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[fieldbox= Orion Lotus, Purple]

Location: Komenco Dorm at first
Mood: through
Inventory: at first nothing, then bracelets, Spear and journal, cellphone that's turned off.

what the actual purple f---K was going on was all Orion could think after this random kid popped up and started barking orders like he was everyone's grandfather. He just went on and on and on and on but only at Orion and Luciana like they were the bad guys in this. Sure things maybe could have been handle a bit differently but how the hell was it their fault? The pint sized harbinger droned on, it might have been slightly adorable but after Leons first temper tantrum he didn't really care for cute. It was blatantly ironic that a kid was defending the kids, but Orion wasn't going to doubt that the new kid had some super tragic backstory. Though Orion wouldn't dare say it out loud, Ralph was acting like a kid. Then came Harbinger Felix, so now not one but two harbingers were in the situation. At the same time Orion didn't really care that they were getting written up, what it really meant was that while they would be consequenced for their alleged misconduct, Leon and Torri would probably be allowed to stay and no one dies. It was that sly fact that Orion had mixed feelings about it was basically a harbinger telling them to disregard the rules while telling them to follow the rules. At the very least, he'd be alive in the morning.
But of course things couldn't just end. Kimirou had to get the last word in " "This is utterly ridiculous. I can understand being written up for my wrong doings, which aren't much. But for all of this to happen at a time like this? Now I am being punished due to the lot of you. I tried to calm the situation down but not one of you listened to me. You all want to talk about defending yourselves but look where it has gotten us. We are supposed to be a team and discuss things, find out who each other are. But no we had to have a full on argument all because you all want to have thick heads. You not only disrespected each other, but you also disrespected yourselves. Then you disrespected a Harbinger. Not only a Harbinger, The 4th Knight of the round table. I just don't know what to do." His rage seemed to had peeked. "Better yet I know exactly what to do." He pointed at the door. "None of you are welcome back until you are able to talk things out and understand a person talking to you." Pointing at himself he continued. "I am going to do our mission by my damn self. Atleast now when I show up he can atleast say someone is there. Besides I only need my portion of the rent in order to stay here. 4,000 urd. When I finish this mission I will have enough to pay for five months." He held out his hand showing the number 5. Kimirou then turned away from and began to storm off. After a few steps he stopped, exhaled deeply, and held his head down. "You know this is really a pitty. I finally thought I had a group of friends that excepted me for me eyes and all. Or atleast could except me. No better yet a family. But instead I have you. A group of people that can't even stand to breathe the same air. It pains me to know that you all are so selfish you can't even have a simple conversation with one another because that would take too much attention from yourself." He then looked over his shoulder at them, "If we were in battle, within the first minute we would all be dead." He then looked forward and continued to walk. "Why don't you guys carry that on your shoulders for a while." Once his statement was finished he had turned the corner and was no longer in site.

While Orion could have poked about a million holes in that redundant closing argument, especially the part about being selfish, but He let it go. Everyone was wrong about everyone but in Orion's eyes none was as wrong as Ralph. So Orion simply went into the bedroom and packed a bag. Some clothes, some soap, his journal, a lemon and his cellphone. He rested his spear in his hand as he slid his bracelets on. After that he was out. He went to where he always felt at home, to nature, to the woods. By the time he found a cave large enough to shelter him he had put most of the argument out of his mind. With everything wet from the rain, he couldn't really do what he wanted to do but he would make do. Flinging his shirt over his bag he stepped into the cold air and shivered. "
Just like old times" he picked some leaves off of trees and wrapped them around his hands in layers. The inner layer was soft and cool, while he hardened the outer layer effectively making a make shift pair of boxing gloves. He stationed himself in front of a near by tree and started punching it. The water from the leaves fell on him like a brief shower of rain but he just continued in an attempt to rid his body of the stress from the morning's events.

The steady rhythm took his memory back to the academy, all the lessons about combat. Bend your knees, turn your hip, and aim through the target. All the basics. The academy was the first time in a long time he had been around people consistently. More than just passing through a city stocking up on supplies. But here he was alone again, and strangely comfortable. But at the same time, something in him knew he would go back. Something written in his journal, something expressed by an instructor in the academy. A revolving theme in his life. Those words hung over his head as he pounded away endlessly.

"There are those in this world who like being alone, but there isn't a single person in the world who can bear the solitude."

[fieldbox="Silverwolf, Blue, Solid"]

Location: The middle of the forest
Mood: They are getting shot at, you figure it out
Everything about Bernard's story that Silver overheard seethed with bullshit and Silver had heard just about enough of it. But who were they to pry at the client? He was strongly considering slamming a needle into the man's neck to render him unconscious for a while when he felt and heard the tremor through the forest as one of the trees fell. Too precise to be a coincidence. Like hell if he would believe that a toppled tree right across the road they were travelling on during this exact time frame was anything remotely close to a coincidence.

The moment Braam Slammed breaks the first time, Silver rolled out of the side door and dove for cover just as the gunshot rang off the rooftop. He saw Amaya flinch as a bullet struck her and even still she managed to drop one of the assailants despite the wound she had just received in her calf. She would have to hold off for a while because Silver had already caught sight of more assailants and he didn't have time to stop and tend to her wound at that time. Chances are he would get hurt himself if they stopped right now."Hang on Amaya!" he called out as he disappeared into the trees.

The good thing about forests, there was always plenty of cover and it wasn't long before Silver was weaving his way through the trees off to the side of one of the assailants who had his weapon trained on the truck. A few wild shots rang off towards the truck as Silver stalked towards his target and he could only hope they didn't hit anyone.
He leaped from a crouch and using his staff to pin the target to his own chest, Silver violently twisted and felt the man's neck break against the force.

Another Shot sounded and Silver felt the bullet slice through his chest, drawing a line of blood across the length of his upper torso, just a graze, but it hurt like hell and the wound would probably need stitches. Silver clutched at the deeper portion of the wound as he dove for cover behind some rocks.
"They better give us a raise! 20,000 URD isn't going to cut it!" he commented to himself as he caught sight of the shooter in his peripheral vision.

The shooter's back was to the truck now as he fired two more shots towards Silver's location and the Assassin heard the bullets ricochet off the stones in front of him. Hopefully it was enough to give away his position and allow Amaya or Braam to deal with him.

"You just should call it a day mate" he called from behind the rocks "Walk away now and you might just live for another day!"
"I'm the one with the gun dumb ass" the assailant called back, seeming to have forgotten that there were more squad members at the truck. Silver could tell by the sound of his voice that he was moving sideways, 'Probably trying to get a better shot at me. At least he seems relatively stupid' he confirmed to himself, as he dropped lower to the ground. Silver had yet to confirm how many other assailants there were. it would not be wise for him to charge at this guy right now at leas he had chosen a good spot for cover, mostly rocks all around him, maybe he had just been lucky thus far.

[fieldbox=Kehinde Akachi, purple, solid]

Location: Dorm> Outskirts of Komenco Compound
Mood: Irritated, disgusted, intrigued
Inventory: Phone, Book, Coat, Hidden blades​

Kehinde's signs fell on blind eyes as Luciana sealed her fate calling Ralph a kid. Things at that moments seemed to have made a turn for the worse when he rose to his feet. Doors slammed and words flew as Ralph attempted to get his point across. It struck some sort of interest when Ralph explained the ins and outs of the Roundtable. He knew they were exclusive but never really understood it until now. Well, things seemed to start to wrap up until Felix alerted he was at the door. Kehinde almost fell out the chair because not only was there one harbinger, but two and by sheer luck both of them sat on the roundtable.

Kehinde listened to the exchange of words the two had not really caring enough about it. Kehinde absently stared at the two as they went back and forth, "So what course of action will you be taking?" Felix asked Ralph giving them a bit of a glare. "I'm writing all four of them up" Ralph responded. Ralph said some other stuff but all Kehinde heard was he was being written up. 'There you have it. Good going Kehinde not even in the League a good 2 months and you're already getting your first infraction." He thought to himself. His thoughts were interrupted by Ralph mentioning a punishment, the same chill that he felt earlier returned with a real vengeance. "Ain't no telling what he has planned. Considering what he did during training I wouldn't be surprised if he exiled us from the League." Kehinde was psyching himself out trying over and over to grasp the situation. He didn't know whether to be mad or just strike it up as a lesson learned. Felix most of all seemed the most disappointed in the four.

