Murder Tale II: Eden and the Forgotten People

  • Thread starter TheColourlessRainbow
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(Since I was at work i missed details, so if I remember right they're all talking to the AI again. if not, let me know and I will edit, as the following will make no cohesive sense otherwise.)

Fire Smiles at Reids comments happily, pleased to have him as a friend and an ally, as well as pleased that everyone seems intent on beating the Reapers. "Tell me, Whoever you are, WHY do you feel harvesting and murdering all life is the best way foreward? Everything makes mistakes, Biological, Technological, sythetic, and even you. Tell me, Where would the harm be in letting a few worlds and a few universes go unharmed? we have lasted this long, We are all capable of independant thought. we learn, grow, and adapt. Tell me, If you were just to Reboot the multiverse, What benefit would their be? a few more soldiers in your empire? all of that learning, all of those experiences, those joys and those Sorrows, all would be gone. hell, Everyone here, save the Doctor and Bad Wolf came from a place where my race instils fear and anger. Tell me then, How I am still alive in these circumstances, with no one having even attempted to take my life. No one here, save maybe you, has been able to put their own paradigms aside and actually get to know one another. well, Except for Ike, Reddington, and You.

Tell me, Why is destroying all of creation to begin anew the perfect answer."

Fire looks to the Doctor, Yvaine, And Reid, and then back to Reaper AI.

@A Wild Sav @Emperor of Gallifrey @Nate Dawg @TheColourlessRainbow
(Since I was at work i missed details, so if I remember right they're all talking to the AI again. if not, let me know and I will edit, as the following will make no cohesive sense otherwise.)

Fire Smiles at Reids comments happily, pleased to have him as a friend and an ally, as well as pleased that everyone seems intent on beating the Reapers. "Tell me, Whoever you are, WHY do you feel harvesting and murdering all life is the best way foreward? Everything makes mistakes, Biological, Technological, sythetic, and even you. Tell me, Where would the harm be in letting a few worlds and a few universes go unharmed? we have lasted this long, We are all capable of independant thought. we learn, grow, and adapt. Tell me, If you were just to Reboot the multiverse, What benefit would their be? a few more soldiers in your empire? all of that learning, all of those experiences, those joys and those Sorrows, all would be gone. hell, Everyone here, save the Doctor and Bad Wolf came from a place where my race instils fear and anger. Tell me then, How I am still alive in these circumstances, with no one having even attempted to take my life. No one here, save maybe you, has been able to put their own paradigms aside and actually get to know one another. well, Except for Ike, Reddington, and You.

Tell me, Why is destroying all of creation to begin anew the perfect answer."

Fire looks to the Doctor, Yvaine, And Reid, and then back to Reaper AI.

@A Wild Sav @Emperor of Gallifrey @Nate Dawg @TheColourlessRainbow
The AI tilted its head,

"The cycle must continue. There is no alternative" said the AI to Fire, its body flickering from blue then back to red.
Looking to Reid, Fire sighs, handing him a scale. "I won't ask you to join me, but for better or for worse I am with the star. Yvaine, you have my support. theres nothing for me back home, so if my staying away brings about its continued existance, then there really is no choice for me. I havebmore friends now then I did at the beginning, even with Yum Yum gone." He walks up to Yvaine and bows deeply, Seeming to be accepting her as his commander as well as friend. Reid, Nana, Yvaine, Thank you all. but my story isn't yet over." he looks back to Yvaine. "What do you need of me, Ma'am?"

@Mari @Nate Dawg @A Wild Sav @TheColourlessRainbow

The Doctor clenched his fist at the AI's answer. He never felt so betrayed in his life, but what was he to expect fro his own people? They were as stuck up, ignorant, and selfish as they could get. If the others thought they expereniced his fury when he lashed out at Ike, then they were in for a very unpleasant surprise.

Taking calm, deep breaths, the Doctor looked the AI in the "eyes", it was as if he was staring into every single Reapers' soul. "I've defeated monsters much worse than you." He stated in calm, cold, emotionless tone, "So, I am going to ask once and one time only. Where is he?"

Reid just stands there, unsure what to do next. He could stay here, in safety and watch in utter horror as everyone he knew is murdered by the reapers. Or he could join Yvaine and Fire and try and stop the evil. For the first time in his life, Reid was unsure what to do next. Then it came to him

Fight back

What did he have to lose, his friends from the BAU were in danger, he could at least make an attempt to stop that from happening. He walked over to Yvaine and Fire.

"I can't just abandon Fire, someone who stuck with me throughout this entire ordeal, wouldn't be right, count me in on whatever it is you're planning." He said.
@TheColourlessRainbow @Emperor of Gallifrey

Red stepped closer, listening. And at the lack of cooperation, Red attempted using Switch() on the AI. Should it work, it would become their ally for a minute.
Epilogue Part Two: Never Stop Shining

At Red and the AI's response, Yvaine only sighed heavily. "There has to still be some sort of way.." she mused, softly. She refused to believe otherwise, and it showed quite clearly, as the determination still shone bright in her eyes. Before she could continue, the Doctor approached as well, pitching in and throwing out some questions of his own.

