Murder Game XI: The War of the Universe

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The creature tried to reach out and grab the group but they were already too far from it. It would continue to shriek as it clawed the ground before falling back into its hole.

Seeing the best disappear back into the hole Shepard would stop her sprint and let off a sigh. "Well...I guess we know what they're keeping here."

"The creature resembled one of the Reapers inside a humanoid frame! Explain yourself Commander!"

"That's exactly what it is...a human Reaper. I thought we destroyed it, but I guess you can't keep monsters like that down for long." She'd look around the almost deserted base. "We can't do anything with it right now, not with the firepower we have. Not even you, Skeletor."

He'd huff in response. "I didn't say anything."

"Let's get the hell out of here and regroup."

@Crimson Spartan @The Tactician @Archmage Jeremiah @Team Shepard

Shizuo hated running from a fight. Just now hadn't been him running from a fight at all. They had just needed to catch 'human' Reaper in a better position, one where they could easily pound at the giant abomination. Now though, they were stuck actually running away as Shepard seemed adamant about not fighting the creature and Shizuo knew a bad idea like facing it alone when he thought of one.

With an irritated huff, the blonde made for the right path in order to circumvent the creature.​
Legion paused for a moment, the flaps on its head furrowing as if in thought.


"Our next objective is to continue searching for the mainframe. We should proceed down this open hallway... that is, if no one has any objections." It looked toward Elizabeth, but the girl looked away, choosing not to respond.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP
Legion paused for a moment, the flaps on its head furrowing as if in thought.


"Our next objective is to continue searching for the mainframe. We should proceed down this open hallway... that is, if no one has any objections." It looked toward Elizabeth, but the girl looked away, choosing not to respond.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP
Rey nodded in her understanding of what was next. She had no objections, but was not going to say it out loud. She looked to Toboe, and then started to follow along down the open hallway as Legion recommended. This time, as she noticed the threats to them getting more dangerous, she kept Luke Skywalker's lightsaber in her hand, feeling it would be better to have the Jedi weapon handy in the likely case they would run into an even more dangerous foe.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Lizzy @Bomb @Atomyk @legiongroup
Esper now has an old globe from the 50's with the USSR still on it. Those are cool.

You also get a piece of paper with the name 'Bailey Dansford' on it, that you can't understand a word of it, but it has a logo of a dragon with the words "United Omnidyne-Cross Industries" on it in the top left.

@Stop @I don't want to do this. @This was just a shitpost
When Ludger and Garnet would arrive, providing a potent helping hand in taking down the Collectors, Akane would sigh deeply, before putting away her Dominator and facing the two of them.


"Thank you for the assist. You two arrived quickly."

With that, it seemed that from down the hall, there was another way that had not been explored. A way that beckoned everyone around to go down. And so everyone did. Was this perhaps an exit? No, there was nothing so convenient like that. Whatever this was supposed to be, it was most likely a trap. And they were either going to fall for it, or spring it.

Upon entering the room, not paying much mind to the soldiers who didn't seem to care enough to cause them any harm just yet, the group would step in and come face to face with the former leader of the United Nations who had betrayed the organization and joined some crazed mastermind for his own personal gains.


"Yamadera... I expected you to be taller," Carth spoke. Though he hadn't been a part of the Illusion Game that Akane and Asriel had once partook in, Carth Onasi had still been a member of the multiversal United Nations for quite some time, and though he had never personally met Kenjiro Yamadera up until this point... Well, when the leader of the organization defects to the cause of one such as Elliot's, news of it would spread throughout the entire place.

"I don't think you're in any position to give out orders. Not anymore. And if you think those soldiers back there scare us, then you--" Carth began to mouth off, before Akane would raise an arm a little.


"With all due respect, Mr. Carth... We'll take it from here," Akane spoke, silencing him. Without another word, her demeanor changing quite suddenly from that of a meek, green officer to that of a cool-headed, professional one.

A wolf.

Remaining standing up, Akane looked down at Kenjiro, before beginning to speak again.