After Ralph departed he just shook his head and requested paperwork, which Kehinde knew what was coming next. If that didn't take the cake, soon after Felix left with his men, Kimirou decided to add his two cents, not that it really mattered anyhow. Everyone in the Komenco were literally on four different pages. "Better yet I know exactly what to do." He pointed at the door. "None of you are welcome back until you are able to talk things out and understand a person talking to you." Pointing at himself he continued. "I am going to do our mission by my damn self. Atleast now, when I show up he can at least say someone is there. Besides I only need my portion of the rent in order to stay here. 4,000 urd. When I finish this mission I will have enough to pay for five months." Kimirou remarked. Kehinde sat there and rolled his eyes because frankly he was over the whole thing and didn't want any part of it. All the other things he mentioned, Kehinde tuned out.

Just like that Kimirou left followed by Luciana, then Orion. Kehinde was left in the apartment all alone. Kehinde sighed, turned around, and leaned over the back of the chair. He sat there replaying the day's events over and over in his head. Was it all his fault? Maybe if he would have just locked the damn window maybe Leon wouldn't have gotten in. "Damn it Leon," He mumbled angrily, nibbling on his fingernails. He wanted to get upset with Leon, but what good would that do? What's done is done. Kehinde shook his head and proceeded to get up, pushing his chair in. He looked around the apartment, taking in it's pain filled walls and heartbroken colors. He then reminded himself about the package Leon brought him. Kehinde left the dining room and headed into the bedroom. There sat the bag Leon left, on top of it a note.

"Hey, Kachi saw this strange book for you and thought it'd be useful to you. The guy said the book was the last of its kind cool huh?..."

Kehinde placed the message to the side and opened the bag revealing a book. He quizzically looked at it. It was a good sized book, maybe had a few hundred pages. "Why would he even get a book like this? He knows I don't have time to read it." Kehinde was about to toss it when the cover of it caught his eye. The lettering was violet just like his very own eyes when his ability is activated. Right in front of him the letter rearranged themselves. Kehinde's mouth dropped.

*Press Play*

When the letters finished rearranging it read, "Book of the Illusion Prince by...." The name was hard to read as they seemed to be jumbled up. "Ha, go figure. Leon found a book for my ability?" Kehinde's interest was peaked. He decided to take a look at the first page. The name was still jumbled, but he could see what looked to be a table of contents. "Hmm interesting." Kehinde closed the book and placed it under his arm, grabbing his coat off the bed he departed out the door, cutting out the lights. Down the hall, to the stairs, and around the corner he went trying to find a quiet place. It took him a while, but he found an area just at the edge of the cliff overlooking the forest. Kehinde inhaled and exhaled as if he had a new lease on life. "Perfect." He nodded in approval. He took off his coat, folded it, and placed it neatly on the ground moving the book as he pulled off each sleeve. After such, he took a seat on the ground, reached for the book, opening it.

On the first page, it talked about knowing yourself and your ability. Kehinde nodded and looked up in confusion, "I Know myself....at least I think I do. Well, I know I talk to myself alot. Wonder if that counts" He shook his head and read the example the book gave, "Knowing yourself and your ability is the key to unlocking the true potential to your power." It stated. The book then requested that the user stand up. So Kehinde stood up and continued to read. The book added that the user clear their mind and listen to the world around them. So Kehinde took a deep breath and started to attempt to clear his mind. Unfortunately, Kehinde's mind started to wonder off. "Oh shoot I can't do this...Stupid book." Looking back at it the book stated for the user to have the mindset of wanting to clear their mind. So Kehinde tried again, inhaling and closing his eyes. He successfully began hearing the beautiful sounds of the wind rushing past him, the flapping wings of the birds that went by, and the rushing water of the waterfall that was in the forest. At that moment, he opened his eyes and saw himself standing a few feet from him.

Kehinde's eyes widened as he looked directly at himself. Kehinde looked around and noticed he was still in the same spot, but something was different. The replica spoke, "Yeah, you're not crazy. You are really seeing yourself. Welcome to your inner conscience. The first step in mastering your power is getting to know where you get your source of power. That's the heart if you have heart nobody can take your power away." The replica spoke with wisdom. Kehinde looked at the replica oddly still not believing. The replica once again spoke, "You see, the world is your playground. You have soo many options. Its just those options can't become available to you if you continue to limit yourself. From this point forward when utilizing anything from that book," He pointed, "You will say the phrase 'Book of the Illusion Prince....your chapter and the technique. With that, you can wield your ability as a beginner. As you grow and advance your ability you will be able to personalize it and use it without using the phrase. At that point, you can say you're dangerous. What this book will teach you is the fundamentals of using the power you wield. Always remember these 3 steps, Meditation, idealism, and execution. Staying true to those won't get you killed and will keep you grounded. Are you ready?" The replica finished. Kehinde didn't know what to think or to say so he just nodded because he felt he was doing the right thing. "Guess I really don't have a choice."[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=Jonathan "Braam" Redaman, blue, solid]
Location: East Central, Forest Road
Mood: Harried, then disturbed

The moment Braam had his opponent disarmed, he found himself falling into the quick chain of strikes and reactions that came with close-quarters combat. He had vaguely enough time to hear Amaya clamber off the roof, and for Silver to shout something rendered incoherent under the sound of more gunfire. His own opponent had managed to pull out a knife, their two blades clashing in short bursts. They exchanged a dozen strikes in the span of a few seconds, and in that time, Braam charged up a small explosion in his freehand. He needed to make it strong enough to put his opponent off balance, since making it much stronger might damage the truck. The next time their weapons collided, Braam parried the strike away from them, slipped forward inside his opponent's reach. His charged hand moved right up to his face, and Braam released the charge.

A small explosion, the size of a basketball went off right in the man's face. He let out a howl as the heat scorched his face, and he stumbled back, blinded. It gave Braam plenty of time to lunge forward and plunge his knife right up the man's left armpit, angling it to strike into the heart like they taught at the Academy. The man quivered, then went slack and hit the ground.

Bernard let out a terrified scream and Braam turned towards the tree. He could try to blow it up and get it out of their path but the truck was too close. An explosion big enough to destroy the tree and get the debris out of the way would damage the truck, defeating the entire point of clearing it out of the way. They would need to back up closer to the tree behind them first, something they didn't have the luxury of doing right now.

Another attacker, this time with a shortsword in one hand, and a pistol in the other, came at Braam, and fired. Braam twitched out of the way, but still felt a burning line form across his cheek from the shot that had been meant to hit him between the eye. Braam threw his knife at the man, messing up his aim by forcing him to deflect it, and his next shot went wide. It gave Braam plenty of time to close the distance, pulling out a new knife, and clamped his hand down on the pistol. The two went into a weaving, close struggle, exchanging strikes. The whole time, Braam started charging the pistol in the man's hand. Splitting his concentration like that, however, made him misjudge one of his strikes, and the man knocked his knife from his hand.

Braam was forced to dodge back and away from his next strike, and thus relinquish the pistol. He hadn't had quite enough time to charge it up completely, but when the explosion went off inside the gun, fire and smoke puffed out and the man released it with an anguished cry, burns and blisters covering his palm, along with bits of metal. Braam didn't waste any time, and closed in as the man grit his teeth and swept his sword into a wild strike. Braam deftly stepped aside, striking against the flat of the sword to send it away from him with his coat's thick sleeve. In the span of that breathe, Braam charged up more energy into his hand, taking note of how the pistol reacted to the incomplete charge that damaged it, and slammed his palm into the man's sternum, channeling the energy into his body.

