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[fieldbox="Arria Calvus, red, solid"]
|Location: Sango Headquarters, Just outside|
|League: Socio Sango|
|Mood: Mildly irritated|
|Inventory: 2,000 urd, cell phone, taser|
Arria took the call without missing a beat, but she didn't check to see who it was. Ironically enough it was Azami and Relia calling and Arria answered the call like she always did. With attitude and as much sass as she could muster in a short amount of time. Once the call ended she looked at Elijah. "Relia and Azami are on their way," was her summation of the conversation. She didn't have to wait too long before the terrible twins showed up and started saying that they wanted to 'play'.

Arria stuffed down the fear that had been triggered by the word and collected herself. "We do have a mission, I signed up for the purse mission and we can all head out to do it, it's a squad mission so if we all signed up we'd fill up all the spots." Arria said, leaning against the doorframe and watching the others react to her proposal.
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[fieldbox=Elijah Randolph, red, solid]Location: Socio Sango Headquarters
League: Socio Sango
Mood: Annoyed, More Than Ever(Still Conceited)
Inventory: 100,000Urd-Polar Bear Skin Coat-Extra Hair Gel And Body Spray
When Elijah heard what Arria said, he didn't like the idea at first. He knew they soon would all have to do missions together, but Azami and Reila...really? Elijah just blew it off. He walked over to Arria. "Us two, we should stick together. We're the only ones with actual brains in the place." Elijah smirked.

He walked in the center of everyone. "Let's do this mission and show them all what Socio Sango is made of!" Elijah crossed his arms, this was bound to be either an amazing mission...or a shit shot. Either way, Elijah would come out smelling like roses.
[fieldbox="Silverwolf, blue, solid"]

Location: on the move
Mood: Inspired, Relaxed

The memories hurt worse than any dagger could ever manage, It was a deep seated agony that Silverwolf had escaped long ago. He was unable to recall the last time he had sat alone in the quiet and visited those memories of his family. Several minutes which had felt like an eternity. That was then and this was now. He forced them out of his mind with great effort, vaguely noticing the feel of the uncontrolled energies.

Yao's words were muffled to Silverwolf even though the Speaker class assassin was not far from him at this point. Home, yes home sounded good right now. The last of Silver's composure returned and he looked around to find himself standing alone. Thankfully Everyone had moved away from him and the escort had been stood down. He looked over his shoulder as Shizuko left, unable to recall when they had actually joined the rest. Had he been so trapped within his memories? So chained to the sorrow of the past? He felt a strange pressure in his chest that he was unfamiliar with and absently rubbed it whilst he allowed the reminence of his chaotic essence to fade away.

As his eyes roamed the training yard he was reminded of how that raw unchained power had felt a few minutes ago Such a force and at that brief moment, he had felt as though he could grasp at the chaotic soul essence and do whatever he wished with. Maybe there was some value in revisiting those memories after all! But now was not the time. Such experimentation would have to be done in solitude.

The night grew peaceful once more, and Silver relished in it. Not quite ready to return to his room for the night he set off towards one of his favorite spots that he used to train his other unique skillset. He returned to the training grounds roof tops as leaping from roof to roof was a sure fire way to both shave several minutes off his journey to his perch as well as keeping him out of sight and stealthed.

Silver dropped to the sands behind the last of the Homoj facility buildings and a short sprint later he was staring up at the cliff face behind the buildings.There was a certain ledge up there that led to a shallow cave. His own secluded sanctuary. The assasin often found himself up there in the nights, just staring out over the ocean and feeling the night's breeze kissing at his face.

He found a suitable first foot hold against the rocks and hefted himself up before darting and leaping to other footholds scattered up thre cliff face and within a few minutes of climbing, hiked himself up onto the ledge that led to the shallow cave. There was no set route up. No carved fingerholds for him to grab onto. Another thrill of this spot to Silverwolf was always the journey to it. He sighed to himself as he peered into the night, high above the Homoj Facility, nothing but him and the night's gentle breeze, legs dangling over the edge.

Silver unstrapped his staff from his back and separated it, resting the upper portion to his side within close reach and with a few deft twists he aligned all the segmented portions of the lower staff then finally, with a quick push of the mechanism, all the finger holes and the blowhole of his flute opened.

The Acoustics the shallow cave offered were impeccable, with just the right amount of reverb to make his flute sound that much more serene. From his perch he played, fingers moving up and down the tone holes with grace and delicacy as he told his unspoken story to the night. The moon and stars his audience, the gentle whisper of the breeze his only chorus.
Flowing Bamboo

Perhaps it was how the night had transpired, maybe it was how Silverwolf felt, but he felt a deeper connection with this music this night than usual, He felt the music as if he could reach out and touch the notes as the echoed off the cliff, serenading the darkness.
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[Fieldbox= Reila Solari, red, solid]

Location: Just outside the Socio Sango Headquarters.
League: Socio Sango
Mood: Excited
Inventory: 2,000 Urd and the usual slice em up black and blue short sword along with her butterfly knife.

