Murder Tale VII: The Devil's Carnival

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"Yeah, that's a bit of an understatement, don't ya think?" Ayumu murmurs, glancing back at the boy as he begins to walk away. He made his way toward the Firebreather's tent, his clothes reverting to normal as he passes into the tent
"Damn pumkin kids, possessed dolls and robots..." he mutters as he looks about the tent slowly "If you think Aika will be alright with that Spike fella, you can tag along with me. I'm gonna see if I can't learn a couple tricks from this firebreather person" he shouts out to Seras, figuring he'd be better off with someone else. Being alone in this place didn't seem like a good idea
In truth, Ayumu figured this could be an effective way to not only make fighting Megalos easier, but also to help defend him against Sam, should the time come when they fought

@CCC Kouhai @Ryu Keiko @Krieg
Seras smiled and nodded at Ayumu, following along as she strapped her rifle, Harkonnen, to her shoulder and effortlessly carried the heavy weapon along toward the Firebreather's tent. "Sure, I think I shall tag along with you~!" she said. Her eyes reverted back to a blue colour as she moved along. "Do you think maybe he will actually teach us firebreathing?" she asked with a smile.

@CCC Kouhai @DapperDogman @Krieg
Seras smiled and nodded at Ayumu, following along as she strapped her rifle, Harkonnen, to her shoulder and effortlessly carried the heavy weapon along toward the Firebreather's tent. "Sure, I think I shall tag along with you~!" she said. Her eyes reverted back to a blue colour as she moved along. "Do you think maybe he will actually teach us firebreathing?" she asked with a smile.

@CCC Kouhai @DapperDogman @Krieg
"Maybe" he says with a small smile "I hope so, I always wanted to learn how...and now I can heal if I get it wrong, I don't see why I shouldn't at least try to learn" he stops himself, pausing "Oh yeah" he chuckles and rubs his neck "Regeneration doesn't stop me feeling pain entirely. That's why I held off on the firebreathing lessons" He could only imagine the pain of lighting his own insides on fire and burning from the inside out, while constantly repairing the damage. The thought alone was enough to make him gulp audibly

"So what about you? You ever wanted to take some lessons?" he murmurs, trying to keep everything casual. He adjusts Mystletainn slightly, tweaking a few screws, and checking his chain as he spoke to Seras

@Ryu Keiko


"Y'know, you have the dreamiest eyes from this angle..."

This poor sap has no idea, does he?

"What? That we're gonna win this fight by standing around doing jackshit until he gets bored and leaves?"


"So, Ken-- can I call you Ken?"

Wade broached, sidling deftly around the pixelated button and up to Rumble real smooth-like, slipping a hand around his shoulder. He leaned in, eyepieces narrowed, voice a sultry, drawn-out whisper.


"...Have you ever been ravished by an ugly guy outside a carnival before? And I'm not talkin' "smoking pot, experimenting-with-Ryu-in-college" ravished. I mean by a reaaaaaal man. No pixels here, baby... all ink."

While talking, he started subtly waving Takeru, Kuroko and Frisk away with his other hand without looking, urging them on into the carnival.

"Go on now, kiddies, fuck off. You've got golden tickets to collect! Me... let's just say I'm about to put the Willy in Wonka, if you catch my drift. Thaaaaaaat's right. Gogogogogogogo..."

He shooed them off.

"Oh, and if you see sexy whip lady again tell her she's free to join in! Just make sure she brings some plot progression with her, cuz there sure ain't none here."

@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Krieg @Jeremi @Crow @CCC Kouhai

"Oh, um... can you make Dolly like your Houdini? Like... like a bunny?"

Aika mumbled, having a little soft side for cute animals. She had a cute puppy back home, so maybe bunnies would be a nice change of pace with the cuteness.
This girl was just full of surprises wasn't she? First she didn't seem at all put off by Sam's 'trick.' Perhaps it was due to her young age? She thought all of what Sam had done was simply just magic rather than Sam being whatever he was, even Arvid wasn't quite sure in that regard. But even so strange request or not! He couldn't fail to brighten up the day of a guest in his tent! Stepping back, Arvid rolled up his sleeves and spread his feet apart as he held his wand up.

"I have to admit, Aika. You're the first person to ever make such a request! Most people are content with seeing Houdini transform! Not having me transform them! But I can tell that this dolly holds great significance to you! So it'd be a disservice to both whoever gave it to you and my honor in keeping you and your friends entertained if I were to turn you down! So, consider it done! Your dolly shall become as Houdini is! Hear that, partner? You'll be getting a friend!"