When he released the charge, he felt the vibrations inside the man's body, and the assailant let out a pained grunt, eyes widening. A second later, he coughed up blood, and stumbled back, struggling to breathe. Braam stood up and watched as the man dropped his sword and clutched at his chest, hacking up more blood, his face coloring, until he finally collapsed. The man twitched on the floor for a few heartbeats more, then finally went still.

Braam stared at him for a moment, as a panicked voice screamed from his memories. "Don't touch me! I don't want to die!" He started breathing harder, and looked down at his hand now smeared with blood, and noticed he was shaking.

Another gunshot from the other side of the truck reminded Braam they were still in danger. He steeled his thoughts and rushed around past a couple of enemies with arrows sticking out of them to see Amaya bleeding from the leg and warding off enemies with her rifle, while voices came from inside the trees. Braam dodged a gunshot and hurled himself into the trees to see an enemy circling around a rock that had been chewed up by gunfire. The man whirled around and fired a wild shot at Braam, but it went wide, and hit a tree instead. Braam dodged behind a tree to block the next shot, bark and bits of wood flying into the air to give Silver time to strike from behind.
[Fieldbox=The Copycats, Brown, solid]In the midst of all the commotion. Two twins watched over the ordeal. The twins were affiliated with the pirates that attacked Stratus hall during the festival. They were there because they were ordered to oversee that the men the Pirates hired These men that were hired, to retrieve the package just wasn't getting the job done. They knew what they needed to do upon getting there so why are they having a problem with assassins. One twin looks at the other, "Brother do you think we need to intervene?" He asked, running his chin watching the gun fight intently. The other twin responds, " They were hired to carry out a duty and of course if you want something done you have to do it yourself I tried to tell the Elites that, but nooo they wanted to hire low rate pissants to do something as simple as this. Guess they'll learn to listen to us one day." He shook his head and got up leaving the branch they were placed in.

The twin then began to play back the events from Stratus Hall in his head and decided to add his own spin. He threw his hands up in the air and began swaaying them back and forth. When he did so a thick fog began to lay in blaketing the area, just like that fateful night. The twin then began to clap his hands talking, "Oh my word. You would think the people we hire would be able to handle a minor threat such as you assassins," He threw his voice in another direction, "That's ok, you need not worry." Bernard once again hollered for the assassins. When he heard the voice he began to worry. With the information he had and the debts he owes he thought if they were here he was a gonner. He was shaking so bad that he started to blow the horn. "Just forget about them GET ME OUT OF HERE!" He yelled, his voice making your skin crawl, hanging his head out the window.[/fieldbox] @Ayla @Drakken @Affili
[Fieldbox= Kehinde Asura, purple, solid]

Location: Vehicle on the way to Rudolph Magistrate Estates.

League: Komenco

Mood: Irritated and quite upset

Inventory: Travel bag, wallet, phone (off)

Kimirou was lost in his thoughts as the driver drove to the destination. He wondered what his other teammates were doing. He then began to wonder what gave him the right to say what he said to them. Well it didn't matter cause they probably didn't listen to him. No one ever listened to the poor lonely child surrounded by darkness. Why did he even want to be a part of the Komenco again. It didn't matter he was here and there was nothing he could do now. Some thoughts even ran through his head that maybe this mission called for four members cause it is just too much for one person to handle. Maybe he would be out of his misery soon. The driver stared at Kimirou through the rear view mirror and noticed he looked as if he had lost his favorite puppy. He didn't ask what was wrong just, "Are you going to get out?" Kimirou didn't even notice he was already at the Magistrate Estates. "Yeah, uhm, I'm going." Kimirou exited the vehicle and then entered the building. It was an immaculate building. Everything seemed to be made of marble and pearl. One of the many by passers addressed him. "Uhm you here to help on the 22nd floor." A man with a very nice suit on expressed to him. "Yeah I am." Kimirou replied. "I asked for four where are the others?" the man replied. "They will be here shortly, I just went ahead and came to get a head start." Kimirou retorted letting his eyes roam the room. "Well someone is a little antsy for this now aren't they?" the man giggled. Kimirou retorted once more, "No I'm just ready to get this over." Kimirou was not in the mood for any idle chit chat. He just wanted to come get the job done and head back home to get his punishment. Really he was tired of all that had happened. Some would even wonder if he wanted to continue on at all.

The man gestured for Kimirou to follow him. And so he did. They went into the elevator and the man just wouldn't shut up. Kimirou ignored him in entirety. Once the elevator stopped, the doors opened. Monkeys were everywhere, but that wasn't the first thing Kimirou noticed. "The entire 22nd ​floor is your's?" Kimirou asked. "Why yes it is. Isn't it nice, well it would be if it weren't for all the monkeys. Yes, now off you go get to work." The man responded as he pushed Kimirou into the 22nd ​floor apartment. Kimirou took a deep breath. "Where should I begin?" Kimirou decided it would probably be best to roam around for a while to see exactly how big the apartment is. I ended up being rather large and with many hiding places. However the monkeys weren't hiding and they were everywhere. Like the man was throwing a party or something. Kimirou did notice that not one window was open. That sparked a question, "How did these primates get in? Someone couldn't have just sent them up the elevator, they would have traveled through the lobby. Why only this man's apartment and not the entire building? There has got to be something more going on." Kimirou's investigation was interrupted when one of the monkeys attacked him. "How am I supposed to deal with them without hurting them?" Then another monkey attacked him. Soon a whole gang of monkeys had Kimirou pinned to the ground with ease. "Why isn't my darkness infusion working on them this makes no sense." He cried out as one of the monkeys made it next to his head. The monkey rose his arm and a fireball appeared in his hand. "What the hell? They have abilities???? How the hell did that happen?"​
[Fieldbox= Luciana Tiriaq, purple, solid]

Location: First Tier Living Hall, Lobby
League: Komenco
Mood: Emotionally drained
Inventory: Knives​

Luciana's sneakers squeaked as she came in through the lobby doors, and she paused. They were stained brown-black with mud, which she'd just tracked into the hall. Her shoulder sank and she backtracked, wiping them off on the mat. That didn't help much so she just took them off and stuffed her damp socks into them. Carrying them loosely at her side she approached the desk labeled "Information."

The woman behind the desk didn't give her time to even ask a question. "What's happened to you, young one? Here, sit down--don't worry about the furniture, it's seen much worse than mud in its time."

Luciana let the older woman sit her down on a chair that was actually a lot more comfortable than it looked. The woman prodded her forehead, which surprised her by aching at the touch. She hadn't been bracing for it so she winced instinctively. Must have hit the tree branch harder than she'd thought.

"I'm no doctor but that's a nasty-looking bruise. Do you need me to call a medic?"

"No, I'm fine," Luciana said. "I need to talk to Ral--Harbringer Ralph, I guess I should call him." She wondered if that was disrespectful. He'd reacted badly to being called "sir" and "little kid," maybe?

"I can contact his caretaker, but it may take a little while for him to arrive," the woman said.

Luciana managed a slight, wry smile. "Oh yeah, he's in trouble too, isn't he?"

The clerk studied her for a moment. "You're part of Kimirou's new team, aren't you?"

"For now."

"Why only 'for now'?" The clerk asked. Her tone was gentle, something Luciana hadn't expected. Just about everyone she'd met so far was tough and stern, or at least very serious. "Your first day isn't being very kind to you, is it?"

Luciana shrugged, looking down at her hands. The palms were covered in pink scratches from tree bark. "It's not being kind to me, I'm not being kind to it, something along those lines. I just need to see Harbringer Ralph, I've got something important to talk about."

"I'll call him," the woman said, rising and going back behind the desk again. She dialed the phone on her desk, and Luciana half-listened as she was transferred through to what she presumed was Ralph's babysitter. Or secretary. Or both. There was a pause, in which the woman put a hand over the receiver and addressed her again. "What should I say you're asking about?"

"Punishments. I'm due one and I need to sort something out first."

The woman looked sympathetic, but nodded and passed the message on. She hung up a moment later and rejoined Luciana. "If you're scared, you should know that newcomers are not punished very harshly. You can't be expected to know all of the rules on your first day."

