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Yep, it appears to be true
That spot is still open
Well if no one minds, I'll take the spot ^^ just have to read through the other CS's to make sure no one has the same zanpakuto idea before i work on the CS
I have to go to bed but I really don't know where to put this and don't think I can pm myself ( I'll feel dum if I can) so I'll just post this here for tomorrow o3o

[fieldbox="9th Division Captain, purple, solid"]

Tetsuo Murakami

Age: 480
Position: Captain
Division: 9

Zanpakuto sealed appearance: In appearance. Unlike most Zanpakutos, the sealed state of Tetsuo's zanpakuto is a cleaver like katana with a straight edges. The length of the blade is about the size of an average wakizashi but is easily twice as wide, if not more. The hilt is a simple purple with the guard being square in shape with a spiral pattern.
Zanpakuto Shikai apperance:
Similar to sealed except coated in a black layer. Multiple carnivorous mouths form on the blade, each one with a pair of it's own sharp teeth.
Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance(Division Captains only):
Zanpakuto Sealed Abilities
After thorough training with both his shikai and controlling Reiatsu, Tetsuo is capable of slicing through or smacking Reiatsu based attacks within reason. He is also able to send a wave of reiatsu, however that is attributed to his Reiatsu control.
Immediately after speaking his zanpakuto's name, black translucent bubbles begin to form and rise from his zanpakuto. It doesn't take long before his zanpakuto is covered in the black layer, littered in mouths. The mouths are capable of replicating themselves and detaching from his shikai, floating around Tetsuo to protect him. The mouths are an all-devouring maw, used to consume reiatsu based attacks and store them within their bodies. The reiatsu that they consume can be used to replenish or even increase Tetsuo's own attacks. The more reiatsu the mouths inhale, the larger they grow in size but also decrease in speed. The mouths also have the ability to move around and actually feed on flesh of other shinigamis, but in exchange they aren't able to absorb reiatsu based attacks. Not only that Tetsuo is able to cover himself in these carnivorous mouths to act as protection.
Zanpakuto Bankai Abilities:
[fieldbox="Skills, blue, solid"]
Kido Spells(Name, Style, And Description is Required) (Styles are Bakudo, Barriers, Seals, and Hado) (Minimum of 5 spells and a maximum of 10 for Captains):
Bakudo 26 Kyokko

Bakudo 61 Rikujokoro

Bakudo 75 Soraheimen {Celestial Plane}: The Bakudo essentially gives the caster full control of their surroundings, fluctuating the ground they stand on to hinder enemy movements to even turning the ground into a quick sand trap. The ability of this bakudo is limited to the human mind, and Mura takes full advantage of it. He can raise a hardened wall of water of a soft playground of earth. However, if a zanpakuto deals with manipulating the earth/wood/or other natural elements it controls, their shikai would outrank the Kido.

Bakudo 80 Tamamunashii { Soul Void }: A small black orb forms on Tetsuo's palm, filled with small white dots. The orb quickly expands, engulfing the target and trapping them within it. The size it grows depends on the target, however it'll always grow so that a swing of the blade will always miss the edge of the sphere. Inside it feels like the target is caught within an endless ocean, physical movements being pointless since they'll always stay in the same spot. Tetsuo is able to increase the density of the liquid inside, making it harder for the person to move. He'ls also able to move it alongside him, incase he wants to have a live prisoner. The easiest way to escape is with a Reiatsu based attack.

Bakudo 81 Danku

Hado 31 Sokatsui

Hado 90 Kurohitsugi

Barrier - Neglectful Overseer: A circular white barrier forms in front of the caster, it's size depending on the caster's situation. However the more condense, the more the barrier can take. The barrier bares a resemblance to an eye, the white being the sclera with a blue ring surrounding a black dot at the center. The center of the barrier being the strongest.
Other Skills(High Speed, High Strength, High Defense, Flash Step, Any other special skills):
Kido Master

Shunpo Master

Zanjutsu Master

Hakuda Practitioner
Tetsuo never cared for Hakuda and hardly trained with it, even in the academies. But still, he's reached a level where he can subdue his subordinates with his fists alone until it gets to the higher seats.

