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[fieldbox= Orion Lotus, Purple]
Location: Komenco dorm, Car
Mood: calm, but if he blows this horn one more time….
Inventory: spear, phone, leaves, Kihinde's coat.

"Geez what happened to you?" Kihinde asked Orion but Orion didn't answer that question at all. "thank you" is all he said in regards to the jacket being placed on his shoulders. It seemed as if Kihinde and Luciana had came to some sort of understanding but that had little to do with Orion. Kehinde didn't press the matter, quickly shifted his attention to calling for a cab as Orion slid his arms into the sleeves of the jacket and untucking his hair. With a few strokes of coming through it with his fingers it looked a bit more tame. "I'll be right back." Orion walked inside, without really caring how people were looking at him and went in a different direction than Luciana. While she went up to the room, he instead went to the garden area of the room. They were dealing with monkeys, so he needed bananas. By the time the car showed up Orion was coming out the door with two hands of bananas that had yet to fully ripen. He leaned against the car, ignoring the back and forth banter between kihinde and the driver. Reaching into his pocket he took out his phone and replayed the message from kimirou again. He said he was going to do the mission alone but Orion figured that torri girl would go with him. But then again, there was no real way for him to be sure she wasn't there with him. As he thought about the argument from earlier, he considered walking away again. Harbinger Felix was holding his Journal as ransom but had really almost memorized the entire thing. He closed the message and scrolled to the mission details. 22 second floor of the Rudolph Magistrate Estates. Fancy digs in a large building. Free dinner at the regal café as a reward meant the client was someone important to the establishment. But Orion still couldn't figure out why assassins, 4 assassins, were needed to take care of monkeys, without harming them. That part didn't sit well with Orion at all. Clearly it was a mission to foster teamwork, the worst thing to give this team, if it wasn't Kimirou woldn't be calling for help saying he was in trouble and for them to be careful. Once Luciana cam hurrying out of the building with a duffle bag Orion opened the back door of the car and slid in, all the way over, positioning his spear carefully so no one was endanger of losing an eye… or another eye in Luciana case.
[Fieldbox= Kimirou Asura, purple, solid]

Location: 22 floor of the Rudolph Estates
League: Komenco
Mood: Getting more pissed
Inventory: Alot of stuff.

Kimirou removed his arm from shielding his face, after the smoke cleared. He was relieved that he wasn't harmed. That was when he noticed his phone, melted in his very hand. He had just gotten this phone a little over a month ago after Azami smashed his last one to pieces. The monkeys seemed to be laughing at Kimirou. He once again screamed at the monkeys. "You damn primates. You first cut my hair and now you melt my phone. This thing was top of the line. I just got it." He charged after the monkeys only for them to disperse like fleas. He ran through the apartment chasing after them, trying to figure out what to do. I didn't even get time to talk to anyone including the person that requested this job. Darkness infusion didn't work when they were pinning me down. That must mean someone is controlling them. Although the person must not have such a great handle on things considering it looks like the monkeys are just trying to have fun, Like children often do.

Kimirou thought maybe now with the monkeys at bay it would be the perfect time to investigate the apartment better and become more stealthy. He scoured the establishment from top to bottom. He didn't find any sort of entrance or exit the monkeys could have used. How was this even possible? The only options were the stairs which were full of cameras and the elevator. The only people whom had access to the apartment were the resident, management, and several janitorial/ delivery staff. Also what is the motive for such a pest filled prank? Something is missing and it is something big.

Looking back arty the melted phone he had placed on the counter. He became even more pissed. How was he supposed to contact anyone now, smoke signals? Today just wasn't the day for Kimirou. First, his squad almost splits up. Then a harbinger almost kills them all(and still may), and now all of this. Kimirou also didn't notice that he hasn't seen any of the monkeys for about 10 min. He walked over to one of the windows and loaded at the backed up traffic. It was going to take forever for his comrades to meet up with him. It was beginning to seem hopeless. Plus, he wasn't even sure if they would come, with how everything went this morning. "Why couldn't I have just kept my big trap shut? What was I thinking kicking then out like that? If anything I just made thing worse." He spoke looking it the window. He then turned around just to discover a small group of six or so monkeys standing there looking at him. "Um hi" he greeted the monkeys. One then produced fire in its hands. Another zipped around at unusual speed. Another picked up a sofa. The fourth began to disappear. The last two touched hands and fused into a larger two headed monkey. How was Kimirou to deal with this? The elevator was on the other side of them? Should gee just abandon the whole mission? Would he make it to the door if he even tried? Someone help.[/Fieldbox]
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[fieldbox=Jonathan "Braam" Redaman, blue, solid]
Location: North Central
Mood: Resigned, then Relieved

Evidently Bernard would not budge, no matter what anyone said. So Braam shook his head and faced forward, letting the matter go. He focused back in driving just in time to get into the city proper, and immediately hit a ton of traffic. Braam had forgotten to take the time into consideration during their approach. Rather than respond to Bernard's complaints, however, Braam focused on maneuvering through the absolutely crawling traffic. He had the advantage in that, while the truck was huge, it was also already somewhat battered. He would not lose any sleep over any new dents. So people got out of his way, though he heard curses hurled their way as he made it over to the right lane. After a veritable eternity of the cars inching forward, they finally reached one of the exit ramps, and Braam took them onto the city streets proper.