"Well let's go!!!" Azami said happily, grabbing Reila's hand before proceeding to search for the others right after. She kept an eye out for Arria and Elijah while Aza Aza led the way. However, the two couldn't be found in their usual spots, causing her friend to stop and pull out her phone in order to get a fix on their location. A minute later and Azami as well as Reila was on the move again. Unlike last time though, they knew exactly where to find Arria and Elijah, allowing the two to be found rather easily. Upon finding the blue haired woman and the power hungry boy, she quickly jumped in joy. "Yay!!!! Now we can play!! ...but what did you have in mind Aza Aza?" Reila asked with a super curious look on her face.

"We do have a mission, I signed up for the purse mission and we can all head out to do it, it's a squad mission so if we all signed up we'd fill up all the spots." She turned to Arria shortly after the blue haired girl finished speaking. "Hmm...are we going to kidnap a purse and hold it for ransom? If so, then count me in because that sounds like fun!! If not, then count me in because I want to do something!!!" Reila acknowledged in an extremely thrilled tone.[/Fieldbox]
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[fieldbox=On to the next day...., green, solid] "My apologies, Speaker Yao. If it is possible, I would like to move this conversation somewhere less exposed. Amaya is going to get sick in her current state." Yao was impressed by the assassins respect and his ability to decline a situation. He would have taken him up on his offer if he was so exhausted. "On second thought, you mentioned Ms. Amaya was under the weather how about you get her to the infirmary annnnnd we will discuss this another time." He commented, scratching his head. Yao then mistakenly yawned and tried to catch himself. "I need my rest..I can't do anything like this." He chuckled looking over to Judith, "I'm about to head on home I suggest you do the same. There's no need to pursue this any longer considering what's going on. Tempers are flaring were all tired, let's just have a good night sleep." Judith rolled her eyes and placed her hand on her hips, "Really? So that's it?" She retorted. Yao gave her a look that could kill, he leaned on his cane and continued, "Yes Judith that's it as in its over, no longer pursued, nothing happened, forget about it," He got off his cane and proceed to walk off, "Hopefully one of these days Judith, you will be able to lighten up. Perhaps if you figured out how to do that, you might have been and League Adept by now." Judith's face began to twist as she was hearing the word of Yao. She couldn't believe what he was saying to her. Here he is just getting into the League and now he is a know it all. "You know you're really starting to piss me off Yao." She muttered, raising her soul essence. "I got to slayer rank because of my hard work and determination." She slid her hair behind her ear and began to chuckle, "You don't know enough about me Yao to even begin to speak on why I'm where I am. So go to hell. I'm not about to let some new blood come here and tell me what I'm doing wrong."

Yao feeling her soul essence stopped in his tracks, he sighed and began to respond not even looking over his shoulders, "You'd be wise to stand down Judith Faith." A gentle breeze blew across the two kicking up a few particles of sand. "I'm not your enemy, but if that is what it will have to come to then so be it. I'm trying to set an example for our next generation assassins and here you are steadily undermining me," Yao once again leaned on his cane, "I'll extend you this warning, let sleeping dogs lie Judith I don't wish to have this conversation any longer whilst the other assassins are present. Are we clear?" He chillingly replied. Judith balled up her fist, ready to charge, but she changed her mind. She lowered her soul essence, not because he told her to but because she knew her place. She was very upset but saw it best to visit this on another occasion, "That's fine Yao, I'll leave it be for now." She declaimed, disappearing into thin air. After she left, Yao took a sigh of relief. He was already tired so he didn't want any more trouble. He got off his can and looked over his shoulder at Braam and said, "Now go," Yao left the area and headed back to his quarters.

So the night passed on peacefully. The moon shined brightly over the League Quarters, leaving just enough shadows to tease the eye. Only the midnight shift was out keeping the Leagues on the watch for anything suspicious. All of the Leagues should be preparing for their missions, after such a rigorous training it would be suicide to turn around and do a mission. That didn't matter to this group, even the most rigorous training couldn't keep them down. The were ready and willing the first day they stepped foot on the League of Assassins ground. They were ready for whatever stood in their way.

The next day started with a bang. It was a rainy start to the day. The clouds block out the sun making the area a bit gloomy. The stench of rain filled the air as the rain fell to the ground. *Press Play* The alarms begin to ring throughout the Leagues. This alarm meant an intruder, one of the personnel had spotted an individual leaving the Komenco league they had them cornered. It was a group of three that were spotted and since then they had split up. All leagues were put on high alert and given the order to execute them if necessary. Eliza one of the intruders was the first to be spotted by one of the assassins from the Komenco so she was the most wanted. As she was running along trying to make an escape, she was spotted up by one of the night roam assassins. When they spotted her they decided to engage. The night roamer was no match for her skill and she walked away without a scratch. Her two companions also made quick of their adversaries also. The League sent out a quick ring to all League quarter to help deal with the situation before they headed out for their missions.[/fieldbox]

@Lunar Blaze @Nicias Askani @Total Anarchy Beastmode @anMech @Etānaru Fureimu @RainDash @Tone Deaf @Affili @Drakken @Ayla
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[fieldbox=Amaya Mikazuki, blue, solid]

[Mood:Alert, tense]
Amaya had recalled little from the night before. She had floated between awake and asleep. She saw Braam. Bright lights. Infirmary. She was warm. Sleep.