Sam was less than impressed. If the spell ended up turning Dolly into a pile of ash then Sam would have been just as entertained. Perhaps even more so! As magic could have been seen being gathered at the end of Arvid's wand, Sam quirked his head to the side in curiosity. That seemed like quite the amount of magic for what was a simple spell. At least to someone with Sam's age and experience. But then maybe it was the fact that he'd been created by witches that was making him skeptic. He'd just have to wait and see and hope that Dolly was destroyed in the crossfire.


"Warm a child's heart as a doll, let's turn up the heat as a bunny!"

Blasting Dolly with a beam of concentrated magic, Dolly would have vanished in a cloud of smoke just as Houdini did when he transformed. As the smoke faded away, there was no longer a doll in Aika's arms but the most adorable of bunnies. Pleased with what he had done, Arvid held up his arms and grinned.

"Ta-Da! Your request has been fulfilled! The magic should fade away in a few moments! But for now you have your very own personal bunny! Let me tell you that from experience, they're some of the most faithful and loyal companions that you can ever have!"

So, it had worked out. Perhaps Arvid truly did know what he was doing. Had the witches simply not used enough magic when creating Sam? Hmph, well it's not like it mattered! Aika still favored him as a friend over some stupid doll-turned-bunny!

@The Tactician @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies


"Y'know, you have the dreamiest eyes from this angle..."

This poor sap has no idea, does he?

"What? That we're gonna win this fight by standing around doing jackshit until he gets bored and leaves?"


"So, Ken-- can I call you Ken?"

Wade broached, sidling deftly around the pixelated button and up to Rumble real smooth-like, slipping a hand around his shoulder. He leaned in, eyepieces narrowed, voice a sultry, drawn-out whisper.


"...Have you ever been ravished by an ugly guy outside a carnival before? And I'm not talkin' "smoking pot, experimenting-with-Ryu-in-college" ravished. I mean by a reaaaaaal man. No pixels here, baby... all ink."

While talking, he started subtly waving Takeru, Kuroko and Frisk away with his other hand without looking, urging them on into the carnival.

"Go on now, kiddies, fuck off. You've got golden tickets to collect! Me... let's just say I'm about to put the Willy in Wonka, if you catch my drift. Thaaaaaaat's right. Gogogogogogogo..."

He shooed them off.

"Oh, and if you see sexy whip lady again tell her she's free to join in! Just make sure she brings some plot progression with her, cuz there sure ain't none here."

@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Krieg @Jeremi @Crow @CCC Kouhai

[BCOLOR=transparent]The button was his trigger. Not in a trigger-trigger way, it was what activated a battle sequence. Without pressing it, Rumble would stand still, infinitely looping his around eight frames, and his last line of dialogue never updating in its respective, out-of-physical-bounds dialogue box. Perhaps that was in some manner for the better. The merc's recent actions would have his honor severely insulted.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]In the video game from which he originated, the person he was about to fight couldn't move either before the button was pressed, so any opportunity to walk up to him while he was immobile was unusual. And, since being touched while waiting for a battle initiating wasn't intended, the programmers made him temporarily out of bounds and physically inopaque while so. For the time being, until the button was pressed, and the attribute saying whether a battle was going or not was turned to yes, Rumble was nothing but a half-naked, blond pixellated hologram.[/BCOLOR]
But the Freakshow tent would seem just too far away for the moment, for a man in a black suit and tie would suddenly block the entrance, staring down the group of rube-lookin' types with sharp eyes. A grumpy scowl was plastered on his face, his cat-like ears twitching occasionally as if on high alert.


"Hold on there, spunk," said the stout man, holding a hand out as if he was the bouncer for some prestigious club. "The entourage needs to take a pause, for we can't have just anyone wander into this very tent. It ain't called the Freakshow for nothin'. We got wonders beyond your wildest imaginations-- freaks and geeks from the deepest dregs of society, ready to knock your pants off and send your senses flying wildly out of control. This is the real deal. One look at what lies beyond this border between the sane and the insane will leave the faint of heart babbling at the harvest moon. Probably leave you running around the carnival in a compromising position, how awful."

The man cocked his head to the side slightly, eyes going wide as he continued to talk. He bared fanged teeth, and his hands balled into fists in turn.


"And if you up and have a heart attack in there, that's a potential needless lawsuit! You got that?!"

