Murder Game XI: The War of the Universe

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Karasu had stood back with Haruka, watching Elliot himself get pointed out and the resulting battle break out. He didn't know much about this Elliot, but he did know he was crazy. Planning to kill his lesser forms? What purpose did that serve? What a fool.

"Stay back, Haruka," he commanded the girl, soaring high into the sky. She had nothing to say in response. Combat was unavoidable, this time. Thus, she simply prayed for his safety.

The cloaked man flew up to the area above the battlefield. Raising both of his arms above him, he roared as a ball of energy formed in between the space between his hands. Karasu reared back and threw the ball downwards, the energy spreading out into countless separate blasts. He aimed to raze the battlefield, mowing down all the mere foot soldiers sent out to stop the group.


It seemed a stray blast had exploded a little ahead of Dust, saving him from running into the force field, if unintentionally.

@Atomyk @york @whoever​
"Ya know, for a machine with no empathy or emotion? You sure like the sound of your own voice." Qrow retorted flippantly. The huntsman's biting sarcasm aside, he had to admit that Harbinger was right. The Reaper had ceased trying to stop him, on the contrary Harbinger led him right to his nerve center. What passed for his mechanical heart. Far too easily. Either it's a trap or...the Reaper really, genuinely thinks I'm no threat. Toying with me. Qrow frowned, senses on high alert and one hand gripping his sword firmly.

Whatever Harbinger's reasons for letting him get this far, the fact remained he is here. And there, that had to be the core. Pulsating with energy, glowing bright blue and illuminating the whole room. Numerous wires connected to it, spreading off elsewhere throughout the vast ship, powering who knows what systems. But if they were to be severed...

Qrow wasted no time, gears in his sword whirring and the blade shifted into scythe form as he ran forward, scraping his weapon along the ground.


At the last second, he jumped, scythe swinging downward for a slice through the nearest wire...and continuing on right around its circumference for an intended clean cut all around as well as using his own momentum to slingshot to the next wire, landing atop it to see if that had worked or failed.


And with that Harbinger was finished! Or was it? Just as soon as Qrow had cut through the wires they would reattach themselves with out any damage showing. "You've had your fun, and I have had mine. Farewell. Give my regards to Commander Shepard."

Before Qrow could react he would find himself back on the battlefield next to Shepard and her crew fighting against the enemy. Shepard had a look of surprise on her face when she spotted Qrow. "Qrow?! Where the tell did you come from? Oh shit, that's not good." She replied pointing towards the direction of Harbinger.

The Reaper had landed on the ground and was no charging its laser ready to fire at any minute. Looking around Shepard's mind race to think up a counter. Then it suddenly hit her hopefully most of the group was still using their earpieces as Shepard tried to contact everyone.. "Elliot, we'll use those bastards against each other! We got to trick him into Harbinger's line of fire! Do what ever it takes! I want to see that humanoid son of a bitch laying on the ground!"

@C.T. @Everyone

Having disliked the idea of 'teamwork' or perhaps not even understanding the concept, Broly had struck out on his own. Casually flinging energy blast left to right, right to left. Didn't matter whether allies were possibly caught in the blast radius. The enemy had to be dealt with, right? What did it matter if their was a little friendly fire here and there? The battlefield was littered with bright green explosions as Broly cackled madly to himself. This is what he had been waiting for! The chance to strike back at those who had dared control him! Think they could use him and his power for their own means and ends! The Legendary Super Saiyan was not a mere play thing to be discarded when he had served his purpose! His own father had tried doing that when he lost control of his son. But Broly murdered him in cold blood and he'd do the same here to his new oppressors!

But he wasn't content with simply blasting wildly like some kind of mindless animal. No, these fools deserved the full brunt of his power! Chunks of the ground began to rise upwards and shattered into rubble as Broly's power began to creep outwards. That child would shackle him no longer with her Dragon Torque! He would use his full potential to rip the Reapers down piece by piece!


Lightning shot outwards from Broly as his transformation continued. His already noteworthy muscles began expanding, seemingly tearing at the seams with the amount of energy Broly was putting out. Being burdened with this much power came at a cost most dear. To other people that was. Broly's sanity was the thing most affected by Broly's immense power and he didn't seem to mind in the slightest! Now, that child and her damn caretaker thought otherwise but who were they to judge? The secrets to that girl's ability would be his! One way or another! She just had to live long enough to tell him!

Which meant that keeping her alive was one of Broly's priorities. Along with ceaseless murder and destruction but it was still there, somewhat. He still wasn't quite ready however. The energy dome around him continued to expand with cracks popping up on the surface. Indicating that Broly's limit was almost being reached. Any more power and even he might not have been able to handle it!

But he would continue pushing forward..He would continue growing stronger! For these Reapers and their followers would pay dearly for their actions! THEY'D PAY IN BLOOD!