Glad to see another person wanting to help, a smile ghosted on her lips, though it was near invisible. It was nice to see she wasn't the only one determined to do, well, something to try to stop this apocalypse from occurring. And at that, the smile tugged slightly more at her lips when Fire and Spencer agreed to help, as well, and she temporarily turned her gaze to the two.

"Well, considering trouble seems to follow me like a shadow, I hope you know what you're likely getting into," she mused to the males, offering a weak smile. "I'm glad that's so, and that you trust me despite our brief period of knowing each other," she said, thoughtfully, before her attention was grabbed by the Doctor. The man had been so composed and steady, but now that seemed gone.

She was surprised, but at the same time, not. That determination, passion, burning in her eyes.. It was all too familiar. This wasn't anger; this was a need. A need to defend what he cared about; to do what was righteous and just. That was what she saw.. And she admired it. At the AI's response, she tilted her head, looking to Ten. "...Is that not you?" she inquired, softly, voice quiet. Realization seemed to spark in her eyes, and she looked between the others in their small group, pale eyes wide.

"If this other... 'time lord'... Is seeking you out.. We've either a threat or an ally on our hands. 'Prepare for the worst and hope for the best' could apply." She seemed to be disregarding the AI at this point; it wouldn't listen. It was a waste trying to get it to. "...In any case, I will fight alongside you all to stop this. Maybe we can't stop it, but if this purge is truly occurring.. It's better to go down fighting gallantly than sitting and watching what we love go up in flame."

@Nate Dawg @Emperor of Gallifrey @FireDrake150 @TheColourlessRainbow @Yiyel @Anyone in their vicinity​
Thats what you think. But this cycle will NOT continue." his voice seems to have gone from a diplomatic tone into one of a stern, yet strong, determined one, and he looks to the Doctor and thr North Star. "Are you Two with me?" He smiles at Reid again, whispering. "You don't have to tag along with me you know. Sure I stood by you, but you actually have friends and probably a family back home. I wouldn't be a halfway decent friend if I took you away from that." glancing from the three of them, to the AI, Fire looks at Bad Wolf, Wondering if she is with him as well, and then to R2. would they were all willing, theyd be a party of 6, and that would be incredible from a game meant to turn one against another. Glancing to Yvaine as she speaks, he smiles, nodding. "Trust me. I lost my family, my friends, and my home. I'm not about to lose my planet too, To hell what the AI or the reapers think."
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Rose Epilogue
"A Flower to End and A Song to Begin" Part 2

After a few more minutes of thinking, Rose finally decided on one thing for certain, and she wasn't going to go back on her choice. Walking over to the strange girl, she knew it was time to announce her choice, there was no more going back now.

"Alright, I've made my decision Accord," the Intoner begins to say, sounding unsure at first but was confident with her choice. On the other hand, Accord perked up to hear that she had decided by now, excited to hear it.

"Oh! It's time already! That was quick, compared to what I have seen you do before the singularity split. Anyways, what do you settle on? I need to know right away so I can arrange it all pronto," Accord happens to be very enthusiastic about the whole matter. Even this kind of behavior was enough to gain a slightly raised eyebrow from the Intoner.

"... bring me to that timeline you talked about," Rose's response came off to be blunt, but it was clear on what she wanted the strange girl to do in the first place. Though, it also sounded as if Rose knew that she was going to abandon all of the new things that she's grown close to here...

"Well, that's your choice, so I'm not going to change anything or go back on my word," Accord clapped her hands together before turning around and pulling out a telephone, dialing in certain numbers. While Rose had no idea on what that was, it was more than just a simple phone.

"Once everything is set... it should be instantaneous. This way, you'll get the life you always longed f-GYACK!!!"


Before she would even realize it, Accord found herself stabbed from the back...Rose's blade fatally impaling her. No blood was poured, but she was indeed giving off a black mist from her body. She couldn't move, for it would cause more pain on her end... but she weakly turned her head slightly to face the Intoner that stood behind her.


"Just kidding, I'm not that interested in your offer. No hard feelings... right... fake Accord?" Rose smirked, not caring if she had just harmed someone in front of the others,"I've met the real Accord before, and she wouldn't really help me as much as you would for me right now. Oh, that's right, your offer is only a way to accelerate the Flower's corruption over me. Last time I recalled, my "sisters" were only products of the Flower, and you said you observed me because I was "special." By the way you haven't poured any blood yet and that a black mist is coming from you, you're just some manifestation of the Flower putting false hope into me. I'm not that much of a fucking idiot, alright?" These words were quite far-fetched, but were true. Rose never gave a goddamn about her "sisters," or the world in general. She just felt like doing a favor for her messed up world by trying to get rid of the flower, but what Accord offered to her sounded too good to be true. This left Accord in a loss for words, not sure how to respond to this violent Intoner.