When she woke, she had a splitting headache. She groaned and cracked open her eyes, which still felt swollen from crying. Damn, everything hurt. She remembered being cold, freezing, frigid. She was warm now, deliciously warm, but she still felt how the cold stiffened her joins and made her bones feel like stone in her body. She was dressed in a paper gown. This was embarassing until she found her clothes hanging up and smelling sweet. Somebody had washed the salt and sand from them, but she didnt know who.

After changing and grabbing her equipment, she realized that her quiver was empty, and her arrows were probably still scattered on the beach. Most would have washed away, which means she would need to get more somehow. Great.

On her way out, she heard that the base was on high alert due to a group of people had gone around infultrating other Leagues and were heading this way. As much as she wanted to sleep and rest, she had no time to do so. Quickly, she unstrung her bow from her back and ran torward the beach. She needed to collect atleast some of her remaining arrows and head to the rocky craigs out by the edge of the base. They had excellent cover and she knew she would be a good scout. She wished it wasnt raining. It made her clothes feel heavy, and made the memories of last night flash through her head like a skipping record.

As she reached the beach, the sand had turned to paste. She stopped and picked up four arrows. Great. The League would probably scold her for requesting more arrows with her reason being she had a fit and lost them all in the ocean.

As she made her way through the rain and torward the rocky outcropping, she found herself wishing she could talk to Braam. She wanted to see him, and thank him for saving her. She would be dead if he hadnt showed up. Amaya's cheeks lit up red when she remembered herself in his arms, his warmth seeping into her and keeping her heart beating. Damn.

She made it to the rocks, and it took her a good amount of time to climb up them, the rain making their surfaces slick with wet. Her hands, despite being covered by leather and gloves, felt bloody and scraped. She just wanted to find a mission and be gone. She was started to get sick of this place already.

Stringing her bow, she nestled herself below an overhang by the rocks, perfectly seeing the pale stretch of beach and the blue of the water, turned gray by the rain.

Amaya waited, her thoughts drifting from the night before, to Braam.

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[fieldbox=Jonathan "Braam" Redaman, blue, solid]
Location: Homoj Headquarters
Mood: Mildly Content, Worried
Inventory: ??? Knives + Many questions
Braam awoke the next morning in his own room, to the sound of the alarm. He reacted immediately and swung out of bed, threw on his mission clothes and grabbed several handfuls of his knives to hide on his person while he started to wake up. After Yao dismissed them last night, Braam had taken Amaya straight to the infirmary and saw to getting her into dry clothes and a warm bed. Once he'd gotten her settled in, one of the overnight nurses forced him to leave for his own room, rather than stay and watch over his teammate. With the alarm ringing, Braam wondered for a moment if Amaya managed to avoid falling ill, and if she reacted to the alarm. Come to think of it, he never did hear what happened last night.​

A moment later, he rushed out his door and burst into the garden courtyard in the middle of the facility. They had an intruder, and didn't know why as of yet. Braam pondered over the potential approach vectors of the facility. There were only a few: a hidden road that came down through the cliff, and from one direction on the beach (the other, the beach ended and the water hit right up against the cliffs). Of course, a dedicated assailant could come in from the water, or by zip-lining down from the cliffs, but given the open nature of the beach, the former would be spotted easily, and the latter had a great chance of being spotted by anyone just walking along outside if the enemy were unlucky. With the facility on high alert, the cliffs would certainly be monitored now.

There were likely others already watching the hidden road, so Braam made his way towards the beach. Besides, if it came to a fight, Braam didn't like the idea of possibly collapsing parts of the cliff by accident with his power. He was getting a handle on controlling the intensity, but he didn't feel fully confident yet.

Braam with careful precision, from cover to cover, all the while keeping an eye open for movement. Others were doing the same, from what he could tell. It was easy enough to spot some of the lower ranked assassins trying to do the same, but there simply wasn't enough cover for everyone. Some opted instead to move openly in groups, serving as a visible distraction for any intruder to draw their attention away from those that remained hidden. In the relatively short time since coming here, Braam felt confident that he could identify anyone from this facility, at least by face, if not name. But the same might not be true for everyone else. The intruder could be among them, after slipping away from whoever identified them as an enemy. Or killing them. In the rain and the light fog that drifted around, it would be harder to identify distant figures as well.

Several large rocks dotted the beach, spread out amongst the fine sand. Braam managed to end up behind one looking towards the beach-side approach and peered carefully around. He didn't see anyone yet, and in the meantime surveyed his surroundings. He saw a couple others doing the same, a few cleverly camouflaging themselves with sand-colored cloaks and hoods, lying flat on the beach with weapons ready. At one of the other rocks he spotted Amaya, poised with her bow and only a handful of arrows. He frowned just a touch, seeing that she seemed not to be sick, and scolded himself for not collecting at least some of her arrows.

