we are all Samurai of the same rank, working alongside one another for years. I would like it if suffixes were used. In the most basic sense, "-san" means "sir/madam/mr/mrs"; "-sama " can be use to the same effect, but is used when the person commands more respect, or is in a higher position. Other warriors and such would use -sama towards our characters, while we would most likely use -san with each other. "-kun/chan" is friendly, and denotes a familial relationship. It would not commonly be used in public by our characters unless it was in a friendly, teasing way between two that were very close. "-dono" is only for the Daimyo, as it means lord (the only exception would possibly be my character, though being called such would be improper, as he forfeit the title.). "-sempai" is used to refer to someone older than you, (in modern Japan is it used by younger people towards their upperclassmen in school), though with elders, either -san or the more polite -sama would be used. This could be appropriate for a younger character like Yurie, if she considers another character someone to look up to. Lastly, "-sensei" roughly means teacher, and again, could be used towards someone you look up to or learn from.

To add to all that, given name and surname have meaning. Our characters would call each other by their surnames, especially in public. In a more relaxed setting, given names can be used instead. The only time a given name would be used without any kind of honorific would be when two people are incredibly close, such as lovers or life-long friends. I hope all of this made sense, I know it can be confusing. Let me know if I need to clarify anything.

As for the placement of everyone, that did get a little messy. The Samurai have free range until the Daimyo leaves his personal chambers for the day (roughly a few hours after the Samurai wake), but I would like it if everyone made sure to get some interaction in this time. Typically, a warrior would have morning training, though they can go somewhere else first, so long as it does not place them out of the timeline for too long.
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Ah, I don't need any more explanation than that in terms of names. I've come across it enough times to have the general gist. Thank you, though, for answering so thoroughly. And thank goodness for the placement clarification. I hope it'll go a little bit better this time.
I hope so as well, I really do. I love this idea, and have wanted to do something like this for years now.
Name: Nishi Norisane

Age: 27

At about 5'6" and 167 pounds Norisane is not the tallest nor the heaviest man from his village. His eyes are an unusual green, a gift his family had past down to him. Since his 16th birthday, the day he became a man he had not cut his hair. He keeps it tied in a long braid that goes down to his the small of his back. He is shoulders are slight, his build at first glance lithe, yet years of training have toned every muscle he has. Several scars coat his body, one old sword wound across his back dull and faded, a reminder of a childhood tragedy. Others are small across his forearms, none of any importance, more reminders that to succeed in life you must sweat and bleed.

Weapon(s): Naginata and the Katana are the weapons Norisane is most proficient with.

Personality: Norisane is a very quiet individual. He observes rather then joins in on a conversation. When he does speak it is insightful and important. All this goes out of the window once he starts drinking. He becomes a different person, boisterous he speaks more then anyone would him too. He remains intelligent and insightful but he becomes carefree and spirited. Unfortunately for everyone the only time he is sober is when he wakes up. He is a kind man, yet as his given name might suggest, values law and justice above else. Those willing to throw away their honor is not worthy of mercy.

History: 3 generations ago the head of his household was conscripted into the local Daimyo army as a simple foot solder. It was there that the simple farmer fought with honor and dignity befitting any samurai. When the Daimyo won his war, he saw it to give the peasant farmer the title of samurai. Since then his family has strived to be the best disciples in honor of the ancestor who raised their family up. Norisane at the age of 8 was sent to the Daimyos home his father protected. There he was trained to kill and taught of honor and history. He learned all he could and was the best of the several students there. When he was old enough to be considered a man he left his home in order to find his own Daimyo to protect. To make a name for himself. He has only recently vowed his blade to Kanegawa Haruyasu and left the life of a ronin.