"Besides, I'm quite content on sticking around with a certain someone. If you observed the whole thing, you should had seen me fall in love. That's right, I love X, and that's probably the only thing that's been true to me so far!" she then revealed that she was more settled with the choice to go with the blue bomber. Not letting the girl get any words to say from this, the Intoner pulled her sword straight out of her body, only to ruthlessly hack and slash at her, more of that mysterious black mist coming from her. Soon, she paused, raising her sword high above Accord's head as she was too weak by now to respond.

"Goodbye... liar." those were the last words that the girl would hear before Rose would abruptly end her life by lodging her sword right into her skull, leaving it there until Accord had fully collapsed to the ground, dead. Once it was clear that she was dead, she pulled her sword out of the skull, having the weapon disappear in a flash of pink light. Looking to her side, she realized that X had witnessed the entire thing... for all she knew, she had a feeling that her current display was like outright murder.

"... sorry you had to... see that," Rose scratched the back of her head nervously,"Though, I've made my choice, and it's going to be with you, okay?"

"I..." He blinked in a shocked expression at first, before calming down. From the context of her words, he could infer that this was some sort of soulless copy. From there, he steadily calmed down, assuming that it was some sort of puppet sent by someone from Rose's world or something of the sort. At this point, he was tired, and simply wished to return to his world with Rose. With a breath, calming down, X would look at her with a conflicted expression. "That was a bit... overkill, was it? But even so... why? You had the chance to go to a world where you could have been happy with all the people you cared for in the past, like that Mikhail, and your sisters, like that person mentioned. So why? Do I really... mean that much to you?"

@Gummi Bunnies
Robin blushed as well, though it was because of the kiss that Faith had pulled him into. It was wonderful feeling her soft lips on his, and as she pulled away, Robin had to force a begging meow that demanded more of her taste. Intoxicating... I hope this isn't just a stupid dream because it would break my heart. Shaking his head, he smirked at the joke about his new eyepatch, "Oh haha, make fun of the half-blind man who loves you without restraint. Though that joke does give me an idea..."

"Piracy, eh? A seaworthy vessel or even a small fleet... A nice way to make a living for myself... Plus I would hopefully have a beautiful, intelligent, loving you at my side..." Robin noted off more to himself than to Faith, though the Runner could certainly hear his muttering. With a final nod, he met her eyes with his one good eye, a spark of inspiration ignited within it, "That's what we'll do! We'll become pirates and sail the seas of this world, plundering people's booties to survive!"​
Faith Connors
@The Pimp Tactician
Faith looked flustered again upon hearing his compliments though hearing the idea of becoming Pirates and plundering "booties" she laughed, really laughed, but, soon enough, she calmed down, retaining a smile on her face "I'd love to! Though do me a favor and let me pick the target." she said with a chuckle, it shouldn't be too hard to find some scoundrel of the seas sailing around with a hold full of treasure... Though she'd have to adapt her parkour skills to compensate for the different environment she'd have to live in from now on, something she wouldn't mind doing actually. "A brave new world awaits us... Clean and free, nothing monitoring us..." She murmured, staring into his eyes a little as she zoned out for a brief moment, it seemed she was practically living her dream more or less here. Staying with Robin definitely wasn't a bad choice, but, oh how she wished she could bring her sister, Kate, with her as well, but, seeing as she had adapted to the lifestyle of a runner rather well by now, she was confident she would be just fine. As she blinked a little, snapping out of her thoughts, she tilted her head a little "I'll teach you a few tricks of my own after we get settled." she said, figuring she'd stick to her word... She did indeed say she would do that sooner or later if they hadn't the time after she learned a bit about alchemy.​
@Mari @A Wild Sav @Nate Dawg @FireDrake150

In a few days, a Japanese singer, Nana Osaki, would make her way to a US Army installation in Tokyo, Japan (Hardy Barracks), to deliver a handwritten letter sent from Hoot.

United States Department of Defense
Department of the Army


SUBJECT: Follow-On Duty Assignment for SFC GIBSON, WILLIAM H.

1. Effective as of the receipt of this memorandum, SFC William H. Gibson submits formal transfer of duty station from Garmisch, Germany to deployed location hereby known as "Eden" in support of operations unnamed at this time.

2. Authority: Field conditions determined under observations at location Eden

3. Purpose: Circumstances brought to SFC Gibson's attention while on rotator from Somalia to Ramstein Air Base, justify the decision to transfer same to perform in joint military operations in Eden in protection of the United States, the United Nations, and the planet as a whole.

