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[fieldbox=Helping the new guy 12:35, red, solid]

Location: Outside Sango compound​

Well things didn't seem to be going well in the sango after the intruder breached their compound. Everything was in uproar because people were throwing around the blame on who should have did what. To make things worse, 3 sango members were in an all out war of sorts. It was getting rough and getting out of hand. Arria decided to use a Konsido to try and make quick with the fight. Unfortunately, it was about a little successful, but not enough to end the fight.

Word around the league had it a new person was being transferred into the Sango. It was a strong rumor, but nobody really knew if it were true or not. Outside the sango stood a group of people to see that the new guy got to where he needed to be. It seemed like they were standing there forever, "Is this guy ever gonna show up?" One guy asked. "Rumor has it, he was late the first three days of the Academy." Another guy mention. "No, I heard he missed three days and was caught drunk on his ass." The third guy chimed in. All the men looked at him and all began to chuckle about the whole ordeal.

Off in the distance, they could see someone heading their direction. "Well boys here's our assignment. They then proceeded to meet the guy half way. "Hey!" One guy yelled in hopes of getting the guys attention. He turned to his colleagues, "They never listen at all. Why did I accept this job again?" He shook his head and went back to trying to grab the guys attention. His colleague then added, "Look, it was either this or deal with the triple threat back there." He lowered his voice, "You know Relia, Arria, and that Azami." They all nodded in agreement and in unison responded, "True." They waited for the guy to come to them, but at the rate he was going, he wasn't stopping for anyone.[/fieldbox] @Greenrust
[fieldbox=The Copycats & Bernard, maroon, solid]

Location: The forest
Mood: Unknown

*Press Play*

The windows on the truck all of sudden shattered. The twin's voice began to resonate, " that the name you go by these days? You have been a hard person to find since, you know..." Silverwolf's question then popped in Bernard's head and he busted out talking, trying to drown the twin out by over talking him. "I DON'T KNOW I SWEAR. I'VE NEVER SEEN THESE GUYS IN MY LIFE. COULD WE PLEASE TRY AND GET OUT OF HERE? Braam then began to set in on him, "If you've 'forgotten' to provide critical information when submitting your mission request, the League will not be pleased with it." Bernard grimly looked at the assassins and his tone changed, "I don't need you to questioned me. You were hired to help me move damn it!"

As the truck sped off the twin cracked a devilish smile. He shook his head and began to talk, "Oh just won't do. They are really making it hard brother. Why don't you give it a shot." He remarked seemingly looking into nowhere. The other twin responded, "Thank you brother aren't you nice today it would be my pleasure." He jumped down from the tree and made due with the fog. He was more on the unpredictable side with his form mimicry. You never knew what he would do, how he would do it, and where he would use it. The twin rose in the form of a fifteen-year-old girl standing in front of the moving truck. The girl spoke, "Damien do you remember me?" Bernard turned sheet white at the sight of the girl standing in front of them. He wasn't sure what to do. Bernard had a few skeletons of his own in his closet.

The girl timed it just right for the truck to hit him. This girl was once a very well known individual inside the L.O.A. She was the youngest League Adept Ranked assassin the league had and boy was she a force to be reckoned with back then. Well, sadly the girl that stood in front of the speeding truck was killed in her prime mysteriously. To this day, they don't even know what happened to her. It was a sad day in the league when the news broke on her death. They ruled it a homicide and heard nothing of it since. The twin once again spoke, "That's right the assassins don't know they're riding with the deadliest person walking, but he can't remember because he sadly lost his memory. It's pay day Damien. We have come to collect." Bernard began to violently shiver upon hearing those words, he began to sweat.[/fieldbox] @Ayla @Drakken @Affili
[fieldbox="Silverwolf, blue, solid"]

Location: On the road...Still
Mood: Curious​

Just as they thought they had made good their escape, all the windows simultaneously shattered in the truck and Silver had to shield his eyes from the shards of glass. Once that was over, He felt several stinging sensations up and down his forearms and a few on his cheek. Just another day in paradise.

When a voice resonated within the area it confused Silverwolf for a moment as there was physically no one there that could be the source of this voice. Whatever, or whoever it was seemed to know a bit about Bernard and judging by the abilities that were being demonstrated, this was no hitman. It had to be another assassin. This realization and Bernard's insipid muttering of how he didn't know 'these guys' over the echoing voice only infuriated Silver even more.
Suddenly, seeming to just materialize out of no where, there was a young woman in the road ahead of the vehicle, but whatever voice Silver heard, still sounded like it was right in the truck with them.

He watched Bernard's reaction to the woman. Watched the man's skin pale and saw him sweating profusely and finally his anger got the better of him. With all the strength he could muster, Silver leaned forward and snatched Bernard, pinning the man hard against the backrest of the front seat. He put his face right next to Bernard's and spoke "What do you mean You've never Seen these guys before? We haven't even seen who's there yet. All I see is a crazy ass woman in front of a moving truck who just seems to have risen out of this damned fog." He pinned him tighter to the seat "Not to mention this echoing voice. Try real hard to remember Bernard, or should I say Damien"

Silver glanced at Amaya out of the corner of his eye "Amaya, shoot that woman in the shoulder. Lets just see if the arrow goes right through her, or sinks into flesh."
Silver's Soul essence began to rise, there had to be another assassin nearby, all of this just didn't make sense and he could find no other explanation for it.

