Murder Tale VII: The Devil's Carnival

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"Awwwww, you're so cute as a bunny, Dolly!"

Aika squealed as she held her transformed Dolly, which was giving off the cute bunny noises that Houdini would make too. Since Dolly had that special red jacket on before the transformation, the bunny seemed much more adorable with the red coat draped over it. Looking over at Arvid, Aika smiled, as if she were having lots of enjoyment out of this so far.

"That was amazing, Mister Arvid! Thank you very much for this~"

While Aika was quite the excitable girl as of now, the rabbit that her Dolly was didn't seem to like all of the attention. Almost right out of her carrying arms, the rabbit leapt out of Aika's arms, scampering away.


"D-Dolly! C... come back!"

Aika tried to go after her Dolly, but since it was now a rabbit, it happened to scamper away and out of sight. A tinge of worry happened to be on Aika's face, not because she just lost her Dolly.

"Guys... um... Dolly was holding my only ticket.. and.. and I think Dolly didn't like all of the attention she was getting... I... I don't want to look for Dolly by myself..."

"It was no trouble at all, Aika! I'm happy you and your Dolly seem to be happy together-" Arvid went silent as he saw Dolly make her escape from the tent. Glancing at the wand with a look of worry etched across his face, Arvid idly wondered if maybe he had used a bit too much magic. What if he had made it so Bunny!Dolly was more excitable/nervous than she should have been? Oh dear, oh dear, this wasn't good at all!

"Um..Umm...Have no fear, Aika! I'm sure Dolly will come back soon enough! Or at the very least her magic will wear off before she gets too far."

Or so Arvid hoped in any case. If that bunny was harmed then it'd be on his head! He would have hated seeing Aika's expression at that moment! Hopeful smiles appeared on both Houdini and his own face as Luso rushed after the runaway bunny. Sam watched all this go down without so much as a peep from him. Were it any other person than he wouldn't have so much as even bothered dealing with this nonsense. The bunny could have gone and gotten itself squished for all Sam cared. But this bunny wasn't just a bunny. It meant a lot to Aika and she was Sam's friend.


Showing off yet another supernatural ability of his, Sam began crawling along the tent walls before making his way out the entrance. But the teen and rabbit were already long gone by the time Sam had come out. His current form wouldn't allow for him to do much in the way of running to keep up with Luso. Not that something as trivial as running really mattered to Sam with his whole assortment of powers. But even if Aika was a friend of his, something that the pagan spirit was very happy about. His black heart just wasn't in this search for the ticket holding bunny. Still, sitting back at the tent with an upset Aika and that other human wouldn't have been very fun. So the lesser of two evils he supposed.

Lettting out a sigh akin to a child being frustrated at having to do chores, Sam got on all fours. Skittering along the ground like a bug, clinging from surface to surface he quietly made his way behind Luso and Dolly .

Back at the tent, Arvid still felt somewhat guilty over what he had done. But he couldn't let the performance be ruined for Aika and the other guests!


"With both Sam and Luso on the search, I'm sure Dolly will be found in no time, Aika. You have such great friends willing to go to such lengths to help you."

@The Tactician @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies
Leonard nodded, taking back his pen and stuffing it away into his pocket. The manilla folder disappeared into his suit and the man smiled pleasantly enough. Taking a long look at Hisoka, he eventually sighed. "For whatever reason, I don't feel I need to worry about this one signing anything. Go on in... if you dare." Finally moving aside, the suited man gestured toward the open tent flap, his ears drooping slightly.

The first apparent thing about the tent was the pungent smell, a strong lingering presence of patchouli, with an undeniable hint of some kind of musty odor, like a long-neglected basement of an old decrepit house. Immediately above the entrance were banners advertising the sights found within, similar to the ones displaying on the outside of the tent.


In this area was what seemed to be a waiting area, with another tent flap beyond separating the group from the actual attractions. From this second entrance came a man the group would recognise as the one who had taken away the apparent rule-breaker at the carnival gate, his disdainful expression locked on Leonard.


"Interfering once again, Leonard?" he asked, his dry and emotionless voice feeling too perfect considering the environment. "I can procure my own experiments without such meddling. I do hope you've heard about that raise I was promised? If you think offering stringy little children for me is in any way a compensation for that, I may have to get a bit more serious with my work."

Leonard scoffed at this and waved the other man off. "Cordis, anything I offer you is only extra on top of what you are dutifully owed. You can shake my paw on that one. Besides, these guests are not here to participate, but to observe. You run an attraction after all, and dangerous as it may be, it may as well be put to some use."

Cordis seemed to bristle slightly at this, but eventually only turned around and moved back through the tent flap. Leonard ushered the group ahead, moving through the tent flap and into what appeared to be a dark stone corridor. Certainly an odd sight inside a tent. Cages lined one wall of the corridor. Most of them were empty, but one held a young boy who perked up upon spotting Leonard.

"Hey, you! It's that guy!"


The kid registered that others were with him after a moment and quickly moved to press himself against the bars. He held one arm outside his cage and yelled, "Whatever you do, don't sign anything this guy gives you!"