4. Period: Indefinite. Until return from duty.

5. Special Instructions:
a. Weapons, ammunition, and all other equipment issued to SFC Gibson shall be returned to the Department of the Army upon redeployment.
b. Forward SFC Gibson mail to unit DFC, or destination directed by Major General Garrison.
c. Status of public record of SFC Gibson shall be withheld until further notice.
d. Points of contact include a princess "Yvaine", Federal agent "Reid", and a dragon "Fire"

Sergeant First Class, United States Army​
Faith Connors
@The Pimp Tactician
Faith looked flustered again upon hearing his compliments though hearing the idea of becoming Pirates and plundering "booties" she laughed, really laughed, but, soon enough, she calmed down, retaining a smile on her face "I'd love to! Though do me a favor and let me pick the target." she said with a chuckle, it shouldn't be too hard to find some scoundrel of the seas sailing around with a hold full of treasure... Though she'd have to adapt her parkour skills to compensate for the different environment she'd have to live in from now on, something she wouldn't mind doing actually. "A brave new world awaits us... Clean and free, nothing monitoring us..." She murmured, staring into his eyes a little as she zoned out for a brief moment, it seemed she was practically living her dream more or less here. Staying with Robin definitely wasn't a bad choice, but, oh how she wished she could bring her sister, Kate, with her as well, but, seeing as she had adapted to the lifestyle of a runner rather well by now, she was confident she would be just fine. As she blinked a little, snapping out of her thoughts, she tilted her head a little "I'll teach you a few tricks of my own after we get settled." she said, figuring she'd stick to her word... She did indeed say she would do that sooner or later if they hadn't the time after she learned a bit about alchemy.​
"Don't worry, the seas offer the greatest freedom the world has to offer. Plus, you'll have me there to keep you safe from anyone trying to steal your freedom," Robin replied with a smile as he looked down at Faith, "And... I have feeling these tricks of yours are going to be very enjoyable to learn." They were going to happy in their new life together, Robin would ensure that truth for Faith one way or another. Giving her head a kiss, he looked around for the exit they would need to take to return to the rest of Eden, "Are you ready, Faith? Time is passing us by and we shouldn't waste much more of it."​
"I..." He blinked in a shocked expression at first, before calming down. From the context of her words, he could infer that this was some sort of soulless copy. From there, he steadily calmed down, assuming that it was some sort of puppet sent by someone from Rose's world or something of the sort. At this point, he was tired, and simply wished to return to his world with Rose. With a breath, calming down, X would look at her with a conflicted expression. "That was a bit... overkill, was it? But even so... why? You had the chance to go to a world where you could have been happy with all the people you cared for in the past, like that Mikhail, and your sisters, like that person mentioned. So why? Do I really... mean that much to you?"

@Gummi Bunnies
Rose Epilogue
"A Flower to End and A Song to Begin" Part 3

"... you're the only case where it's all genuine..." Rose answered, thinking her actions over. Sure, that Accord offered a chance of a lifetime to her... but she could tell it was all a fraud. She had done so much to the past, using Michael and Mikhail as her final weapon for the chance to kill herself in the end, her task of killing her sisters and herself... she rather not go back and have a "happy" life with said people when in truth, it would be some trick to finally have the flower mutate her completely.

"...I rather not see all of them again, my dragons deserve to rest in peace for the work I put them through... and my sisters aren't really my real sisters, just figments of the flower. ...I just want to start again, not as Zero the traitorous Intoner, but as Rose. I shall be the Rose that will bloom for you," she would admit this to him, the last part sounding a bit cheesy, but she wasn't really much to be a flirting type. That was more of Five's thing, not hers. Moving away from the past that had haunted her for majority of her life, she was willing to live again as Rose in X's world. Until the flower would eventually take over...

"C'mon, we got a world to get going to," the Intoner smiled, holding out her hand for him to take. She didn't care about the whole warning about the Reapers that the AI spoke about. She just wanted to enjoy what she had before then...

Noir Epilogue Part Two: A Pattern Forms

Noir's eyes flashed from under his hood, he stood among everyone, dead still, yet no-one would see him, he wasn't invisible, but they looked right through him all the same
He'd been there since the start, watching and waiting in silence, observing while the group faced their challenges
"What an unusual worlds seem to be a popular place for to take place..." his eyes settled on Robin, who'd been in the previous digital world too
He walked straight past him, the techtool in his hand snatching up a copy of the boy's coding, storing it on a flash drive, ready to be analyzed and edited when the time came
"I've got a nice little prize this time...a lot better than the junk those guys used as entry fees for that last was mostly worthless..." he mumbles before he seemed to phase away slowly into nothingness

"Be ready for the next game? But...this one just ended...another one so soon?" he mutters with a sigh, rolling his eyes "At this point I wonder how these overlords are still alive...won't their powers be used up if they keep puppeting people all the time?"