"I'm not scared. This is the one thing I have actual experience with," Luciana replied, glancing up at her.

"I'm certain that will change. Don't give up so early."

Luciana stared at her, genuinely taken off-guard. "You don't even know me..."

"And neither does anyone else here, yet," the clerk replied. "Don't let them fool you into thinking otherwise."

[fieldbox=Amaya Mikazuki, blue, solid]
[Location: Forest road]
[Mood: I think Im Dying]
[Iventory: Bullet in the leg, weapon]
Amaya slumped against the truck, her rifle still up and trying her best to protect their client, but her vision was flickering like an old movie. Damnit, she was losing blood. Amaya grit her teeth as another bullet grazed her shoulder, sticking to the metal of the truck beside her arm. Fuck. Amaya saw the attacker and moved her rifle, firing off a few rounds before seeing the body drop to the ground. Her shoulders sagged, and it took almost all of her energy to keep her rifle up and ready. They needed to get Bernard to safety. It was their job as an Assassin.

Amaya screamed to her leaguemates. She wouldnt be able to keep this up for much longer. She was loosing blood through the wound on her leg, and the miniscule one that was slowly growing on her shoulder.

Even as she said it, a thick fog rolled in. The humid air clung to her skin. Her wounds were throbbing, and the thick air wasnt helping. Bernard was thrashing around in the truck, slamming on the horn. Amaya snarled, turning and slamming her fist against the side of the truck.
"Stop crying like a child! We're trained Assassins. We will get you out of here. Alive. Even at the cost of our lives. Understand?"
He just nodded, his head moving up and down with vigor. She may have been a bit harsh, but it was the only way to get the man to stop crying like a newborn.

She couldnt see through the haze. The trees looked like shadows, and that terrified her. The sound was muffled, and the gunshots seemed to stop. Everything seemed to stop. Amaya froze, gripping her rifle close to her chest. Something was out there, and it had a plan. They didnt. They were about as organized as chickens during a thunderstorm.

"Braam! Silverwolf! Can you hear me? Are you dead?"
It was a dangerous move, giving away her position, but odds were the attackers already knew where she was. She had to know if they were both alive. Had to know they were okay. If Braam was okay. What? Why should she care specifically about Braam? Didnt matter right now. She would mentally beat herself up later when she wasnt bleeding into the dirt.

Last edited:
[fieldbox= Reila Solari, red, solid]
Location: Somewhere outside of the Socio Sango Headquarters
Mood: On the cliff that leads to full blown madness
Inventory: Nothing at the moment

"Huh? Aza-!!" Before Reila could finish, Azami shoved both her and Arria away while laughing crazily. The pink haired girl slipped and fell onto the ground as a result but the fall wasn't bad fortunately. Right after though, negative thoughts that seemingly came from out of nowhere began pouring into her mind as if it was some sort of faucet. Normally, she could shrug off almost any type of negativity that came her way by using her uplifting spirit to repel such thoughts. However, that wasn't the case with these ones in particular. Reila wasn't simply dealing with thoughts but she was dealing with what was right in front of her as well.

- The Undesirable Nightmare -
All of the people that she had ever killed stood right in front of her with a dark grin on their faces. "I turned you all to cookies already, so why aren't you dead? ..heh...hehe, it doesn't matter because I'll just turn you back into cookie dough again!!!" The girl shouted as she proceeded to stand on her two feet. Once that was done with, she rushed back over to her hatchet while the crowds of living flesh ran in pursuit. Luckily, Reila managed to bend down and grab onto her trusty axe before they could catch up to her.

She didn't no why but for some unknown reason, something didn't feel right. Getting a hold of her hatchet felt a little too easy, almost as if the people wanted her to get it. "I've acquired the needed cooking tool!!! Yay me!!! So who's ready for the oven first?" The girl happily asked as she turned around to face the mass of people. Unfortunately, everyone that was once there was no longer present, outside of two people that happened to be staring at Reila with an overjoyed look plastered onto their faces. "Umm that was everyone's cue to make a run for it, so why you no run? And uhh you both seem weirdly familiar...just who are you and why are looking at me like that?" She questioned nervously, deciding to take a few steps back.

One of the two had the appearance of a middle aged man while the other was a woman in her late twenties/early thirties that wore a high resemblance to Reila. In fact, the woman looked like an older version of her which was unusual. Both the man and the woman suddenly began walking up to the hatchet wielding girl, causing her to start taking even more steps back. "I quit, now leave me alone...ok?" The girl's words didn't seem to be having any effect as the two continued to move closer. "I said I quit so leave me alone!!! But if you wish to persist with this any further, then I'll happily kill you!!!" Reila acknowledged, getting into a swinging stance as the man and woman were seconds away from being directly in front of her.

Once they were close enough, the two attempted to move in close enough for a hug, triggering the girl to react aggressively by swinging her hatchet at them in response. "Reiza!!! Stop that this instant!!!" Reila instinctively stopped, allowing the two mystery people to pull of the hug successfully. "Ugh!!! Why do you always have to ruin my fun? Isn't it already bad enough that you've left me all alone to fend for myself!?" Tears began falling down from her cheeks as the older woman proceeded to squeeze her tightly. "I'm sorry darling but life is life ya'know? Sometimes you have to go to places where you don't want to. This is one of those times but don't worry, we'll come back to you before you know it, so brighten up alright?" The woman noted as she and the man released the girl from their embrace before walking away. Soon after, Reila fell to her knees with more tears pouring out from her eyes like rain. "But grandma likes to lock me away in the closet for not cooking some special cookies correctly..." She said softly with a man's voice traveling through the air in response. "I know, I know but if you be a good girl then we might do something great after we get back." The girl looked up but the woman as well as the man were gone from view.

"The only problem with that is that you don't come back...and I'm to be left alone with Her...forever." Reila's voice darkened as a dark being soon materialized from the shadows. "Well if you would've listened to me before and killed that old hag like I told ya to then you wouldn't have been alone for so long. Still, even though you chose not to, ya still managed to get free from her and find some superb people of your own so shut up and quit whining." The dark being soon took the form of an unusual looking giant cat before walking up to the girl. "Mr. Snuggie Wuggles?!!! Why were you away for so long???" She questioned happily, only for Mr. Snuggie Wuggles to crouch down in order to come face to face with her(Refer to bottom of post for Snuggie Wuggle's appearance). "I was taking care of something very important like fighting someone over the last bit of kitty nip. I won of course, even though I was doing something else entirely but let's get to why I've returned. Someone has released Scarlet Fox from out of her cage and now I must beat her back in it again." The giant purplish cat noted.

"Scarlet Fox?! Whaaat?? How could she get out?? I thought you had her tight in the Snuggie-lock last time to the point that her neck was broken, so how is she even alive in the first place? This doesn't make any sense at all." Reila said as she began scratching her head with a confused look on her face. "I could respond to that statement in so many ways that I'll act as if I never heard you say it. With that being noted, you need to climb on my ba-!!!" Multiple balls of red energy started ravaging the area before Snuggie was able to finish. "Pew!! Pew!! Pew!!" Adorable cat like sounds echoed through the air as more and more balls of energy came crashing down pretty much everywhere until the entire place was covered up in smoke. Fortunately, the purplish cat managed to curl up around Reila in order to shield her from harm. "Tch, that wasn't very nice but it's time she learns some manners." Snuggie Wuggles unrolled himself as the pink haired girl gave him a happy nod. "Let's go put the Scarlet in the time-out section, hehe." She said happily before being lifted up by Snuggie's tail and thrown onto his back.

From a distance far away, another giant cat like being could be seen chucking red balls at the area from their eyelids before finally halting. The cat apparently was the one that went by the name of 'Scarlet' based on its actions(Refer to bottom of post for appearance). "Dun, dun, dun!!!! The wretched colored cat is no more!!! Scarlet one, nothing zero. Hm?" She quickly stopped her celebration chatter and focused her eyes on the area covered in smoke. Seconds later, a big giant shadow that happened to be in the shape of a large feline broke through the cloud of debris before deciding to head in the direction of the other cat. "Scarlet!!!" Mr. Snuggie Wuggles shouted with anger as the purple being began firing bolts of purple projectiles at the white cat from out of its mouth shortly afterwards.