He let out a heavy breath, pausing long enough to let his words sink into the group. He seemingly relaxed as quickly as it had taken him to get amped up, reaching into his coat pocket to pull out a slick black pen. He twirled it between his fingers while he then delicately pulled out a manilla folder. He opened it up and held it out to Kuroko first, directing her attention the dotted line at the bottom of the open page. "Pen's on the house, you hear? Just sign on the dotted line and you're covered for any attraction of this fine carnival. No ifs, ands, or buts. Maybe I'll even toss in a free ticket on the house for this minor blip in what would otherwise be your fantastic day. We're in the business of fun, not boring legal drama. You understand, don't you?"

Inexplicably, if anyone were to try and read the page they were being asked to sign, they'd find themselves simply unable to concentrate on the text. It sure was a wonder among wonders.

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Crow
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A cat person? Takeru has seen some crazy Kaijin before, and he pales in comparison. What's on the inside, on the other hand, is another story for another day.

"I don't think I'm getting any heart attacks anytime soon," Takeru replies, looking at the other three present. Those three appeared to be living, breathing flesh and blood unlike him, which was what concerned him the most.

Tenkuuji Takeru has seen the monstrousity of the Ganma Empire and the effects of their dark pseudoutopia. Surely this feat is nothing.... was it?

Sign a contract? Surely this is suspicious. The very aura of this place compelled him. It was as if this very aura was hypnotic, or had a mind of its own

Maybe it was all those rules.

He simply waited in line for Kuroko to be all good with signing, before his turn would come. Maybe she had something to say. After all, there was a lot to say about this place.

@Jeremi @Verite @Atomyk @Kaykay
Kuroko was a bit surprised that more people joined her. Ugh that creepy clown guy, well he should probably feel right at home in a Freakshow tent.

Takeru didn't choose based on preference, but based on who went. Status quo is important to look out for when you're a Kamen Rider.

Kuroko and the creepy clown dude were going, so he thought it'd be a good idea to head to the Freakshow as well.

"I don't know if you'll like that kind of science, Shirai-san..."

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay

Taking out a yellow Eyecon and looking at it, he questions it, "I don't know if you're going to like this kind of science either, Edison."

And considering that there was no evidence that the incarnation of Thomas Alva Edison, whose soul lies dormant within the spherical object, was mutated into an albino patriotic electrical Leomon, the answer is probably a no.

Turning back, Takeru asks Deadpool, "you interested?"


"Can't say before I've seen it can I?" She replied with a casual shrug to Takeru.

But the Freakshow tent would seem just too far away for the moment, for a man in a black suit and tie would suddenly block the entrance, staring down the group of rube-lookin' types with sharp eyes. A grumpy scowl was plastered on his face, his cat-like ears twitching occasionally as if on high alert.


"Hold on there, spunk," said the stout man, holding a hand out as if he was the bouncer for some prestigious club. "The entourage needs to take a pause, for we can't have just anyone wander into this very tent. It ain't called the Freakshow for nothin'. We got wonders beyond your wildest imaginations-- freaks and geeks from the deepest dregs of society, ready to knock your pants off and send your senses flying wildly out of control. This is the real deal. One look at what lies beyond this border between the sane and the insane will leave the faint of heart babbling at the harvest moon. Probably leave you running around the carnival in a compromising position, how awful."

The man cocked his head to the side slightly, eyes going wide as he continued to talk. He bared fanged teeth, and his hands balling into fists in turn.


"And if you up and have a heart attack in there, that's a potential needles lawsuit! You got that?!"

He let out a heavy breath, pausing long enough to let his words sink into the group. He seemingly relaxed as quickly as it had taken him to get amped up, reaching into his coat pocket to pull out a slick black pen. He twirled it between his fingers while he then delicately pulled out a manilla folder. He opened it up and held it out to Kuroko first, directing her attention the dotted line at the bottom of the open page. "Pen's on the house, you hear? Just sign on the dotted line and you're covered for any attraction of this fine carnival. No ifs, ands, or buts. Maybe I'll even toss in a free ticket on the house for this minor blip in what would otherwise be your fantastic day. We're in the business of fun, not boring legal drama. You understand, don't you?"

Inexplicably, if anyone were to try and read the page they were being asked to sign, they'd find themselves simply unable to concentrate on the text. It sure was a wonder among wonders.

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Crow

Before they could be let in however they were stopped by some guy with cat ears. "A contract?" Kuroko would nab the contract from the mans hand and try to read it only to find it to be awfully blurry and overall just looking like a mess of letters. "Ugh of course."