He was a bit leery about driving this big truck in the tighter confines of the city, but frankly, he wanted this mission over and done with. Bernard left a lot to be desired as far as clients went, and his growing agitation only made things worse. As if the constant ruckus of horns and shouts wasn't enough. Thankfully, here within the city proper, the noise was much reduced by virtue of less volume, and the irritating cacophony became a more distant background noise. Braam took a slow breath and stopped at a traffic light. Without looking at him, he said to Bernard, "You'll need to direct me from here."

Braam resisted looking over his shoulder to check on Amaya. Every minute longer this took, the worse off she would be. He was tempted to prolong the mission so they could get the supplies for her. But then, Bernard would no doubt throw a fit. While Braam couldn't care less about the man's feelings at this point, it could affect the contract. Assuming a mess hadn't already been made, given what happened earlier. Hopefully this wouldn't take much longer.
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[fieldbox="Silverwolf, blue, solid"]

Location: North Central
Mood: Concerned

The assassin sat in silence against Bernard's excessive wining. He had given Braam the benefit of the doubt when his colleague decided to question Bernard once more, but as Silver had anticipated, nothing came from the calm and collective approach. Silverwolf had not been attempting to extract information from their client when he had smashed his head into the dashboard. It had just felt good!.

Silver had drawn his own conclusions about Bernard. The man had his history, and he refused to share it, or maybe it was just as it seemed, he really had no recollections of past events. Who knew?

As the truck came to a crawl once they hit traffic, Silver's concerns for Amaya grew with every minute they were creeping by. It would only get worse and Silver wanted nothing more but to stop and procure medical supplies better suited for a gunshot wound. But they had this damn client to deal with, who could care a less about the squad of assassins that had just saved his ass. That's gratitude for you.

Silver had made a decisions based off this mission thus far, he had decided that it would be worth his time investing in the training of another Konsido. A Konsido used for healing and the assassin would begin the training for it as soon as they returned to base!

For now though, they had to get Bernard settled and he sighed to himself once the truck broke free of traffic and sped towards their destination once more. Bernard was giving the directions now and Silver could only hope that Bernard knew where he was going.

Another fifteen minutes or so slipped by and the squad closed on an apartment complex. It seemed like a quaint location away from the bustle of the City Proper yet close enough that it was only short commute to downtown North Central. Once they arrived, Silverwolf insisted that Bernard remain in the vehicle with the others for a few more minutes until he at least checked the perimeter of the complex and the main entrance way.

The main lobby was quiet, with just a doorman there, an elevator and a few couches scattered around the reception area. Satisfied enough for now Silver returned to the vehicle. He went into is pack, and pulled out a bottle of water "Drink this Amaya. I haven't seen you drink anything this entire journey!" he offered with a smile.
'Everything looks clear for now" he said to the others as he slid the truck's cargo door open "Lets get this over with"[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="Slayer Balleze, red, solid"]

Location: Sango courtyard with Arthas
Mood : Calm

Before the dust cloud had settled Slayer Balleze vanished, suddenly appearing in front of Arthas shaking his head as he cast his eyes down to where the Sango newcomer had trashed the courtyard after his flashy entrance.
"Apprentice Robillard? I presumed it was you. Listen carefully now ok? Please refrain from further destroying League property. We've just had this floor refinished and now look what you have done, It seems you've cracked our nice new floor so now it looks like an intoxicated spider weaved a web in pitch black."

He leveled his gaze upon the apprentice then glanced over his shoulder at the mess of girls behind them
"Forget them, they will be dealt with according to their infractions." He scratched at his head absently for a moment.
"Now there was something I had for you. What was it?" He snapped his fingers a few times in thought and with an audible sigh, his assistant moved over towards him with an envelope and presented it to the apprentice.
"Ahh thank you Tasha! You're one of my best assistants you know" Slayer Balleze commented with a smile
"I'm your only assistant sir." The young woman replied patiently.
"Are you now? oh well." He shrugged his shoulders then continued "Can you return to my office please Tasha? I'd like to finish my pot of tea but I'm certain it's stone cold by now!"
With a relieved sigh, Natasha nodded then slipped away and Slayer Balleze returned his attention to Arthas
"I had to leave my lovely tea behind because of these miscreants!" He jabbed a thumb towards the three girls.
"Come to my office with me, there's something we have to discuss in regards to your envelope... Hmm... But you'll have to open it first, because I haven't the slightest idea what's inside of it less he fact that it is a classified mission you and I are going to bang out...After tea of course! So don't open it here!" His expression grew darker "You do like tea don't you apprentice Robillard? I'd hate to have to replace you. What with all your potential and such." he flittered his hands then continued "I've read your file, it's quite impressive!"

With that the slayer left Arthas where he stood, flashing back to his office where he was greeted by his assistant Natasha, her hand on her hip "Sir...The Apprentice has no idea where your office is located."
"Oh, that's right!"

He reappeared in front of Arthas a few moments later, looking at him curiously, as if all assasins should be capable of moving as fast as himself.
"Well come on then we haven't got all day! Don't dawdle apprentice Robillard!" He set off walking this time, back towards the office.