The profile looks alright, but there is one thing I have to nit-pick: His green eyes. While we already have characters with unusual eyes, both of them are justified (the profiles I am referring to will be posted soon). One is an albino, which is a condition that can happen to anyone, and the other has a slight mutation of grey eyes, which are naturally found in Asiatic races, albeit a less common eye colour. Green eyes are a very rare and localized mutation within Caucasians. That being said, I would allow it if Nishi-san had foreign blood in his family. You do not have to specify where this recent ancestor came from, as the rest of this world has not been developed, but keep in mind that this would lead to possible racism towards him, or at least a lot of attention in general.
I absolutely agree to have my character have some foreign decent. It would make sense that my character cares so much about upholding his honor and the law in general. I actually quite like the idea, wish I thought of it first xD
*smiles* I am glad you agree with the idea. I think it would add another dimension of depth to him, as well as bring something unique to the table. As I said, the rest of the world has not been developed, so you can either just mention they came from overseas or come up with your own nation from which they came from.
I have started to add notes and other information to the first post. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to put up there?
It would be funny and very enjoyable to see a character sheet of the Daimyo we are suposed to protect. It might give us a little more insight on his character.
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Should I repost my original CS?
Crossed- Hm, that could be interesting. I'll think about it.

Verbal- Yes, go ahead. I am finally posting mine.

Name: Kiyomizu Hiroyuki

Age: 28

Standing at about five feet, six inches, Hiro is not a physically intimidating person. Though his body is lean and strong, narrow shoulders and wider hips give him a androgynous appearance, the effect of which is added to by his narrow, softer face. Hiro's eyes are an unusually light shade of grey that bare the slightest hint of blue, poetically called an echo of a rainy day. He typically chooses to wear humble dark blues and greys, save for his nagajuban (light robe worn under clothing, only the collar is ever seen), which is always blood red. His hair is only ever loosely tied back, even on the battlefield- this oddity is carry-over from the customs and common fashion styles of Ryuu-tousho.

Weapon(s): Katana, wakizashi and tanto are always present, and he is highly adept in using any of them in combat, though he has a personal style in which he wields both his katana and wakizashi simultaneously, akin to nitojutsu. His other preferred weapon is the daikyu, the Akuan great-bow.

Aside from weapons, he is a well-practiced martial artist, having developed his own style- a fast, fluid form that allows him to dance around his opponents to deliver swift, precise strikes. He calls it Sen no Nami- A Thousand Waves.

Personality: Quiet, impassive and almost eerily calm, Hiro does not speak often, but when he does, you had best listen. His soft voice typically only finds its way into a conversation if he feels he absolutely must say something, and he can become indignant when he feels he is overlooked or ignored. Confrontations can happen fairly easily with him, as he has great trouble with empathy, and typically does not understand another person's emotions. However, these altercations are almost always handled in a respectful manner on his part.

Despite having left his home dishonourably, Hiro regards honour as being the most important thing a person can have. Honour does not bend and sway like emotions and thoughts- honour is or is not, there is no between. Following this ideal, Hiroyuki does not forgive major offenses easily. Once you break his trust or loose his respect, there is no getting it back.

When Hiroyuki has a weapon in hand, he changes drastically. He becomes brutally efficient, cold and ruthless as he cuts down any who dare challenge him. Fire lights his eyes and war-cries rip their way from his throat. Due to this, he his known as Akuma (demon) by Kanegawa's enemies, as well as some of his allies.

History: Hiroyuki began life above the ranking of samurai, being the heir apparent to the Daimyo of the southern-most lands of the nation, the Ryuu-tousho isles. He was raised, or rather molded, into this role. From a very early age, he was taught bushido- the way of the warrior, as well as politics, diplomacy, rhetoric and the arts of poetry, music and sumi-e. Day after day, he was forced to follow a rigorous routine under the watchful eye of his serious and oft-times brutal father, who firmly believed that pain was the best teacher and complete obedience was the best student. Though Hiro fought to excel at most every task put upon him, it was never good enough for the demanding Lord, and resentment steadily grew in the young man. Underneath a calm exterior, Hiro harbored deep anger that slowly bled into hatred with each year that passed. He funneled this rage into his martial training, surpassing the skill of many of his father's samurai by the time he was seventeen. Despite how proud this made the Daimyo, the fact that Hiroyuki then deliberately ignored his other subjects was not left unpunished.

