New World

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Jae put her knife in it's sheath on her belt and she crossed her arms loosely, watching to see if the soldier came back.
Marshall stops in his tracks and then steps on his knee in a firing position with his rifle out towards the sound. He saw the man who threw the grenade earlier standing not far away with a companion. This other was a female and Marshall had not seen one in a very long time. He dropped his guard and placed his rifle at his side and answered him.
"I am just fine. Sorry I can not talk much or thank you for back there but I have to keep moving towards that mountain range." He pointed out into the distance ahead. "There something coming.." With that he nodded to the both of them and continued marching off. He was told not to get involved with any life on the planet but it was a bit harsh. This was the time he had to worry about himself and he needed to get to that range as soon as possible.
He stops first and turns around waving back at the group. "Thanks."
Jae watched the soldier carefully, scanning his every movement. She didn't answer anything he said, or speak at all. She left that to Ben.
The trip would only take an hour march but there was no time. Marshall was not sure what the radio meant but it wasn't good. He thought about what had happened the last thirty minutes and it always came right back to his first hypothesis. That someone had tipped them off where they were going to be and the enemy was waiting for them. For all he knew he was the last soldier on planet side. The BORA had to have taken some serious damage from the initial attack because they had to retreat themselves. I wonder who the traitor was he thought. The mission was still on and he could do nothing without the link system of the BORA to finish it. Since he was the last one on the planet it would be up to him to achieve such a high goal.
He still wasn't sure who those two were and he did think that they could be useful to the mission. It was all about the mission and Marshall would use up any resources he can get. Still he wanted them to enjoy as much time they had on this planet...
He began to see the mountain range from the crack of trees and then he heard the first boom of thunder over head. A storm? He knew now what the BORA was warning him about. An severe electric storm that would leave him toasted if he was in the open. He looked up at the sky and silently thanked his guardian angel the BORA and continued on..
Jae spoke as soon as Marshall had disappeared. "Should we follow him?" She asked Ben, glancing between him and the spot the soldier had gone.
She nodded and uncrossed her arms, her hand sitting on the hilt of her knife as she stepped forward. "We should keep quiet..I don't know how he'd feel about being followed." She said, scanning at the path he'd followed.
ben nods and reduces to a slower walk as they follow the man.
Jae was slightly ahead of him, keeping the man in her sight so that they did not lose him. She kept quiet and every once in awhile glanced back at Ben.
Marshall had some idea that the two were following him but he would notshow his hand so he continued down his march as though he never knew a thing. His senses had never failed him before. They were all trained to follow their gut or they would be killed. It was a tense four years of training but it was well worth it.

The storm was becoming more violent and noisy as marshall began hiking up the path of the mountain. Then suddenly the radio came scratching back in as the BORA announced that for the duration of the storm there will be no communication. Marshall shrugged it off.

All of marshalls worries stopped for the moment when he came across a man sized cave entrance a few meters away. Perfect he thought as the storm began raining down hard. He reached cover and foubd that the cavern was empty for the most part beside a few bats.

He turned back to his followers and waved for them to join him. "Hey! You guys should get in here before it gets worse out." He could use the company and maybe get some information out of them while he stationary under the storm. A flash of light blinded marshall as a bolt came crashing down on the side of the cliff tearing rock and gravel to pieces. "You two better hurry!" He shout back.
Jae stopped as Marshall showed he knew they were following him. Temporarily confused, she slid a little as a bolt of lightning hit the cliff. She caught the wall and took a deep breath before stepping forward, glancing up before slipping into the edge of the cave, staying near the entrance. She was shaking a little from being wet and almost falling off the cliff, but she asked the question that rang in her head. "How'd you know we were behind you?"
He was already tearing off his equipment before the young woman came stepping in. Marshall placed his suit and near his rifle at one end of the cave wall. His stained under shirt was his only layer of protection.

He chuckled at her question and answered while preparing a small fire in the middle of the cave. "Come on, did you really think you two were being that good at stalking?" He picked at the newly sparked flame he had just made. "Besides I'm trained to notice these sit." He wasn't that well with manners but he could tell she was wet and cold.

Marshall sits down with a grunt and pulls out his chdwed cigar and re lights it. Taking a small puff he asks. "So, what's your name? And if you could inform myself a little about this planet." He knew much about the "natives" from a file he had gotten during briefing but he wanted to see what the woman may know, if she knew anything.
She hesitated before sitting opposite of him, crossing her arms. "I go by Jae, the natives are trying to kill off my friends in the ruins, and the ruins..well, used to be my home." She said simply. "Is that too vague?" Her tone wasn't harsh, or cold, or rude. It was almost emotionless, but had a tint of resentment from the natives.
He knew much about the uprising about this planet and her story seemed to match up. The truth was he didn't really care about anyone on this planet or the alien life as well. He took a deep puff again from his cigar and moved it to the other side of his mouth before speaking.
"well this...all sounds interesting but would you happen to know who was attacking us back there?" Marshall had a few hunches of who they mit be but it wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion.
The storm outside began to grow more violent as wind and rain came pouring down. Lightening was the only thing out there that would kill you thought Marshall as another bolt came soaring down from the sky above. He turned his attention back tot he human female.
"Jae is it?" He asked getting a good look at her. Not your type he thought and spoke. "The name's Marshall."
She nodded as he said his name, then answered his question. "Either the native scouts," when she said this, a small shiver sped down her spine, "or the rest of the colony." She said. She barely glanced outside as another flash of lightning struck the cliffside. I hope everyone's found shelter.. She thought as she remembered the fight her friends had with the natives. "The natives do not hate humans." She added, searching Marshall carefully. "They see certain ones as a threat." She remembered the scout that she'd met after she first met Genis, the one that let her go at the extend of her parent's lives.
"Well sweetheart they better think of me as a threat because for some reason my ship was attacked before we even set foot on this stinking planet." He took another puff from his cigar ad blew it out. "My whole squad has been ambushed, so that means that they were either killed or taken prisoner." Marshall looked away and continued. "I would have been rather killed." A distant memory seem to replay in the back of his mind but he soon shook it off. "Anyway, after this storm is out the way I'm heading towards the old communication tower a couple of kilometers from here. I hear its was abandoned years ago. Hopefully some of the equipment there is still intact and could be used for a more stable signal." He needed to let the BORA know that someone ratted them out. Who ever it may be...would have hell to answer for.
"Natives only take prisoners if they get anything out of it." she said. "Your squad was probably killed." She hadn't heard anything about a communication tower before, but she threw the idea off. She didn't have any reason for it. "Well, you'll need to be careful. The further out you go, the more..for lack of a better word, vicious, the wildlife gets." She took of her jacket and set it in front of her by the fire. Her right arm had a long scar caused by the natives, but it had healed by now.
He noticed the scar going down her arm. "That's a pretty beauty mark but I think I got that one beat." He raised his shirt high enough to show a large scar going straight down his chest to his stomach. "Now someone really didn't like me back then." He got a chuckle out of his past mistake and dropped his shirt to cover him up.
Curious about the stranger he asked her a question that seemed to be in the back of his mind the whole time. "Why are you even you have any family? Why stay on this planet?" The questions seemed to come flowing out his mouth but he could not help it. It was a long time since he even got to look at a female let alone talk to one. He let the cigar flame die, he really loved the taste rather than the smoke so he let it rest nicely in his mouth.

He stood up and stretched before walking over to his rifle to start on some maintenance on it. These natives could not just pull something like this off. There had to been outside help, Marshall was deep in thought. Who would benefit from the failure of the mission..