Master Control over his Reiatsu

High Rei
Tetsuo has shown to be a gentle and calm Captain, treating all members of the Seireitei with respect. He takes interest in all his subordinates and members, no matter what rank they are. He's even willing to use his own personal resources to help those in need. The only real negative point of Tetsuo is his incredible ability to be lazy. He avoids paperwork like it's a disease and hates dealing with long meetings. Nevertheless, Tetsuo puts up with them to keep his position as a Captain, wanting to make a name for the newly made Murakami family. Besides his lazyness, Tetsuo is a model average Captain.

Except there's another part to him, the real Tetsuo that only the unfortunate see. The monster that lies within his thoughts.
Tetsuo came from a low class family, they didn't live like the other families from the Seireitei. They had a mundane life and lived like they were from the Rukon district. It was probably why no one really cared when the family was massacred, they held no real importance to the Soul Society nor Tetsuo. He was fortunate that he had no connection to them, otherwise watching his family getting massacred would of mentally damaged him for life. Or so he likes to pretend. Afterwards, he spent his life in the Rukon districts and tried to live like the other orphans.

Sociopath, psychopath, killer, monster. Tetsuo has heard all of these names but didn't understand why. Children took interests in different things. Some enjoyed toys, other enjoyed wooden swords and others enjoyed socializing. Tetsuo enjoyed none of those. As a matter of fact, there was mostly nothing he ever enjoyed. Nothing seemed to anger him, nothing seemed to make him happy or excited. Everything was just dull, until that fateful day came. His first kill. In truth it wasn't on purpose and it was just a small animal but the feeling was like no other. He felt alive. Shortly after came his second kill, then the third and the fourth. The numbers began to quickly add up, each life he took making him more complete. But it wasn't enough, he still felt incomplete. Animals were no longer cutting it, he wanted to see the look in a conscious beings eyes before they died. Not because of pleasure, but research.

However, before the blade reached the throat of his target, Tetsuo was saved. By a homeless man, but a man with morals. He didn't see the monster others see, but a boy that needed help. Tetsuo thought otherwise and tried to make the homeless man his target, but was subdued rather easily. How he hated being a child. From that moment on, Tetsuo was raised against his will by the old man. He thought he was a crazy old coot but also saw him as a food bank, worn down by hunger thanks to all the failed escape attempts. Eventually, the man's words began to crack the wall Tetsuo built to the outside world.

He knew Tetsuo was a monster, there was nothing he could do to change that. But he could be taught to hide it, to blend in with the others and act normal. Otherwise, Tetsuo would eventually get caught and executed like all other murderers. This was a fact that Tetsuo didn't deny. So he listened and began to take up a set of morals. They were different from the man who raised him, but the foundation was the same. Never kill someone who didn't deserve it, only kill those who wrongfully kill. There were many more rules, too many to list, but Tetsuo lived his life by this code.

The years passed, his mentor died, but his teachings were never forgotten. His legacy passed on with Tetsuo.​
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Hanaru "Hana" Tatsuya

Enhanced Human
A Ring


Spiritual Abilities:

Spirit Whip - Hanaru can create a whip made of his spirit energy. He can also control the sharpness of the whip. It can either be blunt like any other whip, or sharp as a sword suitable for cutting Hollows down.

Soul Release - By storing a little bit of his spirit energy at a time into a ring his father passed down to him. Hana is able to use this ring by releasing the special seal on it and thus giving himself a spiritual energy boost. This can be used to restore a small to medium amount of energy or strengthen his powers temporarily.

Spirit Barrier - Hes able to manipulate his spiritual energy enough to form a kind of shield/barrier within 4ft of him. The strength of this spirit barrier depends on his physical health and current Reiryoku.

Soul Trigger - By concentrating his Reiatsu on his fingertips Hanaru can shoot out bullet sized balls of spirit energy at his enemies.

Spiritual Traits:
Heightened Speed/Agility
Heightened Senses (sight/sound/smell)
Spiritual Sensory
Reiatsu Color: Rainbow



Green Thumb
Mental Fortitude
Evasion Master


Physical Strength
His compassion
Close Combat
Melee Combat

Compassionate, Sweet, Thoughtful, Calm, Quick, Lazy, Strong, Rebellious
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This new stuff with the update is kinda confusing.. Gotta get used to it :P
I'm not sure how I feel about the new update...
I must say I agree with you here... Not sure.. Looks so... un-user friendly...
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I must say I agree with you here... Not sure.. Looks so... un-user friendly...
I think we all just need to get used to it and give it a chance, regardless of it seeming really weird right now...
Making a new liutenant for squad 3 (I think it was still open)