"... Why? Why would you defect from the UN like this, Mr. Yamadera? And of all people... Why would you side with someone like Elliot? What do you have to gain from someone like him?!"

Though she had been given bits and pieces of Kenjiro's motivations, she desired the answer from the perp's own mouth so that she would be able to see for herself. So that everyone here would be able to.

Meanwhile, Joseph looked around the place, giving a small whistle.


"I don't really know what's goin' on here... But I'm really diggin' the view."

Lisa Lisa elbowed Joseph in the gut to shut him up.

@The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @Jeremi @The Great Detective @Justin Charming @Cromartie Sarkissian @york
@The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @Jeremi @The Great Detective @Justin Charming @Cromartie Sarkissian @Verite

Asriel looked really upset at this... The collectors were the least of his concerns right now, but, rather, this man in front of them... Who had betrayed the UN, in favor of whatever offer Elliot had made...

He said quietly... Looking more sad than anything... He knew Elliot was beyond rational thought at this point... And... Having been in a state of mind like that before, he had a feeling Elliot wasn't much different... At one point or another, Elliot had pulled a cloak over each of their eyes, or... Most of them anyways, fabricating an illusory world where they were meant to remain trapped in, forever... He wished he could somehow pull Elliot from his own madness at times, but, at this rate... It was impossible... Even all of the souls in his body, wasn't enough to do so...

As Asriel spoke, it wasn't clear if he was projecting himself, as he once was... As a flower... Onto Elliot's own personality, or if he was certain that Elliot followed a similar train of thought he once had... He seemed to pause for a moment...

Asriel looked almost miserable, despite his best efforts to hold back his emotions... It wasn't certain how much of what he said was true, as he was indeed known to project himself onto others... Even when it might not always work out all the time... But, it was clear he was trying to convince Kenjiro to reconsider his own actions... Somehow...

Kenjiro laughed at Carth's comment. "That's funny. I'm not giving orders. I would like to explain myself." He straightened his jacket, and cleared his throat.

"I defected because the UN is nothing but bureaucracy. You can't get anything done because the General Assembly must debate on a course of action. I defected, because they're a useless organization, just like the Coalition. Obsolete, and useless. Elliot was strong. He offered power, he offered control. He could bring peace. That's why I joined him." He leaned back in his chair.

He looked to Asriel. "I'll strike him down first. I'll take him down before he can take me down." He said. "Those injections that kept your memories closed, I took after you did. It gave me God-like power. I could become more powerful than him, and take control. I have plans." He smirked. "The Multiverse will be under my control, and neither the UN nor the Coalition can help it. I will bring those organizations to their knees. That's what it's about. Power. Fortune favors the strong, they say."

He looked at Joseph. "You like it, eh? That's the city of Neo-Tokyo. Beautiful city. Too bad the corporations ruined it."

One of the UNCED soldiers that were outside of the door took off their helmet. Long black hair unfolded down to the soldier's waist. It was Doctor Kim. The CEO of Omnidyne-Cross. "You ruined it. You murdered my father for that power, and blindsided the entire UN all for control. I'm glad you'll be going to hell." She said, clutching her assault rifle. "If you even deserve that luxury."

"Well, what a surprise." Kenjiro laughed.

@Atomyk @Justin Charming @Jeremi @The Great Detective @Cromartie Sarkissian

"So let me get this straight... you're only siding with Elliot for that sort of power? With that much power, it does not lead to promising results... That I can tell from the result of my alternative self taking the path of mastering time and space... and if you choose to pursue that power for yourself... do know that at some point, you will fall. The higher they are, the harder they will fall, or so they say..."

Mastermind knew he was in such a position before, on the path to obtain power, but due to his experiences as opposed to Esper, he strayed from that powerhungry path, and settled with what he has... On the other hand, Esper felt the need to share his thoughts... popping his head out from a small time rift that was positioned near Kenjiro...