The energy dome shifted colors before finally fading away, leaving Broly standing behind. With his energy at a fever pitch, Broly had done it. He had tapped into the wells of his seemingly limitless power again and it felt amazing. To think that all of this could have been taken away in an instant by Haruka was almost unfathomable to the saiyan. But he'd deal with that in the coming hours. Right now? It was time to destroy! Sensing an energy coming from nearby, Broly soared over and saw Dust and Karasu engaging with what seemed to be average foot soldiers.

Interesting, he hadn't seen much of Karasu's power beyond the bodyguard's futile attempt to restrain him earlier. But it seemed he'd been holding back intentionally, not wanting to reveal his true prowess. Hah! Broly was still certain that he could crush the man like an ant but it was always nice to see more carnage! Still, a more thorough touch was needed in his opinion. Flying above Karasu, Broly flung what seemed to be a small ki blast near the assortment of foot soldiers that Karasu may not have gotten in his intial blast.

"Thought you could use a hand..TAKING OUT THE TRASH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"


The 'little' blast quickly grew in stature upon drawing closer to the troops. Until it was big enough to eclipse/loom over them. Broly intentionally designed the attack to be that way! It lured his victim into a false sense of security, thinking it to be a measly blast that could just be deflected or dodged. But when the blast revealed it's true nature, their illusions of comfort were shattered! Leaving them only with the sight of their impending doom to comfort them in their last few seconds of life!


@york @Atomyk @Kaykay

The lightsaber cut easily through Elliot's hull, threatening to divide the leg in halves. Elliot was forced to move his attention downward, where he swept his cut leg across the ground to shake Rey and Toboe off of him. He wasn't prepared for Koro-Sensei's follow-up attack, which smashed directly into his open wound. The resulting explosion caused Elliot to flinch, his left shoulder flying back from the force. The left arm flew backward, wires and metal supports snapping in two. It ended up flying right off, flying through the air to eventually crash down on to the battlefield below.

Not only would Dan find he was free from the confines of Elliot's body, but the damage he'd done to the left rendered it stiff and inoperable. He would find himself on Elliot's thigh, looking up at the empty space left by Elliot's missing arm. Just above Dan was Elliot's mid-section, where a massive red core sat. Katniss' arrow would fire then and puncture the core, but it didn't seem to do much damage. The arrow sat lodged into Elliot, a new decoration for his body.

Elliot wavered from all the sudden damage. He couldn't walk with his left leg as it was, so he could only pivot in place. He continued shaking his right leg in order to shake the pesky lightsaber, his mouth shooting random blasts out across the battlefield, threatening to hit both Koro and Katniss.

@Mari @Lizzy @Cromartie Sarkissian @DapperDogman @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Hospes

The Banshee had recharged its shield to block the drone attacks. Biotic energy burst from the Husk in blue waves, adding a second wall of protection. To ensure the Husk was not on the defensive, it suddenly warped to where Mastermind was, stopping him in his tracks. It made an attempt to grab at him with a withered hand. It began to scream, hoping to crush Mastermind both physically and mentally.

@Gummi Bunnies
The lightsaber cut easily through Elliot's hull, threatening to divide the leg in halves. Elliot was forced to move his attention downward, where he swept his cut leg across the ground to shake Rey and Toboe off of him. He wasn't prepared for Koro-Sensei's follow-up attack, which smashed directly into his open wound. The resulting explosion caused Elliot to flinch, his left shoulder flying back from the force. The left arm flew backward, wires and metal supports snapping in two. It ended up flying right off, flying through the air to eventually crash down on to the battlefield below.

Not only would Dan find he was free from the confines of Elliot's body, but the damage he'd done to the left rendered it stiff and inoperable. He would find himself on Elliot's thigh, looking up at the empty space left by Elliot's missing arm. Just above Dan was Elliot's mid-section, where a massive red core sat. Katniss' arrow would fire then and puncture the core, but it didn't seem to do much damage. The arrow sat lodged into Elliot, a new decoration for his body.

Elliot wavered from all the sudden damage. He couldn't walk with his left leg as it was, so he could only pivot in place. He continued shaking his right leg in order to shake the pesky lightsaber, his mouth shooting random blasts out across the battlefield, threatening to hit both Koro and Katniss.

@Mari @Lizzy @Cromartie Sarkissian @DapperDogman @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Hospes

The Banshee had recharged its shield to block the drone attacks. Biotic energy burst from the Husk in blue waves, adding a second wall of protection. To ensure the Husk was not on the defensive, it suddenly warped to where Mastermind was, stopping him in his tracks. It made an attempt to grab at him with a withered hand. It began to scream, hoping to crush Mastermind both physically and mentally.

@Gummi Bunnies
Rey fell to the ground again, though it didn't feel as painful as the last time. She was satisfied that the lightsaber had a significant impact on Elliot, though, in that moment of Elliot shaking them loose, she lost track of where the lightsaber was. There was too much going on for her to know where it ended up after she was separated from it while slicing Elliot's leg. She looked to Toboe, and checked on him. "Are you all right?", she asked. She was more concerned with her friends now than trying to locate the Jedi Master's weapon. She looked around to see if Roy was still around, but she couldn't see him.