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[fieldbox=Luciana Tiriaq, purple, solid]

Location: Just outside the complex
League: Komenco
Mood: Tired but relieved
Inventory: Knives​

Kehinde sighed, "Sadly, I too don't have a good track record for listening to others even though they have a point, but I'm going to work on it." He smiled and threw out his hand, "Hi I'm Kehinde Akachi and I'm a proud member of the Komenco."

Luciana accepted the handshake. This was going better than she'd hoped. "Luciana Tiriaq and I'm still not sure how I got into this league but I'm happy to be here!"

"Kimirou was quite upset back there. The thing is the poor guy just wants everyone to get along, but when everyone's temper is flaring it's hard to get that one point across. We need to figure out a way to get around this punishment we've found ourselves into."

Luciana grimaced at that. "He just wants everyone to get along? Seemed like he was going for a 'everyone unites in hating my decisions' method to me, kicking everyone out of the dorm like that. And I already checked in but Ralph's not seeing anyone for at least two weeks, and apparently he doesn't take back punishments so I don't know if there's much hope there either. Then again I've never tried to appeal a punishment--and that includes just now--so I don't really know how one would go about it."
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[fieldbox=Jonathan "Braam" Redaman, blue, solid]
Location: Forest Road, nearing North Central
Mood: So done with this crap
When the windows shattered, Braam raised one arm to protect his face, thankful that they were on a straightaway. Hearing the stranger's voice set Braam on edge and Bernard seemed to be falling back into a feral panic. Braam bit down on a hard retort to Bernard's scolding, since the fog started rolling back in. It made it harder to see, but Braam had already seen some what lay ahead so he didn't slow down just yet. He'd had just about enough of this mess.

The appearance of the twin in the road, and turning herself into a girl, didn't phase Braam at this point. He did not stop. He just kept moving right on ahead, completely intent on running the fool over if he or she or whatever didn't move out of the way. He did, however, take note of what the twins said and Bernard's reaction to seeing the girl's face, and hearing her voice. It still didn't convince him to stop though.

[fieldbox=Amaya Mikazuki, blue, solid]

[Location: Truck]
[Mood: In pain]
[Inventory: More pain]
Amaya was busying herself redressing her wound, listening to Silverwolf and Braam berate their irritable client. She figured she should be quiet. She had given Bernard a hard time while she was busy soaking up bullets like a lead sponge. She didnt feel it needed to put in her own words. He knew how much she loathed the man.

Amaya growled in pain as the glass on all four sides of the car shattered, raining down on her body like sharp rain. It stuck in her arms and face, and her made her hairline itch. Could this day get any worse? She would probably be out due to the damn bullet in her leg. That was enough to spark her rage to unconceivable heights.

Silverwolf called her name, and her head snapped up. There was a girl, in the middle of the road, standing in the way of the truck. Who was this girl? Obviously, she had some signifigance to Bernard, because he turned whiter than beach sand. His body looked like a thundersheet. Amaya brushed her finger across the trigger of her rifle until it morphed back into her bow. Knocking an arrow, she aimed it at the shoulder of the commoner, and fired the little spear through the shattered windsheild.

The arrow stuck with a dull thud. Her eyes widened. Braam wasnt slowing down. At a speed this fast, and a solid body at point blank, they would surely kill her, and destroy the truck. Not much care was shed for the girl who decided it was a great idea to stand in front of a speeding truck, but worry for the car and the client. She wasnt sure if she could walk the rest of the way to central. The car was their only hope. She hoped Braam knew what he was doing as his foot seemed glued to the accelorator, speeding torward the woman in the road.

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[fieldbox=The Copycats &Bernard, Maroon, solid] Unfortunately for the twin, his plan back fired and seconds before the truck got to him he dispersed. He was a bit to late as the truck knocked him before he could get away. He was knock out his ability and he materialized on the road sitting Indian style. "Well, Brother that wasn't the smartest idea." He spoke with iirritation. His brother slowly approached him from behind, "I didn't think you would jump in front of a moving truck either." He replied. Montrell reached down and helped his brother. "Come on you big lug no since in worrying about it we will get him soon enough." He observed watching the truck speed away. "Good job to day brother. Loved how you worked the fog." He commented getting up to his feet. "Yes..Yes..thank you brother you're too kind couldn't have done it without you." He responded chuckling. On that note the twins retreated temporarily and headed back to base empty handed.

Bernard sat back pinned as his anxiety subsided, he grabbed his senses and noticed Silverwolf's arm. " of me. What are you even talking about?" Bernard barked looking angrily at Silverwolf. "If this how you treat a client then I'll be having a word with your commander and accounts payable clerk. Get me to my destination." He added folding his arms. Although Bernard was calm on the outside, on the inside it was a different story. He was so shaken up he didn't know what to do. The assassins were making it worse because they were blaming him. The nerve of them. Well Bernard wasn't quite the cleanest rod out there either.[/fieldbox]
[Fieldbox= Kimirou Asura, purple, solid]

Location: estates 22 floor apartment on mission.

Mood: Confused and trapped.

Inventory: Wallet, Daggers, misc.