"You know, this is pretty convenient for many reasons, so many that I don't know where to begin... So first off, I'd like to say that despite the whole deal you have with siding with Elliot... it's tough luck that Elliot's on my personal hitlist... and you wanna know where that leads up to~?"

A mischievous grin growing on the Esper's face, he leaned over to whisper this to Kenjiro...


"You're also on my hitlist, Kenjiro Yamadera."

Leaning back, Esper had his time rift expand so he could hop out of it and land on his feet, wanting to be fully present for this.


"So if you value your own life much more than this power trip... I suggest stepping off of the Elliot train. Who knows if I'll be the one ending your life? Or someone else that prefers to do her own thing... but think about fooooooor... a good minute or so? The clock's ticking... and won't stop... kekekekee..."

Apparently Esper did have some motivation here, wanting all types of ties that connect to Elliot gone and dead in some way...

@Atomyk @Justin Charming @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @york @Cromartie Sarkissian @Verite
The creature tried to reach out and grab the group but they were already too far from it. It would continue to shriek as it clawed the ground before falling back into its hole.

Seeing the best disappear back into the hole Shepard would stop her sprint and let off a sigh. "Well...I guess we know what they're keeping here."

"The creature resembled one of the Reapers inside a humanoid frame! Explain yourself Commander!"

"That's exactly what it is...a human Reaper. I thought we destroyed it, but I guess you can't keep monsters like that down for long." She'd look around the almost deserted base. "We can't do anything with it right now, not with the firepower we have. Not even you, Skeletor."

He'd huff in response. "I didn't say anything."

"Let's get the hell out of here and regroup."

@Crimson Spartan @The Tactician @Archmage Jeremiah @Team Shepard
As they ran and ran, Applebloom spun her head around to keep an eye on the mechanical monstrosity just as it took a wild swipe at the group. The filly reflexively flinched at the sight, but breathed a desperate sigh once it retreated back into its hole in the base. They both came skidding to a stop on their hooves, with Applebloom flopping over in a strained sweat.

"Woowee," she remarked past her heaving, "ain't that just the biggest Reaper we ever did see, huh sis? Was it givin' ya shivers too?"

Applejack glanced towards her sister after listening in on Shep's conversation for a bit, just long enough to hear some concerning details, "Naw...c'mon sis, I've had to work for Cherry Jubilee, that thing don't even compare," AJ joked, getting in a good laugh with Applebloom before suddenly turning alot more quiet as she approached the captain with something more serious bogging her down,


"So, uh...that thing was a "human" Reaper, yeah? And how, might I ask, do they make 'em...?" she asked, her wary tone telling that it was a question born from feelings of dread.


@Crimson Spartan @The Tactician @Team Shepard​

Rey smiled a bit. Of course, she was not a stranger to unnatural types of abilities, but she was curious now that she had a chance to actually ask him about it. "So, my friend," she asked Toboe, "is this your natural form, or is it the other one? And the ability to change appearance, it seems like it would be a very useful one, is it not?"



"Well, my natural form is the wolf one. I usually use this one as a disguise. So, yeah this one is useful when hunters are around." Toboe explained with a smile.

Legion paused for a moment, the flaps on its head furrowing as if in thought.


"Our next objective is to continue searching for the mainframe. We should proceed down this open hallway... that is, if no one has any objections." It looked toward Elizabeth, but the girl looked away, choosing not to respond.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP

Rey nodded in her understanding of what was next. She had no objections, but was not going to say it out loud. She looked to Toboe, and then started to follow along down the open hallway as Legion recommended. This time, as she noticed the threats to them getting more dangerous, she kept Luke Skywalker's lightsaber in her hand, feeling it would be better to have the Jedi weapon handy in the likely case they would run into an even more dangerous foe.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Lizzy @Bomb @Atomyk @legiongroup

Toboe followed along Rey with the smile still on his face.

"I'm Toboe, by the way." He added.

@Mari @Atomyk @Bomb @Crow @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Legion group
@Those Headed To The Encampment
As those headed to the encampment drew closer... It seemed apparant that it was a crudely set up "trading post" of sorts, made of scavanged parts, and bits of brown cloth... With little dwarf-sized creatures running around, yelling and seemingly bickering at one another in an unknown language.

