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(EU) "The first building will be fine, during the day memory is effortlessly forgotten by the infected. We will likely be spending the night there if I am to be using Scrying magics of any kind; the two of you should spend your time preparing to stay the night and establish a safe room that we can rest in." Serdtse nodded her head in agreement with Zaun, she wafted her hand up- showing the palm of her hand for Zaun to lead the way, rather than herself to lead the way.
(E) Zaun would nod, taking the lead. When the reached the building he would have led them to the stairwell. They would continue to move up until they reached the same floor they ziplined with originally. When they reached the top Zaun would look over to his wise friend. "Do you prefer your own room to be alone with, or do you want us to all be in one room? He would say, looking around to see if there were any infected.
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(E2) Arin followed Zaun a bit closer than usual, taking sparse glances behind her to make sure Serdtse was still with them. With her trailing behind, anything could have happened to her and the group wouldn't know until it was too late. She gently poked Zaun's leg to get the big guy's attention while they were walking.
"Hey, Zaun...uhh...tell me about Serdtse. Like...was she always like this? Wanting to be alone and all? You've been around her much longer, and I want to make sure I'm not getting worried over something ridiculous..." She asked in a quiet voice, unsure on how the girl in question would react if she overheard them talking about her. She had now just realized how close they were to their destination, so she sighed. "Actually, tell me about it later when we have time." She murmured.
(EU) The building was, as it was before, deserted of infected. "I want my own room." She said, tugging on Zauns arm as she decided to lead the way, nearly at the very tip top of the many hundreds of floors that the massive building held; though not nearly at the top. Serdtse began to tread down the neighboring halls and found herself at a dead end- a window giving a perfect view of the long and distant hallway. Down the hallway were littered one room homes that had lcoked or smashed down doors, though- at the very end, two of these doors were locked shut. And at the very end of the hall was a window, which let light in quite well.

Serdtse stood on the right side and then point on the left, explaining things to the two of them; an agitated facial expression that was pointed more at Arin than Zaun. She had sensitive hearing, unlike other people of SkinKin nature. "We will be staying here for the night, my room is here." She nods her head back, pressing her body up against it and then pointed at their room. "And you both will share a room in there. This hallway should be monitored throughout the night with a barricade and the doors should also be barricaded. Zaun, figure out a way to open these doors without actually breaking them, okay?" She asked, eyeballing Zaun for his disagreement or agreement.
(E2) Arin blinked, feeling Serdtse's glare melt her like a stick of butter in the microwave. Honestly, it was coming to the fact that Serdtse scared her more than Zaun did. Her tails flicked in a mildly intimidated demeanor, stuck between a large hulking minotaur and a kind looking girl who apparently had the spirit of a devil or something, and she didn't know what to be afraid of more. She didn't know what to think. She just wanted to sit back, relax and not have to worry about stuff, and luckily, she was going to be able to do just that. Really, she didn't know a lot of things. Sharing a room with Zaun was...questionable, but maybe she might be able to actually learn about the people she had been traveling with for not longer than a few hours or so. She almost instantly retreated into their designated room and looked around, wondering if there was going to be two beds. Oh dear god let there be two beds.
(E) Zaun would nod. "I'll gather materials from the rooms to help create barricade after I clear those two. However opening a door without breaking it is honestly not my area of expertise, couldn't you pick the lock?" He would ask, walking around to each room and knocking on the frame, peaking inside. This would have alerted the infected inside the room. He wouldn't have done it to the two rooms however and would have waited next to them. He would have glanced at Arin however, letting her know that he heard her but wasn't about to say it within earshot of her, but he would answer her questions later.
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(E) The lock is on the inside and the key is in a frontal lobe style format, I can not lock-pick that." Serdtse shrugged, not quite offering much more for the time being. Though, Serdtse noticed him going off to do something else and said "I would prefer it if you did the doors first, that way I can get to work. You should be able to substitute the door with an earth fabrication of some sort." Serdtse said, putting a lot more urgency on the doors rather than him going off and looking for other materials. "After that the two of you can go off and on your own, bring back materials that you find suitable- particularly anything that can be converted for earth magics." Serdtse said, stepping away from the door and waving her hand at it for Zaun to get her point.
(E2) Arin stood there, leaning against the wall nearby the hallway window trading glances between Serdtse, Zaun, and the streets outside. She didn't have anything of use. She remembered her younger sister was interested in lockpicking as much as she was interested in basically anything. She sighed and dug out her pocket again, staring at the pendant before silently clipping it around her neck. Her family's timeless smiles may give reassurance. She was here for a reason, even though she didn't know why, still.
(E) Zaun would have stopped, taking a look over at her and nodding. "As you wish, Stay still while I remove the hallway floor, I will use the material from that to create doors for the rooms." He would say, moving over to the entrance of the hallway. He would make a series of handsigns before placing his palms on the floor. There would be a slight rumbling as the hallway infront of him would crack and fall apart, pulling together and churning before it would be a powder, he would have basically removed 7 feet of concrete. He would move the dust over to form a wall infront of the hole to create a small wall at the entrance. He would have put the rest of the powder in the corner. He would then approach the door on the right, placing a hoof right on the lock and giving it a firm kick, busting it open. After looking inside for any infected which he would handle he would do the same to the left door, kicking it in. After removing the doors he would recreate stone ones that can be shut, he would pat his hands on his armor. "This will provide a barricade, is there anything else you want?" He would ask, looking over at her.
(E) Serdtse shook her head. "I don't think so, thanks. Close the door for me, I can't move stone like you can." Serdtse nodded once as she took her backpack off, straddled it around her waist and then up to her belly as she sat it down in the center of the room. She bent over just enough to do this and turned around, watching Zaun and making sure that she was alone. Her facial expression was that of a neutral facial expression, rather cold looking, actually.