[fieldbox=Amaya Mikazuki, blue, solid]

[Location: City]
[Mood: Annoyed, tired, tense]
[Inventory: Not much]
Amaya sighed and tried to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from feeling the constant throbbing in her leg and shoulder. She was bleeding out, slow but steady. Regardless, they were Assassins, and they had a mission to carry out. She would not fail. Not Bernard. Not the team. Not herself.

Amaya looked at Silverwolf, and nodded in response. She didnt even remember the question. Her mind was filled with cotton, and it became extremely hard to concentrate. No. She wouldnt allow herself to pass out. Not again. Braam already had to carry her once to safety, and it would be embarassing to let him do it a second time.

Grunting in effort, she hoisted herself out of the car once they stopped to help Barnard with his things. The faster this guy got out of here, the faster they could go back home. They were tired, injured, and all needed a well deserved sleep. She was surprised they made it as far as they did. With luck, they managed to skirt by those higher leveled Assassins, but next time, they might not be so lucky. She safest thing to do was to get this pest out of here ASAP, or risk being a target for some very angry Assassins.

[fieldbox=Kehinde Akachi, purple, solid]

Location: On the way to the Magistrate
League: Komenco
Inventory: Duffle Bag, coat, book, phone
Mood: Anxious​

The door shut behind Luciana as she threw the bag in the car. Kehinde reached over and unzipped his bag and looked over the items in it to be sure, once done he nodded. "Where to?" The driver asked looking in his rearview mirror. Kehinde, without looking, placed his hat on "The magistrate estates please. Oh and step on it." He responded. So the car cranked up and started for the exit. Kehinde then reached in his duffle bag, pulling out a laptop, turning it on. He looked at Luciana and Orion trying to catch their gaze. "Alright, so this will be the first time we have worked as a team I guess hopefully this won't be our last so we need to come up with a plan that will save Kimirou and make the Komenco look good. I took the liberty and grabbing the floor plans to the lobby of the place where Kimirou is. Not sure how we can even enter though." Kehinde spoke. The driver then chimed in, "I know it's none of my business, but how about you guys go through the front door." Kehinde looked over his shoulder, "You're correct it is none of your business." Kehinde retorted. "What do you guys think? Any thoughts?" Kehinde asked, turning the computer around to them. The driver rolled on driving. Doing just as he was told. This was a race against time considering a teammate was in danger. Although the team members were still not out of the woods yet, they still came together to rescue a comrade in need.

As the vehicle raced along the back roads toward the hotel. Kehinde tried to think up ideas in his head that could get them in and out without a problem. They were already late so he had to keep that in mind. What if the league found out? Would the punishment be even worse? These thoughts were running through Kehinde's head as the vehicle moved on. The driver glanced in his rearview mirror, "Traffic up ahead..." Kehinde turned around to look, "Aw damn it, is their an alternate route?" He asked. The driver lightly shrugged, "I'll see what I can do. Like you told me I'll worry about the driving and you worry about your task at hand." He responded with a look of confidence. Kehinde nodded and went back to his thoughts, "Monkeys huh? If they were just monkeys why would Kimirou need help...." His thoughts were interrupted by the car making a quick turn throwing him over to the door. Kehinde quickly caught his laptop, "Whew, 40,000 urd." Kehinde wasn't going to say anything because he knew they were in good hands. The driver was just getting them to their destination no matter what. Kehinde looked to everyone else, "You guys alright?" He asked. Kehinde turned around and noticed that they were quickly approaching the estate. They needed to come up with a plan fast. [/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=Jonathan "Braam" Redaman, blue, solid]
Location: North Central, Bernard's new digs, then getting supplies
Mood: Relieved, worried

Finally, they managed to make it to the apartment complex where Bernard would be living. Braam parked the beast of a truck in the comparatively smaller parking lot, and wasted no time in getting out and helping their insufferable client with getting his belongings inside. Evidently Bernard had thought ahead at least somewhat, and had movers carry in the furniture. Once they got all of the boxes and bags inside, Braam did a short circuit around the building looking for any potential troublemakers, but found nothing. When he returned, he stepped towards Bernard and said, "We've gotten everything from the truck, and it looks like trouble decided not to follow us here. This concludes the contract, so we'll be going now."

He might have offered a handshake or given a slight bow, but Bernard didn't deserve any such respect. Instead, Braam turned towards his teammates and nodded towards the truck, "Let's go. We passed a store on the way here." He looked to Amaya, noting her continuing fading strength. "We'll get some medical supplies, and get our injuries cleaned and patched up. The nurses back at base can do the rest."

Without wasting anymore time, Braam clambered back into the cab and started the truck back up. The growling of the engine starting drowned out the voices of the nearby movers. He waited for his teammates to get in, before he pulled out of the parking lot and started back down the road towards the store to get bandages, and other necessary first aid supplies. Braam would let Silver handle getting them, while he kept the truck idling in the lot. They could do their best to fix up Amaya's injuries in the back of the truck. Silver's chest wound would need cleaning as well, at the very least. Braam didn't even give a moment of consideration to his minor cut, the blood having already clotted a while ago.
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[fieldbox="Arria Calvus, red, solid"]

|Location: Sango HQ, Courtyard|
|Mood: Terror|
|Inventory: 2,000 urd, cell phone, taser, her daggers, ratty pajamas|

Arria found herself jolted backwards, knocked away from Relia by a Slayer who said that it was time to break up the fight and to get to their missions. Her mind was confused and murky. What was she... doing before now? Was she back there, or was she in the now? Things were foggy at best. "Ugh... my head feels like it's been run over by a truck..."