She did see her staff, still in the same location she was where she had dropped it.


She ran to retrieve it, and tried to think of another way to inflict damage on Elliot, but she might need some help.

@Lizzy @Cromartie Sarkissian @Raven @Atomyk
The lightsaber cut easily through Elliot's hull, threatening to divide the leg in halves. Elliot was forced to move his attention downward, where he swept his cut leg across the ground to shake Rey and Toboe off of him. He wasn't prepared for Koro-Sensei's follow-up attack, which smashed directly into his open wound. The resulting explosion caused Elliot to flinch, his left shoulder flying back from the force. The left arm flew backward, wires and metal supports snapping in two. It ended up flying right off, flying through the air to eventually crash down on to the battlefield below.

Not only would Dan find he was free from the confines of Elliot's body, but the damage he'd done to the left rendered it stiff and inoperable. He would find himself on Elliot's thigh, looking up at the empty space left by Elliot's missing arm. Just above Dan was Elliot's mid-section, where a massive red core sat. Katniss' arrow would fire then and puncture the core, but it didn't seem to do much damage. The arrow sat lodged into Elliot, a new decoration for his body.

Elliot wavered from all the sudden damage. He couldn't walk with his left leg as it was, so he could only pivot in place. He continued shaking his right leg in order to shake the pesky lightsaber, his mouth shooting random blasts out across the battlefield, threatening to hit both Koro and Katniss.

@Mari @Lizzy @Cromartie Sarkissian @DapperDogman @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Hospes

The Banshee had recharged its shield to block the drone attacks. Biotic energy burst from the Husk in blue waves, adding a second wall of protection. To ensure the Husk was not on the defensive, it suddenly warped to where Mastermind was, stopping him in his tracks. It made an attempt to grab at him with a withered hand. It began to scream, hoping to crush Mastermind both physically and mentally.

@Gummi Bunnies

Tobie was a bit surprised by being knocked back. He grunted as he sat up, shaking his head as it did so in an attempt to clear it.

Rey fell to the ground again, though it didn't feel as painful as the last time. She was satisfied that the lightsaber had a significant impact on Elliot, though, in that moment of Elliot shaking them loose, she lost track of where the lightsaber was. There was too much going on for her to know where it ended up after she was separated from it while slicing Elliot's leg. She looked to Toboe, and checked on him. "Are you all right?", she asked. She was more concerned with her friends now than trying to locate the Jedi Master's weapon. She looked around to see if Roy was still around, but she couldn't see him.

She did see her staff, still in the same location she was where she had dropped it.


She ran to retrieve it, and tried to think of another way to inflict damage on Elliot, but she might need some help.

@Lizzy @Cromartie Sarkissian @Raven @Atomyk

"I'm fine Rey, thanks." Toboe said before rising to his feet. He noticed Rey's lightsaber and went to retrieve it for her.

After picking it up he carefully handed it out to her.

"Here." He replied.

@Atomyk @Mari @Eliot fighters
The shot on Boba Fett would fire without error, but Elliot would be forced to remove his attention from the shooter to continue attempting to swat at Koro-Sensei. Due to his size, Elliot wasn't a very fast threat, but that didn't mean he was entirely useless. An electric charge began building in his shoulders, creating a humid and static environment surrounding the immediate area around Elliot's head. With a flash of his red eyes, the electricity exploded out from Elliot, threatening to shock Koro.

Elliot continued to discharge energy until the anti-tank missiles shot by Largo's squad slammed into his torso, causing the large synthetic to buckle over. He shot off a quick blast of energy from his mouth, the attack slamming into the ground around the squad's feet and kicking up a wall of sand. Further shots from Boba Fett cut into the wound at Elliot's shoulder, deepening the damage and threatening to cut the entire arm off. The enemies around Emmeryn and the others were unable to do much damage, but were for now keeping the group pinned down.

@The Silver Paladin @DapperDogman @OrlandoBloomers

Rey's spear was strong enough to strip some of the metal off Elliot leg, but it didn't seem it would be enough to do real damage to the machinery. Elliot was too distracted to deal with her minor annoyance, but his feet stomped around, crashing the ground around Rey and the people joining her.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Lizzy @Raven @Mari

Meanwhile, in the inside of Elliot's leg, the ghosts were easily knocked back by Dan's powerful punches. In an attempt to stop Dan another way, the whisps began tearing at the non-vital supports within Elliot, giving Dan less area to stand on. One whisp pulled the ground right underneath Dan's legs, threatening to drop him right back down to Elliot's foot.


The Banshee maintained a biotic barrier that managed to block Mastermind's drone. On the other hand, Esper's Particle Accelerator smashed through the barrier easily. Like him, the Banshee was capable of warping, the Husk suddenly a large distance away from Esper. A blast of biotic energy jumped off her, flying through the air to slam into Esper.