"Oh, how silly." Leonard gestured with his hands out, shrugging as if he had nothing to hide. "They've already signed a contract, kid. But there's different kinds, you see? You were just so desperate to get inside the carnival, I had to think of some way to get you in. And, as they say, curiosity killed the cat."


"Mm, yes, I like that one."

"Really? Come on, man..." The kid let out a disgruntled noise, once again turning his attention to the group accompanying Leonard. "Listen, you need to get me out of here. Something's really wrong with this place."

"It really is quite abnormal... nowhere else will you receive such a level of fun at such a great value."

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Crow
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Leonard nodded, taking back his pen and stuffing it away into his pocket. The manilla folder disappeared into his suit and the man smiled pleasantly enough. Taking a long look at Hisoka, he eventually sighed. "For whatever reason, I don't feel I need to worry about this one signing anything. Go on in... if you dare." Finally moving aside, the suited man gestured toward the open tent flap, his ears drooping slightly.

The first apparent thing about the tent was the pungent smell, a strong lingering presence of patchouli, with an undeniable hint of some kind of musty odor, like a long-neglected basement of an old decrepit house. Immediately above the entrance were banners advertising the sights found within, similar to the ones displaying on the outside of the tent.


In this area was what seemed to be a waiting area, with another tent flap beyond separating the group from the actual attractions. From this second entrance came a man the group would recognize as the one who had taken away the apparent rule-breaker at the carnival gate, his disdainful expression locked on Leonard.


"Interfering once again, Leonard?" he asked, his dry and emotionless voice feeling too perfect considering the environment. "I can procure my own experiments without such meddling. I do hope you've heard about that raise I was promised? If you think offering stringy little children for me is in any way a compensation for that, I may have to get a bit more serious with my work."

Leonard scoffed at this and waved the other man off. "Cordis, anything I offer you is only extra on top of what you are dutifully owed. You can shake my paw on that one. Besides, these guests are not here to participate, but to observe. You run an attraction after all, and dangerous as it may be, it may as well be put to some use."

Cordis seemed to bristle slightly at this, but eventually only turned around and moved back through the tent flap. Leonard ushered the group ahead, moving through the tent flap and into what appeared to be a dark stone corridor. Certainly an odd sight inside a tent. Cages lined one wall of the corridor. Most of them were empty, but one held a young boy who perked up upon spotting Leonard.

"Hey, you! It's that guy!"


The kid registered that others were with him after a moment and quickly moved to press himself against the bars. He held one arm outside his cage and yelled, "Whatever you do, don't sign anything this guy gives you!"

"Oh, how silly." Leonard gestured with his hands out, shrugging as if he had nothing to hide. "They've already signed a contract, kid. But there's different kinds, you see? You were just so desperate to get inside the carnival, I had to think of some way to get you in. And, as they say, curiosity killed the cat."


"Mm, yes, I like that one."

"Really? Come on, man..." The kid let out a disgruntled noise, once again turning his attention to the group accompanying Leonard. "Listen, I need to get me out of here. Something's really wrong with this place."

"It really is quite abnormal... nowhere else will you receive such a level of fun at such a great value."

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Crow

Oh boy this wasn't good... "Why would you even do that you idiot?" Kuroko asked exasperated to the boy. Then again while looking dumb he did not deserve to be trapped inside a cage.

"Look, I thought this place was for really creepy stuff, and the first thing you guys show us is a dumb kid? Talk about false advertisement." Kuroko pointed at Dipper. "If he's going the norm then I want my money back."

@Verite @Kaykay @Crow @Atomyk

"It was no trouble at all, Aika! I'm happy you and your Dolly seem to be happy together-" Arvid went silent as he saw Dolly make her escape from the tent. Glancing at the wand with a look of worry etched across his face, Arvid idly wondered if maybe he had used a bit too much magic. What if he had made it so Bunny!Dolly was more excitable/nervous than she should have been? Oh dear, oh dear, this wasn't good at all!

"Um..Umm...Have no fear, Aika! I'm sure Dolly will come back soon enough! Or at the very least her magic will wear off before she gets too far."

Or so Arvid hoped in any case. If that bunny was harmed then it'd be on his head! He would have hated seeing Aika's expression at that moment! Hopeful smiles appeared on both Houdini and his own face as Luso rushed after the runaway bunny. Sam watched all this go down without so much as a peep from him. Were it any other person than he wouldn't have so much as even bothered dealing with this nonsense. The bunny could have gone and gotten itself squished for all Sam cared. But this bunny wasn't just a bunny. It meant a lot to Aika and she was Sam's friend.


Showing off yet another supernatural ability of his, Sam began crawling along the tent walls before making his way out the entrance. But the teen and rabbit were already long gone by the time Sam had come out. His current form wouldn't allow for him to do much in the way of running to keep up with Luso. Not that something as trivial as running really mattered to Sam with his whole assortment of powers. But even if Aika was a friend of his, something that the pagan spirit was very happy about. His black heart just wasn't in this search for the ticket holding bunny. Still, sitting back at the tent with an upset Aika and that other human wouldn't have been very fun. So the lesser of two evils he supposed.

Lettting out a sigh akin to a child being frustrated at having to do chores, Sam got on all fours. Skittering along the ground like a bug, clinging from surface to surface he quietly made his way behind Luso and Dolly .