Rather than give away her position, though, Braam focused on the beach and kept a knife in hand, with a strong charge ready to go. Checking on Amaya would have to wait.
[fieldbox="Silverwolf, Blue, Solid"]
Location : 'Patrolling' the Beach at the Homoj facility
Mood: Alert and cautious

Breakfast had been great that morning and after his meal, Silver had reported to their League Quartermaster to indent for one of the Homoj vehicles that night as they were to begin their mission. Among his colleagues, Braam, Amaya, Jexxai and himself had signed up for the moving mission. He had yet to see any of the others that morning so he was still unsure of how the mission would be carried out. Silver would have liked to sit down with the others to discuss their plans to get this person to safe keeping before the squad left; Hell he had even withdrew some maps of the area and they had been tucked under his arm when the alarm sounded. On a great and fantastic rainy morning at that. With a sigh he had returned the maps to the library and proceeded to the beach.
Silver sighed, the rain relentlessly beating down on them as they patrolled the beach. He had opted to be one of the decoys in plain sight should the intruders appear on the beach and by the time he made his way there, the other assassins were already camouflaged and in position. He had caught glimpses of Braam while he patrolled, but for the most part, Silver acted oblivious to the fact that Braam was there for the sake of the show; playing on the rumors he had heard flying around in his travels of "the Homoj League, The useless ones."

Silver had watched Braam, Jexxai and Amaya train along with a score of other league mates and he had determined that the Homoj League was anything but useless.
He figured more or less that if Amaya was on the premises, she'd be perched somewhere arrows ready but had yet to see her, nor Jexxai since their encounter the previous night. he shook his head at the thoughts of the previous nights and sighed. Jexxai was probably pissed at him but that was another matter.

Although Silverwolf appeared to be blundering around the beach, his eyes scanned every direction. He knew where several assassins had camouflaged themselves, weapons ready, and hoped that to anyone that might be watching, it would appear that him and the other decoys were just on a routine patrol in a loose formation completley unaware that the other leagues had all communicated in regards to intruders. Nothing more, nothing less. The squad patrolling had been instructed to raise their soul essence levels slightly in hopes to attract the attention of a potential intruder exactly towards the location where the ambush had been set.
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[Fieldbox= Kimirou Asura, purple, solid]

Location: Headquarters Lobby
League: Komenco
Mood: Irritated
Inventory: Wallet and Phone

After signing his squad up for the only available mission, Kimirou was extremely irritated. He decided it would be best for him to take a walk before going back to the room. As he reached his hand towards the exit to the lobby, he felt a very unusual soul essence. This was not unusual since he hadn't acquainted himself with everyone in the Komenco or their soul essence. This soul essence, however, reeked of a vile and disorderly stench. It made Kimirou look over his shoulder. With so much life in the lobby he couldn't pinpoint where the source of the evil essence was seeping from. "Even if I tried to concentrate, with all this hussel and bussel, I still wouldn't be able to pinpoint who it is." He mumbled to himself before pushing the handle and exiting into the cold mountain air.

Kimirou walked to the edge of the forest but decided not to enter, after feeling the soul essence of Orion. He decided just to walk along the edge. All was serene and quiet. The moon sent a lovely luminary radiance throughout the snow covered land. The night filled Kimirou with joy. It always seemed that the night calmed him like no other. That was until he felt the vial soul essence once more. Soon it was accompanied by a speedy rustling through the wind a forest. Finally it stopped and a figure could be seen farther up the mountain in a clearing. All Kimirou could make out was a black figure with red eyes staring down at him. The beings eyes locked on Kimirou and seemed to never let go. He tried taking off his shades and controlling the darkness in his eyes to allow him to see farther, but that didn't work. He slowing began backing up towards the building. However he noticed his back never met the building but his foot met an edge. Kimirou lost his balance and his rear met the ground with a thud, his head hitting a metal pole.

He began to pick himself up with one hand while rubbing his head with the other. One eye closed from the pain the other open to try and look around. Once the room stop spinning and his vision cleared he opened his remaining eye to reveal something very strange. He was in another squads room. Luckily no one was there. The metal pole his head again turned out to be a lance perched upon a rack. The dorm seemed to have no windows, considering that on the other side of the wall was a mountain until about half way up. "Wow I've never done that before." He exclaimed excitedly. "Can I do it again." He shouted as he ran at the door only for it to be opened at the last minute causing him to run into the well lit hallway and face first into a wall. The squad that opened the door was laughing so hard that they didn't even get a chance to ask why he was in their room before Kimirou ran off. He decided to go back to the room. Once there he noticed Kehinde stairing out of the window. "I guess you saw it too didn't you?" He asked. He walked over to the window, sighed, and went to get ready for bed.