League: Komenco

As the monkey produced the fireball I'm its now raised arm, Kimirou was confused yet amazed. What the hell? How the hell do these monkeys have abilities? This doesn't make sense. Why wasn't this in the mission details? What am I supposed to do? This will be like a fight against 50 Sango assassins that have finally lost their minds. By the time he finished his thought, the monkey began to slam his hand towards Kimirou's face. The split second before impact, Kimirou moved his head out of the way. The monkeys flaming hand slammed into the floor, but caught in the impact was Kimirou's hair. The fire burned off some of Kimirou's beautiful locks. With split second thinking Kimirou controlled one of his daggers that he infused with darkness to knock all of the monkeys away from him with the hilt. Good thing he infused then with darkness during the ride here. He quickly made his way off of the floor.

Kimirou ran to the other side of the apartment trying to escape them. He noticed his hair singed and cut to about neck length. Kimirou became instantly furious. "YOU FUCKING MONKEYS CUT MY DAMN HAIR!" His voice resonated like a sonic boom through the apartment. This of course gave away his location. The monkeys appeared in the door way like a gang. Kimirou whiped out his phone and sent a voice mail distress call to everyone in his squad. "Kehinde, Luciana, Orion. I need your help I'm in trouble. Please hurry and be careful. Also watch out..... wait... no.... get away.... ahhhhh.......... (static sound) shhhhhhhhhhhh"
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[Fieldbox=Luciana Tiriaq, purple, solid]

Location: Outside Komenco Dorm

Mood: Uncertain

Inventory: Knives

League: Komenco​

"Have you seen Orion? I think I have his number but I don't know if he has his phone even turned on, wherever he went." Luciana heard a funny noise, and took a second to realize it was her phone.

"Well, speak of the devil." Hastily she fished it out of her backpack. The voicemail ringtone was still going off, playing the first few bars of Jet Black Stare's Ready To Roll over and over. She turned it on.

"Kehinde, Luciana, Orion. I need your help, I'm in trouble. Please hurry and be careful. Also watch out..... wait... no.... get away.... ahhhhh.......... shhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Luciana listened to the static for a long minute. "Was it just me, or did that sound like Kimirou?" She asked slowly.

It sounded like he was in trouble--a lot more than he should have been for a simple monkey roundup. Granted she'd never done a monkey roundup but the guy seemed tough enough to handle one. Must have been bad for him to ask them for help like this with all the bad blood still in the way.

She looked up at Kehinde. "Thoughts?"
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[Fieldbox=Arthas Robillard, red, solid]

Location: Outside Sango Dorm

Mood: Curious, Confident

Inventory: special gloves

League: Sango​

Arthas may have been drunk but he was fast. His body was light and quick and while he probably wasent as physically strong as many assassins but he was confident in his speed. He was always running, ethier from or towards danger since the time he could walk. He remembered chasing down rats and scampering after them when he was young as eight to catch them and cook them so he could eat. If he failed he often went hungry or was forced to steal and risk the authorities. Compared to that this was as about as difficult as a mid afternoon jog.

He noticed 3 people running towards him at full speed. For a moment he thought they were enemies with how they were moving towards him and his hands flexed in anticipation of a possible fight. However then he noticed he was actually a quite close to the Sango's head quarters and that these people with their quick, trained movements were probably assassins as well. 'Speaking of which i probably shouldve checked in hours ago." He thought to himself a bit grudgingly as he slowed his pace marginally as the 3 approached him.

He was about to greet them in his own confident fashion when he felt a shift in the soul essence in the area. Like the type he would feel if someone was using a Konsido. "Same person who casted the lightning?" He wondered remembering the original reason he came here. He wondered why someone seemed to be fighting in the Sango compound and suddenly the people in front of him seemed a lot less important. He ran directly at the compound picking up speed again as his last few steps as he closed in again became long powerful strides before he jumped turning his body like an acrobat to jump over their heads using his hand as a spring board on the other side to flip onto his feet and took off towards the compound without a word.

The Sango compound was quite impressive. First it wasen't build of regular stone but a redish tinted sandstone from the desert. Just another way the Sango expressed their love of their favorite color. It was also quite intimidating, it wasent like the Homoj compound which was built humbly or like the Komenco which almost seemed to flaunt thier pride as 'defenders of justice.' The compound was spartan, plain other then Sango flags adornmenting many of the walls and small windows along with two brazers of fire coming off the wall near the door. But it was large and the red tinted stone along with the red flags displaying their symbol proudly gave an imprecation like the castle was covered in blood of those slain by the Sango both guilty and innocent. You entered at your own perail, you either survived or added your blood to the walls. Arthas didn't know if the door was open and didn't bother to check as the began running at the brazier in an arc. He jumped and grabbed the hanging stone holding up the brazier and used his momentum to swing up like a pendulum before letting go and launching himself into the air.