Name: Aikawa Sosuke (Ai-chan)
Age: 350 years
Position: Liutenant
Division: squard 3
Appearance: --
Zanpakuto name: "Drown" Shinkai Kokuo (Deepsea King)
Zanpakuto Spirit: Water dragon
Original form
water/ sun form
Water/ ice form
Zanpakuto sealed appearance:
Zanpakuto Shikai apperance:
It blade is shining like a ice.
Sealed form

Shikai form (White/ blue one)

Zanpakuto sealed Abilities: Bokasu Nikko (Blind Sunbeam)
It is a mix of water and sun, light of the sun dazzles with water so that it blinds the enemy (the effect is not long-term) and it can also affect its owner. This is why she does not use this ability very often.

Kooru Tanken (Ice dagger) It's ice type move, she create a white daggers made by ice. This attack is strong, but ice daggers are difficult to create.

Zanpakuto Shikai Abilities:
Her zanpakuto is water type and can do water type moves, like tsunami, water whirlpool, she can use her shikai as a shield too. Her shikai can create water, but it's more stronger if she can use water an outside source like ocean, rivers, anything where is water (she can not use the water that is inside the human body).

-- Kido Spells(Name, Style, And Description is Required) (Styles are Bakudo, Barriers, Seals, and Hado) (Minimum of 5 spells and a maximum of 10 for Captains):

Hainawa = Binds enemies with a reishi rope to stop their movement.
Shitotsu Sansen = The smaller triangles fire and hit the intended target, pinning him/her against a nearby surface by slamming into his/her body in three places in the shape of a perfect triangle and immobilizing them.[
Rikujōkōrō = Pointing his/her index finger at the target, the practitioner generates a spark of yellow energy, which summons six thin, wide beams of light that slam into a target's midsection and hold them in place.
Sōkatsui = The practitioner aims the palm of their hand at their target and generates a torrent of blue energy before firing it at their target.
El Escudo = As the practitioner raises their arm, a light green barrier is summoned to block an incoming attack.

Other Skills(High Speed, High Strength, High Defense, Flash Step, Any other special skills):
Shunpo Expert: She is excels in shunpo and is also very quick at close-range
Hakuda Master: She have hand-to-hand combatants. Her mastery of the art form is so great, she uses it exclusively as her form of combat, forgoing the use of a Zanpakutō altogether.
Kidō practitioner: They can use low- to mid-level Kidō without incantation, but often have trouble using spells at higher levels.

-- Personality: She is very cheerful, kind to her friends and protestive toward them. Thought she have her bad side as well, She is very short-tempered and if you begin a fight she will fight back. She don't really like humans, but loves the human world and even have some friends there (Humans which can see shinigamis/hollows).
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Making a new liutenant for squad 3 (I think it was still open)

Name: Aikawa Sosuke (Ai-chan)
Age: 350 years
Position: Liutenant
Division: squard 3
Appearance: --
Zanpakuto name: Kanzen Saimin (Complete Hypnosis)
Zanpakuto sealed appearance:
Zanpakuto Shikai apperance:
It blade is like a shining mirror.
Sealed form

Shikai form (White/ blue one)

Zanpakuto sealed Abilities: Kizuku Sabaku (Sense Manipulate)
When spun, the sword creates a pink mist. Those who smell its pleasant aroma fall subject to an optical illusion. The release technique as something like a trump card. Up and down, left and right as well as forward and backward are reversed. However, it is not just the sense of direction that is changed; the opponent's eyesight, direction of incoming attacks, and injury locations are also inverted.

Zanpakuto Shikai Abilities:
It controls the five senses to the point where it can make the target misinterpret another person's form, shape, mass, feel, and smell to be an enemy's. The initiation condition for the hypnosis is to show the enemy the release of Kanzen Saimin. After seeing it just once, this person will completely succumb to the hypnosis. Afterwards, every time it is released, this person will fall under the thrall of the hypnosis.