For three more years, this silent war raged between father and son. One subtly disobeying as a way to show his emotion; the other discreetly using more and more questionable disciplines in an effort to suffocate the rebelliousness. When Hiroyuki reached adulthood, a great honour was to be placed upon him- the official decrement of his succession to the Daimyo. A grand ceremony was held, every samurai in the Daimyo's army lined the long hall as Hiro walked with his head held high. He knelt before his father as the law was spoken and when it came time for the perfect son to bow and graciously accept the burden, silence fell. After a few moments, he looked the Daimyo in the eyes and stated that he would not accept the title. He then removed the haori that bore the Kiyomizu crest, and dropped it to the floor.

The court was in an uproar as he walked out, the fury on the Daimyo's face giving the young man joy he had not felt since he was small. That night, he left Ryuu-tousho, seeking work and refuge under a Daimyo with more honour and moral worth than the one he left. Graciously, Kanegawa-dono placed him among his samurai, and Hiro has loyally served under that banner for eight years, earning himself some renown among his brethren for his ferocity in battle, both in the training ring and the path of war.

Extra: Hiro is left-handed, and enjoys playing the shamisen. He is known to enjoy the company of men more than women. Though he takes no real personal pride in it, he is one of Kanegawa-dono's champions, the Samurai that battle in official duels for both settling disputes and entertainment.
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Name: Suda Yurie

Age: 19

Weapon(s): Tessen (iron fans - these ones in particular are unique not only for their large size, but also for the sharp spokes that can be used for stabbing, she also sometimes applies poison to them before going into official battle), Wakizashi (short swords).

Personality: She can smile and be charming if she sees a purpose for it, but her true nature is very private and quiet. She's not a vicious or sadistic person, but will do almost anything to protect her Daimyo. Yurie is usually very calm, exuding a demure, graceful air, and does not rise to bait very easily, whether it be about her gender or her albinism. However, she does not tolerate people who harm children and when she gets that angry can go a bit overboard.

History: Yurie was born into the Suda clan, a small samurai clan in a fairly isolated area known for focusing on more stealth-related skills than other samurai. While albinism was not officially frowned upon, her skin and eye color were impossible to hide and highly unusual, which made her undesirable as a wife and bullied by both the other men and other women in her clan. To compensate for this, she threw herself into perfecting the skills taught by her family. Her father decided to approve of this direction and allowed her to be taught as customarily only one of the higher-status men, like her brothers, would. She became one of the best in the family, able to use a naginata and katana very well, though her albinism made it difficult to impossible for her to put her teachings in stealth and archery into actual use. Yurie, however, was not satisfied with that. Deciding to focus on an art relatively unexplored by her family, and wanting to assert herself as a woman despite the defects that prevented her from doing her duty as one, she taught herself Tessenjutsu, adding her own particular flare to it so that it when she fought, her movements resembled an elegant style of dance. Even now, though she still remembers, at a basic level, how to use the weapons mentioned above, she sticks to her iron fans, the only other weapon she carries for reserve and rarely uses. The Suda clan was allied to the Kanegawa clan, and in a very unusual display of forward-thinking, her father allowed her to accompany her brothers into battle, where she proved herself and made her family proud. The Kanegawa's lord saw past the labels usually assigned to her and measured her with an unbiased eye, seeing her strength clearly. When he realized that there was really little future in store for her, he offered her a place as part of his guard, which gained him her eternal loyalty.