The next morning, the rain woke Kimirou. Everyone else was still sleep and the fourth bed was still unfilled. It was disappointing to him for he was ready for his mission. "Whatever." He mumbled as he lifted himself from the bed. A great popped into his head. Kimirou was going to cook breakfast for everyone. He made a huge spread consisting of pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, sausage, fruit salad, crissants, buscits, sausage and regular breakfast gravy, oatmeal, and even grits. With beverages like milk, orange juices, apple juice, grapefruit juice, coffee and tea. The only thing was he had this gut feeling that something would go wrong, hopefully everyone would be able to eat before anything happened. He waited patiently to see.[/Fieldbox]
[fieldbox=Azami Ito, red, solid]Location: Sango headquarters, Azami's room → Sango headquarters, hallway → swamp
Mood: Scared, excited, hyper-aware
Inventory: 2,000 urd, phone
Azami had fallen asleep without changing and was cuddling with her bat so as soon as the alarm went off she was running out in the hall. The sound brought her back to her escape and to her childhood, if you could call it that. She didn't know what was going on, but didn't like it, the noise, the people, any of it. She had to find a way out to the rain she could see in the windows, to the quiet that she desperately needed.

When she got outside the sound continued, so she continued to run out into the swamp. She had no idea where she was going, she had no idea where to go, she just needed to get away from the noise, from the memories. She slowed down as the sound faded into the distance. She didn't know where she was, all she knew was that the memories were still there. She stopped and collapsed into the mud, crying. "Damn it, stupid doctors, stupid alarms, why can't I just forget everything? Why is this happening so much?"[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox= Reila Solari, red, solid]

Location: Sango Headquarters
Mood: Sleep Deprived, Extremely everything
Inventory: Hatchet and nothing else

Reila was out cold for the night, extremely tired after returning to her room. In fact, she was so tired that all she could dream about was laid back pixies and unicorns that did literally nothing for the most part. Despite that though, the pixies and unicorns mysteriously managed to maintain their cleanliness everyday, which would've given off an unrealistic vibe had it not been a dream. Unfortunately, like all dreams, they always seem to get interrupted at the best part.

Jumping from out of her bed, Reila immediately slid on her kitty themed slippers before grabbing her hatchet and rushing out of her room right after. Her thoughts were seriously fuzzy while a ringing sound traveled through her head repeatedly. "Stop!!! I'm awake dammit!!!" The almost always happy girl yelled angrily as the alarm continued to ring. She stopped and began focusing on the direction that the ringing sound was coming from. The alarm was obviously an extreme annoyance to Reila and as such, she had intentions of brutally ripping apart whoever was responsible for its activation. However, as the girl listened in patiently for the alarm's source, her mind started to become clear. "Why are they playing that bloody sound!? I'm too tired for gamesss!!!" Reila complained sleeply-like before Azami suddenly dashed past her in what seemed to be a hurry. "Aza...wait u....that's too much work. I'm too tired to perform any sort of extraneous activities...but I need to follow Aza Aza. Ugh!!! I hate when my kitty senses are tingling!!" She mumbled while wearing a very annoyed facial expression before running after her friend.

Reila followed Azami all the way out into the rain and into the swamp before her friend had finally stopped. Once Aza Aza stopped though, she dropped down into the mud, causing a confused look to appear on the sleepy girl's face. " everything alright?"She asked as she stooped down into the mud by her friend right afterwards. Normally, Reila wouldn't be able to stand being in the mud but in her current condition, she couldn't care less about her surroundings. Plus, she wasn't planning on going anywhere without making sure that Azami was alright.[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox=Orion Lotus, Purple]
Orions trip back to the dorm would have been shorter had he not gotten himself lost. Despite the frosty terrain there were no footprints for him to follow back. It seemed like the wind had covered his tracks but he was also lost in thought as he traveled. Questions like "who hires assassins to capture monkeys?" and "will we get a 4th​ teammate?" drew his attention from his path. He was not so far gone that he did not realize when the forest fell silent. He froze on instinct, scanning the area as he slowly crouched down. He had not quite mastered the art of sensing soul essence but nature had its own way of sensing danger, and Orion was well in tune with that. Silence always meant danger was near but when he closed his eyes to try to sense he only could sense his roommate in the distance. There was something else, something he couldn't wrap his mind around, like a strange gap in his awareness that put chills in his bones and the hairs on his neck on edge. He threw plucked a blade of grass from beneath him and hardened it between his fingers before throwing it into a tree. It landed beside a birds nest causing the bird to fly away from being startled. Orion moved in the opposite direction that the bird flew, assuming that the bird would fly away from danger, seen or unseen based on its natural instincts. But when he got to the edge of the forest he found there was nothing there. He gazed back into the forest but simply left it alone and returned to his dorm.

Thank all that is good and holy the shower was free. After a very brief word with his teammates he hit the shower like it was the fountain of life. It was a good thing this wasn't one of those places that ran out of hot water. To be able to wash his hair felt amazing. By the time he got out the shower he was starving. When he checked the kitchen he found that there had been a meal prepared already which almost made him feel bad for taking so long…almost. Damn it was delicious, so good that the thought the teammate he didn't know had made it but found out that it had actually been catered. The number was immediately saved to his phone after he washed his plate.

