Never Have I Ever

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I have never used a coupon.

Never have I used a gift card.
I have because people think that instead of money gift cards are better even though they limit what you can buy thus giving me the equivalent in cash would have been better.. *glares at family*

Never have I ever bought a gift card for someone.
I cannot for the life of me get their reasoning with that. >.<

I have never used a Gift Card.

I have never gone to bed before 8PM ever since I was 10 or older.
Technically I have but it was because my schedule was screwed up. :P

Never have I ever licked peanut butter off of someone.
I have never licked peanut butter off of someone.

Never have I felt back about liking or not liking someone.
I have and haven't. Depends on the person really.

Never have I ever liked someone who wasn't an asshole DX
Asshole is subjective. :P
But from my perspective I've liked people who weren't assholes.
Hell I'd say both of my ex's were good people, we just personally didn't click well enough in the end.

Never have I felt bad about liking or not liking someone?
(Now fixing my typo from last time)
I figured it was supposed to be bad but I made my answer work with both back and bad.

I have felt bad because some guys I liked were shit so I was like "You're a fucking idiot feel bad." Then I felt bad when I didn't like some guys that liked me. I really feel bad when I like anyone because I become a wreck... Whoops.

Never have I ever liked someone before I knew them. Well aside from middle school me who was undergoing puberty and liked a few other guys and was thoroughly confused then I found out it was just lust and not like...
Depends on what you mean by "Knew them".

If you mean before knowing then IRL then yes, one of my ex's mentioned above was an online relationship.
If you mean before knowing their deeper self then still yes, that's something that takes years of knowing someone to fully unlock.
If you mean before really meeting them at all? Like you heard of them but never interacted? Then no.

Never have I been the one to end a relationship.
I meant like knew them on a deeper level XD

I have broken up with one person and ended the relationship because.. stalker..

Never have I ever pity dated anyone.
I've never pity dated anyone.
It's just dishonest and a way to get their hopes up before brutally rejecting them.
Hurting them even more than you would by just saying no in the first place.

Never have I had anything deep fried other than chicken.
I live in the south so we fry everything. I am sure some just fry up butter and eat it...

Never have I ever liked Cantaloupe.
I've never liked Cantaloupe.

Never have I liked Tomatoes.
Thank you! I try it all the time and can never eat it because bleh. But my family eats it.

I live tomatoes. I can eat the by their selves.

Never have I ever liked Asparagus.
I'm ok with Asparagus. Would never choose to eat it if I could help it though.

Never have I liked tofu.
I haven't tried it yet but I'll let you know when I do lol

Never have I ever own a tv that was more than 19 inches long. DX
I currently own a TV larger than that.

Never have I had a Hard Drive give out on me.
I have never had that happen thankfully.

Never have I ever been addicted to crack.

(I ran out of things to say...)
I have never been addicted to crack.

I have never shit posted.
I am sure at one point I have.

Never have I ever twerked in a club.
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