@The Great Detective
The lightsaber cut easily through Elliot's hull, threatening to divide the leg in halves. Elliot was forced to move his attention downward, where he swept his cut leg across the ground to shake Rey and Toboe off of him. He wasn't prepared for Koro-Sensei's follow-up attack, which smashed directly into his open wound. The resulting explosion caused Elliot to flinch, his left shoulder flying back from the force. The left arm flew backward, wires and metal supports snapping in two. It ended up flying right off, flying through the air to eventually crash down on to the battlefield below.

Not only would Dan find he was free from the confines of Elliot's body, but the damage he'd done to the left rendered it stiff and inoperable. He would find himself on Elliot's thigh, looking up at the empty space left by Elliot's missing arm. Just above Dan was Elliot's mid-section, where a massive red core sat. Katniss' arrow would fire then and puncture the core, but it didn't seem to do much damage. The arrow sat lodged into Elliot, a new decoration for his body.

Elliot wavered from all the sudden damage. He couldn't walk with his left leg as it was, so he could only pivot in place. He continued shaking his right leg in order to shake the pesky lightsaber, his mouth shooting random blasts out across the battlefield, threatening to hit both Koro and Katniss.

@Mari @Lizzy @Cromartie Sarkissian @DapperDogman @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Hospes

The Banshee had recharged its shield to block the drone attacks. Biotic energy burst from the Husk in blue waves, adding a second wall of protection. To ensure the Husk was not on the defensive, it suddenly warped to where Mastermind was, stopping him in his tracks. It made an attempt to grab at him with a withered hand. It began to scream, hoping to crush Mastermind both physically and mentally.

@Gummi Bunnies


"Alright, Edy Detachment! Let's go." Another voice said. A bunch of machine guns would cock, and a group of Heavily armored troops would come out from around the tank.

"We need to get the Edelweiss closer." One shouted. "Let's move!" And they began firing into the creatures. They fired until they ran out of ammo, and like the Scouts and Lancers before them, pulled into a tactical retreat.

The Edelweiss began to roll through the crowd, until it got close, and Fired at Elliot

Emmeryn continued fighting.
I continue to throw pieces of shrapnel and armour into the cracks in Eliots body, hoping to cause any form of damage
@Mari @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin

Out of a corner of her vision, Rey then saw Roy. She saw what he was trying to do, and did something to assist. She fired her blaster at the metal that Roy was throwing, setting it on fire, and much more hot and damaging that it would normally me. She then looked to Roy and smiled, she hoped his aim was as good as hers.

@Cromartie Sarkissian

Tobie was a bit surprised by being knocked back. He grunted as he sat up, shaking his head as it did so in an attempt to clear it.

"I'm fine Rey, thanks." Toboe said before rising to his feet. He noticed Rey's lightsaber and went to retrieve it for her.

After picking it up he carefully handed it out to her.

"Here." He replied.

@Atomyk @Mari @Eliot fighters


"Thank you, my friend", Rey said to Toboe, gratefully, as he had somehow found Luke Skywalker's lightsaber. She felt more confident with the weapon back in her hands, but in order to do more, something even more impactful, she thought they would need to go... higher.

"Do you have any idea how we could get up there?", she asked, pointing towards Elliot's head. By herself she couldn't think of any, but perhaps Toboe might have an idea, she thought.

The lightsaber cut easily through Elliot's hull, threatening to divide the leg in halves. Elliot was forced to move his attention downward, where he swept his cut leg across the ground to shake Rey and Toboe off of him. He wasn't prepared for Koro-Sensei's follow-up attack, which smashed directly into his open wound. The resulting explosion caused Elliot to flinch, his left shoulder flying back from the force. The left arm flew backward, wires and metal supports snapping in two. It ended up flying right off, flying through the air to eventually crash down on to the battlefield below.

Not only would Dan find he was free from the confines of Elliot's body, but the damage he'd done to the left rendered it stiff and inoperable. He would find himself on Elliot's thigh, looking up at the empty space left by Elliot's missing arm. Just above Dan was Elliot's mid-section, where a massive red core sat. Katniss' arrow would fire then and puncture the core, but it didn't seem to do much damage. The arrow sat lodged into Elliot, a new decoration for his body.

Elliot wavered from all the sudden damage. He couldn't walk with his left leg as it was, so he could only pivot in place. He continued shaking his right leg in order to shake the pesky lightsaber, his mouth shooting random blasts out across the battlefield, threatening to hit both Koro and Katniss.

@Mari @Lizzy @Cromartie Sarkissian @DapperDogman @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Hospes

The Banshee had recharged its shield to block the drone attacks. Biotic energy burst from the Husk in blue waves, adding a second wall of protection. To ensure the Husk was not on the defensive, it suddenly warped to where Mastermind was, stopping him in his tracks. It made an attempt to grab at him with a withered hand. It began to scream, hoping to crush Mastermind both physically and mentally.

@Gummi Bunnies
Startled by this, Mastermind wasn't able to avoid being grabbed by the Husk. However, he gestured for his Apocalypse to release some disabling grenades at the Banshee. As Esper continued to charge for something, Mastermind struggled to keep himself together.