Extra: She has poor eye-sight (being an albino) so relies a lot more on her sense of smell, touch, and hearing than most. She also keeps her hair short instead of growing it out long, because it's a constant self-reminder of her abnormality. She was born during a storm, which made her father jokingly give her the nickname Susanoo-no-ko, the Storm God's child. That's a nickname she's made her own, and she intends to live up to it.

@KageKaioh - She feels very comfortable around Kiyomizu-san. His merciless manner of fighting would not disturb her as long as he didn't cut down children. She appreciates his physical prowess, including his own form of martial arts, but the thing that really draws her to him is her ability to be silent around him. Other people require conversation, displays of emotion, and sometimes even submissive or aggressive behavior. With him, she can just be her normal, calm, quiet self without feeling judged or uncomfortable. His general lack of empathy almost makes dealing with him easier, because she doesn't have to hide when she's upset, when she's with him, since he rarely recognizes and asks about it.

@VerbalAbuse - Yurie respects Kikuichi-san almost to the point of intimidation, but does not feel comfortable around her. She sees Kikuichi-san's sensitivity about her gender as a ticking time bomb that makes little sense to her. Women were perhaps more equally treated in her clan simply because there were so few people in the clan. The women were trained the same way as the men and only not sent out into battle when fighting for another person's force, such as Kanegawa-dono's. As such, the belief that women are inferior here is perhaps a little irritating, but impacts her actual psyche very little. More importantly, she thinks it's important to remain calm even when someone has hurt your honor or insulted you. Only through calm can you remain an effective force in battle. A reputation is a balance. People must respect you for your strength, but you must never allow the common people know the true extent of your strength, in case you should ever need it to surprise them. If they believe you're less because you're a woman, use it. Still, the woman is strong, fierce, and honorable, and that deserves respect. She shows humble deference to the older woman, without obsequiousness.

@PetticoatLane - Kuroki-san is a man that can almost get on Yurie's nerves, if she were the type to get annoyed easily. His friendly and open manner is perhaps admirable, in its own way, but she has no intention or desire to share her personal stories and "cry on his shoulder." The suggestion of it, and the feeling she gets that he feels protective of her, is almost an insult to both the mental and physical strength she has beaten into her own existence. His wit does occasionally get a genuine smile from her, but his occasionally flirtatious behavior is associated with disrespect to her. She covers these feelings up with her usual, polite smiles, but if anyone could irritate her enough to poison them, it would probably be him.

@Daws Combine - Yurie has no real opinion of Youshanai-san. She knows that he's a dangerous man, and not a kind one, but she feels neither fear, respect, nor disrespect for him. He is just a colleague she intends to permanently consider as a stranger. He holds no interest for her.

@Tone Deaf - Compared to the other samurai she works with, Yurie respects Nishi-san the least. The impracticality, foolishness, and recklessness of drinking as a habit is, in her eyes, reason for her to look down on him. As with everyone else, she does not let this show in her attitude towards him. She treats him with the same, lady-like courtesy she treats most everyone she does not trust or respect. She can respect his obsession for honor, but he has attempted to pick fights with her for using her family's shinobi techniques, and poison on her weapons sometimes. This is yet another indicator to the albino that his understanding of the world lacks ruthless practicality. Simply because his eyes and skin are also a different color from the norm, she feels no sense of connection or camaraderie with him. Each person who is an outcast is alone. Even if they attempt to band together, they will only serve to alienate themselves further. He is not her, he has not had her experiences, why should she feel towards him any different from the unconcerned disregard with which she has dealt with everyone who has ever hurt her? He insults her clan daily, after all, which is a far greater offense than simply treating her as she was born to be treated. His hot temper, similar to Kikuichi-san's, can have no foreseeable merit in her eyes, and his kindness is both insulting and discomfiting. She does not want pity. She never has, and never will, and though he might treat everyone with the same kindness, she gets the distinct sense that for her it means pity.The one redeeming quality she sees in him is his humility, perhaps because she is precisely the opposite, but has never wanted to be. He can identify with both the rich and the poor, but she has had to keep herself above both, away from both equally. For him to be able to bond with both is enviable for her, and this one quality alone has led her to be quick to defend his honor if he is not there to do it himself.

