Namtar Lament (Now open: Contact Kui before joining.)

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(E) Zaun would watch them as they went, feeling slightly excluded but understood why. After every other person had went he would have stepped up, it was time for the moment of truth. He would have strapped his shield to his back, reaching up with his hands he used his gauntlets to hold on to the wire. He would have taken a careful look around, one last look at the crystal holding the hook in place and would breath a small phrase of hope, and would make the zip, placing all of his hope into the crystal holding the hook in place.
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(E) As Zaun decided to best his luck with the wire, he could sense that it was struggling with the additional weight including the shield that supposedly weighed hundreds of pounds. 'Zzzzzzzzz' went the minotaur across the street, hopefully lucky was on his side . . .

The sounds of seagulls and and ocean tides, Kui laid back on a beach chair- her laying down on her chest in the nude and yawning out loud. So loud in fact that it caught her slaves attention. "Comfortable? Do you want something to drink?" Maya asked, an ackidna that had been dressed in blue beach two piece swimming wear. Kui, wore a green two piece as well. Of course she accepted the drink as she sat up with a grin, something coming to her mind as she said "Yeah, thankies! So I was thinking, what if like- somebody really big and fat tried this like really stupid idea to avoid trouble, and like- you know, one of those guns that ninja's use to climb walls? What if like- somebody really fat used it and they fell down? I wonder what they would look like when they hit the ground, it would be kind of funny to see that!" Kui laughed, her imagination was off the walls- and the randomness of her words struck Maya with confusion. "I don't understand. Do you mean you seen this happen?" Maya was curious now. "Oh no- no- no! Just like, imagine the cord breaking and they go flying into a wall or something, their brains like come out their ears because they are moving so fast- or they make a hole in the ground because they hit it so hard! It would just be funny, you know?" She laughed, her morbid sense of humor was off the charts but Maya did sort of find it humorous. "Yeah, I suppose that would be humorous of a sight; I would want to make certain that the person is okay, however." Maya smiled.

(E) As Zaun raced across the road, the zip line began to make sounds of what mechanics did hold the Minotaur up . . . began to break. 'Zzzzzzz-tsk-tsk-tsk-" Just before he managed to make it across, unharmed and amazing how the zipline managed to hold the bull up. Serdtse in particular looked relived of the fact and smiled at Zaun, holding her hands up for him to take her back up. "Alright! See? Told you it would be alright! We are on the side of the road that we should be able to travel via rooftop, so let us get going!" She cheered on with joy that he wouldn't cause the group trouble.

A dice was rolled . . .
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(E) Zaun would have have screamed internally, fear rushing throughout his body, when he heard the crack he was sure he was going to meet his guardian in mere moments, when his hooves touched ground he actually knelt, feeling the ground beneath his hands as he took several deep breaths, hyperventilating for several moments before getting back in control, standing up shakily. He would take a deep breath, looking around and smiling to reassure the group before picking her up and placing her on his head. "Yes...Please...Lets get going..." He would have said, re strapping his shield to his arm and would begin moving forward once more, following her direction, thankful to whatever had kept him safe.
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(W) Tensa looked about with no interest in anything of the sort, she didn't find too much interest in what was around her but more so the finer things in life. That, and the simpler things in life . . . "Alright, let's do it- see anything interesting?" She said abruptly, so much in fact that it might have startled those unaware of how loud she could suddenly get. It was almost like she was a little too hype for . . . whatever it was that she was doing. Walking? Searching? Have a god damned party? There wasn't really anything to really warrant such abrupt and hyper behavior . . .
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(W) Achelias would of walked around with her and looked carefully, stepping over overgrown fungi and cracks in the ground that surely can make anyone trip if they are not careful. Trash everywhere and body parts, the city state seems endless with that. He thought to himself maybe he can collect individual parts of bodies scattered around and put them together for a puppet to see how that would go. Although since he is on a mission he wouldn't waste his time on it. There would be a few buildings around since they were near a complex and would of said "there's nothing really interesting out here, why not try to enter the 2nd floors of the building using that fire exit over there?" in a friendly tone of voice pointing at a black fire exit that seemed a bit rusty but led to the 2nd floors of the Burrow Complex.
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(E) She, or rather, he, walked forward and lead the group into the deserted hallway, where she soon found the staircase which lead to the last floor . . .- she followed these up until she reached the top of the stairs, and then a ladder. She jumped right on up the ladder and began to open the hatch that blocked it shut, a lock was below the ladder and seemed to have been freshly cut. "Somebody must have been here recently, that luck isn't really too bad- so somebody must have brought it here and then somebody must have clipped it. So keep an eye owgth- . . ." Serdtse immediately was jabbed in the mouth with what was the barrel of a shotgun. She held onto the ladder and her head pressed right up against the hatch of the vault. The following voice sounded suspicious and irritant,

