Murder mystery detective RP

Count me in. I'm not very skilled in mysteries due to the fact I've read them and even was in a play about one but never wrote about one. So it'll be quite a bit of a challenge but I'm up for it. ^^

Name: Mavis Clemont
Age: 24
Appearence: She has auburn hair, that is straight and falls to her mid back. Mavis also has light green eyes. The woman in her mid twenties typically wears a black beater and tan cargo pants for her body hasn't shriveled up like a prune. Her skin is lightly sun kissed and her completion almost perfect. She doesn't wear any make up.
Job: Freelance detective who got has connections because her fathers a cop.
Habit: Out of boredom, she bites her bottom lip lightly as out of nervous ticks her foot fidgets.
Samuel- NorwayFOO
Anders- RedWinter
Horus- Enezrel
Mavis- Rainbow-Noodles

I'm so excited! Signups will have to close on Friday, so I have time to discover and discuss with my accomplice!
Just so you all know, I am unreliable.
I have a lot of work to do, and college is gong to be no joke.
So watch out, blokes!
Hehehe, I'm already excited. I hope I get a chance to kill somebody off...
I'm going to be away until Sunday, just so you know. ^_^

I hope I don't get killed off. O_O

Bye for now! ^.^
Soooooo When is this shindig going to start? :D *tackles eclaire*
Due to my lack of internet (Im on my phone now), sign ups now close on monday, and ill put the ic up a few days later.
YAY~!!!! And I know how it is. I use my phone too.
*Makes strange noises like I'm a-dyin'*

The suspense is killing me.... I can't stand this! It's like waiting for the next episode of your favorite show!
Weeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllll people...I'm going to be late starting...again...stupind internet...Anyway, yeah, I WILL start some time next week! Be prepared!
Understood, but holy smokes I'm excited!! ^_^
Ok, I'm going to sound very mean and bitchy writing this, but... since I'm going on holiday next week, and I think I should at least be around for the first ten days of a RP I made, could you wait EVEN LONGER for the IC? I know I've made you wait, like, forever, but there is no internet where i'm going, and quality trumps timing!
Its all good E!
No problem at all, Miss E.
I hope you have fun! ^_^