She'd turn the contract and shove it right back into the man's stomach. "I'm not signing anything before I know what. Who knows maybe I'll be signed off into slavery!" Kuroko would only do that if it was for Sissy! No focus Kuroko. "So either you read it aloud to all of us its exact contents...or we get three tickets for the potential loss of pretty much everything."

Kuroko would smirk at the man, if they were writing away their soul then might as well get something that could help them in this damn place. "Does that sound fine, or do I have to take my business elsewhere? I'm sure the Illusionist would appreciate more people to go and see his show." If nothing else she could just teleport past the guy...but she didn't want to end up in any necessary trouble.

@Verite @Kaykay @Crow @Atomyk
The man in the suit took this in stride, as if this was the expected course of the conversation for him. He retracted his hand holding the pen for the moment and offered the group a smile-- the first from him so far. "Listen here, spunk. I'm Carney-from-carney, do you know what that means? I've got a heritage to uphold here. I, Leonard, was sired from a carney, born and bred. I walk the walk and I talk the Talk. You get that, yeah?" The man, evidently named Leonard, gave a small shrug at this. The sound of children's laughter could be heard over the din of the carnival. "See, I'll level with you, as you seem to know your stuff. You got your rubes. The regular folk. The guys and gals who waltz into your establishment looking for some fun. Again, keep in mind--"


"We sell fun."

Leonard lifted a hand, pointing his thumb back behind toward the entrance of the tent. "Those folks don't come 'round the Freakshow much, 'cause they know what they're in for. But, no big deal, we deal in fun and so they get their fun, no problems there. But, yeah, let's be real, we're still running a business. You got your rubes, but you also got your marks, you hear me? You know the types-- suckers. The most naive of us all. Prop a pretty gal in front of half of them and they're already eating out of the palm of your hand. But, you... You're not a mark, are you? You're a savvy type, and so that's why I'm telling you all this. I couldn't imagine putting just any old prop in front of you and expecting something out of it."

Leonard's demeanour had shifted dramatically since he'd first arrived and he was now looking at the group before him as if they were his good pals. His ears twitched, still seemingly on alert. His voice took on a cool and casual tone as he continued, "So I know I couldn't pull one over your eyes, no way. I'm being straight with you here - as straight as an arrow, I assure you - so when I tell you this contract just keeps you from suing the pants off myself and my fellow carney friends, I promise you it's the truth. We run a business, spunk, so these things are important. If you think you're up for the Freakshow, you gotta prove it to me."

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Crow
The man in the suit took this in stride, as if this was the expected course of the conversation for him. He retracted his hand holding the pen for the moment and offered the group a smile-- the first from him so far. "Listen here, spunk. I'm Carney-from-carney, do you know what that means? I've got a heritage to uphold here. I, Leonard, was sired from a carney, born and bred. I walk the walk and I talk the Talk. You get that, yeah?" The man, evidently named Leonard, gave a small shrug at this. The sound of children's laughter could be heard over the din of the carnival. "See, I'll level with you, as you seem to know your stuff. You got your rubes. The regular folk. The guys and gals who waltz into your establishment looking for some fun. Again, keep in mind--"


"We sell fun."

Leonard lifted a hand, pointing his thumb back behind toward the entrance of the tent. "Those folks don't come 'round the Freakshow much, 'cause they know what they're in for. But, no big deal, we deal in fun and so they get their fun, no problems there. But, yeah, let's be real, we're still running a business. You got your rubes, but you also got your marks, you hear me? You know the types-- suckers. The most naive of us all. Prop a pretty gal in front of half of them and they're already eating out of the palm of your hand. But, you... You're not a mark, are you? You're a savvy type, and so that's why I'm telling you all this. I couldn't imagine putting just any old prop in front of you and expecting something out of it."

Leonard's demeanour had shifted dramatically since he'd first arrived and he was now looking at the group before him as if they were his good pals. His ears twitched, still seemingly on alert. His voice took on a cool and casual tone as he continued, "So I know I couldn't pull one over your eyes, no way. I'm being straight with you here - as straight as an arrow, I assure you - so when I tell you this contract just keeps you from suing the pants off myself and my fellow carney friends, I promise you it's the truth. We run a business, spunk, so these things are important. If you think you're up for the Freakshow, you gotta prove it to me."

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Crow

She knew that Leonard was trying to butter her up. And she bet that he knew that she knew that he was trying to butter her up. "Like I said...maybe if I get two tickets a contract like this wouldn't be a such a hard sell."

