New Girl

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
He glances back at Anne who is still sleeping then looks back at Caraline. He smiles and leans in to kiss her.
Leans toward him to kiss him. Leans a little too far over to kiss and falls over on him full face. "Ah! I-I'm sorry!!" Tries to get up.
"Its ok." He says with his arm still around her. "I think we would be warmer like this." He smiles.
"So, how long do you think the storm will last?" He said slightly rubbing her side.
"Well-" Before he could finish what they were saying, lightning hit the ground next to the car. "That was close..." He says looking over at it not to startled.

Anne continues to sleep.
Shrieks and clutches him, "nooooo I want to go away." Scoots closer and curls into him.
"So outside again?" He says teasing her and he hugs her closer to comfort her.
"Nooo no no no" shakes her head frantically as she's pulled closer.
"Caraline, were safe. Someone will come down that road and find us." He said kissing her on the top of her head.
"I... I'm scared" looks up with big eyes. She was scared, for herself and Anne and jake. She didn't want them to get hurt and it was all her fault they where there.
"Its... fuck!" He said as he turned off the car. The smell of oil filled the air. "We have a leak..." He said getting out of the car in the rain. He held looked under the car then got back up opened the door again and Caraline could see his arms were turning red. He grabbed some duck tape. "This should do for now..." Then hesitantly he said "I know you don't have anything else covering your... torso but I would-" He cut himself off and waved his hand. "Never mind you need it more."
"No no if we need it use it, please." Looks at him and his arms. What was going on? Why was this happening to them?
"Alight," He sighs with relief and looks away so she could take it off. "Right when I'm done I will give it back."
"Okay" takes it off and covers herself handing him the shirt. Starts to shiver, "hurry please"
"No problem." He says taking the jacket without looking. He put it on and crawled under the car duck taping the leek. He gets back up and dusts off the jackets so it was clean again then went to hand it back to her still without looking. His hand bumps her, "Sorry." He said not knowing what he had hit. He just hoped it was a arm or shoulder.
"Eek!" Grabs the jacket quickly after her bumped her. Quickly slipping it on she turns away from him, "I'm sorry, that was... My fault."
'Oh great... that wasn't her shoulder...' "It was my fault. I shouldn't have stretched my arm that far out." He said scooting in and closing the door. He couldn't turn on the car with only duck tape holding the pipe.
"N-no it's okay." Feels her face grow bright red and turns looking out the window arms wrapped around herself.