NPC - Kanegawa-dono has perhaps Yurie's complete adoration, admiration, and loyalty eternally. This loyalty is second only to her loyalty to her father, the only person who has ever loved her. She treats Kanegawa-dono both as her lord and as a second father to her.

Yurie has no interest in a romantic relationship. She is significantly younger than pretty much everyone else in the force, but that is not her real deterrent, since it is not so uncommon in their society. Simply put, love is not an option for her. It never has been, and in her eyes, never will be. Since she was indoctrinated with the belief that she was unsuitable for marriage, falling in love would be a worst-case scenario for her. But personally, I think it would be fascinating if she ever did. Her love of children, also stems from this, as she believes they're something precious she herself will never be able to obtain. Yurie isn't under pressure to marry. It's actually the opposite. True, Clan Suda is not as conservative about marriage as the Kikuichi clan (probably), but it is still expected for the women to marry eventually. Yurie is the exception to this rule both personally and publicly. While she may be a successful samurai now, her albinism still makes her... in crude terms, a freak. I used this in one of my IC posts in the previous one, but she is considered both the Suda clan's shame and its pride. It's unlikely that anyone would want to marry her. Since this was what she was taught in a number of ways since she was a child, this is what she understands. She's not going to get married. To do so would almost be an insult to the man, that he should marry one such as her. Even ignoring that consideration, her personal sense of duty would never allow her to enter into a relationship that might create more like herself. If she passed on her condition, she'd never be able to forgive herself, since she knows how hard it is. She is not a son, and is the youngest daughter of the clan head. There is no political or familial reason why she should have any reason to marry. She has every intention of dying alone. She is also mainly heterosexual. If Yurie does fall for someone that will really highly negatively impact her psyche (which is why I said I thought it'd be interesting), as she'd struggle between her emotions and her sense of duty. If someone confessed to her, on the other hand, she'd simply shoot them down without mercy. Yurie has strict ideals on pity and gentility, which is also the reason she has no love for Kuroki-san. Pity means that you can look down on someone, and feel bad, as if their hardship is somehow under your understanding and control. Useless kindness brought on by her imperfections only serve as a reminder that to the rest of the world, even what she has fought to achieve holds no meaning. No matter what she does, no matter how strong she gets, there will always be those who pity her, and she hates that, because it means nothing will ever be enough. Understanding this, she refuses to feel pity for anyone else, only ever offering silent comfort to those who are hurting. She identifies with neither the poor nor the rich simply for the sake of her heart's own self-preservation, but that comes with loneliness. She sees both halves of the caste system as equal, b/c no matter where she turned, both sides saw her as equally contemptible, except the children - another reason she loves them from the bottom of her heart.
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Name: Suda Yurie

Age: 19

Weapon(s): Tessen (iron fans - these ones in particular are unique not only for their large size, but also for the sharp, poison-tipped spokes that can be used for stabbing), Wakizashi (short swords).

Personality: She can smile and be charming if she sees a purpose for it, but her true nature is very private and quiet. She's not a vicious or sadistic person, but will do almost anything to protect her Daimyo. Yurie is usually very calm, exuding a demure, graceful air, and does not rise to bait very easily, whether it be about her gender or her albinism. However, she does not tolerate people who harm children and when she gets that angry can go a bit overboard.