"...Damn." His shoulders slumped. Now it made a certain kind of sense. No defense required, because the machine had a friggin' repair protocol to patch up any damage. Whatever finished this thing had to do it all at once, faster than it could repair itself. And despite his intentions, it seemed it was not going to be him who destroyed it. In a single blink of an eye, the huntsman found himself no longer within the cold, claustrophobic confines of the Reaper but in the midst of battle, back to back with the Commander.


"I...but..." He stammered out with uncertainty before shaking his head. Reapers have the ability to displace people at will?! He hadn't read anything like that but then again...Reapers are unknown in many respects. Harbinger really was just toying with me.

"I tried to take out Harbinger on my own. Bypass all his armor and weapons and sever its' power core. Suffice it to say, it didn't work. He even let me try before whisking me out of there. There was no time to even blink." Qrow shrugged, listening to Shepard as she barked orders, glancing Elliot's way. Did the Human ones also have that ability? It didn't seem so. "Sound plan. Would be better if the two could fire on each other. Two birds, one stone--"

He continued shaking his right leg in order to shake the pesky lightsaber, his mouth shooting random blasts out across the battlefield, threatening to hit both Koro and Katniss.​
"...Huh. There's an idea." Qrow dashed forward, sweeping through another swarm of husks before leaping up, aiming to land on Elliot's shoulders.


Mindful of everyone else's shots at Elliot, Qrow dashed closer and swung his scythe full force aiming to pierce right through it's armor in what amounted for the Reaper's cheek. If successful in piercing, Qrow would yank on his scythe's handle as hard as possible to force Elliot's sight over towards Harbinger, counting on the Reaper being weakened and distracted by everybody else and counting on one of his random fired blasts to hit Harbinger.

@Jeremi @Atomyk @the rest​
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"...Damn." His shoulders slumped. Now it made a certain kind of sense. No defense required, because the machine had a friggin' repair protocol to patch up any damage. Whatever finished this thing had to do it all at once, faster than it could repair itself. And despite his intentions, it seemed it was not going to be him who destroyed it. In a single blink of an eye, the huntsman found himself no longer within the cold, claustrophobic confines of the Reaper but in the midst of battle, back to back with the Commander.


"I...but..." He stammered out with uncertainty before shaking his head. Reapers have the ability to displace people at will?! He hadn't read anything like that but then again...Reapers are unknown in many respects. Harbinger really was just toying with me.

"I tried to take out Harbinger on my own. Bypass all his armor and weapons and sever its' power core. Suffice it to say, it didn't work. He even let me try before whisking me out of there. There was no time to even blink." Qrow shrugged, listening to Shepard as she barked orders, glancing Elliot's way. Did the Human ones also have that ability? It didn't seem so. "Sound plan. Would be better if the two could fire on each other. Two birds, one stone--"

"...Huh. There's an idea." Qrow dashed forward, sweeping through another swarm of husks before leaping up, aiming to land on Elliot's shoulders.


Mindful of everyone else's shots at Elliot, Qrow dashed closer and swung his scythe full force aiming to pierce right through it's armor in what amounted for the Reaper's cheek. If successful in piercing, Qrow would pull on his scythe's handle as hard as possible to force Elliot's sight over towards Harbinger, counting on the Reaper being weakened and distracted by everybody else and counting on one of his random fired blasts to hit Harbinger.

@Jeremi @Atomyk @the rest​
Ducking away from the line of fire of the lasers, Koro couldn't help but note the man he'd spotted running into the reaper was now joining his battle, but the reaper still stood, very much alive

"You think we need more manpower to bring down that thing?" he asks, before swooping down to the ground, and grabbing several of the dead husks, drills whirring as he primes their explosive cores and hurls them at Elliot's face, hoping to once again act as a sufficient distraction, so the newcomer's formulated actions might succeed

Blinding Elliot had worked well enough so far, if it ain't broke, don't fix it

@C.T. @Atomyk @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Mari @Elliot Peeps​
The cut on Elliot's leg was worsened from Rey and Roy's initial attacks. He attempted to keep his foot in the air and out of their reach while simultaneously readying a laser that would block the barrage of of bullets and missiles flying his way. He raised his right arm to block Qrow's ascent as well, but Koro-Sensei's quick thinking pulled Elliot into swapping at the octopus' projectiles. As Qrow pulled his head toward Harbinger, his laser blast missed the army below and instead flew toward Harbinger. The army's attack caused him to stumble backward so that his foot was planted firmly back on the ground.

@Mari @Lizzy @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @DapperDogman @The Silver Paladin
"Spare me?" Steve spat, disgusted. "While you kill the people I care about? Of all people, you should know why I can't let you do that."


Steve's shuttle, now free of passengers for the moment, took a sudden turn in the air. While it wasn't a craft designed for fighting, it still possessed weaponry. Laser shots flew through the air, slamming into the ground around Bane.



