Nevermoore Court

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Jason listened to the problems that followed Railey's stress, leading him to stop breathing at certain points. "If it makes you feel any better, I am qualified in CPR, so if god forbid that ever happens, I can help." he said to Lexi, moving his arms to rest on his elbows. He looked over to Llirra as she began to talk about meditations and breathing techniques she could teach Railey, and began to wonder where she learned such things. She went on to ask what their spiritual aspects were, and Jason answered, "Well, I mean, I follow Roman Catholicism. If that helps."
"I'm pretty much open to anything, as long as it doesn't hurt myself or others. May I ask why?" Sammie's parents never were very religious when she was growing up, they mostly went with what everyone else did. She wanted to do everything in her power to help everyone around her.

"I also know some ways to calm down in very stressful times, I do it when I'm up to bat."
"We're a strange branch of Christianity." Lexi came back and sat down. He held the mug in his hands and smiled at the group. It made his heart warm at the fact that these strangers were working so hard to help Railey. he hummed as he looked down at his tea.

"I really must thank you. you all caring this much is really heartening. I'm sure things will go much better with your help. I-!" Lexi stopped talking as Railey suddenly jerked awake and scrambled off the couch, gasping for his phone.

"Lex, what time is it! I'm going to miss the shut down!"
"Most spiritual traditions have techniques of execration and banishment, for defense against malign spiritual forces," Lliira said in reply to Sammy. "I think Nevermoore Court almost certainly qualifies. I am a Ceremonial Magician in the Hermetic tradition. There are certain things I can do, but your spiritual defenses will be strongest if they come from your own reservoir of meaning and value and spiritual practice rather than mine. If you have any amulets or other items that are charged with significance and power for you, I strongly recommend you bring them, and take some time beforehand to connect with your spiritual source, to purify and prepare yourself for confrontation with evil."

She gave a smile in response to Lexi's gratitude, then startled when Railey suddenly jolted awake.

"Shutdown?" she asked.
Railey was still sleepy and a bit uncoordinated as he messed with his phone. Lexi sighed softly and took up the explaination as he unlocked the phone for his sleep deprived friend. He frowned slightly and nodded as he looked at Lliira. He took a deep breath. He really hated how all this was starting to make Railey sound psychotic.

"Railey has been watching the Court for the past several days. The Court goes through what he calls the shutdown for the night. It's kinda weird really. Every light in both the mansion and the ward shut down at the exact second that it hits. We thought maybe with was because of automatic timers but we quickly ruled it out. Railey and I have been inside both for the grand opening. Despite it just opening and being new, all the wiring's way too old to have automatic timers like that. Railey's still trying to figure it out."
'That can't be right. . .' "Why would they do that? There should be lights on for the nurses and doctors on duty. You can't just leave a whole ward of patients without a doctor for a whole night, what if something happened to one of them? And as for an object that I hold dear Lliira, it would have to be my charm bracelet. I've had it for as long as I can remember, the bracelet it self, I add charms when I feel something important about myself surfaces. Like my love of baseball and fashion or my love of medicine. Would that count?" As Sammie spoke she started to roll her wrist to show Lliira the bracelet. Her grandmother had given it to her when she was just a baby, because she would do the same for all the girls in their family, to show who she was as she grew up. If this place was evil in that sense, then was she really gonna be much help? Ask to swing a bat or tell you if your shoes go with your skirt, Sammie could do it. But what if this was too much for her? 'No, I have to help. There are people in danger and I won't coward away just because I'm unsure.'
The fact that this place had some kind of lights out really did bother Jason. Places like this, as Sammie described, should have staff around 24/7 to ensure the safety of patients. Now he was interested not only to meet the dare, but to see what exactly is going on in this place.

He crossed his arms as he listened to Llirra talk about having some kind of special object and Sammie went on to show her bracelet. Jason was never really into the spiritual side of things, and it took a lot of willpower to just be straight up and say so. He did have something he carried around, but it was more to keep the memory of someone alive. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small silver pocketwatch.

"This was my grandfathers pocketwatch. He gave it to me the day that he died. He said that so long as the watch kept ticking, it would mean he was always there watching over me. Said something like the ticking represented the ticking of his old heart or something corny like that" he said with a nostalgic smile. He loved his grandfather, and losing him was probably the worst thing he ever had to endure.
"Railey and I share intertwining necklaces that my mother gave to us. they are said to be religious items from Railey's homeland but no one will tell us where that is. A lot of Railey's past is hidden from us actually."

lexi watched an absentminded Railey fumbled with his phone and his bag. The exhausted teen was shaking as he searched through his stuff for something. It looked like a folder of papers and charts. The auburn-haired boy looked up at the group and frowned softly.

"You guys can feel free to stay here and talk with Lexi. I have to go. Something's off and it's bugging me." He ran his fingers through his hair and ground his teeth slightly as his focus slipped to something else. He zipped up his backpack and headed for the door. He grumbled sleepily as he sleepily looked around for his shoes, not seeing them in plain sight by the kitchen area. Lexi could only groan softly, he hated it when his friend got like this.
Lliira opened her mouth to reply, but before she could speak, Railey started to leave. He appeared more than a little disoriented, certainly in no shape to go off confronting anything to do with Nevermoore Court, if it was anything like the paranormal manifestation it appeared to be. "Railey, please wait. I do not think any of us should be going off alone until this is resolved," she said, hurrying to join Railey. "I think we should at least travel in pairs, and avoid splitting up at all whenever possible."
Railey stopped and listened to her. He blinked slowly, thinking about what she was saying. He flexed his fingers around the strap of his pack. He sighed and nodded. He felt the urge to bolt for the Court, something was drawing him to it. He felt like there was something there he needed to do, something calling to him, as if begging for assistance.