She came to enough to realize that the Slayer was saying that Relia, Azami, and her would be punished accordingly for their 'infractions' as he called it. Arria didn't have the sense to even argue that she'd been hit with Azami's power before the fight, and seh she sat there for a few minutes, trying to bring herself back into reality. She could already feel her stomach bruise and the cuts on her hands begin to make her hands slick. Arria growled at no one in particular the stood and walked back to her dorm.

She slammed the door shut behind her and started screaming. It was a strangled, broken cry and she slumped against the door of her room. She held her knees close to her, as though her bony knees would somehow keep the nightmares at bay. Even now she found herself slipping back into those horrible memories, watching them slowly drag her under as though she had weights tied to her ankles.

She was twelve again, gasping for breath as she stood over the unconscious form of some other girl that she'd never learned the name of. Arria could still see the rise and fall of the girl's chest, signalling that she was still alive. The crowd around her was chanting something, but Arria couldn't hear it over her own labored breathing. She knew what it was, however.


"I won't, I'm not a monster!" Arria yelled, her tears were flowing freely down her cheeks, gathering just below her chin.


The man in charge was striding into the ring with a cattle prod, letting it buzz as soon as he was within range. His eyes were blurred out from the light behind him, and his face was undistinguishable. However, what Arria remembered was that he wore a suit, he wore a suit with shiny new shoes and a new wristwatch that gleamed in the bright lights overhead.

Kill or be killed.

Arria had always wanted to be an assassin, to be a noble Homoji who would protect people and keep the peace at any cost. Until now, she had always thought she was perfect for that role, the role of a protector. However, as she stared down the cattle prod, fearing for her own life, she found herself wrapping her hands around the other girl's throat, pressing down as hard as she could, and feeling the slow beat of the girl's heart stop through her hands.

"I'm not a monster..." Arria had whispered, tears raining down on the girl... the person that she had killed... their face. Some even landed in spots that made it look like the person had been crying. "I'm not."

Welcome to Sango, Arria. You can never go back on your past mistakes. You can never escape from death, and you will never be forgiven.

You're still the Werewolf you've always been;

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[fieldbox= Orion Lotus, Purple]

Location; approaching Magistrate
League: Komenco
Mood: frustrated
inventory: leaves, spear, phone, bananas

Orion closed his eyes as the car took off. He never really cared for cars, but he would admit it was better than walking until someone taught him a teleportation Konsido anyway."Alright, so this will be the first time we have worked as a team I guess hopefully this won't be our last so we need to come up with a plan that will save Kimirou and make the Komenco look good. I took the liberty and grabbing the floor plans to the lobby of the place where Kimirou is. Not sure how we can even enter though." Kehinde spoke. The driver then chimed in, "I know it's none of my business, but how about you guys go through the front door." Kehinde looked over his shoulder, "You're correct it is none of your business." Kehinde retorted. "What do you guys think? Any thoughts?" Kehinde asked. Orion opened his eyes and glanced at the computer screen that Kihinde had taken out. The floor plan was simple enough but Orion did kind of agree with the driver, the front door seemed like the best way in. After all the mission was on the 22nd floor. "how about we focus on getting the Lone ranger out of there then make a plan based on what he found out." Orion didnt like rushing in blindly and if it was as bad as Kimirou made it seem, they wouldnt have time to strategize once they got to kimirou anyway. To Orion the better idea was extraction, regroup and reevaluate. "the job said we would be compensated for overnights if need be, so clearly this isnt something that can be handled quickly by our skill levels."

It might not have been an entirely true statement, but the point still stood, caution was advised. Orion glanced down at the bananas he had taken with him wondering how effective they would be. At the very least they should work enough as a distraction to get kimirou off of the 22nd floor. Hopefully they wouldnt follow them further than that but that wasnt guaranteed either.

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[fieldbox=Luciana Tiriaq, purple, solid]

Location: approaching Magistrate
League: Komenco
Mood: Amused
Inventory: Knives​

Luciana looked over her teammates as they drove off. Kehinde produced a computer with floor plans for the building, and she leaned in to study them. Thus she almost got hit in the face when the car swerved and Kehinde just saved his laptop from going out the window. She quickly leaned back.

"I think the driver's got a point; we're supposed to be there, is there some reason the front door is a bad idea that I don't know about?" Luciana asked, glancing at Kehinde.

"how about we focus on getting the Lone ranger out of there then make a plan based on what he found out. The job said we would be compensated for overnights if need be, so clearly this isn't something that can be handled quickly by our skill levels."

Luciana quirked an eyebrow at Orion. "Fair point. We should probably investigate before we jump in anyway. This job is clearly not as simple as it looks if Kimirou's having so much trouble with this monkey business. By the way my ability's luck manipulation, if that helps."