His hand shot out and grabbed and grabbed a second floor window seal with one hand as he started to fall. Twisting his body and pulling himself to the wall he brace his feet against the wall before pushing off it to flip over and crash threw the newly 'Opened' window and land on his feet. He smiled, he was always quick with his reactions and with his thin, light body he had spent a lot of time doing different acrobatics that his brother who was almost 100 pounds over him exclaimed he was not human but a monkey and he needed to find what circus he belonged to. He didn't pause for more then a moment at the memory however, he was still curious in the energy fluctuation he felt earlier. He took off to where he felt it the energy threw the second floor, passing people with little regard to their surprise seeing him race threw like a demon was chasing him. He saw a courtyard and looked passed it only to double take and see 3 people fighting there, this was what he was looking for. He lept out the window falling the single story in an instant to land, legs bending to absorb the fall right to the side of the 3 combatants. The landing itself was uneventful but a moment later to time with his landing he slammed his hand down and a shock wave of vibrations and force ran threw the stones causing them to fracture with the sound of a gunshot from the added strength and throw dust in the air. Arthas had a bit of flair for dramatic entrance. "What interesting fight is going on here? Am i missing something, I thought we were all the same faction here." He said with a taunting smirk as he straightened, his hand with a few small cuts from the rock shrapnel. Shrapnel from destroyed objects was why he wore his special battle gloves at all. He looked at the group his eyes curious despite his brazen smile. He was truly curious what was going on.

@anMech @Etānaru Fureimu @RainDash @Total Anarchy Beastmode
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[Fieldbox="Silverwolf, blue, Solid"]

Mood: Angry, but Relieved

Silver felt the thud as the truck clipped this woman, who then reverted back to a man. Serves his ass right, Assassins are good, but they are still flesh and blood underneath. He watched out of the rear view mirror as a second man emerged and helped his comrade stand up again. Finally breathing a sigh of relief at their retreat he focused his attention on Bernard once more who was still pinned against the seat.

" of me. What are you even talking about?" Bernard barked looking angrily at Silverwolf. "If this how you treat a client then I'll be having a word with your commander and accounts payable clerk. Get me to my destination."

Silver's temper flared. Not only had this guy seemingly with held valuable information from the League, he had jeopardized the whole squad. Be he aware of his actions or not, it made no difference to Silverwolf.

He moved his hand to the back of Bernards head, and leaned forward, forcing Bernard forward at the same time then slammed the client's forehead into the dashboard. Not hard enough to damage him, just hard enough for him to feel a little of pain. An eye for an eye Silver figured, He'd deal with the repercussions afterward but it sure felt good at that moment.

"I don't give a shit if you complain. Whether you remember what happened or not, the fact remains that two highly skilled Assassins, plus a handful of hit men just came after you. I'm sure the League would love to hear our side of the story too! We'll get you to your location. But what happens to you after that, I could care a less"
With that Silver released Bernard and returned to the back of the truck to look over Amaya's wound. "How are you feeling? faint? you've lost a lot of blood"

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[fieldbox=Amaya Mikazuki, blue, solid]

[Location: Truck]
[Mood: Pain]
[Inventory: Not much blood]
Amaya flinched when the truck rattled only slightly after hitting the woman... Man? She was probably delusional. Her leg was numb, and her head was swimming. She had tried to bandage her wounds as much as possible, but it still made her body feel faint. No. She couldnt let her team know. She was stupid enough to stay on the roof even after the trees had fallen. This was brought upon herself, and she had to take the damage with a grain of salt. She wasnt weak. She wouldnt die. Not now.

She blinked away the back spots in her vision, throwing a glance at Silverwolf. Trying to surpress a laugh by what Silverwolf did to Bernard, she had been using the clean bandage to wrap the hole in her calf. It was throbbing, and she could feel the bullet inside her leg. They had to get it out soon, or she would get lead posioning. Again, her fault.

"I-Im fine, just a scratch."
Amaya muttered, getting her knife out and unwrapping the bandage. She had the get the damned bullet out, and she knew damned well this would hurt as fuck. Taking the knife, she ripped part of the upholstry of the seat and coiled it into a tube, putting it between her teeth. The car wasnt nearly as important, and she would rather hear it later than not being able to at all. You know, being dead from lead poisioning.

Biting down, she position the knife over the wound, and plundged in the blade a few paces from where the bullet entered. Her eyes immediately watered, but she kept digging until the tip of the knife hit the small pellet. Her teeth felt like they would shatter in on themselves. Damn, this hurt, and the car bumping and moving wasnt helping, but she would rather be in pain later than dead.

When Amaya thought she had a good enough grip, she jerked the knife forward at an angle, grunting in pain. Her vision flickered, and her hand slacked for only a second. No. She needed this damned bullet out, or she would pass out before they got to base, and probably die.

The car hit a bump, and that was all the leverage she needed, thankfully. The small bullet popped out, and her body slacked. Amaya weakly wrapped up her wound, now bleeding again, with shaking hands, and leaned back against the seat, closing her eyes.

Without opening them, she put a hand on Braam's seat, nudging it slightly.
"We almost there?"

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[fieldbox= Orion Lotus, Purple]

location: woods, then street

Mood: pissed

inventory: leaves, spear, tree.

Orion had planned to swing until his arms went numb but he was interrupted before he could get that far. A knife whizzed past his ear out of nowhere. With his next punch to the tree he loosened his stance which made his own punch push him backwards through the mud and out of the way of the next knife. From a completly different angle several shuriken shot out of the treeline toward him. He raised his arms in defence blocking and taking the brunt of them in his grassy gloves. With a flex of his knuckles the hardened leaves fell off his arms along with the shuriken revealing a second layer of leaves as he took a fighting stance.

"Not bad" a voice came from behind him but before he could react there was a blade at his throat. "But not impressive" Harbinger Felix circled Orion and stood straight in front of him, never actually removing the blade from its proximity to Orions neck. "How long do you intend to play the lone wolf?"

