Newbie Care Package!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Welcome, darling, and this package definitely applies to you, but you may want to post that intro in its own thread in this "New Arrivals and Departures" forum so that other members will notice and get to say hi, etc.

Though I am still a bit confused on how you can claim one hehehehe

OMG, this site actually makes me feel like a potato surrounded by a bunch of beautiful butterflies.
That reference was just beautiful in and of itself, lmfao!
I'll take it by the post you're interested in this thread :D
Did you want a guide? Or were you just interested in the goodies/recommendations?

Hi! My nickname is Dews and I'm interested in romance, fantasy, yuri, historical, kpop, and supernatural roleplays, but I'm willing to try new things. I absolutely love all things romance!
Hey Dews, welcome to Iwaku :)
Out of curiosity, were you interested in claiming a guide? Or did you only want the recommendations?
That reference was just beautiful in and of itself, lmfao!
I'll take it by the post you're interested in this thread :D
Did you want a guide? Or were you just interested in the goodies/recommendations?

Hey Dews, welcome to Iwaku :)
Out of curiosity, were you interested in claiming a guide? Or did you only want the recommendations?

Hahahaha I'd prefer to have a guide or a big brother/sister c:
I'm still trying to familiarize the site and I'd be nice to have someone to guide you around c:
Hahahaha I'd prefer to have a guide or a big brother/sister c:
I'm still trying to familiarize the site and I'd be nice to have someone to guide you around c:
Sounds good! We're currently in the process of gathering up more guides due to the high demand for them with Open Registration and all, so we'll be able to issue a guide in the coming few days here! Either myself, @Soulserenity20, or @Princess Poisoned Rose will contact you when we have a guide for you!

In the meantime, if you'd like some free graphics/recommendations go ahead and fill out one of the forums on the first page and tag who you'd wish to do the art, or the group of people in charge of the recommendations - all of which can be found on page number one :)
Now, we do have a new set of guides to help us out with growing demands. These are all players from my own roleplays. Some are staff, others are not. All have the experience necessary to fit the role as guides for newbies! I will post their introductions as soon as each of them PM's me a short introductory paragraph.

@firejay1 @Rainjay @Shadicmaster @J_"Kraken" @Silver @Requiem

@Heichou I'd lie to assign @Silver to you as a guide! She will contact you via PM to introduce herself and from there you can feel free to ask her questions and chat!

EDIT: It looks like Heichou has Vio as a guide! Nevertheless, I'll get the new set of guide's introductions up as I get them :)
Now, we do have a new set of guides to help us out with growing demands. These are all players from my own roleplays. Some are staff, others are not. All have the experience necessary to fit the role as guides for newbies! I will post their introductions as soon as each of them PM's me a short introductory paragraph.

@firejay1 @Rainjay @Shadicmaster @J_"Kraken" @Silver @Requiem

@Heichou I'd lie to assign @Silver to you as a guide! She will contact you via PM to introduce herself and from there you can feel free to ask her questions and chat!

EDIT: It looks like Heichou has Vio as a guide! Nevertheless, I'll get the new set of guide's introductions up as I get them :)
I've taken care of the recent batch of newbies looking for guides and added them up to the first post - I'm also about to add firejay, redblood, and red revolvers little introductory paragraphs to the first post ^-^
I've taken care of the recent batch of newbies looking for guides and added them up to the first post - I'm also about to add firejay, redblood, and red revolvers little introductory paragraphs to the first post ^-^
Perfect! I just need intros from the others then :) Thanks for being an allstar ali!
Speaking of newbies - just to double-ensure you're all in the loop, the following people have been assigned guides! If I've missed anyone, please make me aware ASAP.

Crayon - @Vio
Cazza185 - @Ali
PoetLore - @Princess Poisoned Rose
NeonRose - @Minerva
Heichou - @Vio

You all will recieve (upon wanting these):

1 X Avatar and Signature Set
3 X Character Banners
1X Set of Thread Headers
1-3 X Roleplay Recommendations
3 X Advertisements for your roleplay.

Make sure you post which you'd like to claim in the appropriate format. For art requests, please see the ART DEPARTMENT post. For recommendations, please post your Roleplay preferences and our team will get to work.

  • Thank You
Reactions: Esmeray
Hello! I'd love to make use of this offer, though I'm not entirely sure which ones will apply to me currently. I'll update when I know! Thank you very much.
Hey, I'd love to take up on this offer as well. I'd like to only claim the Avatar and signature set; if that's even possible? I'll feel bad if I ask for too much. hahaha
@Nepalia you can absolutely take us up on any offers! You get the following, as well as a guide to help you learn the ropes, if you so choose.

1X Guide [ If you so choose to take on a guide, please say so and @Silver can assist you in getting the hang of things! ]
1 X Avatar and Signature Set
3 X Character Banners
1X Set of Thread Headers
1-3 X Roleplay Recommendations
3 X Advertisements for your roleplay.

Make sure you post which you'd like to claim in the appropriate format. For art requests, please see the ART DEPARTMENT post. For recommendations, please post your Roleplay preferences and our team will get to work.