History: Yurie was born into the Suda clan, a small samurai clan in a fairly isolated area known for focusing on more stealth-related skills than other samurai. While albinism was not officially frowned upon, her skin and eye color were impossible to hide and highly unusual, which made her undesirable as a wife and bullied by both the other men and other women in her clan. To compensate for this, she threw herself into perfecting the skills taught by her family. Her father decided to approve of this direction and allowed her to be taught as customarily only one of the men would. She became one of the best in the family, able to use a naginata and katana very well, and bow and arrow passably, though her albinism made it difficult for her to put her teachings in stealth into actual use. Yurie, however, was not satisfied with that. Deciding to focus on an art relatively unexplored by her family, and wanting to assert herself as a woman despite the defects that prevented her from doing her duty as one, she taught herself Tessenjutsu, adding her own particular flare to it so that it when she fought, her movements resembled an elegant style of dance. Even now, though she still remembers how to use the weapons mentioned above, she sticks to her iron fans, the only other weapon she carries for reserve and rarely uses. The Suda clan was allied to the Soragawa clan, and in a very unusual display of forward-thinking, her father allowed her to accompany some of her brothers into battle, where she proved herself and made her family proud. The Soragawa's lord saw past the labels usually assigned to her and measured her with an unbiased eye, seeing her strength clearly. When he realized that there was really little future in store for her, he offered her a place as part of his guard, which gained him her eternal loyalty.

Extra: She has poor eye-sight (being an albino) so relies a lot more on her sense of smell, touch, and hearing than most. She also keeps her hair short instead of growing it out long, because it's a constant self-reminder of her abnormality. She was born during a storm, which made her father jokingly give her the nickname Susanoo-no-ko, the Storm God's child. That's a nickname she's made her own, and she intends to live up to it.
I would only like to point out that using poison as a Samurai is VERY dishonorable. It would most likly end up havinf my character challenge yours to a fight to the death over said poison.
*laughs. I know that, I just took creative liberties, as her clan is a lot more... closely related to the shinobi. *shrugs. it's a small clan, starting out, they never had the power to stick to honorable practices only, and as time went by, it became part of their culture. Of course, if Kage tells me to take it out, I shall, but I'd prefer not to, since she was originally written as a shinobi (she comes from a different roleplay).
*laughs. I know that, I just took creative liberties, as her clan is a lot more... closely related to the shinobi. *shrugs. it's a small clan, starting out, they never had the power to stick to honorable practices only, and as time went by, it became part of their culture. Of course, if Kage tells me to take it out, I shall, but I'd prefer not to, since she was originally written as a shinobi (she comes from a different roleplay).
Oh No! I hope you keep them, it would be interesting to have my character bousteriously yell at you for not being a true Samurai. I would like to see how it changes the dynamics and trust between them starting out and going on in the rp. #Thinkingtomuch
Haha. Well, you can see from her CS that she's not the type to get up in arms about insults to herself, so I doubt she'd ever respond emotionally unless she got a direct challenge. I had her go the opposite route, I guess, in terms of sensitivity. Instead of getting more sensitive about specific words and phrases, she's so used to getting verbal abuse from her own clan that it kind of slides off her back now. I do hope it will provide some interesting interaction for them, though.

One thing, though! I'd like to plan out any fights they might have beforehand, since I'm not confident as a combat writer. That is to say, description is one thing, but I naturally always want my character to prove themselves better than others', and I'm not confident I could properly keep their limits set, and I would hate to ever power-play.
Haha. Well, you can see from her CS that she's not the type to get up in arms about insults to herself, so I doubt she'd ever respond emotionally unless she got a direct challenge. I had her go the opposite route, I guess, in terms of sensitivity. Instead of getting more sensitive about specific words and phrases, she's so used to getting verbal abuse from her own clan that it kind of slides off her back now. I do hope it will provide some interesting interaction for them, though.

One thing, though! I'd like to plan out any fights they might have beforehand, since I'm not confident as a combat writer. That is to say, description is one thing, but I naturally always want my character to prove themselves better than others', and I'm not confident I could properly keep their limits set, and I would hate to ever power-play.
I myself like to if the other person allows give the fight up to chance. Because I am the same way, always wanting my character to have the upper hand and be the better of the fight. The chance allows neither of us that opportunity. If that ever occurs we can talk more about it