Ike held Ragnell high in the air, the blade glowing under the light of Rannoch's crimson sky. He placed his free hand on Yvaine's shoulder, giving the woman a small squeeze. He still had a long way to go when it came to making up for what he'd done to her, but at the very least he knew he could protect her here. War was what Ike knew best; he'd been forged by battle, becoming a one-man army in his own right.


"I won't get hurt. This... This is what I know best."

One shot. Two shots. Three shots. Flashes of red lit up the battlefield like Coruscant neon, the Mandalorian warrior mowing down the encroaching horde of Husks as they came. Not every blast hit its mark, but enough did; organic-synthetic corpses lay scattered before him, strewn across the combat zone with burning holes in their chests as the lingering scent of plasma and scorched ozone permeated the air. When the gun's battery depleted and it hummed in protest of further use he still managed to make use of it in some capacity, breaking from cover to clock the nearest Husk across the skull with the stock of it and searching his belt for a charge capacitor. And in a rarity, just as he had before, he made an oversight. And, just as it had before... it cost him. A rallying cry of "DESHI BASARA!" and the telltale ignition of a rocket propeller was all it took. Boba Fett spun, leveled his forearm for the rocky outcropping above him upon which a devout band of Bane's followers had daringly flanked around the bounty hunter while he engaged with the Husks, and sent a miniature bolt of plasma express from his wrist to their leader's skull, dropping him with a cauterized crater where his forehead should've been. But it was too late to do him any good. The smoking barrel of the RPG-launcher the man's now-limp body held tipped him off on that.

An explosion rocked the world to his left, and everything faded to white.

He came to his senses with an abject ringing in his ears, on his stomach in the dirt with a dull numbness in his skull that made him think concussion. The detonation had thrown him a good ten feet across the battlefield, away from the front lines and into a ditch as he grunted and pushed himself up. Armor absorbed the brunt of the blast and shrapnel, but the sheer blunt trauma had knocked him senseless for about ten seconds; a lot could happen in ten seconds. He heard the calls of the mercenaries behind him, congratulating each other in a language he didn't understand. He didn't need to speak it to know they were coming to finish the job or scavenge what they could, probably hoping to loot some advanced weaponry to use against the Husks and resistance alike. Fett growled underneath his helmet, letting the anesthetic administered by his armor kick in as he put together a plan in his head. There were too many to shoot; with no cover, he'd be cut down in a hail of bullets. He lost his carbine in the explosion, anyway. He was gonna have to improvise.

That, he could do.

He feigned unconsciousness until they were close enough for this to work, already overconfident in their perceived victory. They thought they'd won. That didn't mean he should take them lightly, but it did give him an advantage he could use. He counted down the seconds in his head, using the sound of their voice to gauge their proximity, and when he deemed them close enough... He made his play.

A stun grenade, whipped for the mercenaries' feet. A flash of white and noise, filtered out by his helmet. The thumping of adrenaline in his ears as he rose to his feet like a corpse rising from the grave, hand reaching back to grasp the hilt of something dangling from his waist.

The push of a button.

The hum of a blade.


And he fell upon them, lightsaber felling the stunned militia soldiers in a whirlwind of movement. Lightsaber aptitude and force sensitivity weren't mutual requisites. He learned that early on, and when he started claiming Jedi bounties was around when he taught himself to wield them. He wasn't beholden to any style, instead favoring practical strikes and precision, but that didn't diminish its effectiveness. The fanatics never stood a chance.

Moments later, Fett could be spotted rejoining the fight against Elliot, jetpack still thankfully functional and boosting him across the battlefield towards the towering mechanoid's position. Shepard's voice crackling in his helmet prompted a change in tactics as he aimed to glide past the abomination's defenses and rocket straight for his knee to deliver a series of rapid, clean strikes with the lightsaber in a sort of flurried drive-by assault, attempting to weaken Elliot's knee at a number of key points. Though flashy, all this was simply a cover to support and mask his real attack-- a remote explosive, planted at the base of the reaper-human hybrid's knee as he soared past, detonating moments later. The goal, if things worked as planned, was to take out Elliot's leg, destroy his balance and send him toppling to the ground.

Right into the path of the Harbinger's beam cannon.


He wasn't called the best for nothing.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @C.T. @Mari @Lizzy @DapperDogman @others​

Out of a corner of her vision, Rey then saw Roy. She saw what he was trying to do, and did something to assist. She fired her blaster at the metal that Roy was throwing, setting it on fire, and much more hot and damaging that it would normally me. She then looked to Roy and smiled, she hoped his aim was as good as hers.

@Cromartie Sarkissian


"Thank you, my friend", Rey said to Toboe, gratefully, as he had somehow found Luke Skywalker's lightsaber. She felt more confident with the weapon back in her hands, but in order to do more, something even more impactful, she thought they would need to go... higher.

"Do you have any idea how we could get up there?", she asked, pointing towards Elliot's head. By herself she couldn't think of any, but perhaps Toboe might have an idea, she thought.


"If I can latch onto him, I could possibly scale him rather quickly." Toboe replied.