Unfortunalty sleep did not come easy, Orion wasn't used to sleeping with other people in the same room. It wasn't that he thought they were going to kill him in his sleep it was just awkward. For most of the night he laid on his bed with his eyes closed trying to drift off but never being sure if he actually succeeded. He must have, because when the smell of bacon he sat up confused. Climbing out of the bed and roaming toward the kitchen he discovered kimirou hard at work. Wasn't really what he was expecting to see.

"you need help with anything?" Orion asked, mostly to make his presence known, but also to contribute to the feast. Cuz you know…teamwork.
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[fieldbox="Arriva Calvus, red, solid"]
|Location: Sango Headquarters, Arria's Dorm -> Outside Marsh|
|League: Socio Sango|
|Mood: Having an episode, anxiety|
|Inventory: 2,000 urd, cell phone, taser, her daggers, ratty pajamas|
Arria was having a nightmare. It wasn't just any nightmare, however, it was the nightmare. It was the one where she was back in the fighting ring, in the cage, it didn't matter because it was all real and she wasn't certain her own life before then had been real or not. She could feel the cold of the night seeping into her bones and she wondered if the moon was getting full again, so she'd be able to win the battle faster. She wanted it over with, she wanted to go home and sleep in a real bed. She was so scared when she heard footsteps coming closer and closer-

And alarm went off, tossing Arria from memory to reality and the two mixed together so seamlessly that Arria was having trouble trying to piece together where she was and what was happening. There was yelling and something was wrong but Arria in her current state only knew fear and anxiety. She was back in that tiny little room of fear and pain again.

She tossed off her blanket -which had previously been tangled up from her thrashing- and grabbed the items on the counter near the door. They were mostly weapons and that was what she needed. They weren't going to take her back there. She was never going back. Alive, or dead, she wasn't ever going back there. They couldn't make her go back there.

Arria raced outside, holding her daggers tightly and looking to run away from the headquarters as far as she could. In the end it wasn't very far, the bog had slowed her down considerably and allowed her to get her bearings again. It was good, for her to get re-oriented and to calm down. Best case someone would come and talk to her, but she didn't bet on it.

She was pretty sure she'd been screaming in the halls.
[fieldbox=Attack from behind, green, solid] Boom! a loud bang came from one of the scout post, followed by screams of pain. No smoke was visible, but one could tell something was going down. "She'......." One of the scout assassins tried to get out before his transmission was cut out. Eliza had entered the Humoj compound. She was doing it quietly and not out in the open either. Whispers fell over the compound as everyone scurried around to get into position. No one knew what to do or how to go about doing it. Some people were in position, but others were just a dead giveaway. As she grew closer one could feel her immense soul essence. Not many people can withstand the sheer power it gives off.

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An eerie breeze danced across the area as if it told of the impending threat. Rain poured, leaving puddles everywhere.

The first clap of lightning flashed revealing her shadow. One of the men yelled out, "Come on have nowhere to go." His partner chimed in, "You have until the count of 10 to show yourself or we will be forced to take deadly measures." Another clap of lightning flashed revealing her presence to the two men on the lone scout tower. With the quickness, she brought them down. As she stood over them, she kissed her fingers and kneeled down and closed their eyes. She stood up and stepped over their bodies and walked to the edge. She stood there getting a good eyes view of the exit. She knew where she needed to go. Her thoughts were interrupted by those down below, "There she is!" They screamed with anguish. "Don't let her out of your sight men." The others responded. Eliza opened her mouth, "Please, I don't wish to fight you!" She waved. "I'm just trying to...." She was interrupted by one of the assassins using the Konsido 'Tu Mavro Fidi'. She looked at the chains and instantly got upset. "Hey, I was trying to talk!" She took one look at the chain and shattered it.

Everyone around gasped as they saw the sight. "Please let me just get out of here." She pleaded pointing toward the exit. One of the assassins responded, "No can do, you intruded on our land so you are hereby ordered to stand down and do as we say." Eliza face then turned to a disgusted looked. She looked at the poor soul with almost puppy dog eyes, "Awh your rules suck." She chuckled preparing to jump. "Unfortunately for you I don't answer to you." She jumped. To the naked eye, it looked like she was falling at the slowest speed possible, but to the trained eye it was just a facade. She was manipulating the air around her to make it seem as if she was falling at a certain speed. She was on the ground before anyone could realize what was taking place. "So you gonna let me thru or what? Please don't give me any trouble k?" She said in a cute like voice, She stood tall her red hair flowing in the wind, the water just rolling off her black attire.

Meanwhile whilst the Humoj was dealing with her, the Sango had their own fish to fry. One of her companions had entered the Sangocompound unannounced. He walked in giggling, "So this is the Sango huh?" He commented. Lightning danced around him, caressing his very being. It was no ordinary lightning it was a dark type light. He had just finished up with one of the Second tier assassins. Unfortunately, they weren't able to handle him and was badly injured in the end. "Anyone care to tell me how the hell I get out of here?" He remarked, sending a spark into a building. "Damn it, someone speak up!" He added. The Sango was a bit more organized than the Humoj surprisingly. This was of course they lived for moments like this. He was fresh meat to them an he didn't even know it. He was like a mindless human in a lake of allegators. "I'd relax if I were you, you keep this up then you get Azami all rowled up." One assassin spoke from the shadows. Anthony chuckled as he heard those words.