Hello! I'd love to make use of this offer, though I'm not entirely sure which ones will apply to me currently. I'll update when I know! Thank you very much.
Sounds good! Just let us know what you'd like. You do get all the shindigs by default! So you are entitled to:

1X Guide. Your big brother will be @J_"Kraken"
1 X Avatar and Signature Set
3 X Character Banners
1X Set of Thread Headers
1-3 X Roleplay Recommendations
3 X Advertisements for your roleplay.

Make sure you post which you'd like to claim in the appropriate format. For art requests, please see the ART DEPARTMENT post. For recommendations, please post your Roleplay preferences and our team will get to work.

Helloo, I'm a little late to this and I don't know if it applies to me but I would definitely like a guide and roleplay recommendations.

Preferred Roleplay Genres: Romance/Apocalyptic/Fandom/Action
Prefered Roleplay Types: /Group/1X1
Other Preferences:
I feel so confused... But I'm definitely interested. Just.. trying to figure out what to do next.
If your name is brown there is no doubt this applies to you. You guys are claiming the package simply by expressing interest and by having had an account for less than two months. We've been getting a lot of newbies lately, so soul or Ali will get back to you with your guides as soon as they can. In the meantime, feel free to PM me any questions you have, and if you want any art, go ahead and fill out the forms provided in the first few posts of this thread.

@ICanSeeYourPixels thank you for filling out the recommendation form, and go ahead and quote it and tag Vio, Golden Anime, and ~Happily.Ever.After~. So they can get on that for you.
@Ali Yes I would like to claim a guide
Alrighty :D
Your guide shall' be: @redblood
Enjoy Iwaku's resident dragon-lady ^-^

Helloo, I'm a little late to this and I don't know if it applies to me but I would definitely like a guide and roleplay recommendations.

Preferred Roleplay Genres: Romance/Apocalyptic/Fandom/Action
Prefered Roleplay Types: /Group/1X1
Other Preferences:
Your guide shall be: @Red Revolver
Also, we'll get the recommenders on this right away ^-^!
@Vio @Golden Anime @~Happily.Ever.After~

I feel so confused... But I'm definitely interested. Just.. trying to figure out what to do next.
Glad to have your interest, seeing as you're confused, it's best we get you a guide :) For now, please contact @Soulserenity20 as she's a temporary guide and will be able to help you until we get you a full guide.

Also, included in the package is:
1 X Avatar and Signature Set
3 X Character Banners
1X Set of Thread Headers
1-3 X Roleplay Recommendations
3 X Advertisements for your roleplay.

To claim these, check out page one of this thread and copy then fill out the appropriate forum to claim your graphics/recommendations!
  • Like
Reactions: Soulserenity20
Request Type: Advertisement 1
RP Name: Avengers: A New Dawn
RP Catch Phrase: Which side will you choose?
Genre of RP: Fandom
Theme: Dark, mystery, conflict, evil
Colors: Red, light grey, white, and black
Desired Images:
Other: If possible, could you have the two logos only? As in circles themselves, no box? Also, the SHIELD symbol should be on the right, HYDRA on the left. The catchphrase should be in a cursive or italic font, if possible.I'd like @firejay1 to do this one, if at all possible. Thanks!

Request Type: Character Banner 1
Character Name: Luna Adler
Character Images:
Secondary Desired Images:
Quote: I'm a monster. No one will ever love a monster.
Theme: fierce, dragon, dark, split personality, guilt
Colors: Black, silver, possibly a little red.
Shapes/Other Request: Circles. The secondary image should be in the middle, with the dragon on the left of it and the girl on the right of it. I'd like the main color to be black with the words of both the name and quote a metallic silver. However, the word "monster" should be red in the quote (both times it appears) and in like a blood-dripping or creepy font if possible. I'd love it if you @Soulserenity20 could do it. Thank you.


Request Type: Character Banner 2
Character Name: Indis Caverly
Character Images:
Secondary Desired Images:
Quote: Don't think of me as evil. I'm only doing what's best for the world as a whole.
Theme: Evil, dark, corrupt, creepy, shadows
Colors: Black, dark grey, blood red
Shapes/Other Request: Squares. I'd like @Vio to do this one. Thank you.

Request Type: Character Banner 3
Character Name: Wren Starling
Character Images:
Secondary Desired Images: N/A
Quote: Oh, I know I'm crazy. Crazier than a headless chicken. But I try not to let that bring me down.
Theme: Soft, light, kind, with hints of darkness and insanity
Colors: Black, light blue, green, dark red
Shapes/Other Request: Arches and round shapes. I'd like her name to be a light blue, with the background black with veins of red streaking though it. The quote should be green. Can you do this one as well please? @Soulserenity20 Thank you!!

Request Type: Header Set
Desired Text: Avengers: A New Dawn
Theme: Mystery, dark, war, struggle
Colors: Black, red, light grey, and white
Desired Images:

Other: I'd like it if you could make it so that the SHIELD symbol is on the left and HYDRA is on the right of the title. Thanks. And could @Ali do it? Many thanks to all of you again.
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