At first glance, they seemed like a bunch of nomadic scavengers... With some wares up for trade... But, looking closer at the "wares" it became apparant that they were stolen bits of Geth and Husk machinery... Heck, some looked like they might be beacons, or other mechanical devices... And heck, there were even a few weapons laying about... Though, it was a mystery how these creatures even managed to survive here, let alone steal most of their "inventory" which was up for sale, but... The only way to find out was to talk to them... Right?
Though it seemed to be a trading post, it wasn't like Karasu or Haruka had any currency on them. Much less currency for whatever planet this was. Only one thing to do then.

"Whatcha got there?" Haruka inquired, moving closer to some of the wares. She didn't really know what any of it was, but it looked pretty advanced compared to what she was used to. Karasu, however, was not so easily amused nor taken with the scraps they had.

"...Where'd you get these?"

@york @T.O.M. @Krieg @DapperDogman @AA Batteries​
Toboe's keen hearing picked up the sound and he instinctively moved to the side as fast as possible-though he got a graze on his left arm, there was no major damage done. He didn't have a weapon on him currently, so he'd have to dodge bullets for now. Maybe it could distract the big guy long enough for the rest to defeat it?

"Nice try, but you'll have to try harder than that!" He called out, taunting it.

@Mari @Atomyk @Bomb @Crow @Legion group


"Ummm...." the girl said as that happened... Well there really wasn't a point in not fighting, even though the girl wanted to persuade the figure.

Well, time to bring out some of their own musical powers and to try and immobilize the figure.

@Mari @Atomyk @Lizzy @Crow @legoin​






It seemed to happen so quickly, yet so slow and planned out. The figure, focused on its single purpose of wiping out the intruders, would hear a familiar roar ring out from behind it. Before it could have the chance to turn around, it would realize that a giant drill was attempting to impale it from behind. The drill was large, and it could probably realize the being behind it was just as big as they were.

Daddy's home.



Unfortunately for Rey, the strange gun in her hand seemed to have only a single shot in it.

The sudden musical number had the intended effect of confusing the figure, who paused in place and looked about the room. The flames that enveloped its body finally began to die out and its helmet started to shift in color, flashing in tune to the music. Maybe the beast had been calmed by the power of music? Elizabeth closed the tear she had opened and stared in awe while Legion kept a cautious aim on the figure. The group waited a moment to see if the figure would drop his weapon... or possibly begin to dance.

That was, until, the helmet settled once again and the figure aimed on Deemo this time. It would have been an easy shot if not for the sudden appearance of Bubba, whose drill successfully impaled the figure from behind. It was easy with its suit weakened as it was, and the sound of music had drowned out that familiar roar of a drill. The sound of metal grinding on metal filled the room, lasting for an uncomfortable amount of time. Soon enough, the light in the helmet of the figure would go out, and the room would fall into silence.

"Threat neutralized," said Legion.

"We should stop now," added Elizabeth, crossing her arms. "We don't know what kind of danger will be lurking further in."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Mari @Lizzy @Bomb @LEGION GROUP

Rey felt relieved when the thing was taken down. She looked towards Toboe, she saw that he had been injured from the blast. She went towards Toboe, to check on him. "Are you okay?", she asked. While she awaited an answer from her friend, Rey then looked towards Legion and the others, and asked another question.


"What is our next objective?"

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Lizzy @Bomb @Atomyk @legiongroup


"I'm okay, it's nothing too major." Toboe replied to Rey's question towards him. He was glad that she didn't seem put off by the fact that he wasn't the wolf she met at first.

@Mari @Atomyk @Bomb @Crow @CrunchyCHEEZIT


Rey smiled a bit. Of course, she was not a stranger to unnatural types of abilities, but she was curious now that she had a chance to actually ask him about it. "So, my friend," she asked Toboe, "is this your natural form, or is it the other one? And the ability to change appearance, it seems like it would be a very useful one, is it not?"