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[fieldbox=Bernard, maroon, solid]

Location: Outside Randolph

So they finally pulled off. Bernard watch as the assassins drove off. It seemed as if they were in a bit of a hurry. Considering what happened earlier, anyone would be leaving quick, fast, and in a hurry. Bernard shrugged and proceeded to enter the building. As he approached the door, he looked back in the direction of the truck and reminded himself he had to call in the reward. "Guess they did an alright job I guess night as well give them something for their troubles." He thought reaching for the door.

When he was about to pull on the door, a window shattered causing glass to fall to the ground just behind Bernard. People who were walking stopped in their tracks and started to look up and point. Bernard eyebrow raised, he slowly walked from under the covering. He tilted his head up to see what was causing the disturbance. He hoped it wasn't anyone from earlier and he Also hoped it wasn't a new threat either. A monkey came to the window ledge and started to scream to the ones down below. "What the hell...." Bernard and the bystanders remarked as they looked up. The monkey disappeared and reappeared. This time he held something in his hands. It was a vase from what seemed to be the room. The monkey hurled the vase at the growing crowd. Causing it to shatter on the floor. Bernard noticed something was off with the monkey. To him, it almost seemed they weren't themselves. Bernard looked back down the street to see if he saw the truck, but he decided to go on inside. "Excuse me there is a monkey on one of your floors." Bernard commented whilst walking up to the desk. "I know sir the situation is being handled as we speak." The receptionist replied. Bernard retorted, "Obviously not because a window just shattered and a vase was thrown by a monkey. Yeah your really doing a great job." Although on the outside Bernard sounded tough, He was actually a little afraid because of earlier. It could be a trap and they are trying to kill him, but he could be just delusional.[/fieldbox]
@Ayla @Affili @Drakken
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[fieldbox="Arria Calvus, blue, solid"]
"Until further notice, Arria Calvus of Socio Sango has been transferred to Unio Humonj to train, learn new techniques, and to fill a spot left open on the newest recruits' squad. She is not to trade secrets between Assassin Leagues and to remain loyal to Socio Sango. Arria is to follow orders from Unio Humonj that does not conflict with any orders given by Socio Sango members. Arria Calvus is transferring with consent."

The letter filled Arria's heart with dread. It was as though it contained everything she'd ever dreamed of and was her single most fervent wish since being forced into the assassin academy, but it was all wrong. The paper was stained with the blood of her own squadmates, murdered by a rogue assassin within the Sango ranks. They'd handed her the letter and told her the news of her squad. Until they found a new squad of people around her age, Arria would be left with Unio Humonj like an orphaned child.

At least they'd given her a ride up, with all the fun of a short haired woman who looked like the very task she was doing was beneath her. Arria didn't feel reassured by the fact that she'd sworn not to harm the lower ranked assassin no matter what. It was a long stretch of time before either of them talked, and the one who broke the silence was the woman who had paused inspecting her nails for a moment to look up and see Arria's pensive expression.

"You want to know why Sango's decided to transfer you to the Humojies," the woman stated, making it less of a question than a statement of pure fact.

Arria looked away from her intense stare, but met it again and nodded. She didn't trust her words to convey her nervousness and trepidation at Sango doing this without strings attached.

"Well, don't let anyone know that I told you this, but you're to play spy for a few months while we sort things out and try to determine what exactly happened to your squad." The woman said, her smirk turning the image of the information she'd just said into little more than office gossip. Maybe it was to deter anyone who would be watching the car. Maybe it was to make Arria more uncomfortable with the facts that she'd been told.

"What? Why me? It's not like I'm the best choice for this mission," Arria said, trying to figure out why they would pick her.

"Oh but you are," the woman said, leaning back into her seat. Her brown eyes glittered with malicious intent. "You have the Humonj family ties, you have the best temperment out of your squad, and frankly, we know that you wanted to be a Hum Drum from day one. Not killing the convict with the group proved that. Arria the Werewolf wants to be the hero."

Arria blanched at her old nickname, then refuted it, "my power don't have to do with the moon like I thought, though. That nickname doesn't apply."

"Yet... I've seen what's left of people what you're done dear," Arria winced at the use of 'dear', "and you can't tell me a wolf didn't tear those poor people apart. Sure, I'll give you that they all had it coming," the woman paused to check something outside then returned to her story, "I never liked human trafficking anyway. Too messy."

"Where did you learn that nickname, I didn't sign up with it," Arria said, biting her tongue to try and not mouth off to her superior and to turn the tide of the conversation to a different subject.

"It was quite the little show you put on too. I loved the part where you held in your disgust and covered it with the line about getting a high off your kills," the woman prattled on, disregarding Arria's pointed question.

The mention of Arria getting a high off the people she killed made Arria fidget in her seat.

The woman picked up on the movement as though she had found an injured animal that was very vulnerable to attack, and continued on, "you actually do don't you? Must have been when your handler decided to try positive reinforcement-"

"We're here," Arria interrupted, stopping the sentence in its tracks.

The woman put on a pouty face and stuck out her lip. "It was such a great drive, and we had such a great talk. I'll see you soon Arria," the woman said, and Arria quickly turned to open the door. "Very soon.

"Right," Arria said, opening the door quickly and shutting it. She grabbed her bags from the back and took her single bag of belongings and held it close. "Bye."

