"No Friends" Club.

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Ava sat down away from Miu. Being near her only made her feel worse. She would have left, but she thought that would seem rude. She looked into Miu's eyes and saw a flicker of pain. She wanted to know what it was, but didn't want to pry. So she sat, and stared at the floor, afraid to look up, as it might reveal her own emotions. Her eyes change color slightly, depending on her mood. They were grey-ish at the moment.
Damien had witnessed the scene, of course. But he wasn't part of the party that went to the nurse's office. He felt that it would be wrong for him to go along with. He barely knew any of them, after all. The clubroom was completely silent, but it wasn't the calm silence it was only a few minutes ago. A tense fog had rolled in, and he didn't know what to do. So he curled up in his corner, lost in thought. It was his destiny to be alone, that much was certain.
Adrian sat up in the bed, the matress creaking when he shifted his weight and rubbed his eyes. His head still felt heavy but it was nothing compared to the headache he'd had a moment ago. He glanced down at his hands, trying to avoid the gazes of the three people he knew were sitting in the chairs waiting for him to wake up. Most of all, he didn't want to look at Miu, or, he was scared, even. He didn't want to see whatever emotion those eyes held... pity, pain, sadness or whatever.... worry... he really didn't need any of those things at the moment.
Marko looked at Miu and frowned " She's very nice, and kind of feels like my mom " He then smiled again and then stood up. " He walked out of the nurses office and headed back to the room, he had to get out of the nurses office before he went crazy. He opened the door to the club room, he noticed Damien all alone in the corner. He frowned knowing that feeling of eternal loneliness and sorrow. He walked over to Damien and sat down next to him, his face seemed normal feeling awkwardly comfortable around Damien as if he was like a brother he always wanted. He put his hand on Damien's back and began to rub his back a bit he tilted his head " Whats wrong Damien? "
Ava watched Marko leave as Adrian got up. Seeing as how he was awake, she decided to leave. As she walked back into the room, she made her way back over to the window without a word, and continued to watch what was happening outside, deep in thought.
Miu noticed the creak of the bed and looked in the direction. She did noticed Marko leaving but she seemed to be more interested in in Adrian. She stood up and walked over in a few long strides. The expression on her face indicated she wanted to say something, but refrained. At first her hands were held up her in the middle of her chest, holding eachother nervously. But after a moment, she was able to get over her own feelings flooding her and was able to see he didn't want her to be worried. So instead she let out a sigh of relief and sat down on the bed beside him. Was now the right time to exchange those precious first words?

