Name: Cecilia Freiyalise
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Otter Therian
Weapons: USP 45 Calibre, 12 rounds, equipped with front-mounted flashlight and suppressor (a handgun is two points, but I'll drop 3 for this baby) + 1 extra magazine = 4points
Mossberg 590, military-grade combat shotgun, with an extra box of ammunition (8 points)
+1 bolt-action rifle of the GM's choosing (3 points)
Equipment: 1 waterproof messenger bag, 1 backpack, 3 days' worth of MREs / water, firearm maintenance kit, crowbar, lockpicks, claw-hammer, screwdrivers of various sizes, 1 radio, solar-powered battery charger, 4 rechargeable AA and AAA batteries, 1 metal flashlight, 2 boxes of nails, 3 trip-wires, 2 sheets of canvas, 1 proximity-triggered claymore landmine (if allowed), 2 fragmentation grenades (if allowed), 3 smoke grenades (ditto), rubber technician-gloves, tweezers, 1 box of electrical supplies, adjustable wrench, 1 parachute, box-cutter, knife.
Talents(2 max): You already have Military Training as a Talent so feel free to choose two other talents.)
Firearm Proficiency
Urban Warfare - Cecilia's military training focused heavily on urban environments, support in close-quarters combat, and technical duties. If somebody needs a door undone quietly, or better yet, a small fortified area from which one could take a defensive stand against aggressors, she's one of the best for the job, especially when it comes to digging around in security hardware and splicing cables together. She also has experience with minor "demolition equipment," as she likes to call her explosives.
Aquatic Affinity - She's an otter, and by virtue a good swimmer, even when she isn't relying on her webbed feet to do most of the work for her. Cecilia isn't very fast or acrobatic on land, but in the water she can swim circles around most non-professional swimmers.
Flexibility - Again with the otter-y stuff. Cecilia has a knack for escaping grapples and contorting her body, though her natural agility doesn't extend much beyond that. Without her guns she's not very useful in a close quarters encounter, and her climbing skills leave a lot to be desired.
Sturdy - "A good shotgun will knock a novice off their feet the first time. You can't become experienced with them without learning how to take a really strong hit and keep going, just a little bit longer. 'course, everyone's got their limits."
Some of it's redundant again, just for flavor, and I doubt being a good swimmer will come into play, but... yeah. Have I mentioned that I know basically nothing about this game?
Appearance: As a habitual exerciser, Cecilia has a very toned body. She stands at 165cm with shoulder-length light brown hair, naturally curly when it isn't wet. Her fur is much darker on the back, with a more cocoa-colored tint on her front. She wears darker colors to better blend in at night, though she is most often out and about during the daylight.
Other: While not exactly "fresh" out of training, Cecilia isn't what anybody would call a veteran. She's taken part in a few operations and ended a few lives, but she hasn't quite grasped the mindset of a soldier who stays on task for days at a time with little to eat or drink. Urban divisions are usually for security and social purposes, after all, and the actual assault-teams are usually just full of infantry grunts. Sometimes Cecilia is a part of those groups, but she's more accustomed to supporting roles in battle: figure out what's wrong with the jeep, or the power, sabotage the wiring, un-sabotage it now that we control the building, find a good spot for the landmines, that sort of thing. The stuff they can't get the bomb squad to take care of.
She's a playful sort when she isn't on the job, and enjoys socializing with people just for company's sake, though that might also be because of her tendency to not go anywhere alone. Her weapons are noisy, and when she's busy doing the "delicate work" she specializes in, she needs somebody to watch her back.