Scarlet Fox maneuvered past the projectiles by quickly moving left and right simultaneously, while Snuggie continued to exhale more as he quickly closed the distance between them. Eventually, the purple being was close enough to swing his right forearm at her in a right hook motion before proceeding to do exactly that. However, the white cat quickly ducked down right as the hit could connect and retaliated by pouncing onto her sworn enemy. The fight dragged on for several hours before the fight had finally come to an end. Reila fell off of the purple cat's back sometime during the middle of the fight and could really do nothing except shelter her self from the numerous explosions once things got intense.

"It's over Scarlet. Now, it's time you head back to the kitty prison where you belong." Mr. Snuggie Wuggles said while holding a badly beaten white cat up by its throat. As he prepared to take her away though, his hand started to become one with the opposing cat's neck which made him look on in awe as it occurred. "It's not over until your existence becomes a part of me!! When that happens which won't be very long from now, then my disdain...my impending hatred to all those who've ever wronged Reiza in any way will run amok on those filthy maggots!!" Scarlet's voice shook the earth itself as the purple cat's presence was quickly being assimilated by her. After a few more moments, Snuggie Wuggles was no more, causing the white cat to explode into pieces before reforming into something that looked very much like Reila. However, it was surrounded by an ominous red aura and one could easily tell that it was trouble simply by taking a glimpse at it. "Oh, Reizaaaaaa!!! Come out, come out wherever you are!! Trust me. I won't harm you...just everyone else..."

Mr. Snuggie Wuggles(He's giant btw)

Scarlet Fox(She's around the same size as Snuggie Wuggles)
[fieldbox= Arthas Robillard, red, solid]
Location: In a bar drinking, moving towards the lightning
Mood: Drunk and happy
Inventory: His gloves at his sides and some money for the bar

It was early afternoon by this point, the sun had risen hours ago. The wind was still and the sun was out but on the streets were a bustle of activity. The city was never still and tucked away in a little corner the tavern was still bright and loud as a bawdy song was being sung inside with the confidence of only those completely drunk could sing with. A closer look inside would revel they were being led in song by a young man, really no more then a boy growing into manhood with startling blue hair like the water of the ocean and a drunk gleam in his eyes. Despite the fact he was completely drunk he sung rather well, his voice loud and strong but with such a tune in it that it made it seem like he wasn't just shouting the words but was someone who knew the tune and well. He stood with one foot on the table and one on the chair like a conquering hero as he gestured with his hands sometimes at the crowd and sometimes up in the sky with the words of the song like he was conducting a symphony which only inflamed the crowd more.

"Come home! Come home! The wives, they shout, as we walk away! But its the road ahead and a tavern wench in my bed that ill see today! Hey hey! I only got one life to live so let it be my way!"

With a final verse he raised the cup in the air to loud cheers and shouts and the clanking of glasses as he took the glass to his lips and tipped it back fast drinking deeply and draining the glass so fast that some fell from his lips and onto his body but he seemed to care less as he held the drained glass into the air to rumbustious shouts and loud cheers as he got off the table and dropped to the floor slamming his mug on the table. "Another!" He shouted to loud cheers and everyone winded down from the song to return to their own conversations though they were more then a few cries for another song which he waved off good naturally as the serving girl took away his glass and he looked up as 4 men walked over to him and sat at his table. They were big burly men, probably mine workers or dock workers all looking huge compared to the smaller man with blue hair as they crowded the table. "You sing well stranger, whats your name? Where are you from?" He asked taking a sip from his own glass, he came here every day after work so he knew the usual crowd and he knew he had never seen this man before. "My name is Arthas." He answered back with an self assured confidence bordering on arrogance. "I came from the south, i'm here for work." He said dismissively, it was a common enough story.

Many and more came to the inner cities looking for work among the factories and businesses. However this city in particular had seen a rapid influx of immigrants, many taking jobs of former residents and that seemed to be enough to turn the good moods of the men sour. "Good luck finding that, we've had so many of you people come in that i doubt their is a job left." He said with a snarl in his voice but Arthas didn't seem unnerved, rather he seemed amused and turned a challenging gaze to the man. "Oh i'm sure it is for someone like you with no particular skill or intelligence it is, but i have a job already that is far beyond you and as which my services are invaluable." He said with a dark smile as the men reacted in anger, they were deep in their cups as well. If they hadn't been they may have noticed the dangerous glint in his eyes and his body light and lithe tensing like a cat about to spring and decided it wasn't worth picking a fight with him but instead they swore venomous oaths and glared at him. "Watch what you say boy, your so wet behind the ears you know nothing of the real world and are inflated with your self importance. Perhaps we should teach you how the world works." The man he had insulted said angrily as he reached for him. Arthas with incredible speed took a butter knife left from a previous meal and brought it up to pierce the mans hand. Usually a butter knife would never be able to penetrate someones hand especially with no surface to press against but the blade of the knife was vibrating like a chain saw and pierced his hand with ease. Before the man could even scream Arthas twisted the knife and the mans hand was twisted almost out of its socket and slammed the knives several inches deep into the table holding the mans hand there the back of his hand against the table. Then he screamed. Speaking over him Arthas stage whispered in a deadly tone. "I know how the world works, the strong eat the weak. Perhaps i should educate you on that philosophy."

Before they could get over their shock Arthas sprung into action. Even drunk he was quick and graceful as he back handed the closest man to him on his left, sending waves of force into his body and fragile ribs and from a simple back hand there was the sound of bones snapping. He hadn't meant to put that much force but drunk he couldn't control his strength and found himself striking out full force. The man fells backwards in his chair toppling over from his chair on the floor. By that time the other two had time to move and one threw a clumsy fist at him which Arthas ducked under and slammed his elbow into his upper arm right above the elbow. Even with layers of muscle covering him he took the full force of the elbow causing him to scream in pain from the hard his before Arthas lashed out with his other hand, striking him in the throat and sent him spinning away chocking. The last guy tried to run but Arthas jumped over the table and caught up to him in two strides. He grabbed the mans head and smashed him against a chair causing him to become stunned as he slammed him again, and again. By the time he stopped the man was limp, alive only just with the entire right side of his head bloody. "Next time... Ill kill you so please remember not to get in my way again." He said crouching over him with a deadly smile. By now the other occupants had slid away from him, some with expressions of horror or anger but most were simply surprise. Where did the jolly man who was singing with them not to long ago go. The tavern owner ran out yelling he was getting the cops and Arthas only shrugged and left the building, swiping one more pint of beer and downing it on the way out. He then saw a bright flash of light as lightning touched down not to far away in several pillars. "Oh?" He said with interest as he took off towards the source of magic at a sprint. "It seems many interesting things are happening today." He mused to himself as he ran.

[fieldbox="Silverwolf, blue, solid"][/fieldbox]​
[fieldbox="Silverwolf, blue, solid"]

Location : same as before
Mood : Focused​

Silver caught sight of Braam, a split second before the gunman did and started shooting wildly in Braam's Direction. Braam ducked for cover behind a tree and Silver used that opportunity to strike. This one he would take alive for questioning. He focused on the task at hand despite the wound on his chest and its protesting. He leaped to the top of the rocks he had been using for cover then dove and rolled towards the mans back, coming to a stop just a few paces behind him. Silver used the reach of his staff to sweep the man's legs from under him, spinning towards the man as he toppled over and seizing the arm that was holding the pistol, forcing it behind his back with a free hand. He easily dodged the shot that went off from the startled opponent before twisting his wrist with a sickening crunch then finally wrenching the pistol away and tossing it to the ground. Silver pressed a knee onto the man's chest and with a precise and calculated blow from the end of his staff rendered the man unconscious.