-- Kido Spells(Name, Style, And Description is Required) (Styles are Bakudo, Barriers, Seals, and Hado) (Minimum of 5 spells and a maximum of 10 for Captains):

Hainawa = Binds enemies with a reishi rope to stop their movement.
Shitotsu Sansen = The smaller triangles fire and hit the intended target, pinning him/her against a nearby surface by slamming into his/her body in three places in the shape of a perfect triangle and immobilizing them.[
Rikujōkōrō = Pointing his/her index finger at the target, the practitioner generates a spark of yellow energy, which summons six thin, wide beams of light that slam into a target's midsection and hold them in place.
Sōkatsui = The practitioner aims the palm of their hand at their target and generates a torrent of blue energy before firing it at their target.
El Escudo = As the practitioner raises their arm, a light green barrier is summoned to block an incoming attack.

Other Skills(High Speed, High Strength, High Defense, Flash Step, Any other special skills):
Master Swordsman: She use sword or fight her opponents barehanded.
Shunpo Expert: She is excels in shunpo and is also very quick at close-range
Immense spiritual power
Hakuda Master: She have most accomplished hand-to-hand combatants in Soul Society. Her mastery of the art form is so great, she uses it exclusively as her form of combat, forgoing the use of a Zanpakutō altogether.
Kidō practitioner: They can use low- to mid-level Kidō without incantation, but often have trouble using spells at higher levels.

-- Personality: She is very cheerful, kind to her friends and protestive toward them. Thought she have her bad side as well, She is very short-tempered and if you begin a fight she will fight back. She don't really like humans, but loves the human world and even have some friends there (Humans which can see shinigamis/hollows).
Strengths: She have good sword skills, fighting skills, fastness and good resistance. She have good fist and punch very hard.
Weaknesses: She is not good making any kind of relationships or friendships.
Short- tempered and easely get into the fights.

I am sorry Wolfstar, but I am not accepting this character.

Ignoring the fact that she is apparently the best hand-to-hand combatant in ALL of the soul society, plus a master of swordsmanship, and ignoring that she is apparently a Lieutenant with "Immense" Spiritual power. (Since all of these can just be toned down.) and ignoring the imbalance of strength and weakness, (Which is really a nitpick at this point.) The main problem I have is this:

She is an Aizen Twin. I believe at least one of us has stressed that we look down on Twin characters. But Personally, I don't mind them, save for a few. Aizen is one of those few. I'm sorry, but I can't accept Aizen's Zanpakuto in this; Complete Hypnosis is an Ability I simply cannot allow.

If you want me to accept this, I suggest you do something else for her Zanpakuto, something unrelated to Aizen's abilities, and at least tone down some of her other skills, specifically the Immense Spiritual power and the Hakuda master part. (Not saying you can't be a Master of Hakuda...just that you can't be the BEST at it.)

If you feel you need any help on the Zanpakuto, feel free to PM me. ^^
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I am sorry Wolfstar, but I am not accepting this character.

Ignoring the fact that she is apparently the best hand-to-hand combatant in ALL of the soul society, plus a master of swordsmanship, and ignoring that she is apparently a Lieutenant with "Immense" Spiritual power. (Since all of these can just be toned down.) and ignoring the imbalance of strength and weakness, (Which is really a nitpick at this point.) The main problem I have is this:

She is an Aizen Twin. I believe at least one of us has stressed that we look down on Twin characters. But Personally, I don't mind them, save for a few. Aizen is one of those few. I'm sorry, but I can't accept Aizen's Zanpakuto in this; Complete Hypnosis is an Ability I simply cannot allow.

If you want me to accept this, I suggest you do something else for her Zanpakuto, something unrelated to Aizen's abilities, and at least tone down some of her other skills, specifically the Immense Spiritual power and the Hakuda master part. (Not saying you can't be a Master of Hakuda...just that you can't be the BEST at it.)

If you feel you need any help on the Zanpakuto, feel free to PM me. ^^
All right! I will edit it...and would Shinjis zampakuto be more accetable? It's little bit hypnotic, but not that strong as Aizen Zanpakuto. And she is not best of the hakuda stuff.

Hanaru "Hana" Tatsuya

Enhanced Human
A Ring


Spiritual Abilities:

Hana is able to see a short time into the future. At max hes usually able to see only 30 seconds to 1 minute forward. But if he uses his ring which was passed down to him by his father (who was an Enhanced Human too) it gives him a slight boost in spiritual power allowing him to see up to 5 minutes forward. But this has a cost, it often exhausts him and leaves him disoriented for a time. He can only use the ring once every 6 hours.

Hes also able to manipulate his spiritual energy enough to form a kind of shield/barrier within 6ft of him. The strength of this spirit barrier depends on his will and current Reiryoku.