"I'm not sure if I could carry you both either. But, I also think I saw someone climb inside through his other foot so maybe we can find a way to do what they did?" He'd suggest, looking at Rey curiously. He wondered what her thoughts on what he had said would be and couldn't help but notice Qrow's sudden tactic.

@Atomyk @Mari @C.T.
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The voice still rang in his ears

As the others wildly charged into one another, the treacherous strategist stood a bit away from the frontlines of this war, having challenged the puppet Elliot but letting the disillusioned deity waste himself to these loyal dogs of Commander Shepard's crew. With waves of his hands and brief, short phrases, Bane had organized his ragtag band of forces, numbering in around the hundreds, setting up fortifications away from the ire of these survivors. There, Bane ordered them to take shots if necessary, such as snipers overlooking the horrific battle between machine and man, bullets whizzing through the air, sometimes passing by certain individuals such as Rey, Roy, Shizuo, Deemo, and others that happened to be up and about. Generally speaking, Bane and his men did not pose a threat directly now, but they were smart enough to hold back, conserving their numbers and manpower in case Harbinger and the others fell.

"Ha, you know how it is Steve....The Fire Rises. If there is any comfort, I will spare you."

Abandoning all hope of diplomacy, the radical crushed his communicator, tossing it to the side. It was around this time he spotted the jet streams of Boba Fett whizzing through the air, particles of charged plasma emitting from his high-pitched blaster. Noting the mercenary pointing his wrist towards him, Bane heartily laughed, reaching out of the pockets of his overcoat, pulling out a custom-made, short-barreled grenade launcher. This "thumper" of sorts looked unusual, as if it had been severely modified to incorporate new technologies, technologies that were obviously not native to Gotham in the slightest.

With a fierce press of a trigger, the grenade shell thumped out of the firearm, soaring hastily upwards, before Bane reached in his pocket to press a trigger of some detonator. In that moment, the grenade exploded, sending the wrist-mounted rockets off their course, Bane softly chuckling to himself. Tossing his launcher to one of his men, the coat-wearing revolutionary smirked underneath his mask, shaking his head.

"Does he not know we share the same profession? Technology is a powerful agent to the inexperienced, it takes much more than that to defeat the initiated, however."

With a soft sigh, the presence of some foreigner had arrived, transforming into some robotic monstrosity, Bane rolling his eyes underneath the confines of his mask. "Go, deal with him, we stand our ground, our fire will rise soon, my brothers and sisters." Bane ordered the majority of his forces, grenades, rockets, ballistics, and all sorts of lasers and makeshift projectiles being hurled towards Rex. Catching sight of Skeletor, Bane began to heartily laugh underneath his mask, holding his arms out, reeling in the moment of this all.

"Ha, let us not stand on ceremony, Mr. Skeletor. He-Man has defeated you time and time again, and trust me...."

"I do not need spandex or a pointy sword to break you."

With jest, Bane abruptly kicked Skeletor with a mighty extension of his right leg, the behemoth approaching collectively yet furiously, like some impenetrable wall of bone and muscle.

@Jeremi @Atomyk @Mari @Bomb @The Tactician @DapperDogman @OrlandoBloomers @Cromartie Sarkissian @Crow @Others @Clusterfuck a'hoy
(My alerts didn't even tell me you'd posted, and I'm blind, so sorry for the late reply DX)

Rex grunts as a barrage of rockets fly out towards him, forcing him to raise his arms over his face, the majority of the blasts plinking against his armour without harm, but the larger ones managed to throw him off balance, causing him to have to correct his balance for a moment

"Okay, I see how it is!" he shouts, pointing a hand at them as a series of blasters formed on his wrist, spraying lasers down in cutting swathes as the giant mech decimates the forces beneath him
But for every troop he defeated, it seemed two more took their place! How did this guy have so many troops so suddenly?

He noted someone hurtling past him toward the other mech, who by now was being picked apart piece by piece, by the various forces

The grim sight elicited a moment of pause from Rex, as he wondered how painful that must be
When the question had run it's course, he glanced down once more, to fire on the enemy troops once again. He just had to suppress the waves of various fanatics and husks for now. The others could focus on Elliot

He felt like he'd be more use against the big one, so he bought his time until that was the main target

@Troop peeps​
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Karasu had stood back with Haruka, watching Elliot himself get pointed out and the resulting battle break out. He didn't know much about this Elliot, but he did know he was crazy. Planning to kill his lesser forms? What purpose did that serve? What a fool.

"Stay back, Haruka," he commanded the girl, soaring high into the sky. She had nothing to say in response. Combat was unavoidable, this time. Thus, she simply prayed for his safety.

The cloaked man flew up to the area above the battlefield. Raising both of his arms above him, he roared as a ball of energy formed in between the space between his hands. Karasu reared back and threw the ball downwards, the energy spreading out into countless separate blasts. He aimed to raze the battlefield, mowing down all the mere foot soldiers sent out to stop the group.


It seemed a stray blast had exploded a little ahead of Dust, saving him from running into the force field, if unintentionally.

