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Hassan Nigma
Age: 21
Race: Gemicht Quincy
Fake Quincy Bangle

Bow Appearance:

Bow Abilities:

Spiral- Hassan fires arrow that Spiral toward his mark. They aren't as strong as a regular arrow but its sporadic trajectory makes its harder to dodge.

Zig- Arrows take a zig-zag trajectory. These arrows have a higher piercing ability than regular arrows. This arrow can be controlled to turn on a dime but it takes a lot of focus so he has to stay still. If he loses focus the arrow zig zags off until it hits something.

Straight. The arrow takes the form of the arrow in the Bow photo. There is a much more Solid figure and hit the hardest. takes a bit of charging and is a much better "sniping" technique since it only fly's straight.

Thread- while initially not really a combat technique Hassan can create a thread of reishi and control it. It is easily cut but he can use it to pick up light items. used to retrieve/throw a selee Schnieder and expand their range.

Quincy Items:
Seele Schinder (5 normal ones)
Fake Quincy Bangle that he uses as his focus
Custom Items:
2 Black Selee Schinder: A mysterious gift from his father, They function similarly to a regular version but the shaft is shorter and so is the blade when it is activated. It creates a blade that is more condensed than the standard version making it more effective. The drawback is that it is harder to use, requiring more concentration and energy than the standard version. For reasons currently unknown he is unable to fire the weapon as an arrow.

Custom Quincy Techniques:

Dark Cross: Utilizing his black Selee Schnieder's he closes in on his opponent and cuts into them. immediately afterwards he puts the blades together in a cross like manner and the "stolen" energy is violently released blasting the target away (or apart). of course if someone dodges the first part e second part and happen

Raven Feather: again utiizing the black Seleen Schnieder (can use the regular ones too) he rapidly assaults his opponent chiping away at their reiatsu with each strike that connects.

black bowstring: even though Hassan cannot fire the black Selee Schnieder as an arrow he can pull it back on the bowstring as if he were going to fire it. This transfers the energy that is taken by the weapon and transfers it to the bow and arrow allowing him to fire darker colored arrows with a bit more strength than his regular arrows. only last until the taken energy runs low. Also he cant use Spiral, zig or Straight (yet)

Keen observer
Expert marksman: he's a quincy… that an he had to deal with the crappy trajectory of the bangle bow and he got that straight..eventually.

Expert Swordsman: actually his preferred method of combat, he tend to use his bow at first to anazlyze his opponants skill and capabilities and if they are strong he pulls out the Shnieders.

Master hirenkyaku:

Blut user: Arterie only. Far from mastered.

Other Skills:
Apathy: he is seldom truly emotional which makes it almost impossible to from meaningful relationships but it removes almost all hesitation from him in the battlefield.
High endurance: due to the events of the past he has an abnormally high pain tolerance and durability.
Personality: He is a very shifty person, hard to trust and even harder to tell where his loyalties lie, if he even has any to speak of. He tends to down play almost everything as if it is either a matter of inconvenience or annoyance. Despite his shrewd behavior he is a very observant person,

Born to a quincy woman and a nameless man, Hassan was born a mut. A mixed blood, a Gemicht. Not once had he ever seen his father and by the age of 5 he had lost his mother. With no mother to comfort him through his training he was tormented, bullied, occasionally even beaten by the quincy upper class who only allowed him to train with them in honor of his mother. Not a day went by that that face was not thrown in his face.

If only it were just the few children with whom he trained, but no it was infact everyone that treated him like a dog. A "mut" as they spitefully called him. By age 7 he had forgotten the face of his mother and known only anger and pain. When his quincy powers began to awaken he was further insulted. While the others who were maturing spiritually were given their first quincy cross, he was given a quincy bangle, and was told that "there was no sense wasting a cross on a mut who would never even amount to anything." For a while he believed those words and practiced with little hope of surviving. He became the outlet for the frustration of so many people that it seemed like everyone was looking for a reason to punish him. By 13 he was numb to it all. The pain, the anger, the hatred, the looks of disgust., the words…all of it.