Back at the tent, Arvid still felt somewhat guilty over what he had done. But he couldn't let the performance be ruined for Aika and the other guests!


"With both Sam and Luso on the search, I'm sure Dolly will be found in no time, Aika. You have such great friends willing to go to such lengths to help you."

@The Tactician @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies

"Y-Yeah... they'll find Dolly... my friends will find her..."

Aika could only say that, willing herself not to cry at any cost. She didn't want to bring much distress to the people around her.
"Uh... That's bad, isn't it?" Luso looked between the entire group in confusion before he remembered the very specific rule about not having a ticket, "C-Crap, that's really bad! Mike, keep an eye on Aika for me!" It looked like he could be thankful for once that he was lacking in the heavy armor of his jobs in Ivalice, as he shot off sprinting after Dolly the rabbit.

@T.O.M. @Gummi Bunnies @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT
As Luso and Sam would go after the trail that Aika's Dolly had taken, it seemed the rabbit had gotten far by then. Even so, it shouldn't be long for the doll to turn back into its normal self. But where did the Dolly go?

@T.O.M. @The Tactician @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT

"Y-Yeah... they'll find Dolly... my friends will find her..."

Aika could only say that, willing herself not to cry at any cost. She didn't want to bring much distress to the people around her.

As Luso and Sam would go after the trail that Aika's Dolly had taken, it seemed the rabbit had gotten far by then. Even so, it shouldn't be long for the doll to turn back into its normal self. But where did the Dolly go?

@T.O.M. @The Tactician @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"Oh come on, aren't rabbits supposed to leave tracks or something...?" Try as he might, it appeared the rabbit had given Luso the slip for the moment, leaving him to kick the dirt in frustration. Man, it's like one of those missions for that guild of chefs, having to hunt down rare ingre... di... ents... Wait a minute, it is one of those missions! That meant that he could use the same method he had used in those missions to find his target, making his hunt much easier.

Okay, just calm down... and breath... He gathered and controlled his breathing, letting it become peaceful as his eyes began to focus on the environment. He needed this to work, he needed to find the rabbit, he needed to see... The sparkle, right there! Between the cracks of a few crates, he spotted the flash that had led him to his prize so many times before. Perhaps it was Dolly's eyes that gave off the signal in the light, but he wasn't going to question it.

Walking over to the boxes, he smirked as he hopped over the crates and at whatever hid behind them, "Gotcha, Dolly!"

@T.O.M. @Gummi Bunnies @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Leonard nodded, taking back his pen and stuffing it away into his pocket. The manilla folder disappeared into his suit and the man smiled pleasantly enough. Taking a long look at Hisoka, he eventually sighed. "For whatever reason, I don't feel I need to worry about this one signing anything. Go on in... if you dare." Finally moving aside, the suited man gestured toward the open tent flap, his ears drooping slightly.

The first apparent thing about the tent was the pungent smell, a strong lingering presence of patchouli, with an undeniable hint of some kind of musty odor, like a long-neglected basement of an old decrepit house. Immediately above the entrance were banners advertising the sights found within, similar to the ones displaying on the outside of the tent.


In this area was what seemed to be a waiting area, with another tent flap beyond separating the group from the actual attractions. From this second entrance came a man the group would recognise as the one who had taken away the apparent rule-breaker at the carnival gate, his disdainful expression locked on Leonard.


"Interfering once again, Leonard?" he asked, his dry and emotionless voice feeling too perfect considering the environment. "I can procure my own experiments without such meddling. I do hope you've heard about that raise I was promised? If you think offering stringy little children for me is in any way a compensation for that, I may have to get a bit more serious with my work."

Leonard scoffed at this and waved the other man off. "Cordis, anything I offer you is only extra on top of what you are dutifully owed. You can shake my paw on that one. Besides, these guests are not here to participate, but to observe. You run an attraction after all, and dangerous as it may be, it may as well be put to some use."

Cordis seemed to bristle slightly at this, but eventually only turned around and moved back through the tent flap. Leonard ushered the group ahead, moving through the tent flap and into what appeared to be a dark stone corridor. Certainly an odd sight inside a tent. Cages lined one wall of the corridor. Most of them were empty, but one held a young boy who perked up upon spotting Leonard.

"Hey, you! It's that guy!"


The kid registered that others were with him after a moment and quickly moved to press himself against the bars. He held one arm outside his cage and yelled, "Whatever you do, don't sign anything this guy gives you!"

"Oh, how silly." Leonard gestured with his hands out, shrugging as if he had nothing to hide. "They've already signed a contract, kid. But there's different kinds, you see? You were just so desperate to get inside the carnival, I had to think of some way to get you in. And, as they say, curiosity killed the cat."


"Mm, yes, I like that one."

"Really? Come on, man..." The kid let out a disgruntled noise, once again turning his attention to the group accompanying Leonard. "Listen, you need to get me out of here. Something's really wrong with this place."

"It really is quite abnormal... nowhere else will you receive such a level of fun at such a great value."

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Crow

A young boy?

A sentient, regular young boy?

Well, this couldn't go unattended.