Spiritual Traits:
Heightened Speed/Agility
Heightened Senses (sight/sound/smell)
Spiritual Sensory
Reiatsu Color: Deep Violet
Expert Spirit Energy Manipulator



Green Thumb
Mental Fortitude

Physical Strength
His compassion

Compassionate, Sweet, Thoughtful, Calm, Quick, Lazy, Strong, Rebellious
Karneval ♥
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thats funny I plan on making a Studio Ghibli role-play c: Dunno if people are much of a studio ghibli fan/person vuv.
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Hanaru "Hana" Tatsuya

Enhanced Human
A Ring


Spiritual Abilities:

Spirit Whip - Hanaru can create a whip made of his spirit energy. He can also control the sharpness of the whip. It can either be blunt like any other whip, or sharp as a sword suitable for cutting Hollows down.

Soul Release - By storing a little bit of his spirit energy at a time into a ring his father passed down to him. Hana is able to use this ring by releasing the special seal on it and thus giving himself a spiritual energy boost. This can be used to restore a small to medium amount of energy or strengthen his powers temporarily.

Spirit Barrier - Hes able to manipulate his spiritual energy enough to form a kind of shield/barrier within 4ft of him. The strength of this spirit barrier depends on his physical health and current Reiryoku.

Soul Trigger - By concentrating his Reiatsu on his fingertips Hanaru can shoot out bullet sized balls of spirit energy at his enemies.

Spiritual Traits:
Heightened Speed/Agility
Heightened Senses (sight/sound/smell)
Spiritual Sensory
Reiatsu Color: Rainbow



Green Thumb
Mental Fortitude
Evasion Master


Physical Strength
His compassion
Close Combat
Melee Combat

Compassionate, Sweet, Thoughtful, Calm, Quick, Lazy, Strong, Rebellious
Ok got rid of precognition
View attachment 84459
Nichibotsu "Nichi" (Sunset) Gakuren

Bow Appearance:

Bow Abilties:

Rapid Fire - Able to fire multiple arrows in rapid succession. Up to 2 volleys at a time.

Holy Embrace - By gathering a good amount of Reishi the Quincy is able to fire a golden arrow. Once this arrow makes contact with an object/being it will transform into a long golden cloth made of Reishi that will tightly "embrace" its victim rendering them immobile.

Phantom Shot (Fantomushotto) At first it looks like the caster is shooting 1-3 (depending) arrows. But once the arrow(s) are released they become invisible until they make contact.

Vollständig Appearance:
Quincy Items:
Seele Schneider x 6
Custom Items:

Heavens Light (Ten Hikari) Is a very small container with Reishi inside much like Ginto. But the concentration is much lower and doesn't explode. Instead within 4 seconds of being opened Ten Hikari will burst into a blinding light that covers a 10ft radius. The light only lasts a few seconds but is quite devastating to the senses.

Sanrei Necklace

Like the Sanrei glove effect it boosts the wearers power/spiritual energy. But if worn too long it can have serious side effects. Such as vicious migraines, nose bleeds, and exhaustion.

Purify and Protect (Jōka shi, hogo shimasu) These are talismans that when placed and activated with Reishi. Are able to either heal a injury on a living being. Or if placed in 4 corners it can serve as a barrier against spiritual beings unless permitted. The barrier will break if the being is strong enough though.

Custom Quincy Techniques:
Divine Ascension (Kami asenshon) Can only be used with the help of her Sanrei Necklace. By shooting a crimson arrow into the sky the caster can make it rain arrows that light any living being they strike aflame within a 30ft radius of where the first arrow flew.

Spirit Wave (Supirittou~ēbu) By charging a slightly larger arrow with Reishi then firing it. The caster can cause a kind of shock wave that knocks back any spiritually inclined creatures (hollows, enhanced humans, shinigami, arrancar). The wave only reaches about 5ft in length. The impact from this would be similar to being hit with a 18 wheeler.


Hirenkyaku Master
Expert Blut (3 variations)

Reishi Manipulation Expert
Other Skills:
High Speed
Adept Agility/Reflexes
High Spiritual Pressure
Master Archer
Adept First-Aid
Speed Reader
High Sensory


Sweet, Goofy, Clumsy, Stubborn, Brave, Protective
Is my Quincy accepted?
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