Rey nodded in her understanding of what was next. She had no objections, but was not going to say it out loud. She looked to Toboe, and then started to follow along down the open hallway as Legion recommended. This time, as she noticed the threats to them getting more dangerous, she kept Luke Skywalker's lightsaber in her hand, feeling it would be better to have the Jedi weapon handy in the likely case they would run into an even more dangerous foe.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Lizzy @Bomb @Atomyk @legiongroup


"Well, my natural form is the wolf one. I usually use this one as a disguise. So, yeah this one is useful when hunters are around." Toboe explained with a smile.

Toboe followed along Rey with the smile still on his face.

"I'm Toboe, by the way." He added.

@Mari @Atomyk @Bomb @Crow @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Legion group

"So, Heavy Metal Guy likes Heavy Metal huh? Moreso than me, I can definitely see," Producer smiles as Shouko and Deemo hymn the tunes as the mechanical mayhem... did something.

Suddenly, a drill pierced through the iron beast, ending the battle. This drill belonged to the old Big Daddy.

"Hey, Big Daddy's alive and kicking!" Producer smiles, before raising his palm. "High tou-"

Before he could unleash a high-five, he realised that Bubba didn't really have palms.



"HYAAAA HYAAA HYAAA Hyaaa hyaa hyaa high touch~ fuhihihi~"

Shouko calms down as he attempts to give Deemo a high-five with her palm raised up upon the black beast.

Producer realised something. "The mainframe? Is that remotely possible without the-"

He looks at Rey, then the slender mechanical being known as Legion.

"Yeah, OK. I think we can do the mainframe stuff. I hope."

"My friend..." Shouko utters.

"A true Producer moves forward, even if this path is perilous. Together, we are less easy to halt. That being said... I'm unsure if we can plan for the unpredicted, but only prepare, very very heavily."

Shouko then walks up to Toboe and Rey, with guitar strapped around her. "Let's... do our best... everyone... fuhihihi..."

@Mari @Lizzy @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LEGIONGROUP​
Kenjiro laughed at Carth's comment. "That's funny. I'm not giving orders. I would like to explain myself." He straightened his jacket, and cleared his throat.

"I defected because the UN is nothing but bureaucracy. You can't get anything done because the General Assembly must debate on a course of action. I defected, because they're a useless organization, just like the Coalition. Obsolete, and useless. Elliot was strong. He offered power, he offered control. He could bring peace. That's why I joined him." He leaned back in his chair.

He looked to Asriel. "I'll strike him down first. I'll take him down before he can take me down." He said. "Those injections that kept your memories closed, I took after you did. It gave me God-like power. I could become more powerful than him, and take control. I have plans." He smirked. "The Multiverse will be under my control, and neither the UN nor the Coalition can help it. I will bring those organizations to their knees. That's what it's about. Power. Fortune favors the strong, they say."

One of the UNCED soldiers that were outside of the door took off their helmet. Long black hair unfolded down to the soldier's waist. It was Doctor Kim. The CEO of Omnidyne-Cross. "You ruined it. You murdered my father for that power, and blindsided the entire UN all for control. I'm glad you'll be going to hell." She said, clutching her assault rifle. "If you even deserve that luxury."

"So let me get this straight... you're only siding with Elliot for that sort of power? With that much power, it does not lead to promising results... That I can tell from the result of my alternative self taking the path of mastering time and space... and if you choose to pursue that power for yourself... do know that at some point, you will fall. The higher they are, the harder they will fall, or so they say..."

Mastermind knew he was in such a position before, on the path to obtain power, but due to his experiences as opposed to Esper, he strayed from that powerhungry path, and settled with what he has... On the other hand, Esper felt the need to share his thoughts... popping his head out from a small time rift that was positioned near Kenjiro...


"You know, this is pretty convenient for many reasons, so many that I don't know where to begin... So first off, I'd like to say that despite the whole deal you have with siding with Elliot... it's tough luck that Elliot's on my personal hitlist... and you wanna know where that leads up to~?"