"Who says I'm playing?"

The harbinger nodded "I read your file, not much on you yet, cut Ties with your family years ago, ran into a guy in the woods. Dream of being a medicine man. That journal of yours is the reason you joined the league. I miss anything"

"I don't play well with others" orion admitted bluntly, truth was he never did. He was always reclusive.

"More like you never took the opportunity to try. Your scores were average in the academy, you kept to yourself almost all times, trusting no one. "

"Well it is a league if assassins that seperate us into three smaller leagues after we graduate. excuse me for not trusting those who could try to kill me tomorrow"

"that is a valid point. But now you have a group, a team wearing the same colors and your here in the woods"

"Pretty much. Like you said. I don't trust. So the whole Gung ho for teamwork is B.S. to me. "

"How so?"

"They want me to accept them, for them, because they are them. I'm not so stupid. Teamwork is built, sure, but not forced. To expect me to accept their point of view, with out knowing a thing about them, or then about me it stupid" At first he almost slipped and said to much so he tried to keep his answer vague in case Harbinger Felix wasnt completely aware of the situation like Ralph was.

"So is running away. " The harbinger retorted without batting an eyelash. Orion couldnt even respond to the statement. It was pretty true.
"Your reasons for joining the league, were questionable. Still are in fact. You didn't do so out of a sense of justice or revenge or any emotionally driven desire. You joined to decipher notes to be a better herbal healer. "
Orion looks away

"But even after you got your answers you stayed. "

"What better practice that to heal assassins, seems they always need healing. "

"Something tells me it's not that simple. I think your looking for a place to belong and the idea terrifies you. You're not some feral creature who can't be reached. "

"Sir...I spent my life alone in a sea of people. Because of the power the league uses me for. I'm not looking for friends and I have long since walked away from the idea of family. "

"But as a healer you hate the sight of suffering. By realizing you can't help everyone you retreat to places like this. But here you aren't helping anyone. Sure throwing you on a team and expecting you to automatically get along is a questionable decision to you. But trust....consider this. It is rare we get a pairing wrong, it's a thorough system."

Before Felix could continue Orions phone went off, except it was in felix's pocket. "Kehinde, Luciana, Orion. I need your help, I'm in trouble. Please hurry and be careful. Also watch out..... wait... no.... get away.... ahhhhh.......... shhhhhhhhhhhh..."

"You question everything, a quality your team needs. But let me ask you this, as a healer will you actually stand by and let someone be injured, knowing there is something you can do to help. I'm not asking you to be friendly, I'm not asking you to like them, I'm telling you to honor the oath you swore and function as a member of a team while your on a mission. The higher you climb the ladder, the more likely you will be put on a mission in a team where you know no one personally, for the sake of a mission. You can choose who you let in and who you keep out of your personal life, but you forfeited the right to choose to allow your teammates to engage in missions without you."

Litterally out of nowhere Orions spear fell beside him, blade first into the ground. Harbinger Felix finally took a step back and tossed orion his cell phone "I think I'll hang on to this journal of yours, at least until this mission if yours is over. That way I know you will do the right thing. "

Before Orion could protest everything around him started to swirl, clearly under the influence of the harbinger, the leaves gathered in a twister and when it settled he was across the street from Luciana and Kihinde. He picked his spear off the ground and crossed the street. He still didn't like the idea of this team thing. Nor did he particularly care for his teammates to be honest but harbinger Felix had a point, orion was a man of his word and he had no desire to allow anyone to suffer, physically anyway. At least for that reason he would complete this mission. But whether or not he returned to the dorm with them was still up in the air.

They had gotten the same message he did most likely. He didn't say anything as he approached. He just leaned on his spear. He must have been a sight. Muddy jeans, no shirt, his hair a hot green mess and his arms wrapped in leaves.

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[fieldbox=Jonathan "Braam" Redaman, blue, solid]
Location: Crossing into North Central
Mood: Still angry, then calm

After hitting the woman, and speeding past them, Braam finally let the truck slow back down, and glanced into the sideview mirror to see the twins for a brief moment before the truck turned a corner and they vanished from view. After a short time, the trees finally started thinning out, and then they came out onto a road nestled between several fields of wheat, corn, and other assorted crops. At this point, it would hard for any new ambush to hit them, and any pursuers would be out in the open with no cover. Up ahead, Braam could see the skyline of North Central shining in the afternoon sunlight. The road here turned out to be in a much better state of upkeep than the forest road, so there were a lot less bumps or potholes.

It was only at this point that Braam felt himself really beginning to relax. And after hearing Bernard, and seeing Silver's reaction, he realized that this sort of rough treatment would not be the way to get through to Bernard. Braam took a deep breath, and in doing so, imagined all of his pent up anger, panic, and frustration towards the client as trash that he tossed into a bag and threw behind the ironclad walls of his mind for later consideration. When he exhaled, he felt totally calm, and his expression smoothed out. The dull, stinging pain of the bullet graze on his face provided a nice little focus. He reached over and touched Silver's arm, and said in a firm voice, "Let him go."

He looked at Bernard and spoke in a gentler, but no less solid tone, "Bernard, you're right on one count. You hired us to escort you. But in case you didn't notice, it's almost impossible to do that without information. We all nearly died today because of it. If we'd known you were being hunted, we wouldn't have been caught off guard like we were. We could have prepared for them, and taken minimal injuries. We can't keep you safe if we go in with blinders on. We need the whole story if we're to do our job."