@Atomyk @york @whoever​
And with that Harbinger was finished! Or was it? Just as soon as Qrow had cut through the wires they would reattach themselves with out any damage showing. "You've had your fun, and I have had mine. Farewell. Give my regards to Commander Shepard."

Before Qrow could react he would find himself back on the battlefield next to Shepard and her crew fighting against the enemy. Shepard had a look of surprise on her face when she spotted Qrow. "Qrow?! Where the tell did you come from? Oh shit, that's not good." She replied pointing towards the direction of Harbinger.

The Reaper had landed on the ground and was no charging its laser ready to fire at any minute. Looking around Shepard's mind race to think up a counter. Then it suddenly hit her hopefully most of the group was still using their earpieces as Shepard tried to contact everyone.. "Elliot, we'll use those bastards against each other! We got to trick him into Harbinger's line of fire! Do what ever it takes! I want to see that humanoid son of a bitch laying on the ground!"

@C.T. @Everyone
Dust & Fidget
@Kaykay @C.T. @Atomyk @Others

Dust screeched to a halt just in time, thanks to Karasu's shot...

"Whoa!... I... I really need to get a grip..." Dust said, realizing that he had let his emotions get the best of him... He redirected his attention to Elliot, realizing immediately what they had to do; guide him right into that Reaper laser, somehow...

"Hey! I know! Let's pants him! Then taunt him until he falls into the laser!" Fidget suggested... Looks like she's got an... Interesting way of thinking to say the least...

"Uh... One problem Fidget... Does Elliot even HAVE pants right now?" Dust asked, looking towards Elliot's synthetic form... It was honestly hard to discern whether or not pantsing him at this point would even be notices... However, Bobba Fett's strike on Elliot's already weakened leg gave Dust an idea.

"Hmm... Fidget, on my Cue... Do you think you can zap Elliot?" Dust asked... Fidget actually stopped to ponder this, glancing at Elliot's form "Uh... Yeah? But... I don't see what you're..-" she suddenly seemed to come to a realization, remembering what she did on the Normandy...

"Okay! Just don't forget to tell me when!" Fidget said, she looked more serious now... And then, the two charged towards Elliot... Dust spun around, attempting to slice and dice through Elliot's biomechanical body, slicing his way up through Elliot's already injured leg as he spun in the air, continuing up till he hit Elliot's midsection... And suddenly, he shouted.

"Now Fidget!!!" ... Having done this a few times by now, Fidget knew exactly what to do... She sent an massive burst of lightning towards Elliot's open wounds in his legs... Dust changed directions, whirling away from Elliot, causing the lightning to "scatter", as it arced directly for the wounds that should be covering Elliot by now with any luck... Hopefully, the lightning, coupled with the efforts of Elliot's other assailants, should be enough to both topple Elliot, and temporarily stun the biomechanical megalomaniac for the time being...​

Bane cocked his neck lightly, a light chuckle escaping his lips. Seeing Skeletor being kicked towards the ground, the high-pitched overlord amused the mercenary. From their force field, Bane heartily laughed, taking off his overcoat. Bringing his hands together, cracking his knuckles, Bane tried to give Skeletor another swift and abrupt kick, almost akin to a "sucker punch" in terms of sheer speed.

"Trust me, there is plenty where that will co-"

The shield rocked as a familiar vessel zoomed by, the ground rattling and a certain pang resonating in the brute's heart. Tightening his gaze, Bane shook his head lightly, turning back to Skeletor. With a depressed sigh, the ballistic-vested behemoth focused his attention back towards Skeletor. A voice was whispering in his head, one that was feminine, one that reminded him of Talia. Yet he could not decipher the words in all the anarchy happening around him, hearing the voices of his followers dying underneath the power of the stranger, Bane could only whisper under his breath.

"You must make it so difficult, Steve. You will just have to imagine the fire then."

And with that, Bane continued his dance with Skeletor, throwing a fury of punches towards the boned evildoer.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @DapperDogman @Cromartie Sarkissian @Mari @Anybody else
Boba Fett's deft maneuvers combined with Fidget and Dust's attacks meant Elliot would never manage to catch the explosion in time. The metal of Elliot's right leg was shredded and the giant Reaper began to hurtle toward the ground. Harbinger's attack was heading his way, so Elliot had no choice but to throw his remaining arm out in retaliation. He caught the beam with his palm, the metal becoming superheated and melting away. Elliot let out a great mechanical roar as his body crashed to the ground and quaked the very Earth. It was clear to him that his limbs had become useless.

"I can be rebuilt... this body is limitless!"

The ground continued to rumble, the core at Elliot's mid-section beginning to glow. A thruster shot out the bottom of his body lifting him up into the air. His eyes glowed with intensity as he floated above the battlefield.


Loose metal and wires hung off his shaggy synthetic frame, a piece here and there occasionally hurtling down to the ground.

"If you could only hope to reach the plane I've transcended to."

@Mari @Lizzy @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @DapperDogman @The Silver Paladin @OrlandoBloomers @Hospes @Any whose attacked Elliot
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