He sighed as he stared at the coding samples he'd gathered from all the players
"Fine...One more couldn't hurt"​
Rose Epilogue
"A Flower to End and A Song to Begin" Part 3

"... you're the only case where it's all genuine..." Rose answered, thinking her actions over. Sure, that Accord offered a chance of a lifetime to her... but she could tell it was all a fraud. She had done so much to the past, using Michael and Mikhail as her final weapon for the chance to kill herself in the end, her task of killing her sisters and herself... she rather not go back and have a "happy" life with said people when in truth, it would be some trick to finally have the flower mutate her completely.

"...I rather not see all of them again, my dragons deserve to rest in peace for the work I put them through... and my sisters aren't really my real sisters, just figments of the flower. ...I just want to start again, not as Zero the traitorous Intoner, but as Rose. I shall be the Rose that will bloom for you," she would admit this to him, the last part sounding a bit cheesy, but she wasn't really much to be a flirting type. That was more of Five's thing, not hers. Moving away from the past that had haunted her for majority of her life, she was willing to live again as Rose in X's world. Until the flower would eventually take over...

"C'mon, we got a world to get going to," the Intoner smiled, holding out her hand for him to take. She didn't care about the whole warning about the Reapers that the AI spoke about. She just wanted to enjoy what she had before then...

X and Zero: Epilogue - That's All for Today

"Yeah... we do," X nodded, taking her hand gently and beginning to walk to the portal. He had drifted in and out due to exhaustion, not quite registering the threat that these so-called Reapers seemed to pose. He had his own war and his own battles to worry about, and he had his own people to protect. This was a fight that was not his. So with that being said, it was time to go home.

"Jeez, what am I, chopped liver?" Zero would ask, popping up beside X and Rose, walking alongside them as well, "You weren't planning on leaving me behind just like that, were you? I handle all the important stuff while you go off on your own thing. Usually, it's supposed to be the other way around. Right, X?"

"I wouldn't necessarily put it like that, but yes, it does seem like a reversed version of... another incident from before," X would reply to his old friend, growing somewhat uncomfortable with him indirectly bringing up the Repliforce Incident. An incident in which Zero dared to reach out and love another one, and losing the table when said love would die. The blue Maverick Hunter became somewhat restless at the notion that he could lose Rose so easily, but shook his head briefly, as if to shake the thought away. He would not lose Rose.

If his memories, as blurry as they be, were to be trusted, he was named "X" in the first place because it was a variable. A variable that suggested limitless potential. Potential to reach limitless power. That being said, in this case, he didn't care about fulfilling his potential to become the strongest being known to man. He simply wanted to fulfill his potential to protect the ones that were close to him, like Rose and Zero, and achieve his dream of a world where no one would have to be sacrificed again.

As the three of them would walk to the portal, Zero would simply take a breath, smiling discreetly at the couple. As he would enter the portal and return home, he would reflect on his past, the girl he himself had once loved, and compare himself and her to X and Rose.

Iris... watch over them.

And with that, they were gone from this world.

@Gummi Bunnies
"Don't worry, the seas offer the greatest freedom the world has to offer. Plus, you'll have me there to keep you safe from anyone trying to steal your freedom," Robin replied with a smile as he looked down at Faith, "And... I have feeling these tricks of yours are going to be very enjoyable to learn." They were going to happy in their new life together, Robin would ensure that truth for Faith one way or another. Giving her head a kiss, he looked around for the exit they would need to take to return to the rest of Eden, "Are you ready, Faith? Time is passing us by and we shouldn't waste much more of it."​
Faith Connors
@The Pimp Tacticians​
Faith smiled, nodding a little "Ready when you are..." she said, starting to glance around as well... The portal shouldn't be too far from them, and, she doubted it would be very far from the portal leading out of here. She figured something like that was more or less self explanator really, and, indeed, soon enough, her eyes full upon their destination. Looking back towards Robin, she tilted her head a little "We better get moving." she said, giving him a smile before she started walking towards the portal, though she stopped, waiting for Robin before she stepped through.​
Faith Connors
@The Pimp Tacticians​
Faith smiled, nodding a little "Ready when you are..." she said, starting to glance around as well... The portal shouldn't be too far from them, and, she doubted it would be very far from the portal leading out of here. She figured something like that was more or less self explanator really, and, indeed, soon enough, her eyes full upon their destination. Looking back towards Robin, she tilted her head a little "We better get moving." she said, giving him a smile before she started walking towards the portal, though she stopped, waiting for Robin before she stepped through.​

Epilogue: Dead Men Tell No Tales, Part One (?)

"Then let's go," falling into step with his lover, Robin turned his eyes upon the new world. Take what is yours, Robin, and make a new life for yourself. With that thought, a small smile graced his lips as he took Faith's hand into his and began leading her into the portal, "The first steps on a new journey should be taken together," Not a moment after his comment, the duo disappeared together through the portal.