The price had been lowered on her end too. He was right Kuroko was no sucker, but the curiosity what was inside that tent was getting the better of her. She smiled an innocent smile at the cat man called Leonard. "From one savvy person to another. It's a win win for both of us!"

@Verite @Kaykay @Crow @Atomyk
Leonard crossed his arms, his face hardening at the counteroffer.



"Let's make it two, then."

He once again offered the pen to Kuroko. "Will the others with you be following your lead?"

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Crow
Leonard crossed his arms, his face hardening at the counteroffer.



"Let's make it two, then."

He once again offered the pen to Kuroko. "Will the others with you be following your lead?"

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Crow

"I'm not the boss of them." Kuroko replied, grabbing the pen to sign Leonard's contract. "But like you said...if they want to see the Freakshow they better do it, right?"

@Atomyk @Verite @Kaykay @Crow


"Y'know, you have the dreamiest eyes from this angle..."

This poor sap has no idea, does he?

"What? That we're gonna win this fight by standing around doing jackshit until he gets bored and leaves?"


"So, Ken-- can I call you Ken?"

Wade broached, sidling deftly around the pixelated button and up to Rumble real smooth-like, slipping a hand around his shoulder. He leaned in, eyepieces narrowed, voice a sultry, drawn-out whisper.


"...Have you ever been ravished by an ugly guy outside a carnival before? And I'm not talkin' "smoking pot, experimenting-with-Ryu-in-college" ravished. I mean by a reaaaaaal man. No pixels here, baby... all ink."

While talking, he started subtly waving Takeru, Kuroko and Frisk away with his other hand without looking, urging them on into the carnival.

"Go on now, kiddies, fuck off. You've got golden tickets to collect! Me... let's just say I'm about to put the Willy in Wonka, if you catch my drift. Thaaaaaaat's right. Gogogogogogogo..."

He shooed them off.

"Oh, and if you see sexy whip lady again tell her she's free to join in! Just make sure she brings some plot progression with her, cuz there sure ain't none here."

@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Krieg @Jeremi @Crow @CCC Kouhai
[BCOLOR=transparent]The button was his trigger. Not in a trigger-trigger way, it was what activated a battle sequence. Without pressing it, Rumble would stand still, infinitely looping his around eight frames, and his last line of dialogue never updating in its respective, out-of-physical-bounds dialogue box. Perhaps that was in some manner for the better. The merc's recent actions would have his honor severely insulted.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]In the video game from which he originated, the person he was about to fight couldn't move either before the button was pressed, so any opportunity to walk up to him while he was immobile was unusual. And, since being touched while waiting for a battle initiating wasn't intended, the programmers made him temporarily out of bounds and physically inopaque while so. For the time being, until the button was pressed, and the attribute saying whether a battle was going or not was turned to yes, Rumble was nothing but a half-naked, blond pixellated hologram.[/BCOLOR]
"..." Her brow raised, mouth opening slightly as she just stared. Really? Really?? REALLY???

Bazett took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of her nose. "It is good I lingered behind after all." She murmured to herself. This Deadpool definitely needed to be reined in. The Enforcer raised her head back up, fixing a hardened glare on the red-clad Merc with a mouth...before blazing forward with a burst of magic, hurtling through the air towards him. At that last second, she stomped down hard right in front of him, fist moving in for a punch right to his gut.


"That's more than enough of your filthy talk." She stated matter of factly. A quick turn of her head to face the static Rumble, locked in place for the moment. "And you. If you absolutely need to fight, I will gladly oblige. Then once I am finished, perhaps we all can get on with what we actually need to do, hmm? We are all adults here after all, are we not?"

She gave the start button a side-eyed glance, raising her fist in front of it and giving the button a light backhanded tap without a word.

@OrlandoBloomers @IntrusivePenDesperateSword
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Leonard crossed his arms, his face hardening at the counteroffer.



"Let's make it two, then."

He once again offered the pen to Kuroko. "Will the others with you be following your lead?"

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Crow


Our ghostly Kamen Rider smiles at the... supposed confirmation. You just couldn't see it. Because he's in his ectoplasmic, hollow suit made from nothing but his own soul.

"I would, Mister," Takeru speaks up, ready to sign the contract. Takeru had little to comment on, seeing that Kuroko had covered the neccesities.

He looks back at the other two - the clown man and the esper guy. They seemed to blend in better than he did.

"Thank you, mister," he thanks Leonard as he bowed and prepared to proceed into the tent.

