Neko Love

Her tail was soaken wet from the water, but still smooth enough to rub in his hand, the faster he went from bouncing her ontop of his cock, the closer he came to injecting his cum inside her once more.
Gripping her tail in a tight squeeze, her jolted his hips upwards and spreyed her insides a second time, filling her so much, bits of his own cum came sliding out from the cracks and down his own member.
She gasped and clawed his back as she moaned out loud.
Looking at at her to see her reaction, he brought a kiss to her lips and slowly relaxed her down ontop of his cock still. He smiled at her as the water flowed around them.
"Wow... you really are something else.."
Rising up from the bath rub, he gave her a last kiss to the chin before standing up in front fo her within the tub, he reached over to grab the bar of soup to start washing his entire body.
She sat in the tub watching him bath him selfs before he finally looked down at her. "Enjoying the view down there or something?" he laughed a little with a smile
Well im glad." He ran his fingers through his hair to wash the dirt out. After getting fully souped, he rinced it out, having the soup fall all over her as she sat in front of him in the shower.
She giggled as she let the soap runn off of her nude body.