He didn't make any direct accusations this time. Bernard clearly did not react well to it. Father always said you had to appeal to a different part of people like that. In this case, Bernard's self-preservation. If they were going to get jumped again in North Central, he really wanted to be ready for it.

When Amaya nudged his seat and asked where they were, he glanced over his shoulder and couldn't keep his eyes from widening. He noticed her bloody knife and the fresh blood on her leg, along with the tiny bullet laying on the floor. She'd lost a lot of blood, and it showed. She looked pale, paler than usual that is, and woozy. Braam forced his expression to smooth over, however, and faced forward. "I can see the city now. We're almost there. We'll stop and get some bandages and get our wounds cleaned before we head back to base. It's a long drive."

He tightened his grip on the steering wheel again. As a rule, he didn't like seeing people suffer. But Amaya's pain made him furious. If those twins showed up again, he would turn them into bloody salsa on the wall. No, wait, the League would want to interrogate them. He'd have to settle for breaking all their limbs and then binding them to be extra cruel. They'd be a lot more useful still alive. Their due punishment could wait for a time.
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[fieldbox=Kehinde Akachi, purple, solid]

Location: Outside Komenco Complex
Mood: A little worried
Inventory: Book, coat, phone​

"Luciana Tiriaq and I'm still not sure how I got into this league but I'm happy to be here!"She spoke introducing herself. Kehinde was taken a back just a bit because he wasn't expecting her to come around so easily. Kehinde smiled and put his hand on the back of his head. He heard her mention talking to Ralph, but as always his punishment stands. Another idea came from her, "Then again I've never tried to appeal a punishment--and that includes just now--so I don't really know how one would go about it." she finished. Kehinde placed his hand on his chin as if he were thinking. "An appeal huh?" He questioned, starting to pace, "I wonder who we need to speak with on that." He continued. As he was going on, Luciana added something else, "Have you seen Orion? I think I have his number, but I don't know if he has his phone even turned on, wherever he went." Kehinde looked up then looked around, "You know your right I haven't seen him. I think he walked out this morning. Hope he's alright" He responded.

Then out of nowhere both Luciana and Kehinde's phone went off simultaneously. This was strange because the league usually doesn't contact us directly unless there an emergency. Before Kehinde could get out his phone Luciana whipped hers out it played a strange ringtone, but it didn't seem to bother Kehinde in the least. Luciana then played a message, "Kehinde, Luciana, Orion. I need your help, I'm in trouble. Please hurry and be careful. Also watch out..... wait... no.... get away.... ahhhhh.......... shhhhhhhhhhhh..."The message ended.

*Press Play*

Kehinde heart kind of sank upon hearing the message Kehinde and Luciana met eyes as she asked, "Was it just me, or did that sound like Kimirou?" Kehinde nodded and swallowed, "Sounded pretty damn close to his voice." He replied, reaching down for his things. Kehinde then began to get angry at Kimirou for even going on the mission. He could have stayed back like everyone else. But know he had to go and run to it himself. The sun started to peak around the clouds revealing most of the land. Kehinde slid his coat on, flipped his hair back and looked at Luciana, "I know that you and him aren't on the same page, but we need to go help him. He's our teammate and if he gets killed it's on us". He remarked with confidence. He reached down and grabbed his book. "I'll call a car you go grab a few things, I'll look for Orion, Meet me back here in 5 min."

As Kehinde was about to set off, a swirl of some sorts began to form and then subside. He covered his face with his arm, to keep and debris from his face. When he brought down his arm, he saw Orion standing there leaning on his spear, looking quite a mess. No shirt, muddy jeans, and to top it all off, his hair was a mess as well. Kehinde looked at his coat and commenced to taking it off. Once he took it off, he walked it over to Orion and put it around him. "When you work hard it shows," He smiled walking the other part of his coat. Kehinde looked back at Luciana, "Bring some fresh clothes as well. I'll just have the car roll around there to pick you up." He proposed. He looked back at Orion, "Geez what happened to you?" He asked. Kehinde had to remember that the waters weren't clear between him and Orion. If anything he still had a few things he needed to say to him, but that would have to wait until they returned. He hoped he'd that the time Orion was away gave him a chance to clear his head. Sometimes thats all it took to get you back on track.

Kehinde pulled out his phone and quickly began dialing, the dial tone came up, and he put the phone to his ear. "Yes Hi, this is Kehinde Akachi from Legacy Oaks Academy. I need a vehicle on the north side of the campus please...." Kehinde began nodding his head, "Yes you come through the entrance, take a left at the first crossing, go about 3 miles and take another left which should take you through north Delia then hang a right and head up a hill drive a few minutes and you should see a nice sign pointing you to our dormitory." Kehinde added with a smile, "Yes sir I will be standing here waiting for you hurry please its an emergency." Kehinde hung up the phone and realized he didn't have his weapon, his flashes, nor his additional equipment. He just hoped Luciana would grab them whilst she was there. He began looking at his watch, "Where is this guy?" When looked back up he remembered that Lucian's car was right in front of him, "Duhhh we can take her vehicle. Hope she doesn't mind." He waved over to Orion, "Come on were going to take her car." He then pulled out his phone and dialed the front desk, "Hi Kehinde Akachi for Luciana Tiriaq please I need her number...." Kehinde exhaled, "Does it matter what its about?....." Kehinde the rolled his eyes, "She left her Ummm wallet here and I need to let her know." Finally the clerk gave him the number, "Thank you ma'am" He ended, hanging up. He then shot Luciana a text,

Hey, Luciana its Kehinde we could take your car just take you car. We don't have to its just an idea.