Mere moments after the take down, a voice boomed from the distance and the fog rolled in. Just like that day at Stratus Hall. Was this newcomer the same person that had executed that devastating attack on that fateful day? Silver didn't have time to wonder. He knew whatever was going to happen next would be bad and they still had their client to look after. The last of the initial attackers now subdued it was time to get Bernard out of here. Since there were no ropes handy, Silver disabled the man's limbs with several needles.

"We need to get moving" he called to Braam "Whatever is about to happen, can't be good! Can you do anything about this Damned tree in the road? Can we blow it to hell or something?"
"If you can muster a big enough explosion I should be able to shield the truck from any major damage It's either we try this, or take that thing off road!"

With that he grimaced in pain as he tossed the man over one shoulder and quickly made his way back to the truck, unceremoniously tossing the unconscious man into the side door of the van. He moved back towards Amaya. She was faint and Silver could tell she had lost a lot of blood but she was still holding her own.

"Lets get you into the van!" he said softly "I don't like the look of this fog, or the sound of that voice for that matter!" he commented as he rested her arm across his shoulder to help her into the truck. He glanced back at the fallen tree "We have got to do something about this damned tree. If not we'll be taking this truck off road for a bit."

His eyes scanned the area, trying to source the position of the voice he had just heard.

Last edited:
[fieldbox=Margaret Lindon & Ralph, silver, solid]

Location: Ralph's Living quarters
Margie's Mood: Furious
Inventory: N/A​

Margie was furious at the fact Ralph hadn't shown up yet. It had been a whole day and the boy was nowhere to be found. She tried not to show that she was worried because Ralph would only make fun of her, but she was generally worried. Ralph to her was like her son. She looked out for him, taught him, on occasions dressed him, and even wiped his tears. Everything a parent was she was to Ralph. What was burning her up was that he wasn't picking up his phone. She knew he had it because the League has to contact him on the damned thing. Not only was she his caretaker but also his assistant, lesson giver, and other things as well. She tried to occupy her mind with other things hoping he would return but to no avail she got angry all over again. "When I get my hands on him!!!!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

The residence phone rang distracting her for a bit. She walked over and picked it up, "Ralph's office...this is Margaret speaking. How may I assist you?" She answered professionally as if nothing was happening. Margie rolled her eyes when she heard the voice, "Oh, hey girl whats up?" As Margie was holding the phone listening she walked over to her cell phone and once again texted Ralph, "If you're not at this house in 10 minutes...." She was interrupted by the clerk over the phone, "Well I have a young lady who would like to see Ralph." Margie sighed and place the phone on her other ear, "I'm sorry what?" She responded. The clerk repeated herself, "I have someone here requesting Ralph." Margie was about ten seconds from losing it because she hasn't seen him and his phone had been ringing off the hook that whole morning, speaking of, a call was beeping in at that very moment. "He's currently unavailable....let me give you a callback." Margie then put the phone down.

Trying to sneak through the back was a little boy by the name of Ralph. Margie was all too keen of the boys tricks so nothing was getting past her. She took a seat in his living room and waited. Ralph quietly opened the door and closed it behind himself. He then tiptoed down the hall passing the living room, "You going somewhere young man?" Margie asked, looking calm and collected. Ralph stiffened and looked at her like a deer in headlights, "N...n.noo ma'am. I was...." He was interrupted by Margie, "You were what Ralph?" She calmly retorted. Ralph began to bite his bottom lip, "I...I..was handling Harbinger stuff." Margie turned her head in his direction, "Oh yeah I already know about that I've received the infraction slips. Which brings me to my next question, what were you doing over there? Wouldn't you say that's quite a bit of ways from your living quarters Ralph?" She observed, squinting at him. Ralph began to cross his feet, "Well I wasn't going to let them continue I had to intervene..." He replied looking down at his feet. Margie nodded casually, "Ok, but that still doesn't quite answer my question. So let me rephrase it, Why were you intervening with something that you had no business being around?" She stood up, "Because I thought I told you to stay close around here, but no you did not listen me" She added. Ralph tried to defend his case, "B...but," She shut him down, "And I called you at least 10 times Ralph and shot you a text message. I've been looking for you for almost the better part of the DAY and you're telling me you were conducting Harbinger business."

She walked over to him and grabbed his ear, Ralph continuously saying "Ow....Ow....that hurts....Ow!" Margie began to walk the boy, "Yep you're in big trouble son, when I ring that damn phone of yours, you had better pick that sucker up! Do you understand me?! I tell you to do something you do it! And what have I told you about lying?! I asked you what you were doing and you gave me an excuse. Not in this house mister." She turned him loose right at the doorway of his room. "You get you're butt in there and SIT down. You're grounded for 2 weeks." Ralph eyes were watering, he was so angry. He wanted to talk back, but he figured she was already upset. When she told him two weeks Ralph almost lost it, "2 weeks?!" He barked, stomping his foot. Margie gave him a look to kill, "Ummm...did you just stomp you feet at me little boy?" Ralph hated being called a little boy, but the only person that could get away with it was Margie. Ralph retorted, "W...well I asked you a question." Margie slowly approached Ralph causing him to take a few steps back, she leaned down and looked him dead in the eyes, "Wanna make it a month and no Harbinger duties? Keep this up. All I have to do is make a call." Ralph's right eye twitched and he muttered, "No ma'am I accept my punishment." Margie smiled and poked his nose, "That a boy!" She turned around and walked out leaving Ralph in his room.

Ralph was burning with anger because of his punishment. He began kicking stuff and throwing things etc. He was having a full out temper tantrum. Margie was of course use to this because she was the only person that could get him to calm down. Luckily she was prepared, she had the league install an Ability cancel for times like this because if not he would obliterate the whole area. She calmly returned the call to the clerk, "Hey it Margie, now what did the young lady need to see Ralph about?" The clerk responded, "Said something about punishment?" In the background, you could faintly hear Ralph's meltdown. Margie placed her hand on the receiver, "Ralph! If I have to come back there so help me!" She took her hand off the receiver, "Yes, tell her that Ralph's decision stands no matter what and he doesn't back down on the punishments he passes down. She is more than welcome to set up an appointment with him, but he'll be free about two weeks from today." The clerk paused a moment the responded, "Alright I'll let her know thank you." Margie nodded and hung up the phone. She walked to Ralph's room to check on him and the poor kid was in the corner pouting. Margie instantly walked over and took his hand. "Are you finished? Ohhh it will be fine, go get cleaned up. I have the infractions on your desk as well as some paperwork for you to look over. These 2 weeks will help you get some things taken care of. Get to it." Ralph did as he was told, picked out fresh garments and headed to the shower quietly. Margie added on last thing, "Oh yeah and this room will be waiting for you when you finish up." She scolded walking with him. Ralph nodded in acknowledgment. [/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=Jonathan "Braam" Redaman, blue, solid]
Location: East Central, Forest Road
Mood: Mild panic

Braam could barely hear anything over the roar of gunfire chewing up the tree he hid behind, but then Silver executed his attack and an eerie silence fell over the forest. A moment later, the fog started rolling in and Braam saw flashes of Stratus Hall. He didn't need to hear the voice for the hairs on the back of his neck to stand on end. He started moving back towards the van before Silver was even halfway finished speaking. Upon seeing Amaya's state of being, Braam clenched his jaw and checked the wound as Silver started talking to her. He tore off a section of his undershirt and used it to wrap the wound, and stop the bleeding. For the other wound, he pressed a smaller piece of cloth over it. "This will have to do, no time to take out the bullet."

He then went up to the cab and looked in to see Bernard quivering in the driver's seat. He flinched when Braam came into view, but then relaxed. Braam spoke in as calm a voice as he could manage, but firmly ordered, "Back the truck up against the rear tree. Don't hit it. I need a little space."

Bernard nodded with wide eyes and Braam backed up. Once they had Amaya in the truck, Braam waited for the truck to move and stepped up to the tree blocking their path. He needed to control the blast intensity, so that it would be strong enough to clear out the tree, but not spread so far that it damaged the truck or its surroundings. And he didn't have enough time to be super careful like he might otherwise do with the unknown presence currently in the vicinity.