The car didn't stay very long after Arria left it and started up the walk to the Humonj HQ, where she would find herself as the wolf amongst sheep. Maybe her old fighting name was truer than she'd like it to be. At least she could find her room quickly and be able to unpack before the rest of her squadmates came back from their mission. Hopefully, it was a boring and routine. The less she had to talk about to her Sango 'handler' the better. Arria didn't want to spy on the branch, but given the fate of her old squad she didn't really have much of a choice here did she?
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[fieldbox=Amaya Mikzuki, blue, solid]

Amaya groaned in pain. There were black spots forming in the corners of her vision, that of which were slowly expanding to the rest of her sight. Her body felt heavy, and she had to steady herself by placing a hand on the back of Braam's headrest. She knew from the Academy that she had lost too much blood, and would surely die soon. She guessed it was alright. She'd finished the mission, however simple, and managed to come out alive, for the most part.

Amaya sighed and closed her eyes, her shoulders sagging. She felt she didnt need to say anything, her forehead resting where her hand was. A sweat had broken out, and if she didnt die from blood loss, she would from fever. Death seemed inevitable. There was no way they would make it back to base in time to get her help. Amaya had to accept defeat.

She opened her mouth to say something, but yet another black wave washed over her, and she blacked out. Admist the dark, she felt ashamed. She'd done the same thing to Braam on the beach, and now here she was, dying and unable to give him a proper thank you for what he had done. He'd awoken an inner feeling inside of her that had laid dormant for so long, and now, she'd never get the chance to show her team what she could really do.


[fieldbox=Kehinde Akachi, purple, solid]
Location: Outside the Randolph
Mood: Curious
Inventory: N/A​

Kehinde listened to everyone's inputs. He even took into consideration the driver's thoughts. They were right it would be best to walk through the front door. Kehinde leaned back in his seat looking out the window they were drawing near. He saw a moving truck speed by could people be leaving the hotel cause of this? After some time, the driver pulled up a block from the hotel. He looked back at them, "Alright, this is it. If you look ahead you'll see a crowd. Try not to harm them no matter what now get out." Kehinde nodded, reached for the handle, and got out of the car. He stood there taking in the scene trying to figure up a next move. He looked back at Luciana, "So you think we have a chance or what?"

As soon as those words left his mouth he heard something shatter. Kehinde immediately shot his attention over to the sound. "Did someone just break a window?" He thought to himself, returning to the car. Kehinde reached inside and grabbed his duffle bag. He placed it on the ground and unzipped it. Once he did, he reached in and grabbed his blades, mask, book, a few other items, and his hat. "Pop the trunk," Kehinde ordered banging on the rear of the car. The trunk opened and he placed his duffle bag inside, closing the trunk back. Kehinde then waltz back to the side of the car. He reached back in the car and grabbed his coat, putting it on. He then opened it revealing the inside. He took his blades and slid them inside closing his coat adjusting it. Kehinde gave Luciana a look and moved toward the crowd.

*Press Play*

As he was approaching the crowd he could see where the window had broken. "Interesting." He thought. Whilst the crowd was distracted, Kehinde made his way inside, pulling off his mask. While he was entering he brushed shoulders with an individual. The man stood about medium height, wearing some very eccentric outfit. His eyes were like beads and his hair was well manicured. This same individual gave Kehinde a shallow look. "Can I help you." The individual asked lacing his few with an attitude. Kehinde squinted a little, "No. was just moving on." He answered, slowly backing up. The individual kept his eyes on Kehinde. Kehinde slowly turned around to greet the receptionist. To his surprise, no one was there. "She stepped out a minute. Something I can help you with?" The individual added this time with a more serious look. Kehinde leaned on the counter, "Sure, tell me what's going on upstairs." Kehinde fired back meeting his look. "No clue." the individual retorted, shifting his position.

Bernard slowly walked into the lobby just as the conversation began. He looked at the individual with a certain kind of look then looked at Kehinde. "Then if you haven't a clue. Why question me?" Kehinde asked tilting his hat downward. The individual then placed his hands behind his back, "Just a concerned customer is all. Can't be too careful." He replied, sucking his teeth. Kehinde eyes widened a bit. He knew that this cat was no ordinary person, but he wasn't sure either because he wasn't picking up on anything.

He then noticed a short man in the corner of his eye standing there watching the individual. "Could they know each other?" He thought to himself. "Well this was fun. We must do this again. I must run up to see what's going on." Kehinde grinned leaning off the wall. "Hissss" the item lodged into the wall next to Kehinde at blinding speed. This caught Kehinde completely off guard. Where did it come from? The individual never made a move. His hands still were behind his back. "Were having a conversation. Upstairs can wait. I doubt you'll even need to go up soon afterwhile." The individual commented. "What the hell....he's dangerously calm." Kehinde was kind of stuck in a rather tight spot. He was unable to move at all. "Shit....I can't even reach my blade." He thought looking at the individual. "So, the upstairs seems to tickle your interest I see." The individual remarked, walking in place. "Well, something did bust a window from up there." Kehinde responded. The individual smiled then looked at Bernard. "Oh, what have we here another customer." [/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=Luciana Tiriaq, purple, solid]
Location: Outside the Randolph
Mood: Wary
Inventory: Knives​

Luciana leaned back and watched the crowd. Nobody seemed to be panicking yet, just doing a spot of rubbernecking. Her gaze traveled upwards, and she thought she could make out shadowy figures behind some of the windows. Could be the monkeys, could just be patrons. Oh the lovely advantages of only having one eye.