Some time later

Smoke filtered away from the ships' decks as the battle for material wealth endedmwith victory for the pirate vessel. Thankfully, the casualties had been light on both sides of the conflict, only a few wounded before the merchant marines surrendered. The offer to give them a portion of the cargo and to man their vessel under Robin's flag certainly helped convince them. The threat of a broadside from thirty-two cannons certainly forced them to concede.

As a few members of his crew hauled the majority of the captured cargo onto his flag ship, Robin watched with a keen eye for any kind of intolerable acts by either side. One needed to wait for the partition of the loot before one could take any for themselves, and the young captain made sure his sword was ready to cut down any who broke the law. Democracy amongst the crew may have been a key part during discussion of future plans, but the captain ruled all things immediately before, during, and after a battle.

Funny, even though I'm an outlaw these days, I still act as the law. An amused snort escaped him before he brought himself back under control. It wouldn't be proper for him to show emotions at the moment. He needed to be the firm leader of the vessel, the father of the crew. Would that make Faith the mother? No, she's too beautiful to give birth to children as ugly as some of these men.

As the last crates of gold, clothing, and weaponry were loaded onto his vessel, Robin decided it was time to find his lover wherever she was. A feeling of joy filled his soul as he thought of Faith, wanting nothing more than to hold her close and take in the bliss of her presence. That had been his only want when they had learned of the Reapers, and now, it still was. The Reapers were usually buried deep down into his mind, a non-factor in his view. Unless they came upon Eden and attacked, then Robin would not worry with them. After Grima and two Murder Games, I deserve my own life to prosper within.

((Doing this on a tablet, so York, be ready for a bit of time between your post and my next one.))
X and Zero: Epilogue - That's All for Today

"Yeah... we do," X nodded, taking her hand gently and beginning to walk to the portal. He had drifted in and out due to exhaustion, not quite registering the threat that these so-called Reapers seemed to pose. He had his own war and his own battles to worry about, and he had his own people to protect. This was a fight that was not his. So with that being said, it was time to go home.

"Jeez, what am I, chopped liver?" Zero would ask, popping up beside X and Rose, walking alongside them as well, "You weren't planning on leaving me behind just like that, were you? I handle all the important stuff while you go off on your own thing. Usually, it's supposed to be the other way around. Right, X?"

"I wouldn't necessarily put it like that, but yes, it does seem like a reversed version of... another incident from before," X would reply to his old friend, growing somewhat uncomfortable with him indirectly bringing up the Repliforce Incident. An incident in which Zero dared to reach out and love another one, and losing the table when said love would die. The blue Maverick Hunter became somewhat restless at the notion that he could lose Rose so easily, but shook his head briefly, as if to shake the thought away. He would not lose Rose.

If his memories, as blurry as they be, were to be trusted, he was named "X" in the first place because it was a variable. A variable that suggested limitless potential. Potential to reach limitless power. That being said, in this case, he didn't care about fulfilling his potential to become the strongest being known to man. He simply wanted to fulfill his potential to protect the ones that were close to him, like Rose and Zero, and achieve his dream of a world where no one would have to be sacrificed again.

As the three of them would walk to the portal, Zero would simply take a breath, smiling discreetly at the couple. As he would enter the portal and return home, he would reflect on his past, the girl he himself had once loved, and compare himself and her to X and Rose.

Iris... watch over them.

And with that, they were gone from this world.

@Gummi Bunnies
Rose Epilogue
"A Flower to End and A Song to Begin ~ The Miracle Branch"
Part Final

As the Intoner followed the two Maverick Hunters to the portal that would lead them all to their world, where they could finally settle down from this experience and move on... a lot of thoughts blurred throughout her mind. It wasn't a surprise to her... because soon she would also move on from the life that she knew for so long. The life that she wanted to end herself before she had become involved here.

Everything exposed
The song shall meet its doom
Becoming and killing the monster

Retracing her steps within her memories, Rose saw her earliest memory: her own mother abusing her... and then selling her off as a prostitute at the age of 12. That action alone led her to her terrible life that she had lived for a time that she couldn't remember how long...

All stolen away
The music as needles
As I'm reborn again, alone

In her childish years, she believed that she could trust a fellow girl that was also in the same situation as her... but then was betrayed and then infected with a disease that she couldn't cure. This led to Rose's infamous name in her homeworld as the unnamed killer.

With nothing I break away from death
Emerging from a crimson forest
Pregnant with the tainted children of dread
This pitiful memory is ripped away

As she was finally captured by authorities and left in a prison cell along with five others to rot, Rose witnessed those five girls die, one by one. It was going to be her next, and then... that flower appeared before her, growing out of stone. She wanted that flower so much to herself... and thus, that flower became a part of her and allowed her to live on. Being able to realize the dark intentions the flower had, Rose tried to kill herself, but the flower sensed her hostility towards it. To counter, the flower created five others, Intoners, to have the same power as her, based off of the five girls that died along with her in that same prison cell.