Kehinde then closed his phone and slid it back into his pocket. "Hang on you idiot were coming." He thought to himself, wondering why he even went in the first place.​
[fieldbox=Luciana Tiriaq, purple, solid]

Location: Outside Komenco Complex
Mood: Businesslike and focused
Inventory: Knives​

Kehinde nodded and swallowed, "Sounded pretty damn close to his voice." He replied, collecting his things. The sun was just starting to come out, making the wet, snowy land glint. Kehinde slid his coat on, flipped his hair back and looked at Luciana. "I know that you and him aren't on the same page, but we need to go help him. He's our teammate and if he gets killed it's on us. I'll call a car you go grab a few things, I'll look for Orion, Meet me back here in 5 min."

Luciana huffed. "Not on the same page, yeah. Hopefully whatever's messing with him knocks a little humility into the guy."

She was starting to feel a tad worried, but more irritated at Kimirou. But then there was really no reason to stay behind on this mission. She'd get to save his sorry behind, that usually got people on her good side. Before Kehinde could go, however, there was a rustle and a windy dervish, which blew Luciana's hair into her face and mouth. When she got a good look, it had formed into a messy, shirtless Orion, who strode towards them. It wasn't a bad look on him, frankly.

Kehinde pulled off the coat he'd just put on and draped it around Orion's shoulders. Probably a little peace offering on his part; there wasn't much time for deeper conversation. "When you work hard it shows. Bring some fresh clothes as well. I'll just have the car roll around there to pick you up."

That part was directed at Luciana, who nodded and retrieved her backpack. Wouldn't do to visit their first client looking like she did. Unless maybe she played it like they'd come directly from another job? Eh, still less professional-looking. She'd always have the bruise if she wanted to pretend like they'd been fighting something tough.

Kehinde looked back at Orion, "Geez what happened to you?" He then went for his phone and started a call, presumably for the aforementioned car. Luciana, grabbing fresh clothes, headed back inside to change quickly. She wasn't shy but everyone's emotions were up in the air as it was, no reason to make things even more awkward. She wondered if those "few things" were supposed to just be for herself, because she was already armed.

It didn't take more than a minute or three to wipe off the mud and throw on fresh clothes--though she didn't have a second pair of shoes so those would have to stay the way they were. Luciana ponytailed her hair to keep it out of the way, heading back towards the door. Pausing, she glanced into the dorm and around the place. She had no idea what the other guys' weapons were like, but she hadn't seen any on Kehinde. He might not be ready. That was when her phone went off: text message. She pulled it out and read it.

"My car?" She exclaimed out loud. Then she shook her head.

only if i drive--u need anything 4 mission?

"Like a coat, maybe?" She muttered under her breath, closing her phone.​
[fieldbox=Kehinde Akachi, purple, solid]

Location: Headed to the dorm entrance
League: Komenco
Mood: Still worried
Inventory: Book and phone​

As Kehinde stood waiting, the car showed up. "Well nevermind now." He rolled down his window, "Mr. Akachi?" He asked, leaning over. "Yes sir." The man then gestured, "Get in I'm your driver." Kehinde shrugged and gestured for Orion to hop in. Once inside the driver once again spoke, "Where ya headed?" Kehinde sliding over responded, "Well first could you take me to the front of the dorm someone will be waiting for us there." The driver nodded and put the car in gear and sped off. Kehinde pulled out his phone to only to see a text from Luciana,

From Luciana
only if i drive--u need anything 4 mission?

Kehinde was going to respond when the man hit a bump almost causing him to lose his phone. "Damn it man" He murmured. The man looked in his rearview mirror, "Sorry sir." He responded. Kehinde shot Luciana a text,
Ok, change in plans the car came anyway were headed you direction. Yes, if you go into our closet you will see a duffle bag. Bring that and a new coat thanks!

Kehinde tried to think of everything he could, but always felt he was forgetting something. The driver was moving quickly and they were about to pull up. As he pulled up he blew the horn alerting for Luciana to come on out. "Tell your friend to hurry up if you wanting to get to where you need to be quickly." Kehinde looked at him, "You worry about driving and I'll worry about her." The driver looked forward without responding.
Time was of the essence not only were they about to go on a mission, but this was perfect time for the league to see the response time of the Komenco.