So as a response he made black lightning strike the swamp, "Oh? well, who cares dude. I just one to ride the next train out of here." The assassin once again spoke, "Considering one of her friends enjoys making cookies out of people. I'm sure your no exception." Anthony stopped as a chill ran up his spine. He was trying to figure out where the voice was coming from. He then got the feeling he needed to leave there quick. "Well, I won't be here long enough for her to try that." Anthony retorted lowering his soul essence. The assassins began to add insult to injury, "Oh, Arria is just as worse she slits throats as a hobby and plays it off as trying to entertain herself." He commented. Anthony was starting to feel uneasy as the assassin was throwing out those details. He still couldn't grasp the situation he was in.

The assassin then dealt the final blow with his parting words, "Oh and let's not forget Elijah, he will kill you just because he probably won't like the way you look. I leave with this, by the time you leave here or if you make it out of here. You will know the name Socio Sango. I bid you adieu." Just like that the voice was gone and Anthony was almost as scared as a puppy when he meets new people for the first time. The words continued to rang throughout his head, he didn't know what to think. He slapped himself, "What am I thinking? They can't harm me I'm Anthony Pincher. Wielder of the deadliest lightning there is!" He maintained. He snapped his fingers and began raising his soul essence. His soul essence drew from anything that utilized electricity to be powered. The light from the Sango base began to dim as he slowly raised his essence. "I'm over this......." He exclaimed, setting up to clear a path for himself.[/fieldbox]

@Total Anarchy Beastmode @anMech @Etānaru Fureimu @RainDash @Tone Deaf @Affili @Drakken @Ayla
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[fieldbox=Elijah Randolph, red, solid]Location: Socio Sango Headquarters-Outside(Socio Sango Compound)
League: Socio Sango
Mood: Annoyed|Tired|Pissed Off|(Still Conceited)|
Inventory: 100,000Urd-Polar Bear Skin Coat-Extra Hair Gel And Body Spray

Elijah woke up to the damn alarm, he wasn't feeling up to anything. He could hear Azami freaking out or whatever...just so immature. When Elijah walked out of his room, he saw Reila running after her psycho twin. Elijah shook his head and smirked..."Don't go making human pancakes just yet."
Elijah turned around to see Arria leaving the Headquarters...she looked terrified. "Arria?" Elijah went to follow her, the girl was fast. Elijah lost her outside...he figured that she would come back soon. When Elijah started heading back to meditate, he saw some man who was definitely not a Socio.
Elijah ran over to him, blocking his path. Whoever this man was, he wasn't getting by Elijah. Elijah pushed the man backwards. "Well, who the hell are you?!" Elijah stood with his arms crossed, ready for whatever the man was up too.

[fieldbox=Shizuko, blue, solid]Location: Humoj Base, Shizuko's room → Humoj Base, exterior →
League: Unio Humoj
Mood: calm → uneasy → calm, cold, calculating
Inventory: 30,000 urd, pack of menthol cigarettes, lighter.

Shizuko had gotten back to her room without incident the night before. She calmly got ready for bed and checked on some things in her room. She took the medication that was prescribed to her and got into bed. Unfortunately as soon as her head hit the pillow a feeling of unease swept over her and she ended up lying awake wondering where it came from.

When the alarm went off it pulled Shizuko out of her uneasiness. "Time to work," She didn't sound like herself, her voice was much more masculine than usual, and all traces of tenderness and caring were gone. Her face was blank and seemingly emotionless as she quickly changed out of her sleepwear and grabbed her things. There didn't seem to be any intruders when Shizuko got outside. She sighed and leaned against a wall as she put a cigarette in her mouth, "Anybody want to bet we're the only league that didn't get attacked because we weren't considered a threat?"[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=Azami Ito, red, solid]Location: Sango base and surrounding area
Mood: Scared, excited, hyper-aware → angry → sadistic, childish glee
Inventory: 2,000 urd, phone
"I shouldn't feel like this," Azami continued to think out loud "I should be-"
" everything alright?" Reila asked as she stooped down into the mud by her friend right afterwards.
Azami shut up as soon as she heard her friends voice. She turned to glare at Reila, "You followed me, you heard me." She stood up quickly and continued to glare at the red haired girl, "If you ever tell anybody about this I will cut out your ovaries and force feed them to you." She came to the realization of what the alarm actually meant. "There's somebody to play with," She started to grin and ran through the swamp in the direction the sound of the alarm was still coming from. She started laughing as her power took over her mind. With her senses sharpened she had no trouble finding her way back to the base.
"What am I thinking? They can't harm me I'm Anthony Pincher. Wielder of the deadliest lightning there is!" He maintained. He snapped his fingers and began raising his soul essence. His soul essence drew from anything that utilized electricity to be powered. The light from the Sango base began to dim as he slowly raised his essence. "I'm over this......." He exclaimed, setting up to clear a path for himself.
Azami could hear the intruder boasting as she seemed to materialize out of the swamp with her bat ready to strike whoever she felt like. "Oooh you sound like fun!" She made her way to Mr. Pincher, surprisingly quickly. "HERE I COME AND GET IT!" She shouted as she got within striking range and started to swing her bat at the intruder's legs.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="Silverwolf, Blue, Solid"]