@Verite @Jeremi @Kaykay
Luso couldn't help but snort at the movie comment, "Don't they also always have that one old man warning the campers not to go into the woods or the old house?" Somehow, the teen had a feeling that the two of them were going to get along. It wasn't the oddest thing given his natural charm and aptitude for making friends, and the movie discussion simply helped them out.

"Ugh, don't remind of Loyal's breakdown. That guy's crap was unbelievable," His nose scrunched up in annoyance before shaking his head, "Anyways, nice to meet ya, Mike, and yeah, we'll be fine."
This girl was just full of surprises wasn't she? First she didn't seem at all put off by Sam's 'trick.' Perhaps it was due to her young age? She thought all of what Sam had done was simply just magic rather than Sam being whatever he was, even Arvid wasn't quite sure in that regard. But even so strange request or not! He couldn't fail to brighten up the day of a guest in his tent! Stepping back, Arvid rolled up his sleeves and spread his feet apart as he held his wand up.

"I have to admit, Aika. You're the first person to ever make such a request! Most people are content with seeing Houdini transform! Not having me transform them! But I can tell that this dolly holds great significance to you! So it'd be a disservice to both whoever gave it to you and my honor in keeping you and your friends entertained if I were to turn you down! So, consider it done! Your dolly shall become as Houdini is! Hear that, partner? You'll be getting a friend!"

Sam was less than impressed. If the spell ended up turning Dolly into a pile of ash then Sam would have been just as entertained. Perhaps even more so! As magic could have been seen being gathered at the end of Arvid's wand, Sam quirked his head to the side in curiosity. That seemed like quite the amount of magic for what was a simple spell. At least to someone with Sam's age and experience. But then maybe it was the fact that he'd been created by witches that was making him skeptic. He'd just have to wait and see and hope that Dolly was destroyed in the crossfire.


"Warm a child's heart as a doll, let's turn up the heat as a bunny!"

Blasting Dolly with a beam of concentrated magic, Dolly would have vanished in a cloud of smoke just as Houdini did when he transformed. As the smoke faded away, there was no longer a doll in Aika's arms but the most adorable of bunnies. Pleased with what he had done, Arvid held up his arms and grinned.

"Ta-Da! Your request has been fulfilled! The magic should fade away in a few moments! But for now you have your very own personal bunny! Let me tell you that from experience, they're some of the most faithful and loyal companions that you can ever have!"

So, it had worked out. Perhaps Arvid truly did know what he was doing. Had the witches simply not used enough magic when creating Sam? Hmph, well it's not like it mattered! Aika still favored him as a friend over some stupid doll-turned-bunny!

@The Tactician @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies

"So this is how I ended up, the old grumpy man who tells kids not to go inside the woods. I gotta say, I'm surprised. Never thought I had it in me, but I finally got to this point in life". Mike smiled and went back to watching the show. The demonstration of magic by Sam made Mike a little bit uncomfortable. "Relax, it's just part of the show", he told himself. So far, Arvid wasn't behaving like the guy who had welcomed all of them. As a matter of fact, Arvid had showed no threats so far. He looked like a good guy working on a shitty job. Mike was fine with all this. The trick of turning Aika's doll in a rabbit was pretty well done. "Heh, this guy is actually a pretty good magician", he said to Luso. "Hey, Arvid the Illusionist, how about you give me some hair?"

@The Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
"So this is how I ended up, the old grumpy man who tells kids not to go inside the woods. I gotta say, I'm surprised. Never thought I had it in me, but I finally got to this point in life". Mike smiled and went back to watching the show. The demonstration of magic by Sam made Mike a little bit uncomfortable. "Relax, it's just part of the show", he told himself. So far, Arvid wasn't behaving like the guy who had welcomed all of them. As a matter of fact, Arvid had showed no threats so far. He looked like a good guy working on a shitty job. Mike was fine with all this. The trick of turning Aika's doll in a rabbit was pretty well done. "Heh, this guy is actually a pretty good magician", he said to Luso. "Hey, Arvid the Illusionist, how about you give me some hair?"

@The Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
"Getting tired of Rogaine not working and people pulling off your toupee, Mike?" Luso snorted as he continued to grin at the show Arvid was putting on. His hand moved over to the newly-transformed Dolly, wishing to give the rabbit a pat on the head.

@T.O.M. @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @MrSandman
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  • Nice Execution!
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"Uhh... sure." Daisuke said, sitting on the mat.

No telling what might come next.