((Uploaded from phone))
He wasn't sure if he should start a conversation. He wanted to, of course, but what should he say in a situation like this? Instead he slowly reached his hand out and took hold of hers, stroking his fingers over the back of her hand, before looking up at her. He really needed to damn say something! But he couldn't wrap his head around things; the medicine was making him a bit blurry and he was still slightly knocked out. Yet he wanted to talk to her so badly. He smiled slightly and squeezed her hand softly, not really sure of what he should do. Maybe he should really just be the man and say something, but he just didn't know what on earth he should say. It ended up being something fairly different than he'd expected. "I..... I'm sorry." after he'd uttered the words he looked down at their hands and closed his eyes. That wasn't really the best start of a conversation, but it'd have to make do now that he had said it.
Damien didn't look up, even when he heard footsteps approaching, until he felt a hand on his back. "Well..." He began to answer Marko's question. Such a simple question. "What's wrong?" "I guess I was just feeling lonely. Even though you all only just met, it seems like you're getting pretty close already and I..." He felt the tears start to come to his eyes. He swallowed, then continued. "I've never been close to anyone, really. I've always been alone. I guess I've gotten used to it..." He gave Marko a half-hearted smile, even as a tear ran down his face. He wasn't used to talking about how he really felt, he preferred to keep it inside. Behind a mask.
Ava sensed something wrong in the room. She turned around to see Damien on the floor, crying. She had a feeling why. She walked over without a sound, got down on her knees and hugged him. Just hugged him. It was a long, comforting hug for both of them. She could feel tears welling up in her own eyes, squeezed him tighter, and let go. She smiled softly at him, the light was casting odd shadows across her face. She would have asked what was wrong, but she couldn't bring herself to make any noise. So she sat there.
Marko smiled at Damien and new a bit how he felt or at least the way he explained it. " Being alone can really suck...but sometime it gives you time to think...think about good things? and some bad but mostly good.." His face wrinkled with confusion of his own response. He noticed the tear and put his thumb to it, smearing it a bit on his face. " Dont you cry you strong man, i bet everyone here is already your friend because you seem like a great out going person " Marko was trying to impersonate the mood's of Penelope, He continued to smile even though he was shaking since he was still nervous about approaching him.
Miu was silent for a few moments. Perhaps these weren't the ideal words but they were certainly more than enough. After a moment of silence, a grin appeared on her face. She was looking at the door. She began to giggle lightly. Perhaps this wasn't the ideal response either but that didn't matter. She opened her mouth as if she was about to say something. If the light in her eyes were to be any indication it was going to be something important. "T-" But just as she began to speak the phone in her pocket began to blare it's ring tone. She jumped lightly, startled by the interruption. A look of dismay shot through her eyes as she looked at the caller ID. She did have to go before, she wasn't just trying to leave earlier. She gave Adrian a small smirk before opening her phone and standing up. There was a voice on the other side, but Miu didn't seem to want to reply to the voice instead she watched Adrian with incredibly apologetic eyes.
He smiled and stood up, making his way to her side. He pulled up her free hand and gave it a very soft kiss, sending her an understanding smile. He knew that her parents had probably wanted her to come home early or something of the like, and his little fainting stunt had probably made her very late. He fixed his hair that was getting in his eyes and leaned against the wall, waiting for her to finish the call. He'd at least stick around to wave her off or something like that. And now when they finally had the chance to talk. Well, not like he weren't used to things going wrong, but this time he had just really, REALLY wanted things to work out well. He'd just have to give it some time. At least he'd get to see Miu regularly because of the club which was positive. He did wonder why she had to go home early, though. If it was just stuff like going somewhere with her parents, or maybe she was going to meet someone. He wanted to ask but thought it better not to and instead observed her while she was still talking on the phone. He didn't really listen to what she was saying, just watched her lips move and then hearing some sounds he couldn't really form into words.
The amount of attention and care he was getting overwhelmed him. He broke down into full on sobbing, reciprocating Ava's hug. Between sobs, he tried to speak. "I... I try to... To be outgoing, but it's... it's hard sometimes... to get to know people..." The tears were slowing now, though they weren't completely gone. He hugged Marko too. "Thanks for coming over..."
When Adrian kissed her hand she didn't seem shocked by it, infact it was almost as if she had been waiting for it. Her smile was light as she looked into his eyes and blush only played on her cheecks. After a few more moments of an unintelligable voice coming through the speaker before Miu sighed. "Yes I'm alright." After a few more moments she again responded to the voice. "Don't worry I won't forget." After a few more moments she nodded. "Alright I'll see you later." With that she flipped closed her phone. Her hand that he had grabbed closed around his and she smiled at him. She looked as if she was going to do something but eventually her eyes pulled back. "I-I'll see you tomorrow right?" There was an edge of playfulness in it as she glanced back down at him.
He smiled a bit. Maybe it hadn't been going as bad as he had thought. He gave her a brief and soft hug and smiled. "Yes, I'll see you tomorrow." things had been going fine; it didn't feel like an awkward silence, and he felt calm. He was indeed looking forward to tomorrow. He smiled and looked at the door.
"Want me to follow you out?" He was surprised that his voice didn't waver but maybe they had really gained some sort of connection by not talking before now. Maybe his nervous parades had just been melted by her. He didn't really know. All he knew was that he felt much more calm than when he first entered the club. He had actually managed to get a friend; he'd talked to someone. He had done more socially today than he had done in the last two years. It almost felt like a completely new thing to him; of course he was a bit anxious that he was going to lose her, or not see her again, but that was just silly. He always seemed to get anxious over nothing. Luckily she didn't seem to have been bothered by the kiss; it had been a long shot but he hoped she had understood what he had meant with it, and judging from her expression she had.
Miu seemed to be heavily considering the question for a few moments. Just there was a strong part of her that didn't want to part from him. Instead of asking for him to join her, so that she may savor their time together, she instead replies with a bright smile and lit eyes. "No that's alright... I'll be fine from here." She knew that if he accompanied her further she would just be later than she already was. Though she seemed to be remiss she slowly pulled away, as she did their hands began to unfold from each other. She began to turn, keeping her eyes on his until the tips of their fingers finally let go. After that, she slowly walked to the door, she stopped at it, looking back at Adrian with a silly grin, before wandering off down the hall.
((I wake up just to realise you guys posted so much until I had to scroll 2 pages :p ))

Shou looked at the room with no interest in it whatsoever when Damien left, surprised that he didn't finish what he wanted to say before that. He mostly blanked out and didn't really pay attention to his surroundings, not even when Damien dropped his mug. He looked at everyone. There seemed to be a tense air around everyone. Shou decided this wasn't a good time to tease people and went back to sleep.
((Inorite? It's pretty crazy. XD))

It had quieted down a bit since the activity before. Damien looked out the window and was surprised to see how low the sun had gotten. It had been such a busy day that time was hardly noticeable. Looking around the room, he saw Shou, still asleep on the table. He's so cute when he's sleeping like that. He smiled to himself, then went back over to his seat next to Shou. "Hey... you awake? There's something I wanna tell you..." He whispered, only loud enough for Shou to hear.
Marko took the hug with a bit of a jolt, he was surprised someone actually latched onto him. Marko's body radiated heat so he felt a bit like a heating pad, He hugged onto Damien and said " I'll always be here " He quoted that from a movie he recently saw and thought it would be a great saying to use at a time like this. He laughed a bit at his own corny quote and smiled at Damien.
As they parted, Adrian returned the smile before walking out of the nurse's office. He began on his walk back to the club and when he came in, things were a bit different. He wasn't really in the mood to talk, and therefore sat down at one of the tables, lying his head down on the cold wood, resting it in his arms. He hadn't wanted Miu to leave; he did know that she had to do something but he still just wanted to be with her. He sighed and closed his eyes, wondering what he should do now. He wanted to try and talk to others, and yet he was still scared to do so. He'd lost some of his calm feeling when Miu had left and instead pulled out his phone, looking at her contact in the contact book, smiling a small and sweet smile. Maybe he could text her... or would that just seem silly? He'd never really texted with anyone before. He put the phone back into his pocket and just lied his head down on the table again.

((I went to get a night's sleep xD))