The black flower
Is the song
With just a day of repentance

Despite all of this, she had fought against the flower up to this day, along with her fellow dragons and Disciples, shedding the blood of her artificial sisters, and not allowing the Flower to take over during this Murder Game. What she was doing now, joining X and Zero to their world, was the repentance for all of the sins that she had committed throughout her strained life.

As this repeats
We go our separate ways
You shan't be forgiven, flower of song,
In the final moment

Thank you... everyone... she thought to herself with a smile on her face, ready to live this new life before her.

This was the death of Zero the traitorous Intoner, and the rebirth of Rose.


Much Later Within Eden

Whether or not people left to their worlds, stayed here, or did something else, the remains of the alleged fake Accord was left on the floor, the black mist still coming out of the body.


It turns out, what Rose initially thought of this to be a manifestation of the flower, this was only an android of Accord. The mist that they saw that obscured this discovery was only the smoke that came from the damages that ended this android's life. However, this wasn't the only thing that was left...

"... so the singularity, Zero, was that paranoid that the flower would get to her. I will keep that in mind when it comes to recording the other timelines."

Despite the fact that there was the lifeless Accord android on the ground, another Accord happened to be there, examining the damages made to her "other" self. It was unclear if this Accord that was alive was the real deal or another android.

"There's no use recording this further. Zero has already left for a world that I have no right to be in."

Glancing around the empty area around herself, Accord happened turn towards... the viewer/reader?

"Whoops, forgot to shut off the screen. Let's fix that in a sec."


Before anything else on the "screen" could happen, Accord simply makes the "screen" shut off. There was no way to tell on what was happening after this, but she still continued to speak.

"In this special branch, stemming from Branch C, Zero, the target singularity, participates in a peculiar event known as a Murder Game. After many twists and turns, Zero still lives to this day, in addition to falling in love with another and traveling to an unknown world that is unreachable from the Old World. She also regards to change her name from Zero to Rose. Due to the rare circumstances of this branch with the chance of this happening from 1 out of 2,943,482, this is classified as the only Miracle Branch that the singularity Zero has been involved in. In the case of the flower, I do know that it is still active with Zero as it's host, but I do not know if there are ways to suppress or destroy it in this unknown world she resides in now. Thus, I have no idea how this will affect the future, and I will continue my observations on her within another timeline."

The sound of a suitcase being closed could be heard, as well as a few footsteps before she concluded.

"M3250_E0970: End Recording."

Then everything fell to silence.

@Mari @A Wild Sav @Nate Dawg @FireDrake150

In a few days, a Japanese singer, Nana Osaki, would make her way to a US Army installation in Tokyo, Japan (Hardy Barracks), to deliver a handwritten letter sent from Hoot.

United States Department of Defense
Department of the Army


SUBJECT: Follow-On Duty Assignment for SFC GIBSON, WILLIAM H.

1. Effective as of the receipt of this memorandum, SFC William H. Gibson submits formal transfer of duty station from Garmisch, Germany to deployed location hereby known as "Eden" in support of operations unnamed at this time.

2. Authority: Field conditions determined under observations at location Eden

3. Purpose: Circumstances brought to SFC Gibson's attention while on rotator from Somalia to Ramstein Air Base, justify the decision to transfer same to perform in joint military operations in Eden in protection of the United States, the United Nations, and the planet as a whole.

4. Period: Indefinite. Until return from duty.

5. Special Instructions:
a. Weapons, ammunition, and all other equipment issued to SFC Gibson shall be returned to the Department of the Army upon redeployment.
b. Forward SFC Gibson mail to unit DFC, or destination directed by Major General Garrison.
c. Status of public record of SFC Gibson shall be withheld until further notice.
d. Points of contact include a princess "Yvaine", Federal agent "Reid", and a dragon "Fire"

Sergeant First Class, United States Army​

Place: Hardy Barracks, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Japan

Nana handed the letter for Hoot to the visitor's center soldier guards. "I was asked to deliver this to the Army, by the person who wrote the letter. Please forward to whoever should receive it. Thank you."


She walked out of the barracks visitor's center, and on to the streets of the Azabu district of Tokyo. She looked to the skies.


Yvaine. Fire. Agent Reid. R2D2. Hoot. She thought of all of them and wondered how they were. Were they successful in fighting whatever fight they had in mind? Nana had no such ability or desire to fight such a battle, she felt if she went along with them, she would be more of a burden than of assistance.

There is a reason singers don't tag along with warriors in battle, after all.

@A Wild Sav @Wedge Antilles @Nate Dawg @FireDrake150
Epilogue: Dead Men Tell No Tales, Part One (?)

"Then let's go," falling into step with his lover, Robin turned his eyes upon the new world. Take what is yours, Robin, and make a new life for yourself. With that thought, a small smile graced his lips as he took Faith's hand into his and began leading her into the portal, "The first steps on a new journey should be taken together," Not a moment after his comment, the duo disappeared together through the portal.

