New World Academy

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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here is the run down for all things you would need for GM'ing your RP.

Usually all the info about the world and extra bits are in the OOC/sign up thread. Ive seen creators uses really cool tab codes so that everything is not in one long list in the beginning post. However some even go farther as to created their own group so that all the Threads are in one place if they needed more than just an OOC and IC thread. It is really up to you. and there is a blog feature on the website. Users use it for all types of stuff so how you want to set up things is all up to you. Glad i could help.

there is also these posts that explain more ways to control events in your RP i.e dice rolls and such.
lol now that i look at it i might have given too much info. you probably already know half of that stuff but i didnt know want you would need lol. im new to the BBcoding idea. So im like, "everyone needs to know this wondrous idea!" anyways ill be shopping around and creating a character. Hopefully ill have the CS up before monday, but i have work for class that i need to get done.
LOL. I have learn the codes for another site but I am glad for your help! Have you found the threads? I need to work on them more.
I have the RP ready to go if you are still interested in playing a part.
We still need students and a medic! Please come and join the us for fun and mishaps. Adventure is waiting for you!
Hey, would it be cool if I made a traditional magic student? And are the ranks for the basic 4 that whatever is in first place, you're closer to? Like if I put Earth in first place, I will learn Earth magic earlier or something of that nature.
Yes, it would be cool if you join us. :huge:
You would learn that power easier. Those are the Basic four powers and the way you rank them will be what is the easiest for you.
Hi there,
Just wondering is there still room for a traditonal student? As I am intrigued by this rp and wouldn't mind joining in c:
Yes, there is plenty of room and students are falling into the Academy! Please feel free to join us!
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