Takeru was now wary. Any three of them could be turned into... him. And for him, he wouldn't be able to return to his world. He wouldn't be able to accomplish his mission.

The Ganma might take over and he might vanish from the face of reality due to the exceeded his time limit.

Not that the clown guy looked bothered.

He wasn't one to judge poor advertising tactics, but this wasn't a poor advertising tactic.

Ah well, time to pop Leonard a question, but it'd be best to speak this place's language. After Kuroko's question was answered, Takeru asks his.

"Excuse me Mr Cordis, is the Freakshow observatory-only, or will exposition and trivia regarding the... umm..."

The ghost looks at the imprisoned Dipper. He felt some extent of rage in him, but he had to suppress it. Was this Carnival a Shocker ploy?

"... exhibits be provided?"

Takeru looks at Dipper. The only thing his orange, black-eyed mask could do was stare for a bit. While justice had to be served, you couldn't serve lunch in the wee hours before the sun even rises.

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Atomyk

Oh-ho, a child in a cage, hmm?

Hisoka still wasn't exactly sure if this exhibit was supposed to shock most people, like "Oh, how horrifying! That poor child is being held hostage as a slave for whatever his master's purposes are!" or something of the sort, but... Oh, my. Hisoka might have trouble separating reality from fantasy if he kept this up. Still, it didn't seem like the boy was particularly strong as far as power went, so he had no immediate reason to let the poor kid go. Still, as far as the standards of "normal people" went... This man certainly lived up to the name of Freakshow. But could he compare to Hisoka the Magician? Mystery, mystery!~

In any case, if there was one correct assumption made about Hisoka by the cat man, it was that there was certainly no worry for the jester to suffer any sort of heart attack or otherwise anything that would result in paperwork. Not like anyone would really be willing to sign anything for Hisoka back home. Still, if the others thought it was okay to do so, then there was no harm for him to do it too, right?


Still, if nothing else, this carnival managed to consistently stay interesting, if only because of how... lively it was. Even without the powerful people that piqued Hisoka's interest, this place certainly was still interesting in its own right.

Nonchalantly walking over to the caged boy, Hisoka leaned forward, attempting to go face-to-face with him.


"Hoooh? And if I let you out, then what's in it for me then, hmm?~" He asked, reaching out and attempting to playfully poke the boy on the nose.

@Atomyk @Kaykay @Jeremi @Crow

A small nod was given in Ashe and Daisuke's direction as some form of confirmation, though she didn't seem to be too concerned whether any of them sat down or not. "Isn't it? Of course, that isn't quite the case all of the time," she mused, her words as cryptic as she was mysterious. Though it was quite obvious she had no intentions to elaborate - not even as she began pouring a few cups of tea with surprising grace and precision. As she did so, without so much as looking up, she spoke to Cat. "Now, now. Don't be shy. Why don't you come in, my feline-named friend?"

Still hardly so much as giving Cat or Twisted Fate a glance, the fortune teller finally finished filling the cups on her tray(though, oddly, there were a few set aside that she didn't fill just yet). Tentatively setting the antique teapot aside, the woman carefully picked up the tray holding the tea cups, gently setting them on the floor near where the mats laid. "That should be plenty for all of you. Treat yourselves if that's as you wish." That was probably more of a request than an offer. After all, it was rude to neglect something offered to you by your hostess. Surely that was basic manners.

Finally looking in the direction of Fate and Cat after righting herself and clasping her hands together neatly, the woman that called herself Velvetine offered an almost knowing smile, brushing off Fate's formalities. "No need for formalities, I assure you - for in any relationship, when attachment dies, formalities are born and when formalities are born, nothing remains." With those words, the female glanced around the group, as though waiting for something. Perhaps she expected someone in the group to actually recognize whom she was speaking the words of.

@Ringmaster @york @The Silver Paladin @Gwazi Magnum @Bomb @Fortune Teller's​
@Ringmaster @Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Gwazi Magnum @Bomb @Fortune Teller's

Cat blinked, realizing her cover had been blown rather quickly... Thankfully, despite her name, she wasn't as skittish as one may percieve her to be... A remarkable quality that seemed to have been present, even when she was a child.

Seeing that the Fortune Teller was unlike anything she had expected, and, was actually rather welcoming, Cat seemed to relax, finally fully stepping into the tent, she picked up one of the teacups offered to her, seeming to smile a little... It was apparant that she was glad for such hospitality, especially in a place like this... Though, she was wracking her brain for the name of that person the Fortune Teller's quote came from... She could just barely grasp that she had known who it was, at some point, but, nothing more... She seemed to be a little too lost in thought to speak, for the moment.

"Y-Yeah... they'll find Dolly... my friends will find her..."

Aika could only say that, willing herself not to cry at any cost. She didn't want to bring much distress to the people around her.
"Oh come on, aren't rabbits supposed to leave tracks or something...?" Try as he might, it appeared the rabbit had given Luso the slip for the moment, leaving him to kick the dirt in frustration. Man, it's like one of those missions for that guild of chefs, having to hunt down rare ingre... di... ents... Wait a minute, it is one of those missions! That meant that he could use the same method he had used in those missions to find his target, making his hunt much easier.