A mischievous grin growing on the Esper's face, he leaned over to whisper this to Kenjiro...


"You're also on my hitlist, Kenjiro Yamadera."

Leaning back, Esper had his time rift expand so he could hop out of it and land on his feet, wanting to be fully present for this.


"So if you value your own life much more than this power trip... I suggest stepping off of the Elliot train. Who knows if I'll be the one ending your life? Or someone else that prefers to do her own thing... but think about fooooooor... a good minute or so? The clock's ticking... and won't stop... kekekekee..."

Apparently Esper did have some motivation here, wanting all types of ties that connect to Elliot gone and dead in some way...

@Atomyk @Justin Charming @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @york @Cromartie Sarkissian @Verite


"But power and control by themselves don't bring peace! You can force it all you want, but that's not an ideal society! That's a dictatorship!" Akane exclaimed heatedly, taking a step forward.


"Maybe you're right. Maybe the bureaucracy can prove to be counterproductive at times. Maybe the General Assembly can make a slip up every now and then. But do you know why that is? It's because, despite how much they may try to hide it, whether for the sake of others or for themselves, they are just as human as the rest of us. And to be human means to be flawed. To be imperfect. We aren't gods, and that's for the better. We're defined by our imperfections and the efforts to better ourselves that originate from those imperfections."

"Society doesn't always do what's right. That's exactly why we ourselves must live virtuous lives."


"That's why... I'm placing you under arrest for conspiracy, among other charges, Kenjiro Yamadera."

"The cycle of violence ends with you and Elliot. If your actions are what I define as evil, then I will absolutely do everything in my power to put you away."

Meanwhile, Carth would impede in on Doctor Kim's intervention, maintaining his gaze upon Kenjiro before speaking. "Maybe the justice he deserves is no justice at all, but even so... Would your father want you to go down this kind of path? When you kill one person, that blood will be on your hands forever, kid."

Carth spoke from experience. The life of a war hero was never all luxury and relaxation. His wife and son never wanted him to live this kind of life if it meant always being away from them, but he did. And it was them who paid for his inability to understand the wishes of others. And even now, after the two of them had died, he continued this kind of life on some folly quest to gain vengeance upon the man he had once trusted, and was betrayed by.


He was going to defy fate, who had damned Carth by betraying those who put his trust in him, by getting back at the man who had betrayed his own trust. And even if it meant going to a place where his family never wanted him to go...

Carth drew his own signature blaster, aiming it at Kenjiro.

"... You know, arresting someone is so much trouble. It gives them the possibility of escaping just to wreak more havoc. I'm sure no one would be able to say anything if I tell them that you tried to resist and just unluckily got shot down to death."


"Mr. Carth...!"

"Which alternative do you prefer, Yamadera?"

@Atomyk @Justin Charming @Jeremi @The Great Detective @Cromartie Sarkissian @The Silver Paladin
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Who did that furry little pest think he was talking to?! Broly didn't need anybody ordering him around! Not when he was in his element, the element of destruction! The saiyan truly felt like a kid in a candyshop as he threw energy blast after energy blast at the Geth/Husk forces. They were nothing to him! Nothing but pathetic little insects that needed to be wiped out, exterminated! All because Legion created that holographic image of Kakarot as Broly had requested. Who's to say these creatures couldn't do the same? Just to irritate him? The mere thought only made him want to destroy them even more!

As the dropships came in and began dropping off large quantities of troops, Broly couldn't help but throw his head back and laugh.

"Bring all the soldiers that you'd like! Bring them all to the slaughter!"


As Dust went on the attack and brought down one of the dropships, Broly raised an eyebrow in bemusement. "I guess you aren't all talk and no action after all!" The saiyan admitted before he had an idea of his own. These creatures seemed to think that just because their was more of them that they would win. Broly sought to prove them wrong, oh so wrong.