Good thing he'd been practicing.

Braam touched a hand to the tree and focused on a specific section of the tree, slightly smaller than the truck's width. It didn't need to be too wide, since the blast would move the remaining pieces out of the way. It took almost a full minute to put enough of a charge into the tree, and the whole time he kept checking over his shoulder, wondering how much time they had left. He finished charging it, and ran back to the truck just as the charge went off. Chunks of wood, smoke, and dirt flew out in a fiery conflagration, and faded into a huge cloud of smoke and dust that did a nice job of hiding them from whoever might be creating the fog. Braam clambered into the driver's seat, pushing Bernard into the other seat, kicked the truck into drive, and hit the accelerator to the floor. The truck tires let out a grinding groan, chewing up gravel, and the truck lurched forward, past the remains of the tree. The whole vehicle rocked and bounced over the mess, but made it through and they cleared the smoke and dust, onto the open forest road, speeding away as fast as Braam could get the truck to go.
[fieldbox=Amaya Mikazuki, blue, solid]

[Location: Truck]
[Mood: Pretty Sure Im Dying]
[Inventory: Much bullets]
Amaya snarled in pain as Silverwolf came over and tried to help her into the truck. She wasnt a child, didnt need to be helped. If she died, it would be okay. She would die serving the thing she thought was right. Being a highly trained Assassin.

Her body throbbed in pain, her vision flickering once more, seeing Braam in her sights. There was a ripping, and another hot sensation rippled across her wounds. It didnt occur to her until a second later that Braam had sacrificed pieces of his shirt to cover the wounds and stop the bleeding. Why was it that she was always getting bloody hurt when around him? It was getting embarassing. She was stronger than this.

Amaya growled in pain and frustration as she was helped into the truck. Both Silverwolf and Braam dissapeared, leaving her and Bernard in the truck alone. Their client was shaking like a newborn kitten, mewling and muttering to himself. She scowled. He wasnt the one filled with bullets. Amaya took her weapon, holding up her rifle in case anything else decided to screw up their already fantastic day.

The truck jolted as bits and pieces of debris and wood rained down on the car. She guessed their roadblock was nothing but rubble now.

She sighed and leaned her head back, pinching her eyes shut and biting the inside of her cheek. She really needed to stop getting hurt. It wouldnt be long before she became dead weight to her team. She hated looking weak in front of Braam. She still hadnt had a proper conversation with him since the horrific night at the beach, and now, she probably looked even worse in his eyes.

Amaya's head snapped up as both Braam and Siverwolf jumped in the car, Braam hitting the accelorator, the tires rumbling on the path and jerking forward, speeding down the path.

"Well, that was fun."
Amaya growled, looking over to inspect her wounds as they sped down the path and through the thick fog.

[fieldbox=Luciana Tiriaq, purple, solid]

Location: First Tier Lobby
Mood: Weary
Inventory: Knives​
"So, what's the verdict?" Luciana asked.

"Ralph's caretaker says his punishments can't be taken back, but you can make an appointment with him when he's available in two weeks," the clerk said, still trying to be gentle.

"...Think it would have made a difference that I actually wanted to get punished more?" Luciana asked wryly. "Doesn't seem fair that the whole team gets punished because I decided to call a Harbringer a toddler."

"At this point, I honestly couldn't say. Now doesn't seem to be the best time to approach him about this," the clerk said.

Luciana wondered about that. She had a brief, smug feeling of satisfaction at the thought that he was in trouble too--after all, he apparently wasn't supposed to be wandering around like he'd been. She rose.

"You're sure you're all right?" The clerk asked, standing as she did. "I can still get you a medic."

"Thanks, but no, I'm okay." Physically, anyway.

Luciana headed back out once more. She didn't look back at the clerk, but when she stopped in the doorway to put her shoes back on, she glanced at her reflection in the shiny door. The older woman had moved back to her desk and was watching her go. Luciana felt the urge to ask her about Kimirou kicking them out, whether that decision stood and if there was somewhere else she could go, but she couldn't seem to voice it. So instead she just pushed through the door and walked out again.

Everyone was still gone by the time she reached the dorm again. Including Kimirou. Luciana stepped inside quickly to collect the things she'd left behind--coat, backpack, knife case--and remembered that nobody had cleared up after breakfast. She hesitated for a moment. Then with a sigh she started stuffing leftover food into her bag, just the most perishable things, and putting everything else away. Scrubbing the dishes was surprisingly therapeutic, but didn't last very long. Once everything was cleared away, she headed back outside and to her car. It wouldn't be the first time she'd lived out of it, though before it hadn't been in somewhere as cold as this.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="Silverwolf, blue, solid"]

Location On the move again
Mood : Tired of this mission

After Amaya was settled in the truck Silver looked on as Braam moved up to the tree. He felt Braam's soul essence fluctuate as he rested a hand on the tree and a few moment later Braam dashed back o the truck just as the tree exploded sending a concussion through the earth enough to rock the truck back and forth a bit. Before the dust and debris could even settle Braam floored the accelerator and they were gone again, as fast as the truck could go. It was a bumpy ride along the forest road, but at least they were moving again, moving further away from that strange fog.

Silver's wound began to throb, reminding him that it needed his attention. Had been so focused to the task at hand that his wound had been neglected. He removed what was left of his shredded shirt and doused a clean rag in water sucking in air as he cleaned it as best he could.

He could sense Amaya's frustration and he looked over to her with a smile "Don't be too hard on yourself. You did great. Kind of hard to dodge bullets and at least you took a few of them down despite being shot!" He removed a clean bandage form his bag and proceeded to wrap it around his chest to stop the bleeding. He offered her another bandage in case she wanted to redress her own wounds.

"So Bernard, care to tell us why people are trying to kill us" he queried impatiently, Barely able to contain his anger. This guy had jeopardized the whole squad and It took a great deal of effort for Silver to refrain from tossing the man out of the truck and leave him for dead.

[fieldbox=Kehinde Akachi, purple, solid]

Location: Outskirts of Komenco Compound
Mood: Exhausted, open minded
Inventory: Coat, Phone, book

*Press Play*

"Have you had enough?" The Replica asked the now worn out Kehinde. Kehinde shook his head and rose back to his feet. "I won't be defeated by my own hand." He retorted. Kehinde rushed at himself as quick as he could, but the replica vanished. "How foolish, rushing at an opponent all blind like." The Replica's voice resonated. "You don't even my next move. Mistake number 3." He added casually. He materialized behind Kehinde holding his weapon at his throat. "Wielding an ability like this takes strategy. Obviously something you lack." Kehinde threw his hand back making a connection, or so he thought. The after image just dissipated on Kehinde's hand. "How do you expect to master a power if you can't seem to handle yourself?" The replica chuckled reappearing a few feet from Kehinde. "I'll answer that for you." The replica began walking toward Kehinde all collected like, "You see, using this power requires the user to have a level head, in your case your so thick headed and egotistical that you don't even listen to yourself," The replica drew its weapon, "It's a shame though you won't master anything until you overcome the fight with yourself. Until next time, you lose." The replica's eyes began to glow just like Kehinde's did causing Kehinde to feel as if he were falling thousands of feet. Kehinde's eyes shot open, he was drenched in sweat. He was almost like gasping for air.

As Kehinde was gathering himself he looked at that book with an intense stare. The book had bookmarked itself so when Kehinde picked it up again they could start where they left off. Kehinde was exhausted and he only got as far as the first 12 pages of chapter one. His mind was too worn to even comprehend what just happened so he grabbed the book, his coat, and proceeded back to the apartment. He figured he would go ahead on the mission for the sake of staying out of punishment and because he didn't feel right letting his teammate go on a full squad alone. What if he were killed? Would Kimirou's blood be on their hands? Or worse. Kehinde thought about it and sped up his walk so he could at least catch up with the mission.