"I suppose you're right." He looked from her to the group by the table and breathed a bit hard. He huffed and tried to relax, "That being said, what exactly do you wish us to do. It's friday today, right? Weird things happen there on fridays, I need to see if they correspond to last friday. I need to get there, Lliira." He shifted his weight from one foot to the other with nervous energy.
Sammie could see that Railey was right, they needed to see what was going on and Lliira was right in staying in pairs for safety.

"It would be easier to get in after this 'shut down' I would think. How about we all get a good full meal, then by that time shut down should be passed long enough that if there are doctors and nurses they'll be asleep and make it easier for us to get in. While we're having dinner we can come up with a solid game plan and gather any last minute items before we go. If thats alright with the rest of you guys."
Railey ran a hand through his hair and nodded slowly. He was still tired and their ideas did seem logical. the hunger clawing at his stomach was a pretty good indication that they needed a good meal. he walked back over to the couch and shakily sat down.

"I'll get some paper and the main file of stuff I have on the place. Lexi can go get some take out while I try to come up with a plan of action. You guys can look through the supplies I have here. I have flashlights, backpacks, glowsticks, powerbars, and the like. Pack what you think you'll need then come give me a hand with the plan."
Sammie gave a nod at this plan, it would work in everyone's best interests to work this way. She then brought her bag over to where Railey pointed out the supplies, she pulled out four water bottles, four meal bars, two sweat shirts and her wooden baseball bat.

"If you guys brought anything with you it might be best to pull them out now, so we can take an inventory of everything. Lexi if you want help with grabbing the take out, I'm more than happy to help."
(hope this didn't die. So sorry I've been neglecting)

Railey grunted and stretched as he looked about at the new team. His fingers flexed and he let out an exhausted breath. Despite his tiredness, he forced himself to smiled. The team looked good. The odds that they would figure out what was going on was very high. He turned his attention to his extremely nervous best friend and felt a bit guilty for dragging him into this.

"Right, good, let's get to work."

Lliira nodded as the others showed them their objects. She could hear it in their voices as each explained how much each object meant. "Yes, those will suffice quite well," she replied. "Please excuse me, I will be right back," she said, then hurried outside to her velocipede (like this but with modern brakes and gears, electric assist, a decorative sunshade over the seat, a black leather "trunk" for cargo behind the seat with a scabbard for her staff, and LED lights built into miniature brass lanterns) and removed her staff from the scabbard attached vertically to the side of the "trunk." With it in hand, she drew her phone and called Uncle Nikos.

"Lliira? What is it? Is everything alright? I had a feeling you were about to call..."

"Yes...and no," Lliira replied. "I have met some new friends, and we are going to Nevermoore Court. Could you please bring me some supplies, like a flashlight, a canteen of water, and perhaps something portable to eat? I think it might be helpful to have some ceremonial equipment as well."

"What? Why would you need a flash... No, Lliira, I will not allow it! It is too dangerous! These new 'friends' of yours can run away if there is trouble, but you would be too easy to pick out of a lineup. And that is only the material threat. You mustn't go."

"They are going whether I join them or not, Uncle. One of them has been researching it for some time, and he has learned much about it that is disturbing. He and the others will need magical protection. I did not meet them by accident."

"Then I am coming with you--"

"Absolutely not! Uncle, you know father wants you in that place! I am young. They cannot commit me, or claim that I was already an inmate if we are captured. The most they can do legally is prosecute me for trespassing. A 'prank by college kids.'"

"I fear that is not the most they can do to you, dear."

"I know. But I cannot abandon the others to their fate."

"Are you at school?"

"Yes, in the library."

"I will be there soon."

"Thank you, Uncle. I love you."

"I love you too."

Lliira returned to the others, staff in hand. "My uncle will be here soon to bring me more supplies."
Sammie looked at the group and felt good about things, but deep in the back of her mind, she felt that going to Nevermore was a bad idea. Like nothing would be right after. Sammie tried to shake it off, remembering her resolve and that this team would be okay. Seeing Lliira walk in with a staff didn't really help Sammie's feelings much. 'What is that? Is supposed to help us or I don't know! Fresh air, that's what I need.' Giving her head a shake, Sammie turned to Lexi.
"So where are we getting take out from? I know a few good places around. Whenever you're ready to go Lexi, so am I."
Lexi came back after a bit of time with bowls and a bag of food from a Tibetan takeout. He hummed softly as he served them all a bowl of the hot lamb and noodle soup then brought out some vegetarian dumplings and served them. He nibbled his bottom lip gently as he looked over at Railey. His good friend was mapping out a course of action on a copy of the blueprints he had gotten together. The "map" looked pretty well thought out. Railey even made notations about the best course to take to get across the massive gardens/courtyard that was the opening to the Court.

"Eat up, everyone. We all need out strength."
Sammie hummed happily at the sight of food, she was still hungry from practice and eating sounded great. Helping Lexi pass out the food to everyone, Sammie asked what was on her mind.

"Hey Railey, what got you interested in Nevermore court in the first place? I mean I notice they acted weird when I came around and all."
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