(E2) The Kitsune watched Zaun work his magic, a bit in awe as he worked the cement to his liking. She watched Serdtse get comfortable with a distant expression, making her shift her feet idly before walking to the newly made door for the room Zaun and her sound be sharing, taking a peek inside.
(E) Zaun would nod, another handsign later and the would push on the door, closing it shut. He didn't wonder why she was acting this way, she was probably dissapointed that they couldn't delve any deeper into the bank. It was his fault after all. He was going to work hard to make things right with her again. In the mean time he would walk over to the room that him and Arin would be sharing. Inside would be a single bed, a night stand on both sides of the bed as well as a very old lamp ontop of it. There would be a closet and a dresser on the opposite side as well as a bookshelf, full of decaying books. Zaun would walk over to the side of the room and place his pack there. "This will be where I am sleeping tonight, you can sleep on the bed." He would say, groaning as he sat down cross legged.
(E2) Arin nodded. She felt a bit bad for having Zaun snooze on the floor, but if they shared a bed, she might not have a comfortable night. She thanked him for his generous sacrifice, sitting down on the bed and slipping off her backpack and belt, setting them off to the side. The smell was old and rancid, but at least it wasn't awfully bad. "Zaun..." She murmured softly. "Is this normal for Serdtse or..?" She asked, still mildly quiet, a bit nervous, wondering if their captain could still hear them through the wall, dead space in the hall, and another wall coupled with a earthen door. It was unlikely, but that glare made her shiver something fierce.
(E) Zaun would huff, cracking his neck as he laid his shield against the wall, placing a hand on the floor which would close their door as well. "Ah...No she is not normally like this. I believe that my recent blunder with the bank has put her in an extremely foul mood and I must remedy it somehow." He would say, laying down on the floor. It wasn't uncomfortable to him, rather, it comforted him. He was much more used to this than he was to a soft bed. "At any rate I believe her mood to be temporary, I wouldn't worry about it." He would say, bringing his arms up behind his head as he looked at the ceiling.
(E2) Arin let out a small 'Oh', scratching the back of her left ear, the appendage giving a few small flicks of pleasure. She sighed and sat criss-crossed on the mattress. "That's reliving. I don't know what to think of her since I literally just met you two earlier today... But, you're a really friendly guy, Zaun. I'm glad to have been basically summoned to join this team. I know I can't really help much, since we avoid confrontation, but I hope I can pull my weight as a team member." She spoke, twiddling with her hair idly, the fox tails flicking about with little purpose. "I uh, does this age go by time as well? Like, 7 o'clock or something?"
(E) Zaun would nod. "I am glad to have someone else here, you seem to be fairly friendly yourself, it should not be so lonely this time around. Zaun would say, closing his eyes as he was going to rest while his friend was resting, trying to sychronise and what not. "And it does, you know the normal time and what not, you know, 10 o'clock, 11 o'clock, 12 o'clock, all the way up to 48." He would say, yawning a bit. "I have a pocketwatch as well but it doesn't work, so I do not know the actual time.
(E2) Arin let out a breath of relief. Thank goodness that was still in place. "I was going to ask the time, but oh well..."She murmured, glancing out the window to see if she could guesstimate it by looking at some positions of the local Astral bodies. No use. She sighed and plopped herself backwards onto the bed. It let out an annoyed creak. 'Oh shut up' Arin thought to the mattress. It was already a long day, even though she had only experienced only a few hours of it. Knowing how things might go, tomorrow was going to be longer... She sighed, glancing down at the locket before shifting to her side and closing her eyes. She'd need all the rest she could get, but she wasn't one to fall asleep quickly.
(E) Within a few moments of silence Zaun would fall into a warriors sleep. It would be a strong, quick, refreshing catnap that could be awoken from extremely quickly. It left him in a light state of sleep however, a noise like someone shouting or yelling would easily wake him up, just as if someone talked. He would remain this way until someone had woken him. Zaun wasn't too much into the talking mood, he still felt bad about what he did to Sertse. After around three hours Zaun would wake, refreshed and rearing to go He would take it upon himself to possibly make the barricade stronger. There would still be left over concrete from when he made the first wall, so he would make his way to each room, picking up the bed frames, dressers and such, after searching them, would stack and place them against the wall. When he was finished it would be nearly seven times as thick, he would use the rest of the concrete dust to form a second wall behind the bed frames and whatnot, creating a layer within the two walls of extra protection. It would take something extraordinary to get through it Zaun decided he was finished and would go to Serdtse's door. "I have finished barricading and collecting supplies, is there anything else you need?" He would ask, through the door.
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(E2) Arin lay awake for a few hours, her eyes closed and trying to doze off. It wasn't too easy, but eventually she dozed off into her usual sleep. Unusually heavy, but could be easily roused with movement and noise, though not easily. She was a heavy sleeper and she was almost unbearably groggy whenever she woke up, no matter how much sleep she got. Then after like, what felt to be a few minutes, her ears twitched as they picked up Zaun moseying around, making her give out an annoyed groan, shifting in bed to try and get some more Z's. After a bunch more of sounds from Zaun's scavenging and reinforcing, she opened one eye to get a glance at what he was doing. She just sighed inwardly and continued to lay on the bed, too lazy to move too much; Sleep never felt so blissful. She was awake though and could interact if forced to, though she wasn't in the mood to, really.
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(E1) The door was rather heavy and the way that it was crammed into the slits of the doorway, Serdtse must have been unable to hear what it was that he was trying to say. Thus, Zaun was met with silence as he tried to interact with Serdtse. Through small little cracks however, he could see that the room was lit up in what must have been a light blue color; perhaps it was her magic that was at work?
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