With his aura flaring around him and making a majority of the area dark green in coloration, Broly charged forward. With his massive arms stretched out to the side, he sought to simply apart any Geth or Husk unfortunate enough to get into his path. Be it by his energy blasts or simply his own two hands. None would escape his wrath! This is what the battle with those heroes should have been! All of them falling to the wayside due to Broly's immeasurable power! That said their were likely to be a number of enemy forces that didn't wish to see Broly simply charge past them.

Broly's response to this was sufficient.



For the Geth/Husks weren't Broly's main priority anymore. The ground forces would still be decimated by his hands, yes. But a new opportunity for destruction had just arrived and Broly wasn't the type to shirk it. Flying up into the sky, Broly sought to hover over one of the dropships as the area glowed dark green again.


The dropships were likely not to be a problem anymore. As was the case for any Geth and or Husk who got caught up in that energy blast.

@york @Kaykay @DapperDogman
@Those Taking On The Army
@T.O.M. @Kaykay @DapperDogman
Dust was tearing through the dropships one by one... As if he was used to this... It actually got to the point where the AA batteries themselves took aim in a desperate measure to defend the remaining dropships... However, considering AA batteries weren't resigned for hitting smaller targets, the directed energy weapons found it difficult to hit Dust... Though both he and Fidget looked like they were cutting it really close... The Geth Anti Air batteries were having some difficulty, but, the Reaper made cannons appeared to have a deadly precision to their shots... In the meantime, it was very apparant that the Geth and Reaper forces were fighting a losing battle... However... Despite this, the red looking husks continued to advance on them, some of them detonating under either Korro's deadly tantacle strikes, or Broly's powerfull energy attacks... However, despite this, the surviving ranks drew ever closer... Shots rained down from the skies from the surviving dropships, but, suddenly ceased just as Broly charged an energy shot, decimating not just one... But four whole dropships! Along with Dust's incredible assault on the enemy, it would appear that the few dropships remaining are retreating from the battlefield. However... It was then that a nearby reaper AA battery charged up it's deadly laser with a deadly amount of speed... And suddenly, it fired a deadly beam of energy towards Broly, it was apparant that he had also attracted the attention of the very batteries they were meant to disable...

It looked like Korro and Bane were left to deal with the ground forces... Speaking of which, the clumps of red husks that remained suddenly made a mad dash for both of them... And judging by the way the detonated upon death... It was clear these were some sort of kemikaze unit however, to add to their troubles, the bigger, slower husk creatures appeared to be launching explosive biotic shots in their direction, however... They appeared to have significantly less range... Though, it would appear that their shots were able to pierce the cover of nearby rocks... Indicating that it was best not to let these things get too close... Last but not least, it would appear that the lumbering walkers were unleashing heavy machinegun fire in their direction... Seeming as if they were stalling as they charged up their main cannons... As for the remaining Geth infantry? Well, they were providing cover as best as they can, though, it looked like most of the heavy artillery was doing the fighting now... Perhaps it would be wise to seek cover? Or... Continue fighting... In either case, the battle looked to be reaching it's conclusion very soon...
Though it seemed to be a trading post, it wasn't like Karasu or Haruka had any currency on them. Much less currency for whatever planet this was. Only one thing to do then.

"Whatcha got there?" Haruka inquired, moving closer to some of the wares. She didn't really know what any of it was, but it looked pretty advanced compared to what she was used to. Karasu, however, was not so easily amused nor taken with the scraps they had.

"...Where'd you get these?"

@york @T.O.M. @Krieg @DapperDogman @AA Batteries​
@Those At The Encampment
@Kaykay @Krieg @T.O.M. @DapperDogman @Others

The strange creatures suddenly seemed to jump up, yammering like crazy for a few moments, some of the creatures crowded around Haruka and Karasu, pointing to various pieces, and trying to explain in a foreign tongue... But to no avail... However, from what Haruka could gather, it would appear that alot of them appeared to be virtual intelligence chips... And inspecting them closer, it was apparant that these things might have been stolen from the AA control center... Perhaps they could be of some use? After a few moments of yammering, suddenly one of them whistled over to another of their kind, one that actually appeared to be fiddling around with what looked like salvaged Geth weaponry, it suddenly hopped over, clutching what looked like some sort of advanced flamethrower.