Kehinde spoke. "Alright, this is it. If you look ahead you'll see a crowd. Try not to harm them no matter what, now get out."

"Tally-ho," Luciana said, opening the door and climbing out.

"So you think we have a chance or what?"

Before she could reply, Luciana heard the crash of breaking glass, and looked up. She couldn't tell where the sound was coming from. The crowd moved back, and Kehinde returned to the car, pulling out a duffle bag and gearing up. Luciana didn't follow him, but she did a quick tap check for all of her own knives. Nope, all still there and within reach, but not prominently displayed to avoid attracting too much attention.

Luciana headed forward, slithering around the edge of the crowd, and saw the source of the sound: a broken window. Nobody had fallen through it, at least, or there would have been a bigger commotion. Probably something thrown, then? She had to step up onto the mulched area, in the landscaping, moving further on until she'd reached the doors. Some people gave her weird looks but nobody got in her way. Surprisingly few staff about, either to control the crowd or call for security. Maybe they were upstairs trying to help? Not likely, going by how Kimirou had been acting. Hotel staff didn't get paid nearly enough to deal with that kind of nonsense.

She came in through the doors and moved to the side, behind another plant (fake this time). She'd come in right after a short, unfamiliar man, who seemed to have gotten the attention of the only other people in the lobby: Kehinde and a sharp-looking, sharp-eyed man. Kehinde was chatting, looking casual, but something struck Luciana as off about the man.

"Well this was fun. We must do this again. I must run up to see what's going on." Kehinde grinned leaning off the wall.

Something hissed slightly, and Luciana resisted the urge to jump. She glimpsed a flicker of movement but whatever it was remained not quite visible, not from her angle behind the potted plant.

"So, the upstairs seems to tickle your interest I see." The individual remarked, walking in place. Like a weirdo, Luciana thought.

"Well, something did bust a window from up there." Kehinde responded.

The stranger smiled, making Luciana's skin crawl just a tad, and finally noticed Mr. Shorty. "Oh, what have we here? Another customer."

Luciana had never been all that good at the intimidating approach--and even when she tried the eyepatch usually did all the work--so she decided to keep sneaking. If she was lucky--heh--she wouldn't be noticed until she had a better position. One hand on the knife concealed beneath her hip pocket, she slid around the room, ducking behind a curtain. It was dusty and she had to hold her breath to avoid a sneeze. This place wasn't quite as ritzy as it tried to look.
[fieldbox="Balleze Crimson, orange, solid"]

The entire league had been set to high alert. Three Sango recruits murdered, one survivor had been evacuated and a score of other league mates also reported dead. It was ridiculous. Balleze watched from his perch high above the main courtyard. News spread fast within the facility and now everyone was looking for him? preposterous, those league mates who had been fighting were alive when he left to return to his office. Instantly stripped of rank and marked as a kill on sight target it was all he could do but elude the swarms of patrols crawling all over the grounds.

'Attention all able bodied personnel! Balleze Crimson, formerly of the Slayer rank has been marked as a kill on sight target! Be warned he is extremely dangerous and also this target is a Konsido Master. Exercise extreme caution!'
That was one of their first mistakes. Hardly anyone of the Sango League knew of his extensive konsido training. Very few knew he had actually been a konsido instructor before his transfer to the Sango League.

The message had been repeating over the intercom for the past fifteen minutes and it was driving him insane. He glared at the intercom closest to his location and with great satisfaction tossed a kunai at the speaker system to silence it. A pity he had been forced to flee though. Just when he was getting so comfortable.

They had already taken his Assistant. He had liked Natasha. Clever girl indeed. She had assured him that she would be fine before ushering him out of the secret exit in his office he had no idea even existed moments before they pounded down the doors to his office.
No time to explain sir" she had said
"It's above your pay scale" she claimed as she shoved him rather violently through the small opening.

The apprentice Robillard had never made it to his office so Balleze could only assume he had been struck down also.

A noise above him drew his attention from the courtyard. It was another patrol squad, too close for comfort right now and there was no way he could get past them undetected as they were the only group standing between him and his exit route. "Guess I have no choice" he murmured to himself with a sigh. It would draw some attention from bellow but all he needed was a few seconds! The patrol squad above him were not good at masking their presence and just as they peered over the ledge Balleze muttered "Blindiga Lumo". The light flashed and so did he from one squad member to the next, none of them able to finish their cries of pain and alarm from the sudden explosion of intense light as they fell to the ground unconscious from the force of Balleze's attacks.

Within seconds Balleze had vanished again, flash stepping to a higher ledge then once more flash stepping a great distance into the woodland marshes surrounding the Sango Facility. He looked back towards the facility one last time before disappearing further into the marshlands. In actual fact it all had worked out better for the assassin then he had initially calculated. The surrounding swampland would make it extremely difficult for anyone to pick up his trail.

Someone had set him up. Now, stripped of rank, and more or less homeless, he could do things his way. No higher ups to answer to. It was time for a new player to enter this assasins game. One without a designated side, free to influence the game as they saw fit.