Okay, just calm down... and breath... He gathered and controlled his breathing, letting it become peaceful as his eyes began to focus on the environment. He needed this to work, he needed to find the rabbit, he needed to see... The sparkle, right there! Between the cracks of a few crates, he spotted the flash that had led him to his prize so many times before. Perhaps it was Dolly's eyes that gave off the signal in the light, but he wasn't going to question it.

Walking over to the boxes, he smirked as he hopped over the crates and at whatever hid behind them, "Gotcha, Dolly!"
As Arvid continued to try to keep Aika as happy as he could, Houdini climbed off the illusionist's arm and cuddled up next to the child. Houdini was a special bunny with the 'gift' to transform thanks to-what were you expecting to get the answers or something? A magician never reveals his secrets and neither does his bunny!

Back with Luso and Sam however, Sam had noticed that Dolly had disappeared from their sight. But unlike Luso who was determined to find the doll no matter what, once it vanished for Sam?

Out of sight, out of mind! It got away, sorry Aika! One of the carnies gobbled it up, Aika! I accidentally pushed a crate on it, Aika! All excuses that seemed like they'd legitimate if Aika asked the spirit why he couldn't retrieve her doll. But then she'd likely cry again and Sam didn't want that. Not just because there was the risk that she'd cry on his costume again. But because she was his friend and the holiday he watched over was supposed to have people happy! Going around and pretending to be something they weren't and getting treats! Seeing people upset when Sam considered them to be of importance to him, in this case a friend than that was no good.

Perhaps he could find the bunny in that other tent..

Silently slinking off into the shadows, Sam made his way into the Firebreather Tent


"Heh. Heh.."

@DapperDogman @CCC Kouhai @Krieg @Ryu Keiko


What had Luso's search turned up however? It seemed genuine effort and a desire to help would have brought about the result that Luso was hoping for! For as he moved the crate, there would have no longer been a bunny staring back at him. But the doll that Aika had cherished so much and Sam had despised with every fiber of his pumpkin-like being.

However, something that might have surprised Luso was how Dolly was positioned. Seated up behind the crates and staring straight up at him. Almost as if she had been waiting for him.


@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT
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Oh-ho, a child in a cage, hmm?

Hisoka still wasn't exactly sure if this exhibit was supposed to shock most people, like "Oh, how horrifying! That poor child is being held hostage as a slave for whatever his master's purposes are!" or something of the sort, but... Oh, my. Hisoka might have trouble separating reality from fantasy if he kept this up. Still, it didn't seem like the boy was particularly strong as far as power went, so he had no immediate reason to let the poor kid go. Still, as far as the standards of "normal people" went... This man certainly lived up to the name of Freakshow. But could he compare to Hisoka the Magician? Mystery, mystery!~

In any case, if there was one correct assumption made about Hisoka by the cat man, it was that there was certainly no worry for the jester to suffer any sort of heart attack or otherwise anything that would result in paperwork. Not like anyone would really be willing to sign anything for Hisoka back home. Still, if the others thought it was okay to do so, then there was no harm for him to do it too, right?


Still, if nothing else, this carnival managed to consistently stay interesting, if only because of how... lively it was. Even without the powerful people that piqued Hisoka's interest, this place certainly was still interesting in its own right.

Nonchalantly walking over to the caged boy, Hisoka leaned forward, attempting to go face-to-face with him.


"Hoooh? And if I let you out, then what's in it for me then, hmm?~" He asked, reaching out and attempting to playfully poke the boy on the nose.

@Atomyk @Kaykay @Jeremi @Crow

Ugh this guy... "Obviously we have to hear if they'll actually let him out." Kuroko replied looking towards Leonard and Cordis. "But knowing you guys I guess that's out of the question?"

@Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite @Crow
As Arvid continued to try to keep Aika as happy as he could, Houdini climbed off the illusionist's arm and cuddled up next to the child. Houdini was a special bunny with the 'gift' to transform thanks to-what were you expecting to get the answers or something? A magician never reveals his secrets and neither does his bunny!

Back with Luso and Sam however, Sam had noticed that Dolly had disappeared from their sight. But unlike Luso who was determined to find the doll no matter what, once it vanished for Sam?

Out of sight, out of mind! It got away, sorry Aika! One of the carnies gobbled it up, Aika! I accidentally pushed a crate on it, Aika! All excuses that seemed like they'd legitimate if Aika asked the spirit why he couldn't retrieve her doll. But then she'd likely cry again and Sam didn't want that. Not just because there was the risk that she'd cry on his costume again. But because she was his friend and the holiday he watched over was supposed to have people happy! Going around and pretending to be something they weren't and getting treats! Seeing people upset when Sam considered them to be of importance to him, in this case a friend than that was no good.

Perhaps he could find the bunny in that other tent..

Silently slinking off into the shadows, Sam made his way into the Firebreather Tent


"Heh. Heh.."

@DapperDogman @CCC Kouhai @Krieg @Ryu Keiko


What had Luso's search turned up however? It seemed genuine effort and a desire to help would have brought about the result that Luso was hoping for! For as he moved the crate, there would have no longer been a bunny staring back at him. But the doll that Aika had cherished so much and Sam had despised with every fiber of his pumpkin-like being.