Some time later

Smoke filtered away from the ships' decks as the battle for material wealth endedmwith victory for the pirate vessel. Thankfully, the casualties had been light on both sides of the conflict, only a few wounded before the merchant marines surrendered. The offer to give them a portion of the cargo and to man their vessel under Robin's flag certainly helped convince them. The threat of a broadside from thirty-two cannons certainly forced them to concede.

As a few members of his crew hauled the majority of the captured cargo onto his flag ship, Robin watched with a keen eye for any kind of intolerable acts by either side. One needed to wait for the partition of the loot before one could take any for themselves, and the young captain made sure his sword was ready to cut down any who broke the law. Democracy amongst the crew may have been a key part during discussion of future plans, but the captain ruled all things immediately before, during, and after a battle.

Funny, even though I'm an outlaw these days, I still act as the law. An amused snort escaped him before he brought himself back under control. It wouldn't be proper for him to show emotions at the moment. He needed to be the firm leader of the vessel, the father of the crew. Would that make Faith the mother? No, she's too beautiful to give birth to children as ugly as some of these men.

As the last crates of gold, clothing, and weaponry were loaded onto his vessel, Robin decided it was time to find his lover wherever she was. A feeling of joy filled his soul as he thought of Faith, wanting nothing more than to hold her close and take in the bliss of her presence. That had been his only want when they had learned of the Reapers, and now, it still was. The Reapers were usually buried deep down into his mind, a non-factor in his view. Unless they came upon Eden and attacked, then Robin would not worry with them. After Grima and two Murder Games, I deserve my own life to prosper within.

((Doing this on a tablet, so York, be ready for a bit of time between your post and my next one.))
Faith Connors - Epilogue Pt. 1 - An Uncertain Future
@The Pimp Tactician
Faith seemed content with the life they lived, even if they did have to take a few lives here and there... This world wasn't under constant surveilance, with little signs of corruption, but, even here, she lived the familiar, yet unfamiliar life of an outlaw. As the days passed by, she found herself at ease, adapting to this new life style of hers with Robin and the rest of the crew surprisingly well, even if her thoughts would occasionally drift back to home, it seemed she was satisfied living the way she was.

At this very moment, Faith was up in the crows nest, surveying the horizion, though she bore only a cutlass as a pair of gloves Robin had given her, she still preferred traveling light, even if Robin found he could still perform the feats Faith herself had taught him when weighed down. Perhaps it was just a little habit of hers more than anything, but, despite this, she'd taken on a variety of enemies with the rest of her crew perfectly fine; most of her opponents never expected someone to scale masts and perform maneuvers the way she did it, it was always satisfying seeing hte shocked expressions of an unsuspecting opponent, just like old times... Except that she didn't have to worry about a gunship flying overhead, raining hell upon her.

Her thoughts were promptly interrupted when she peered down, seeing Robin walking around the deck as he looked for her, a mischevious smile crossed her face as she carefully maneuvered herself around the tops of the sails, balancing on the slowly moving yards with relative ease. She descended lower and lower until she finally hopped down onto the ground, having aimed to land right in front of him... Timing was the key here, as she looked up at the direction she saw he had been coming from, she smiled at him a little "How's it going captain?"she said in a subtly teasing manner.​
The AI tilted its head,

"The cycle must continue. There is no alternative" said the AI to Fire, its body flickering from blue then back to red.

Bad Wolf remained lost in thought for quite some time. She wanted this situation to turn around. It was what The Doctor wanted, so it's what she wanted too. There had to be something, anything she could do to help the situation at all...

Suddenly, it dawned on her.

Bad Wolf stepped forward. "AI, perhaps we may not be able to stop the reapers, but I may have a way to... hold them off for a while," she said. "My energy, the energy that makes up my being, in its purest form is that of the TARDIS. If I return to my normal form, I can enter the void and manipulate it to hold the reapers off for a while. It will buy The Doctor more time to stop you," she said with a smirk.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Emperor of Gallifrey
  • Useful
Reactions: Lord President Nick
Bad Wolf remained lost in thought for quite some time. She wanted this situation to turn around. It was what The Doctor wanted, so it's what she wanted too. There had to be something, anything she could do to help the situation at all...

Suddenly, it dawned on her.

Bad Wolf stepped forward. "AI, perhaps we may not be able to stop the reapers, but I may have a way to... hold them off for a while," she said. "My energy, the energy that makes up my being, in its purest form is that of the TARDIS. If I return to my normal form, I can enter the void and manipulate it to hold the reapers off for a while. It will buy The Doctor more time to stop you," she said with a smirk.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Emperor of Gallifrey
The AI looked to Bad Wolf,

"This will not save you. You are preventing the inedible fate of all organics and synthetics" Replied the AI, still under reaper control.
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