@shitpost aye @The Silver Paladin @Gwazi Magnum @fortune teller​
Have you ever heard of the Three Card Monte? Otherwise known in certain circles as the Shell Game. It was simple enough. You showed the marble beneath one of three shells and shuffled them around. Some used sleight of hand to move it. Others used magnets or lesser ways to put em away. All of which Fate merely smiled at as he did so. There was a surefire way to move the marble wherever you wanted, but it required putting the audience and the mark into a state of false security.

Let the Shell Game begin.

Twisted Fate would have gone to the Fortune Teller, hanging out by the entrance with a smirk on his face.​

He didn't believe in fortune telling. Considering his lifestyle, this was little surprise.

But he did have a plan and it would start here as he stepped inside with a drawl.

"Well ma'am, I got one out of three there. And hello to the rest of you."

@The Silver Paladin @Bomb @Gwazi Senpai @Hospes
Ashe nodded when the woman said her name. "This place is very nice. It reminds me somewhat of my home city." She said. "And thank you, Miss Velvetine. I would like some tea."

@Bomb @Gwazi Magnum @Ringmaster @Fortune Teller
@Hospes @Fortune Teller Folks


Cat glanced at Iggy... Despite his almost hostile nature, which she suspected was related to her name... She felt almost inclined to pet him, thankfully things never reached that point, as they were ushered onto an area full of tents, looked like they had a few choices to make... There were many interesting placed to go... Just like in that house... All over again... But, what intrigued her most was the fortune teller's tent, and so, without much further thought, she headed over, quietly... She barely even entered, and sort of peeked in carefully, to see how many others had congregated here...​

A small nod was given in Ashe and Daisuke's direction as some form of confirmation, though she didn't seem to be too concerned whether any of them sat down or not. "Isn't it? Of course, that isn't quite the case all of the time," she mused, her words as cryptic as she was mysterious. Though it was quite obvious she had no intentions to elaborate - not even as she began pouring a few cups of tea with surprising grace and precision. As she did so, without so much as looking up, she spoke to Cat. "Now, now. Don't be shy. Why don't you come in, my feline-named friend?"

Still hardly so much as giving Cat or Twisted Fate a glance, the fortune teller finally finished filling the cups on her tray(though, oddly, there were a few set aside that she didn't fill just yet). Tentatively setting the antique teapot aside, the woman carefully picked up the tray holding the tea cups, gently setting them on the floor near where the mats laid. "That should be plenty for all of you. Treat yourselves if that's as you wish." That was probably more of a request than an offer. After all, it was rude to neglect something offered to you by your hostess. Surely that was basic manners.

Finally looking in the direction of Fate and Cat after righting herself and clasping her hands together neatly, the woman that called herself Velvetine offered an almost knowing smile, brushing off Fate's formalities. "No need for formalities, I assure you - for in any relationship, when attachment dies, formalities are born and when formalities are born, nothing remains." With those words, the female glanced around the group, as though waiting for something. Perhaps she expected someone in the group to actually recognize whom she was speaking the words of.

@Ringmaster @york @The Silver Paladin @Gwazi Magnum @Bomb @Fortune Teller's​
This girl was just full of surprises wasn't she? First she didn't seem at all put off by Sam's 'trick.' Perhaps it was due to her young age? She thought all of what Sam had done was simply just magic rather than Sam being whatever he was, even Arvid wasn't quite sure in that regard. But even so strange request or not! He couldn't fail to brighten up the day of a guest in his tent! Stepping back, Arvid rolled up his sleeves and spread his feet apart as he held his wand up.

"I have to admit, Aika. You're the first person to ever make such a request! Most people are content with seeing Houdini transform! Not having me transform them! But I can tell that this dolly holds great significance to you! So it'd be a disservice to both whoever gave it to you and my honor in keeping you and your friends entertained if I were to turn you down! So, consider it done! Your dolly shall become as Houdini is! Hear that, partner? You'll be getting a friend!"

Sam was less than impressed. If the spell ended up turning Dolly into a pile of ash then Sam would have been just as entertained. Perhaps even more so! As magic could have been seen being gathered at the end of Arvid's wand, Sam quirked his head to the side in curiosity. That seemed like quite the amount of magic for what was a simple spell. At least to someone with Sam's age and experience. But then maybe it was the fact that he'd been created by witches that was making him skeptic. He'd just have to wait and see and hope that Dolly was destroyed in the crossfire.


"Warm a child's heart as a doll, let's turn up the heat as a bunny!"

Blasting Dolly with a beam of concentrated magic, Dolly would have vanished in a cloud of smoke just as Houdini did when he transformed. As the smoke faded away, there was no longer a doll in Aika's arms but the most adorable of bunnies. Pleased with what he had done, Arvid held up his arms and grinned.