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[Fieldbox= Orion lotus, purple]

League: Komenco
Location: Randolph
Mood: curious and cautious
Inventory: leaves. And banannas

Orion leaned over to look at the crowd that was gathering outside of the Randolph. Needless to say he didn't comply when the driver told them to get out. His teammates got out of the car but orion waited. He noted that both of them were dressed for business while Orion looked like he was trying to model for some outdoor life adventure commercial. He didn't even have on shoes and he would try to use that.

"Just give me a minute and your phone number" He told the driver as the trunk slammed shut. He took out his phone to take the mans number. he moved to his text messages and looked at the mission details again. It said the 22nd floor was where all the monkeys were.
After a couple minutes Orion slid out of the car with his banannas in hand. With one hand he zipped up the borrowed coat to appear semi decent.

He bypassed the crowd completly and walked into the building as if that was where he belonged. When he walked through the door he noticed his kihinde hadn't gotten further than the lobby. He wasn't quite sure where Luciana was but kihinde was standing surrounded by two individuals. He glanced around the room to see what foliage was in the room that he could use, if any but most was fake. He cleared his throat to draw attention himself. "I demand to speak to someone in charge" He spoke loudly with a slight accent. "My agent tells me this is the creme de la creme of establishments. But to walk in I am forced to wade through common folk and chaos. I need my beauty sleep for tomorrow's half of the photo shoot and I'll be damned if you think I'll be resting here in this tall shotty building. Where is the manager. Chop chop people, I'm waiting. And I don't like to wait. "
He crossed his arm and tapped his feet impatiently. The more eyes that were on him the less were on his team.

He took out his phone and called the driver. "this is the third time you've done this to me Peroir." He yelled into the phone . The driver on the other side of the line was probably confused. "Who the hell is Petoir? And who is this"

"yes I'm at the Randolph and it trash, I keep telling you size doesn't always matter just cuz it's bigger doesn't mean it's better. "


"Just shut up and listen. Your done fixing things, I'll handle this and next time I see you I'm going to handle that eyesore you call a face. Tell the driver not to move, I doubt I'll be staying here at all. " He hung up the phone, flipped his hair and looked up at everyone. "Whos in charge?"

[Fieldbox= Kimirou Asura, purple, solid]

Location: Randolph floor 22 apartment.

Mood: Irritated and Done

Inventory: Same

League: Komenco

Kimirou was now facing six monkeys, if you split the two that combined into one. With the elevator on the other side of the monkeys, he contemplated on what to do. Should he shoot for the door or somewhere else in the apartment. The sound of a window shattering somewhere else in the apartment distracted the monkeys. This clearly showed Kimirou what he needed to do. Kimirou began to sprint towards the elevator doors. When he came close to the monkeys, he dropped to the floor on his side with his feet pointed out in front of him like a dagger and his right arm sliding against the floor. Once on the other side of the monkeys, he used his right arm to thrive himself away from the ground. Simultaneously he used his left hand to throw a dagger at the button. The doors opened and Kimirou began to smile. He was only a step or two away from stepping into the elevator, only to have the speedy monkey pop-up in front of him. This brought Kimirou to a halting stop. However, a smile reappeared on Kimirou's face. The doors were beginning to close, and right before they did Kimirou lightly nudged the speedy monkey causing it to back up into the trap of the elevator. Kimirou turned around in relief, only to realize he was now surrounded by the other five monkeys. Meanwhile, the elevator reached the lobby and the doors opened. The money stood there for a few moments and then the door began to close again. The money used its super speed to not only exit the elevator but the building in its entirety. It disappeared to parts unknown.[/Fieldbox]
[Fieldbox= Luciana Tiriaq, purple, solid]

Location: Randolph Lobby
Mood: Intrigued but increasingly confused
Inventory: Knives
League: Komenco​

Moving behind another ornamental plant, Luciana considered her options. Stay down here and back up Kehinde if necessary, or take advantage of not being seen and go help Kimirou. Either one was likely to be in danger, though Kimirou's seemed to be more immediate. Her previous dislike of the guys had already been unconsciously put aside while she was in "mission mode."

Her decision was made easier by the entrance of Orion. To her surprise and amusement, he was no longer acting stern and serious, but instead played the prima donna, yelling at someone over the phone and generally calling all attention to himself. Luciana decided to take advantage of that (after a moment of gawking) and headed for the stairs. Not as fast as an elevator but not as noticeable either, or likely to get stuck. But on the other hand, it was 22 stories up. That might be more work than it was worth.

As she slid the door open, the elevators dinged and out shot a furry brownish blur. Luciana barely had time to wonder what it was before it was gone, vanishing further into the hotel. It squawked like a monkey, at least...curiouser and curiouser... Oh hey, the doors were still open. Luciana threw herself inside as they shut, and scrambled to her feet. Hooray, she was inside! She hit the button for the 22nd floor and stepped back, drawing her largest knife from inside its secret pocket on the inside of her thigh. Uncomfortable, but also a place few people would search unless she was already in serious trouble.

During the ride up, she thought over what she'd glimpsed. If that was a monkey, and she had to catch it, the odds were suddenly a lot less funny and more seriously worrying. Super-fast primates would not be fun, especially if the other guys got stuck downstairs and it was just her and Kimirou. Or maybe, a grim thought popped into her mind, she'd be by herself. She flexed her fingers around her knife and waited for the elevator to stop.

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