Training was almost impossible, sure the bangle was supposed to help weak quincies amplify thei power some but it required foreknowledge of reishi manipulation. Even with the bangle he had managed to form a bow and fire arrows, with enough potency to harm and even kill hollows. However it led to a lot of injuries, some almost fatal. While one might be amazed that anyone could do that with only a bangle instead they were mad. As if they wanted him to die, to be out of their life forever. It was then that he became determined to live, just to piss them off even more. If his existence angered them than he would continue to exist. He pushed himself harder and harder, going so far as to steal a quincy cross and fashion a fake bangle with it attached to make everyone think he got strong with the bangle alone. From then on his skills steadily increased, being able to form more stable arrows.

At 18 he received an umarked package, within the package was 2 black Seele Schinieder and a handwritten letter.
"I am sorry, I am a man of ignorance and deserve no forgiveness so I will ask for none. Instead I beg that you accept these gifts in pursuit of a better future. I am sure that life has been unkind, arduous and painful, in that I share your pain, however the future is uncharted and you are now old enough and strong enough to claim tomorrow as you see fit. It took many years to craft these tools, use them however your heart desires."

The letter was signed but the name was crossed out. Who ever wrote that letter was right about one thing, he was olde enough and strong enough, so he disappeared. Stole a lot of things and slashed a lot of peoples tires but he was gone with the wind. He made his way to karakura town only recently where he works in a group home and does part time body guard work to get by, To this day he wears his bangle, as a reminder of where he came from and as motivation that the past will never determine his future.
Unfortunately he couldn't get away from the Quincy, but the ones in karakura town were not so evil as those he grew around. They, at the very least treated him like a person, if ever they crossed paths.
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I'm interested but I've got a lot of questions; I had watched Bleach but only up to the end of the Espada arc.. ;u; And besides there's lot of things I don't understand.

How exactly would enhanced humans work? Like what type of abilities should they have?

How exactly does being a Shinigami work...?

And theres a few more but they don't come to mind...
I'm interested but I've got a lot of questions; I had watched Bleach but only up to the end of the Espada arc.. ;u; And besides there's lot of things I don't understand.

How exactly would enhanced humans work? Like what type of abilities should they have?

How exactly does being a Shinigami work...?

And theres a few more but they don't come to mind...
So enhanced humans are pretty much humans with a higher spiritual presence then the average everyday human.

A shinigami, or soul reaper are those who carry the pluses or lost sous to hevan in other words the soul society, yet they also exterminate the hollows or corrupt souls
So enhanced humans are pretty much humans with a higher spiritual presence then the average everyday human.

A shinigami, or soul reaper are those who carry the pluses or lost sous to hevan in other words the soul society, yet they also exterminate the hollows or corrupt souls
I know what a shinigami IS, but how does the system work?
And I mean like, what kind of powers other than the whole higher spiritual presence thing could enhanced humans have?
I know what a shinigami IS, but how does the system work?
And I mean like, what kind of powers other than the whole higher spiritual presence thing could enhanced humans have?
For that you can go through the and look at each enhanced humans powers, though there are only 3. The system there are 13 divisions of the soul reapers, each of which have a captain and a lieutenant. The squad 1 one captain is also known as the head captain, certain squads/divisions are more specialized towards one thing, such as squad 2, they take their primary action on stealth, or the 12th division is also known for being the squad of research and development/science team, along with squad 4 for healing, and squad 11 for brute strength and fighting.
For that you can go through the and look at each enhanced humans powers, though there are only 3. The system there are 13 divisions of the soul reapers, each of which have a captain and a lieutenant. The squad 1 one captain is also known as the head captain, certain squads/divisions are more specialized towards one thing, such as squad 2, they take their primary action on stealth, or the 12th division is also known for being the squad of research and development/science team, along with squad 4 for healing, and squad 11 for brute strength and fighting.
Oh I see.
Arigatou! I'll have a bio up soon.
Is there a skype group? If so is most of the talking just held on there?
Close, pm convo (although Skype would be more effective)
I'm not on Skype but my hours would most likely make it pointless for me to be in it.
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