New Light (A Dying Light Inspired Anthro Optional RP!)

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Well I know we'll have the operators paradrop to start this show off and our survivors will have an opportunity to get to them. IF anyone prefers they meet a specific character feel free to PM me your suggestion and I will get it done.

On the way the roleplay will work the Tower will be a primary safe zone. There I'll try a 'role board' system where the characters can get a hold of calls for help as well as missions that will be available. Ontop of that the plot will continue without the job board in play. You might be in the middle of a loot run when a GRE plane drops a carepackage or maybe you'll bump into our bad guys! I'm kinda just throwing stuff out there but I do have a special plot in mind that is similar to the game's plot except with a different way of making things go down since we got a different line of heroes: you guys!
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Two things! Number one, considering the presence of anthros and their abilities beyond those of most humans, we should be afraid of anthro zeds, too, right? Sharp claws, wings, carnivores, herbivores, et cetera. This can be resolved either by reasoning that anthros just die when they get bit or that we have a lot more than volatiles to worry about.

Two! As I stated, Kansas and her group reside in the northwestern inner city. Perhaps I could suggest that for plot, the people from the Tower find Kansas scavenging and upon hearing of the Tower, Kansas asks to move her people to the Tower. @Furasian if it sounds good to you for an early arc, I could give you juicy spoiler deets over PM
Heh. She said the 'zed' word. If it doesn't get more serious than a rhinoceros charging at you, just imagine a carnivorous one!
Going on what @VerbalAbuse mentioned.

I'm more in favor of keeping the infected human. Adding anthros to the mix may make things a little too complicated. There are already the volatiles (assuming they're going to be used) and with them being stronger than humans already it could just get a bit much.

As if running from one was bad enough; imagine it can slam through a tenth story window or scale a building with relative ease. But that's just me, a fan of the simple.

Also getting the feeling this is going to end up far more 'action and rooty tooty point and shooty' rather than survival considering how many guns are being brought in compared to the game having very few. Not to mention the danger of a car horn attracting hordes, imagine a gunshot that can be heard for miles?
That's why I went with w suppressor ;)
Suppressors don't completely silence a shot, but they do help with the whole 'shot heard for miles and miles' thing. I noticed that a lot of us have characters who simply don't use firearms at all (we've got the girl with the shockblade, the medical batgirl who's basically the same character talent-wise as my "Who the hell uses a bow in this day and age?!?!?!" guy but I didn't notice until after I wrote That Guy down), and pretty much everyone else is trained in melee.

Well, except for combat-medic guy and the otter-girl with the loudest gun in the thread so far. But yeah, in the otter-girl's defense, she's not meant to be in the thick of the action, and if she's not using her handgun (not much for comparative stopping power but it'll blind people up close and it's not noisy), she's making it noisy and GTFO-ing. There are tactical decisions that can involve a sudden swarm of the uglies, especially because those without much in the way of common sense tend to investigate where they *heard* the sound, not where the origin of that sound is probably headed.

A land-mine is an invaluable decoy sometimes. You just don't know when it'll go off.
There's a lot of homogeneous characters talent wise just because of the lack of talent diversity. Otherwise they're fairly different.
And that's why roleplays have better writing capacity than video games.
Those things are still sorta loud. But good thinkin'.
Yeah, it's not going to stop those in my immediate vicinity hearing something, but for a long range rifle it certainly has it's benefits. And under my tarp in my lil camping spot I'll be in a good spot ^^
Just browsing sheets it's funny to notice that I was the only one not to give them a firearm..

How droll.
Wait, what?
Video games, by nature, have scripted events and scripted responses. This can damage the capacity for emotion and immersion when it comes to stories.
Just browsing sheets it's funny to notice that I was the only one not to give them a firearm..

How droll.
You missed two sheets then.

Edit: or... one. HELLO BATWOMAN! =D
Just browsing sheets it's funny to notice that I was the only one not to give them a firearm..

How droll.
I have two melee weapons. My rifle is mostly going to be used for seeing long distances and covering others trying to escape.
Considering weapons will attract the hordes I have a feeling they will be used in a way to incite fear rather than injury or death unless its an emergency. At least that's what I'm going for. I can't think of a lot of people who like looking down the business end of a firearm.
Heya guys!

Considering the concerns about infected anthros I could always say the infection kills the anthro character over time with the same rules as a human infection. (Which means they'll have to use the GRE medications to stall the coming death which I'll touch base on later. Unless someone else wants to explain ^^))

On the gun play stuff I know that there are a lot of firearms present, but keep in mind the consequences of discharging a gun or throwing a bomb. It might cause more trouble than you ask for.

Oh and I'll take up that plot idea @VerbalAbuse just feel free to pm me some details. If you want I could make you a sort of co gm so you can let the show roll your way,
I personaly intend to use my characters' firearms only against either tougher bone junkies, or hostile humans with guns.
On the gun play stuff I know that there are a lot of firearms present, but keep in mind the consequences of discharging a gun or throwing a bomb. It might cause more trouble than you ask for.
Also, using points on clips was clever, as two to four clips may be enough for a lengthy standoff, it is by no means enough for an extended field survival scenario. Save your bullets kids~
OH AND I FINALLY REMEMBERED THE TERM (God dang Dead rising interrupting my train of thought with zomb rex)


Speaking of which.. I'm not sure if I should use Rais or a different form of antagonist for this RP. Lets face it we all wanna kill that guy >.>
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