"Who is this pretty little hamster?" The voice asked, one shot and their entire 'stealth' mission was over, plus their leader was going to be removed from existence too. The shotgun pushing deeper into her mouth as the lady got a good luck at the group, that and exposing her white and black teared mask- cloaked and all. The general theme of her uniform was black and white, a heavy amount of symbols on her uniform just as others wore . . . that, and she was also armed to the teeth of firearms. On her uniform were about 4 pistols that were in sight and about 8 knives found at her shoulders, elbow, the ball of her foot and two large knives found on her back that stuck out. One hand holding onto what looked to be a sawed off shotgun- quite modern matter of fact. One wrong move and it was going to be over for Serdtse.

Though, the man that once caused trouble before was about to reach for his own weapon- the lady prevented him with a sudden shove of the barrel that caused Serdtse to gag and freeze like a deer caught in the sights of a car. "Ah- ah- ah, I have a major disadvantage." She used her free hand to wave a finger, the group remained silent with the exception of the startled expression that Serdtse made.
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(W) "Right." She said, her rough voice a little too hyped with the response that she got, her hand smacking him on the back and roughly shoving him along with her as she picked up the pace. "Can you keep up?" She asked, jumping up suddenly and gripping a hold of the ledge of the railing, then climbing onto the railing and pulling herself up it- standing on top of this railing and jumping up to grip a hold of the roof above. Was she challenging him?
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(W) Achelias looked at her and smile and said "Surely" in a friendly tone of voice, He would of then jumped up the same way she did but higher and surprising really fast, Although he didn't grab the railing to climb up, He grab the railing to throw himself higher to grab the edge of roof quickly pulling himself up. He would of then reached lower for Tensa to grab to pull her up with a smirk on his face, although it would be covered by the gas mask. He would of then said "Your leading" in a friendly tone as he now waited for her pull herself up and lead the way. Although he knew he shouldn't be playing games, one mistake and an injury could easily cause some problems.
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(E) Zaun would have been silent, not making a single noise but raising his shield. If she decided to attack the group he would be able to protect the group over her. Silently he would stream chakra from the sole of his hoof into the ground around them and into the walls, in an instant he would be able to make...something happen. Thoughts quickly went through his mind, if the captain dies so does their ability to survive, whatever this person wants they need to recieve to keep their captain alive, it is their number one priority.
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(E) "The last person who tried to make wise moves thought I hadn't an eye for that sort of thing, certainly they were misinformed." She gave anonymous warning, to the group- perhaps so, however- she did aim the warning more so towards the minotaur that she apparently could either see or sense what it was that he was doing. She gripped a hold of the Ackidna and with a sudden hand pulling on her feet, the lady gave only one tug as a warning. The assailant having quite the grip around Serdtse's neck and the shotgun now sliding out of her mouth and pointed towards the lady, she spoke and issued another warning. "What is it that you want- you are messing with the wrong group, we are Revenant supporters- you do not want to make enemies with a political faction." Wit warned the woman behind the mask. "Ah, yes. The Advent and the Revenant, tip for tap and tweedle dee- tweedle dumb, I am not as ignorant as you think." She said, nodding her head back and then off to the side in suggestion for the group to come on up. "How about a chat, huh?" She asked- green eyes stared through the mask- lit up and actually quite demonic in nature. "She is going to run out of breath soon, if you don't make a suggestion." She tried to make the group make a hasted decision; nobody really knew what to do in this situation. Serdtse was the only one that knew how to get back where they were and she was also the most knowledgeable.
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(W) The little lady scoffed at him and pulled herself up, not quite accepting his asstance or anything close to that. "Cheeky are you? Leaders do the leading, followers do the following- it is unheard of that a follower would be ahead of the leader." She sort of poked at him, beginning to run along the roof tops- which were for the most part, wooden and clay with limited amounts of shingles. Some parts looked like they could cave in at any moment . . . but that wasn't the case for the little Ackidna, she was swift- nimble and . . . she weighed as much as an eight year old SkinKin. Looking all about- however, nothing was as interesting as the central 'capital' like building of the clans gated community.
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(E) Zaun would have instantly stopped the spread of chakra, knowing now of her sensory capabilities and storing it away for future use. He would have lowered his shield slightly and slowly, making it clear that he would talk. "I will speak for the group, my name is Zaun, what is it you want from us." He would say, not stating explicitly that he was the leader but it could be possible she would insinuate it. He knew she only had the one card up her sleeve, if she loses it then the entire group could attack.
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(W) Achelias would of chuckled at what she said and would kept smiling but as soon as she started to run he would of said "Oh ma'am please do be careful, the roof can fall at any time and i am not as light as you are" in a concerned tone of voice doing a speed walk to follow her. He would be careful as he walked though as he didn't want to fall through the roof. "I can easily fall through the roof if i'm not careful and I can follow if your too far ahead" in a nervous tone of voice, more focused on walking on the roof to follow.
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(E) The lady glanced at Zaun, then the Ackidna that she was practically choking. She picked her up and off the ladder, then placed her on the ground in front of her as she spoke, holding Serdtse quite close. "For one, I think I will be taking this little kitty-kat with me. Second is I want you to give me time to gain a secure distance away from this location. You ought'a be in teams of ten, losing one member should not weaken the group in severeity that it would be worth risking a casualty . . . or more." She stared at the Minotaur, holding Serdtse close and making body contact. All the while, Serdtse eye balled Zaun- as if searching him for what his decree would be. "We shouldn't be making risks, we have another capable of ran transportation- we would only be one day behind." The man that once started trouble suggested, what was his name? Nobody seemed to know him . . . other than Serdtse.
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(E) Zaun would ignore the coward, making a decision in his mind that he was sure was the right on, raising his shield. "You make an interesting offer, let me tell you mine. You hold one of the two ran users in our group, on top of that she is an ancient ackidna, her worth alone is far more than what we could find on this mission and there is no telling what you will do with her, so I'm going to tell you your options. Option one, you let her go and you go on your way, I can assure you we won't follow or track you, it will be a completely neutral break, you go on your way we go on yours. Option two, you decide your plan is a little better, you try to leave or worse, pull the trigger. I can swear" he would say, leaning forward and showing the rage in his eyes barely contained by his armor, emphasizing the word "you will not leave this building alive. I can promise with one move I will bring everything around you to the ground, and I will personally crush your skull between my hands. And the best part? We are delayed one day and we use our second ran user. The choice is yours, make the right one, no one needs to die right now." He would say, his words filled with truth, and promise.
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(E) The lady laughed, being on top of the roof already- the Minotaur really was aggressive the lady behind the mask thought to herself. Nonetheless, she shoved the vault like emergency hatch down and closed off the ladder from the roof top as she spoke. Her voice hardly able to pierce through the hatch. "Tough luck is that I don't compromise; if that is what you are attempting to do, I wouldn't quite call it a compromise as that offer benefits me to the very lowest possibility; in no way. Working on diplomatic skills is as explicit in nature as a body builder lifting weights and as implicit as a reader enjoying a good book. Surely you can spare a better 'compromise' and another as the one you have already proposed should come into existence, I will leave. Without discussion." She gave the minotaur another chance, but things looked quite bleak concerning the circumstances that he and his team were in.