As Kehinde sat waiting he whipped out his phone to do a little research on the hotel. Get floor plans, exits, and entry points. Being an assassin they needed those things. "Ok, so we are probably going to need to split up. There are three of us. With Orions ability to utilize plants maybe he should head through the front considering the Hotel probably has some greenery. I could probably go in through the side and take the stairs. That just leaves Luciana. Wait he never told us what part of the floor he's in. We'll just have to assume I guess. We still don't know what Luciana can do. Hmm...." His thoughts were interrupted by the clerk coming out, "Is everything ok?" Kehinde quickly changed his demeanor, "Oh yes ma'am everything is fine." The clerk looked him dead in the eye. "Tell the truth now." She demanded. Kehinde still kept the easy going attitude and responded, "I don't think it's a good idea to look me in the eyes miss. Wouldn't want you to see something out of the ordinary." The clerk slowly looked away. "Well why did Lucian rush past my desk." She lightly yelled. Kehinde sat back in his seat looking straight ahead, "Why are you yelling I've already told you nothing is wrong. Why must you keep pursuing this matter?" The clerk then turned around and stormed back in the building. Kehinde was not in the mood to deal with someone asking a whole bunch of questions. He had lost his train of thought so he figured on the way over they could come up with a plan instead of diving straight in.

The driver blew on his horn once more. Kehinde shot a look over to him, "Hey cool it on the horn man she's coming." The man turned around, "You were the the one who said it was an emergency!" He yelled. "Are you upset?" Kehinde calmly asked. "I'm very upset because I'm missing out on some money kid." He retorted. Kehinde chuckled a little and calmly rebuttaled, "It quite alright I do understand. But remember who paying you to take us from point A to point B. Please don't yell at me again." Kehinde could see the goosebumps on the man's arm. The driver didn't even respond to Kehinde he just sat there quiet. Kehinde looked up to the dorm window, "Whats Keeping her?"​
[fieldbox="Silverwolf, blue, solid"]

Location : North Central
Mood : Weary

Silver watched grimly as Amaya decided to go to work on her bullet wound. He was quite surprised that she made it through the whole ordeal without passing out, probably because she was so damn stubborn. He thought back to the awkward exchange between Braam and herself before they left for the mission and chuckled. They seemed meant for each other.

He leaned forward once Braam mentioned he could see the city skyline. Finally they were almost there. The road was well maintained this close to the city so the ride would be much smoother for Amaya. Silver had never been shot before, but he had a feeling he could relate to the pain she was feeling right now and made a mental note to pack a flask of whiskey on their next mission. Just in case they had to sterilize something..or some such thing.

He gave up on Bernard, leaving Braam t try and reason with the man. At this point Silver could care a less. His wounds hurt and he was tired of being in this truck. Clearly Bernard had some history involving assassins, but whatever the guy was like a stone wall, no way to get into his mind. It just was not worth the effort anymore.

  • Love
Reactions: 1 person
[fieldbox=Luciana Tiriaq, purple, solid]

Location: Outside the dorm
League: Komenco
Mood: Rushed
Inventory: Knives, duffel bag​

Luciana heard the phone bleep, and read the text. "Okay, duffel bag and coat, got it." She paused. There were a couple of closets. She started opening them. Most were pretty empty, or had suitcases and the like. No duffel bags. Apparently the others hadn't arrived much more quickly than she had. A horn honked outside. Guess that was the car.

Aha, duffel bag! Luciana snatched it up--holy crap this thing was heavy! What did he have inside it, battleaxes?--and grabbed a hanging coat, then darted back towards the front door. She hoped the ride would give them some time to brief; she didn't know much about the mission or her teammates' abilities. Hers was pretty versatile but that meant she'd probably be filling in for whatever they couldn't do. The horn honked again.

"I'm coming!" She yelled, though the driver probably couldn't hear. Shoving the door open she dashed down the porch steps and towards the waiting car.

[fieldbox=Ride into town, maroon, solid]

Location: Stuck on the outskirts of North Central Delia

Bernard sat there listening to Braam make his spill. He shifted his body in the other direction to avoid having to respond. He was so upset with how he was being treated he was just ready for everything to be over with. The ride was smoother than before. Although the truck had seen it better days. The truck was on its last leg. Of course arriving into the city meant traffic. Midday traffic. Everyone seemed to be out and about. The sun peaking just around one of the skyscrapers. Sirens, planes flying over, the sounds of motorcycles filled the air. Bernard's mood seemed to not get any better. "Come on...come on...come on!" He yelled peaking out the window. "Pipe down old man were not moving any faster." A pedestrian a vehicle ahead retorted. Bernard then looked at the other assassins, "Couldn't have chosen a better route?" He asked with a bit of animosity in his voice maybe not the best thing to say to people who saved your ass, but it was a good silence killer.

Bernard then leaned over and turned on the radio. He caught it just after 'uptown funk' went off. The radio then went to traffic, "It's a beautiful 75 degrees out today, just a few puddles to look out for from this morning's rain, nothing too bad. Gonna need your umbrella for the coming week though, morning showers will continue to set in until the end of the week. The 875 to north central is undergoing construction, they are urging drivers to detour, the 67 into downtown has an accident. No word on injuries. And the back road route from the countryside has about a 30 to 35-minute wait. Hope you folks gassed up. This is Ferdinand with your afternoon traffic and weather see you at 5....." Bernard rolled his eyes and began to complain. He was so ready to get to his new place that he was becoming antsy. He looked back at the woman in the back and noticed she was bleeding. He decided not to say anything in fear of aggravating the assassins even more. The traffic edged up slowly. People were blowing their horn and other yelling out the window. Bernard felt his day was getting worse and worse. First he was almost killed, then his help tried to kill him, now he's stuck in traffic with them. So Bernard sat there twiddling his thumbs.[/fieldbox]
@Drakken @Ayla @Affili
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