"Ta-Da! Your request has been fulfilled! The magic should fade away in a few moments! But for now you have your very own personal bunny! Let me tell you that from experience, they're some of the most faithful and loyal companions that you can ever have!"

So, it had worked out. Perhaps Arvid truly did know what he was doing. Had the witches simply not used enough magic when creating Sam? Hmph, well it's not like it mattered! Aika still favored him as a friend over some stupid doll-turned-bunny!

@The Tactician @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies
"So this is how I ended up, the old grumpy man who tells kids not to go inside the woods. I gotta say, I'm surprised. Never thought I had it in me, but I finally got to this point in life". Mike smiled and went back to watching the show. The demonstration of magic by Sam made Mike a little bit uncomfortable. "Relax, it's just part of the show", he told himself. So far, Arvid wasn't behaving like the guy who had welcomed all of them. As a matter of fact, Arvid had showed no threats so far. He looked like a good guy working on a shitty job. Mike was fine with all this. The trick of turning Aika's doll in a rabbit was pretty well done. "Heh, this guy is actually a pretty good magician", he said to Luso. "Hey, Arvid the Illusionist, how about you give me some hair?"

@The Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
"Getting tired of Rogaine not working and people pulling off your toupee, Mike?" Luso snorted as he continued to grin at the show Arvid was putting on. His hand moved over to the newly-transformed Dolly, wishing to give the rabbit a pat on the head.

@T.O.M. @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @MrSandman

"Awwwww, you're so cute as a bunny, Dolly!"

Aika squealed as she held her transformed Dolly, which was giving off the cute bunny noises that Houdini would make too. Since Dolly had that special red jacket on before the transformation, the bunny seemed much more adorable with the red coat draped over it. Looking over at Arvid, Aika smiled, as if she were having lots of enjoyment out of this so far.

"That was amazing, Mister Arvid! Thank you very much for this~"

While Aika was quite the excitable girl as of now, the rabbit that her Dolly was didn't seem to like all of the attention. Almost right out of her carrying arms, the rabbit leapt out of Aika's arms, scampering away.


"D-Dolly! C... come back!"

Aika tried to go after her Dolly, but since it was now a rabbit, it happened to scamper away and out of sight. A tinge of worry happened to be on Aika's face, not because she just lost her Dolly.

"Guys... um... Dolly was holding my only ticket.. and.. and I think Dolly didn't like all of the attention she was getting... I... I don't want to look for Dolly by myself..."

@T.O.M. @The Tactician @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Leonard crossed his arms, his face hardening at the counteroffer.



"Let's make it two, then."

He once again offered the pen to Kuroko. "Will the others with you be following your lead?"

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Crow
Amused, Kyousuke had watched the little girl bargain with the guy with some funny looking ears on his head.


"Don't mind if I do," he laughed, taking the pen after Kuroko. Quickly glancing over the contract, he signed it and passed on the pen to whoever else needed it.

"So, can we see what's in your little tent, now?"

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Verite @Crow

"Awwwww, you're so cute as a bunny, Dolly!"

Aika squealed as she held her transformed Dolly, which was giving off the cute bunny noises that Houdini would make too. Since Dolly had that special red jacket on before the transformation, the bunny seemed much more adorable with the red coat draped over it. Looking over at Arvid, Aika smiled, as if she were having lots of enjoyment out of this so far.

"That was amazing, Mister Arvid! Thank you very much for this~"

While Aika was quite the excitable girl as of now, the rabbit that her Dolly was didn't seem to like all of the attention. Almost right out of her carrying arms, the rabbit leapt out of Aika's arms, scampering away.


"D-Dolly! C... come back!"

Aika tried to go after her Dolly, but since it was now a rabbit, it happened to scamper away and out of sight. A tinge of worry happened to be on Aika's face, not because she just lost her Dolly.

"Guys... um... Dolly was holding my only ticket.. and.. and I think Dolly didn't like all of the attention she was getting... I... I don't want to look for Dolly by myself..."

@T.O.M. @The Tactician @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"Uh... That's bad, isn't it?" Luso looked between the entire group in confusion before he remembered the very specific rule about not having a ticket, "C-Crap, that's really bad! Mike, keep an eye on Aika for me!" It looked like he could be thankful for once that he was lacking in the heavy armor of his jobs in Ivalice, as he shot off sprinting after Dolly the rabbit.

@T.O.M. @Gummi Bunnies @MrSandman @CrunchyCHEEZIT
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