As he was rushing to get back to the apartment, he saw a vehicle parked just a few yards from the complex. He started to ignore the vehicle, but it could be something suspicious so he went to check it out. He approached the vehicle slowly taking a look inside. He was going to call the League about it, but a familiar face came walking toward it, Luciana. Kehinde was just going to walk away to keep the peace, but the words of his conscience played over and over in his head. So Kehinde decided to lean on the vehicle. "How is she going to act? I hope she doesn't flip out on me. Please let this go over smoothly." He thought to himself saying it over and over. Kehinde decided to throw the first stone in order to kick things off. He wasn't expecting a complete turnaround but at least he could start somewhere. Who knew maybe they could end up being the best team the League has ever seen. Being that all the stuff they had been through, it would make for one hell of a strong team.

Kehinde cleared his throat and spoke, "Where you headed?" He asked. He looked at Luciana and noticed she had a nasty bruise forming on her forehead. Her eyes puffy from what seemed like she had been crying. Kehinde began to get a sinking feeling again. He didn't know this girl and the fact that it looked like she had been through some things bothered him, but he didn't let it show on his face. "That bruise looks pretty bad." Kehinde shook his head and figured that small talk wasn't good for him. He was a person who was upfront and didn't hold things in. "Look, we got off on the wrong foot this morning. Although things didn't end on a good note why not just fix that. We all don't get along because we don't know each other at all. I know you're probably ready to tear me a new one. That's fine I deserve it. I didn't come to the Komenco to fight with my peers. I came here to fight along side them. It may or may not matter to you, but I feel we need to squash this whole mess and start over." Kehinde then placed his coat along with his book on the ground. For the sake of his team, he was going to do whatever it takes to bring it up to par. Even if it meant admitting he was wrong.

The words of his conscience rang his head again, "First step to becoming a strong individual is admitting you messed up. Where it really counts is fixing what you screwed up." With that, Kehinde looked Luciana dead in the eye. "I admit I was wrong for trying to make you guys accept my brother. He was my problem and I should have dealt with it." Kehinde wanted to point out to her somethings she could work on, but he decided against it as now was not a good time. "You can take this for what its worth but at least I know I left here knowing I did the right thing." Kehinde added. Kehinde stood back for a minute and just hoped she'd meet him at least half way. "Come on Luciana I know you can at least try we may not be perfect but we can damn sure work on it some stuff to better ourselves." He thought to himself.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=Luciana Tiriaq, purple, solid]

Location: Outside Dorm
Mood: Tired, surprised
Inventory: Backpack, knives​

Luciana was just coming down the steps when she saw Kehinde coming towards her. She hesitated. Maybe he was just getting his stuff--and he'd been the one whose brother started the trouble, he had the most reason to still be mad at her. But then he leaned on her car, cleared his throat and addressed her.

"Where you headed?"

Luciana glanced up at him, though he seemed to be looking her over instead of making eye contact. His expression was neutral, but that was to be expected.

"That bruise looks pretty bad." Kehinde shook his head, apparently not liking his own attempt at starting a conversation.

Luciana opened the car door to dump her things inside, so she wouldn't have to carry them or let them get wet on the ground. "Eh, forehead injuries usually look worse than they feel."

"Look, we got off on the wrong foot this morning. Although things didn't end on a good note why not just fix that. We all don't get along because we don't know each other at all. I know you're probably ready to tear me a new one. That's fine I deserve it. I didn't come to the Komenco to fight with my peers. I came here to fight along side them. It may or may not matter to you, but I feel we need to squash this whole mess and start over."

Luciana looked up at him again in surprise. He sounded completely different than he had during the fight--though there was the same straightforward attitude coming through. She watched as he put his coat and a book she hadn't seen before on the ground, then met her gaze.

"I admit I was wrong for trying to make you guys accept my brother. He was my problem and I should have dealt with it. You can take this for what its worth but at least I know I left here knowing I did the right thing."

Luciana was silent for a moment, absorbing that. Kehinde had nothing to really gain by apologizing--they were all still going to get punished, and be functionally homeless for a while until Kimirou got back--and he was actually admitting he was wrong. She almost felt like she wanted to laugh, but held it in, knowing it might be taken the wrong way.

"I guess I will take it, then. And for the record, I know I was being shortsighted and stupid back there. I've never had to deal with family disputes but I should have known I couldn't yell you guys into finding a solution." She smiled crookedly. "So far I don't have a great track record for starting over, but I'll give it a try."

[fieldbox=Jonathan "Braam" Redaman, blue, solid]
Location: En Route to North Central
Mood: Concerned [for teammates], Angry [at Client]

Braam didn't start to slow down until they were well beyond the ambush point, and the road started bending and turning a lot. He couldn't exactly take turns on two wheels with a vehicle like this. Once the truck came back down to a more reasonable pace, one that wouldn't get them arrested once they reached North Central, Braam spared more of his attention to the sideview mirrors. There didn't seem to be anyone following them now, which meant they managed to shake their pursuit at least for the time being. Only then did Braam feel himself starting to relax, and even then, he still gripped the steering wheel hard enough to turn his knuckles white, and make the leather of the wheel creak.

Amaya and Silver both managed to say pretty much exactly what was on Braam's mind, so he focused more on driving. He did however chime in by adding to Bernard, "If you've 'forgotten' to provide critical information when submitting your mission request, the League will not be pleased with it." Had the League known that professional hitmen were after Bernard, they probably would have flagged this as a higher level mission, not something for newbies like them to do.

Had some other group of new graduates been responsible for this mission, Braam didn't like their chances. For one, Amaya's lightning quick reaction with her bow to the attackers neutralized a lot of them quickly, despite her injury. He didn't think most would choose to sit on the roof. And without some means of destroying or moving the tree quickly, most others would have been in a bad spot.

If it weren't for the binding contract, Braam would not have hesitated to toss Bernard and all of his belongings on the side of the road, and going back to base. Right now, it took a great deal of restraint not to punch the man.
[fieldbox=Kehinde Akachi, purple, solid]

Location: Just outside the complex by Luciana's car
League: Komenco
Mood: Mentally tired, relaxed, and satisfied
Inventory: Phone, book, coat​

Kehinde was already mentally exhausted from his little tangle with himself. He was more upset with himself because he went down so quickly. Just when you think you know yourself but in reality you don't. Kehinde has quite a challenge to overcome. As Kehinde was leaning on the car he got to thinking about the things Ralph had mentioned. In some aspects, he was right, although he hated to admit it. They were a team and sure teams argue or have disagreements, but that shouldn't get in the way of the bond they share.

As if I'm cue Luciana responded to Kehinde throwing him in a bit of a shock, "I guess I will take it, then. And for the record, I know I was being shortsighted and stupid back there. I've never had to deal with family disputes, but I should have known I couldn't yell you guys into finding a solution." She smiled crookedly. Kehinde's eyes widen a little after she made that comment. He was generally surprised he wanted to add a few other things, but he nodded them smiled, "No you weren't being stupid you was just standing up for what you believed in. We didn't make it any better by just trying to undermine that," Kehinde then shrugged, "So it's okay." He chuckled with more ease than before. Luciana then added another notable comment, "So far I don't have a great track record for starting over, but I'll give it a try." Kehinde sighed, "Sadly, I too don't have a good track record for listening to others even though they have a point, but I'm going to work on it." He smiled and threw out his hand, "Hi I'm Kehinde Akachi and I'm a proud member of the Komenco." This was completely new grounds Kehinde was treading on he was never one to reach out like this. He figured that everyone just wanted to be heard and it wasn't fair for anyone to feel like their concerns to fall on deaf ears. He hoped Luciana would accept his attempt at trying to start a new.

Kehinde didn't want to go any further without having his team intact. Kehinde then added, "Kimirou was quite upset back there. The thing is the poor guy just wants everyone to get along, but when everyone's temper is flaring it's hard to get that one point across. " Kehinde was enjoying himself. For the first time, he wasn't tense. It wasn't a drastic change, but a change he definitely welcomed. He sly smile danced his face, "We need to figure out a way to get around this punishment we've found ourselves into." He added. [/fieldbox]
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