However, something that might have surprised Luso was how Dolly was positioned. Seated up behind the crates and staring straight up at him. Almost as if she had been waiting for him.


@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"Uh..." Well, this wasn't a creepy sight to discover for sure. For a moment, he hesitated as his hand reached towards Dolly, confusion reigning over his thoughts, before his old, hardened bravery grabbed at the back of the doll's neck, "Come on, Dolly, Aika's looking for you and her ticket."
As Arvid continued to try to keep Aika as happy as he could, Houdini climbed off the illusionist's arm and cuddled up next to the child. Houdini was a special bunny with the 'gift' to transform thanks to-what were you expecting to get the answers or something? A magician never reveals his secrets and neither does his bunny!

Back with Luso and Sam however, Sam had noticed that Dolly had disappeared from their sight. But unlike Luso who was determined to find the doll no matter what, once it vanished for Sam?

Out of sight, out of mind! It got away, sorry Aika! One of the carnies gobbled it up, Aika! I accidentally pushed a crate on it, Aika! All excuses that seemed like they'd legitimate if Aika asked the spirit why he couldn't retrieve her doll. But then she'd likely cry again and Sam didn't want that. Not just because there was the risk that she'd cry on his costume again. But because she was his friend and the holiday he watched over was supposed to have people happy! Going around and pretending to be something they weren't and getting treats! Seeing people upset when Sam considered them to be of importance to him, in this case a friend than that was no good.

Perhaps he could find the bunny in that other tent..

Silently slinking off into the shadows, Sam made his way into the Firebreather Tent


"Heh. Heh.."

@DapperDogman @CCC Kouhai @Krieg @Ryu Keiko


What had Luso's search turned up however? It seemed genuine effort and a desire to help would have brought about the result that Luso was hoping for! For as he moved the crate, there would have no longer been a bunny staring back at him. But the doll that Aika had cherished so much and Sam had despised with every fiber of his pumpkin-like being.

However, something that might have surprised Luso was how Dolly was positioned. Seated up behind the crates and staring straight up at him. Almost as if she had been waiting for him.


@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"Uh..." Well, this wasn't a creepy sight to discover for sure. For a moment, he hesitated as his hand reached towards Dolly, confusion reigning over his thoughts, before his old, hardened bravery grabbed at the back of the doll's neck, "Come on, Dolly, Aika's looking for you and her ticket."

"Don't worry Houdini, Dolly's going to be back. Luso and Sam are the bestest friends I've had in a while. They'll find Dolly..."

Aika felt comforted by the little rabbit cuddling up with her, staying positive with the thoughts that Luso and Sam would find her Dolly and her ticket.

@The Tactician @T.O.M. @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT
As the fortune teller presents herself she seems to be rather confident, despite her small size. And soon after she offers us tea, tea would be rather nice to have and I would hate to be a rude guest. But before I can answer she also seems to make a quote, but as of what I cannot tell, perhaps the tea will help my memory. So I bow my head gratefully and say "Why yes, some tea would be most appreciated". I then take the time to see what the others here are doing, for they all seem rather quiet. Much like myself I suppose, for no one else is ever hearing these Narrations aren't they?

@Ringmaster @york @The Silver Paladin @Kirei Aizawa @Bomb​
Among the whole mess, Mike was quiet. Quiet because he didn't wanted to get pissed. Okay, the guy's job was to do magic tricks, but was it really necessary to do stuff like making the girl's favourite doll dissappear as a rabbit? It'd be best for that magician to pull the doll out of his ass pretty fucking fast, because that wasn't funny at all. Mike was never one to like those "it's just a prank bro!" sort of guys, and that was exactly how that magician was sounding right now. By Arvid's face, it really looked like something had gone south during the trick. "It better have", Mike told himself. After a while since Luso had left the place after the doll, the old man was getting impatient.

"So, NOW would be a good time for Dolly to come back, wouldn't it, Mr. Arvid?"


@The Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
[BCOLOR=transparent]At the press of the button, Rumble finally started moving again, somehow not bothering to notice neither Bazette appearing, nor the fact that Deadpool now lied crouched up in a corner, in pain. Was he going to fight someone, did that fight have his complete and full attention.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"No! I will not rest, until the person who dishonored me, is DESTROYED!"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Again attaining his idle, bobbing pose, a deep voice rumbled through the surroundings, if not echoing through the entire carnival. "RUMBLE McSKIRMISH! VERSUS! DEADPOOL! FIGHT!"[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]As the voice finished, a health bar, score counter, and pixelated name for each of the contestants appeared in mid air above them, and Rumble took this as a signal to start attacking.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Thrusting his hands in front of himself, while repeatedly yelling "Fireball", said fireballs spawned, speeding towards Deadpool, each one blazing with heat, hinting to their somewhat explosive capacities. Once having shot around three of them, Rumble decided for going physical. This red-clad maniac had insulted him to unspeakable extents, and it was up to him to do something about it. Raising his arms in the air, yelling all the while, Rumble ran towards Deadpool. Once within a useful distance he lunged into the air, sticking out his foot in the merc's direction as he quickly approached him.[/BCOLOR]


@OrlandoBloomers @C.T.
As Arvid continued to try to keep Aika as happy as he could, Houdini climbed off the illusionist's arm and cuddled up next to the child. Houdini was a special bunny with the 'gift' to transform thanks to-what were you expecting to get the answers or something? A magician never reveals his secrets and neither does his bunny!

