New Earth Factions

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Mae was out the window right after Caius, landing gracefully on the ground and walking over to the boys. Even in a wounded state their leader was a smart ass. Wonderful. "I'm going to go check on the others." Mae mumbled moving to where everyone had run off too. She was sure that they had wounded she could help transport to some infirmary or just some open beds to be looked at. And Mae wasn't an expert in Medicine but she could dress some wounds and do sutures. The north factions men had completely retreated when she made it to where the others were. She helped move their wounded to beds and cots as the Compound Doctors made their way around. Not too many of the men had been wounded, which was a relief, and the worst Mae caught was a large purple and blue bruise on her midsection from where one of the enemies caught her with a bat. It hurt, but it was nothing. She stayed there for awhile. Checking and watching, helping out where she could.
Allen was not happy if there was one thing about him he was tough as nails but the funny thing was as much as he was tough. There was one thing that scared the piss out of him and it was needles. He could handle everything but needles. So when he found out he needed a series of stitches he tried to make a run for it even in his wounded state. He got about two steps out of his given room before Caius had to jump his ass and drag him back whole he struggled. Thankfully he had been bandaged up while he was stuck waiting or there'd be blood everywhere like a fresh murder scene. Allen was pinned back to the bed by Caius and several others while the man at hand sighed yanking off the bandages. The guys held Allen down while his wound was numbed before the medic begin stitching and once everything was said and done Allen just lay there breathing heavily while cussing up a storm. "Here have a Lollipop for your troubles." Caius said with a grin holding it out for a joke. 'I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOUR ASS CAIUS!!" Allen screamed leaping up and Caius laughed hysterically and bolted out of that room like a bat out of hell as a bed went flying up against the wall missing him. Allen winced and collapsed back onto another bed before finally promptly passing out after that.
Mae stepped into the room after Allen had passed out, not knowing what had gone on. "Is he doing okay?" she asked warily, still afraid Caius was going to get on her about disobeying orders. "The others are okay for the most part. A few that will need time to recover, but all around not in too bad of shape. Although there are still a good chunk missing. Most are probably waiting to be identified out there. That faction outnumbered us by a lot, but by the standings we pretty much destroyed them." Mae was speaking quietly her own wounds stabbing if she took too deep of a breath. She waited for Caius to respond hoping he wasnt too angry about her breaking orders, twice.
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