Location: Near the far watch tower, Homoj Facilities
Mood : Fascinated and curious

The patrol squad had been at the end of the beach when the massive soul spike practically sent a shiver through him and much like the others he watched as she nullified one of he assassins Konsidos like it was just an irritation to her.

When the girl dropped from the tower she touched down a few yards in front of the patrol squad and he considered her with narrowed eyes. "You had to be a red head didn't you?" he spoke with a sigh. It was more of a statement then a question. Silver kept his hands to his side. If she wanted to kill them all they would have been dead already. "Don't be fools" he suggested to the rest of the squad. He didn't outrank them by much but hopefully they were not idiots that would get them all killed. Although the rest of the squad was tense, none seemed too eager to approach the striking redhead.

Her soul essence was off the charts by Silver's standards and he was certain it was well in this woman capabilities to strike all four of them down where they stood. Surely the higher ranks were aware of her presence by now but as silver scanned the immediate area, he saw no signs of them.

"Did you really have to kill our sentries my lady? Surely it would have been simple enough for you to merely incapacitate them given your strength. Why such a disregard for life?" he asked her with a shrug of his shoulders. He was tired of being soggy and wanted nothing more to get out of the wet clothes he was in. He tugged at his garments absently "I'm really tired of being wet" he offered to the woman in front of him as he pulled at his now skin tight shirt "and I was just wondering why you were here, what you were looking for; or if you were simply lost, but I doubt that last one." he smiled at her casually then continued "Under different circumstances, I would have offered to buy you a drink, but the fact remains that you are trespassing on our grounds and we have no idea why!"

He was no match for this intruder's skill level of that he was certain just from her enormous soul essence, but maybe what she claimed was true, that she just wanted to leave. At least he could stall her enough for the higher ranks to respond, maybe she'd kill them where they stood who knew. He would not be put down without a fight in any case. It was a bleak day, and he was right in the middle of an awkward situation. His eyes briefly flicked to the lightning as it slashed at the darkened skies and he let out a sigh while glancing at the woman expectantly.

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[fieldbox=Reila Solari, red, solid]
Location: Sango Swamp
Mood: Sleep Deprived, Extremely everything!
Inventory: Hatchet and nothing else

Reila looked at Azami with a surprised expression as her friend spoke. "Eh? You'd cut out my ovaries and feed them to me if I tell anyone?" The girl questioned darkly as she clenched her hatchet tightly. "I'll tell anyone anything I please and if you so much as try something as silly as that in response then I'll...I'll..." She loosened the grip on her hatchet before sighing. "Sorry, that's just the lack of sleep talking." Reila noted as Aza Aza began running in the direction of the base. "First that ringing thing starts going off like crazy and then Aza Aza threatens to make me eat raw meat over doctors. And now she wants to leave me all alone so I can be eaten by swamp monsters? This is just one crazy morning and to top if off, I'm super tired!!! But I wish anything disgusting would even try to eat me. In fact, I feel like kil-uh wait up!!!" Reila shouted before running after Azami. [/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="Arria Calvus, red, solid"]
|Location: Outside Marsh -> Sango HQ, Wherever Elijah and the intruder are|
|League: Socio Sango|
|Mood: Anxiety|
|Inventory: 2,000 urd, cell phone, taser, her daggers, ratty pajamas|
Arria took a moment to stand in the marsh for a few more moments to calm down. She took deep breaths to slow her racing heart that beat so hard that it almost hurt. Arria had to take stock of what was happening, immerse herself in facts and locations and anything solid and concrete. She was Arria Calvus, she was an assassin recruit of Socio Sango, she was away from the nightmare, and there had only been an alarm going off about an intruder. Not about her being sent back to the ring. The facts were her anchor, her attachment to reality that kept her solidly focused on the events at hand.

Arria's heart slowed and her thoughts were once again in order as she started to walk back to the HQ, when she heard someone yell about not being able to be harmed. Arria crept quietly into the space, watching and studying the soul essence that was there. A man was standing there, lightning surrounding him as he stood there while Elijah drew his attention by asking who he was.

The lights were dimmed and so Arria supposed that her taser would not work here. If anything she might make him more powerful if she did try to tase him. It was too bad that she'd left her throwing knives in her room, she could have used them as a backup plan but she didn't have to worry about attacking right now.

Azami was already dashing into the scene to try and hit the man with her bat. Arria tried to lower her soul essence to mask her location, while looking Elijah in the eye to try and get his attention as quietly as she could. She mouthed, "intruder," and hoped that he understood.
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