Back with Luso and Sam however, Sam had noticed that Dolly had disappeared from their sight. But unlike Luso who was determined to find the doll no matter what, once it vanished for Sam?

Out of sight, out of mind! It got away, sorry Aika! One of the carnies gobbled it up, Aika! I accidentally pushed a crate on it, Aika! All excuses that seemed like they'd legitimate if Aika asked the spirit why he couldn't retrieve her doll. But then she'd likely cry again and Sam didn't want that. Not just because there was the risk that she'd cry on his costume again. But because she was his friend and the holiday he watched over was supposed to have people happy! Going around and pretending to be something they weren't and getting treats! Seeing people upset when Sam considered them to be of importance to him, in this case a friend than that was no good.

Perhaps he could find the bunny in that other tent..

Silently slinking off into the shadows, Sam made his way into the Firebreather Tent


"Heh. Heh.."

@DapperDogman @CCC Kouhai @Krieg @Ryu Keiko
"Heh. Heh.."
Not that chuckle...not again!

"Dammit..." he growls under his breath
"Alright, Sam...Come on out..."

he spins around, looking for the sack-headed child once again, but his eyes seemed to meet the empty entrance of the tent
Damn, Sam was going to sneak up on him again, wasn't he?!

Small beads of sweat formed on the teenage zombie's forehead, as panic began to set in, but he had to act like he was okay

He didn't want to look like an idiot in front of the Firebreather and Seras, did he?

So, he put on his bravest smile, and turned back, hoping Sam had already had his fill of fun from scaring the zombie for one day

@T.O.M. @Ryu Keiko @CCC Kouhai
Leonard nodded, taking back his pen and stuffing it away into his pocket. The manilla folder disappeared into his suit and the man smiled pleasantly enough. Taking a long look at Hisoka, he eventually sighed. "For whatever reason, I don't feel I need to worry about this one signing anything. Go on in... if you dare." Finally moving aside, the suited man gestured toward the open tent flap, his ears drooping slightly.

The first apparent thing about the tent was the pungent smell, a strong lingering presence of patchouli, with an undeniable hint of some kind of musty odor, like a long-neglected basement of an old decrepit house. Immediately above the entrance were banners advertising the sights found within, similar to the ones displaying on the outside of the tent.


In this area was what seemed to be a waiting area, with another tent flap beyond separating the group from the actual attractions. From this second entrance came a man the group would recognise as the one who had taken away the apparent rule-breaker at the carnival gate, his disdainful expression locked on Leonard.


"Interfering once again, Leonard?" he asked, his dry and emotionless voice feeling too perfect considering the environment. "I can procure my own experiments without such meddling. I do hope you've heard about that raise I was promised? If you think offering stringy little children for me is in any way a compensation for that, I may have to get a bit more serious with my work."

Leonard scoffed at this and waved the other man off. "Cordis, anything I offer you is only extra on top of what you are dutifully owed. You can shake my paw on that one. Besides, these guests are not here to participate, but to observe. You run an attraction after all, and dangerous as it may be, it may as well be put to some use."

Cordis seemed to bristle slightly at this, but eventually only turned around and moved back through the tent flap. Leonard ushered the group ahead, moving through the tent flap and into what appeared to be a dark stone corridor. Certainly an odd sight inside a tent. Cages lined one wall of the corridor. Most of them were empty, but one held a young boy who perked up upon spotting Leonard.

"Hey, you! It's that guy!"


The kid registered that others were with him after a moment and quickly moved to press himself against the bars. He held one arm outside his cage and yelled, "Whatever you do, don't sign anything this guy gives you!"

"Oh, how silly." Leonard gestured with his hands out, shrugging as if he had nothing to hide. "They've already signed a contract, kid. But there's different kinds, you see? You were just so desperate to get inside the carnival, I had to think of some way to get you in. And, as they say, curiosity killed the cat."


"Mm, yes, I like that one."

"Really? Come on, man..." The kid let out a disgruntled noise, once again turning his attention to the group accompanying Leonard. "Listen, you need to get me out of here. Something's really wrong with this place."

"It really is quite abnormal... nowhere else will you receive such a level of fun at such a great value."

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Crow
For a place called freakshow, a normal kid wasn't really what Kyousuke had been expecting. In its own way, or perhaps due to the fact the kid was stuck in a cage like an animal, it was still a little freaky, even for him. This carnival bunch were stranger than he had given them credit for.

Keeping a smirk on his face and his hands in his pockets, the esper eyed down Leonard and Cordis.

"I'm all for having some fun, but this kid isn't very interesting if you ask me. What's the point of keeping a dopey-looking kid like this around?"

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Verite @Crow

The Devil's Carnival Shows and Events!