The man tapped the Minotaur on his shoulder and spoke up "Maybe it would be a bright idea to ask of what she wants with Serdtse rather than risking her head being blown from her shoulders; being as headstrong as you are right now, you will only cause problems that the team will need to fix." He spoke confidently and quite demeaning towards Zaun.
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(W) You should be the one careful if you are too heavy for the roof, take care in your footing and don't slow us down. I don't want to spend my entire day at this small little league of a culdesac." Tensa said as she practically glided across the roof-tops, jumping between each roof as material began to deteriorate before her feet- crunching and sticking to the roof. The way that she spoke and what she said made it clear that she was quite ambitious of a person, which definitely wasn't a good trait for the apocalyptic scene . . . in most cases of course.
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(W) Achelias would of said "Then please slow down, I would hate to fall through the roof in a room full of infected" in a worried tone of voice before saying "also we are partners in this mission, it would be a bad idea to have a competition when trying to search for something valuable" in a worried tone of voice, watching his step. He doesn't like the situation he is currently in.
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(W) Tensa glanced back at him, she sighed to herself and slowed down to a walk. "Very well." She said, unenthused and not quite liking the fact that her partner was such a pussy. That or he just seemed too proper to the point that he came off as snobbish, like one of those people who are spoiled by the luxury of money and good luck to support thier life style. Nonetheless, she didn't say anything about it- but Tensa's body language made it clear that she was demoralized with Achelias's presence.
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(W) Achelias figured out that she wasn't happy with him but didn't care really since their priority is the mission and not to have fun. He was simply trying to make the smart decisions, as well ad not wanting to make any mistakes since he didn't feel like making the leader of the group angry. He also isn't going to risk his life of possibly falling through the roof of a building into a group of infected just to play a game. Anyway he would of eventually caught up with Tensa and would of said "thank you" in a friendly tone of voice. He would of then followed her in silence since she did want to be in the lead.
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