Fortune Teller
@The Silver Paladin @Bomb @Gwazi Magnum @york

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT

@Jeremi @Crow @Verite @Kaykay @Atomyk

@Krieg @DapperDogman @Ryo Keiko

The Daredevil


Those who have not yet chosen a tent:
@Archmage Jeremiah @C.T. @OrlandoBloomers
@Ringmaster @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @GlassTrinity
@Schnee Corp Lawyer (You still need to show Frederika any weapons you may have)

Please remember that you must choose a tent to go to! This is required so that we can start with the ticket earnings! Failure to post a tent for the first round will result in not having the chance to get the tickets! ... So don't complain later when someone has more.

I will start giving out tickets around 8:00 PM EST! So I am just missing seven more people!​
"Uh..." Well, this wasn't a creepy sight to discover for sure. For a moment, he hesitated as his hand reached towards Dolly, confusion reigning over his thoughts, before his old, hardened bravery grabbed at the back of the doll's neck, "Come on, Dolly, Aika's looking for you and her ticket."

"Don't worry Houdini, Dolly's going to be back. Luso and Sam are the bestest friends I've had in a while. They'll find Dolly..."

Aika felt comforted by the little rabbit cuddling up with her, staying positive with the thoughts that Luso and Sam would find her Dolly and her ticket.
Among the whole mess, Mike was quiet. Quiet because he didn't wanted to get pissed. Okay, the guy's job was to do magic tricks, but was it really necessary to do stuff like making the girl's favourite doll dissappear as a rabbit? It'd be best for that magician to pull the doll out of his ass pretty fucking fast, because that wasn't funny at all. Mike was never one to like those "it's just a prank bro!" sort of guys, and that was exactly how that magician was sounding right now. By Arvid's face, it really looked like something had gone south during the trick. "It better have", Mike told himself. After a while since Luso had left the place after the doll, the old man was getting impatient.

"So, NOW would be a good time for Dolly to come back, wouldn't it, Mr. Arvid?"

Oh dear, oh dear. This was all starting to get a bit out of hand! Arvid never had the intention of hurting the child's feelings! He had already made that mistake with Sam and had thankfully been able to keep the spirit happy with his performance. Now, his performance had only made things worse! He could see that Aika was enjoying Houdini's company but that his other guests like Iggy and Mike were beginning to grow bored/agitated. Not that Arvid could blame them! He should have known transforming a object that had no life to begin with into a living creature wasn't the smartest of moves!

"-Of course, of course! Do not worry, Aika. I will be back with your Dolly momentarily!"

Kneeling down, Arvid placed his hat atop Houdini and the bunny glanced up at it's master.

"Goodbye for now, may I return with what you seek!"

With that Arvid vanished and Houdini peeked out from the hat. The bunny then hopped away from Aika and knocking the hat off, Houdini leaped into the hat and vanished into a puff of smoke. From there three balls could have been seen shooting out of the hat giving the impression of them being juggled. Hopefully this would keep the guests entertained while Arvid tended to more important matters.

Reappearing outside of the tent, Arvid quickly glanced around for wherever Luso had gone. He couldn't see Sam anywhere but he couldn't worry about that now. He couldn't go back without that doll, that much was certain! "Come on, come on!" Arvid exclaimed in worry before spotting Luso and the doll. Grinning, Arvid quickly raced over to grasp Luso's hand.

"Haha! You've found the doll! I am so relieved! Thank you, Luso. I was so upset that I had ruined everybody's good time.." The magician explained before shaking his head from side to side. No, no time would be wasted bemoaning his own mistakes. They had to get back to the tent while they still had the doll! Twirling his wand while still having a gentle but firm grip on Luso, the two vanished and reappeared in the tent.

"I told you that you'd be reunited with your doll and so you have. But please keep your thanks to Luso. He is the one who found it after all!"

Now, where had Sam run off to?

@MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies

"Dammit..." he growls under his breath
"Alright, Sam...Come on out..."

he spins around, looking for the sack-headed child once again, but his eyes seemed to meet the empty entrance of the tent
Damn, Sam was going to sneak up on him again, wasn't he?!

Small beads of sweat formed on the teenage zombie's forehead, as panic began to set in, but he had to act like he was okay

He didn't want to look like an idiot in front of the Firebreather and Seras, did he?

So, he put on his bravest smile, and turned back, hoping Sam had already had his fill of fun from scaring the zombie for one day

Where had Sam wandered off to after all?

Why the little spirit had decided to take a trip in the Firebreather's tent. With his main purpose to look for Dolly of course but noticing that the rude zombie from before was in here? Sam couldn't help but want to have a little fun with him as well. Having latched onto the tent's walls, Sam crawled up and up until he could oversee the entire group. He made sure to not even let a giggle escape his lips. This had to be done in complete silence or else he ran the risk of letting the zombie in on his fun.

Positioning himself right above Ayumu, Sam dropped downwards. Seeking to land on Ayumu's shoulders, Sam began to tug at his hair, bop him on the head and all sorts of childish acts. All the while finally letting out his familiar series of giggles. His original quest-fueled by friendship was forgotten for now, having been put aside for mischievous antics.

The simple truth was that unless Ayumu took physical action and tried to stop the sack baby, the spirit would continue to plague him!



@Krieg @Ryu Keiko @CCC Kouhai @DapperDogman
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