It made some more yammering noises, pointing to the weapon, then to the battlefield behind them... And some of them even pointed to the facility the massive armada that was currently fighting Broly and the others were guarding... It was apparant that they had been stealing weapons and technology from the local base... Though, seeing how they were pointing at the flamethrower, then at the virtual intelligence chips... It was apparant that they were willing to trade weapons for the virtual intelligence chips they posessed... Well, it would appear even those crafty scavengers were having trouble building up the courage to scour the battlefield in it's present state... But, maybe Haruka and Karasu could scavenge up some weapons? It would seem that these virtual intelligence chips might just come in handy when it came to dealing with the machinery that was presumably housed in the AA control center...​


"But power and control by themselves don't bring peace! You can force it all you want, but that's not an ideal society! That's a dictatorship!" Akane exclaimed heatedly, taking a step forward.


"Maybe you're right. Maybe the bureaucracy can prove to be counterproductive at times. Maybe the General Assembly can make a slip up every now and then. But do you know why that is? It's because, despite how much they may try to hide it, whether for the sake of others or for themselves, they are just as human as the rest of us. And to be human means to be flawed. To be imperfect. We aren't gods, and that's for the better. We're defined by our imperfections and the efforts to better ourselves that originate from those imperfections."

"Society doesn't always do what's right. That's exactly why we ourselves must live virtuous lives."


"That's why... I'm placing you under arrest for conspiracy, among other charges, Kenjiro Yamadera."

"The cycle of violence ends with you and Elliot. If your actions are what I define as evil, then I will absolutely do everything in my power to put you away."

Meanwhile, Carth would impede in on Doctor Kim's intervention, maintaining his gaze upon Kenjiro before speaking. "Maybe the justice he deserves is no justice at all, but even so... Would your father want you to go down this kind of path? When you kill one person, that blood will be on your hands forever, kid."

Carth spoke from experience. The life of a war hero was never all luxury and relaxation. His wife and son never wanted him to live this kind of life if it meant always being away from them, but he did. And it was them who paid for his inability to understand the wishes of others. And even now, after the two of them had died, he continued this kind of life on some folly quest to gain vengeance upon the man he had once trusted, and was betrayed by.


He was going to defy fate, who had damned Carth by betraying those who put his trust in him, by getting back at the man who had betrayed his own trust. And even if it meant going to a place where his family never wanted him to go...

Carth drew his own signature blaster, aiming it at Kenjiro.

"... You know, arresting someone is so much trouble. It gives them the possibility of escaping just to wreak more havoc. I'm sure no one would be able to say anything if I tell them that you tried to resist and just unluckily got shot down to death."


"Mr. Carth...!"

"Which alternative do you prefer, Yamadera?"

@Atomyk @Justin Charming @Jeremi @The Great Detective @Cromartie Sarkissian @The Silver Paladin

Kenjiro laughed at Carth's comment. "That's funny. I'm not giving orders. I would like to explain myself." He straightened his jacket, and cleared his throat.

"I defected because the UN is nothing but bureaucracy. You can't get anything done because the General Assembly must debate on a course of action. I defected, because they're a useless organization, just like the Coalition. Obsolete, and useless. Elliot was strong. He offered power, he offered control. He could bring peace. That's why I joined him." He leaned back in his chair.

He looked to Asriel. "I'll strike him down first. I'll take him down before he can take me down." He said. "Those injections that kept your memories closed, I took after you did. It gave me God-like power. I could become more powerful than him, and take control. I have plans." He smirked. "The Multiverse will be under my control, and neither the UN nor the Coalition can help it. I will bring those organizations to their knees. That's what it's about. Power. Fortune favors the strong, they say."

He looked at Joseph. "You like it, eh? That's the city of Neo-Tokyo. Beautiful city. Too bad the corporations ruined it."

One of the UNCED soldiers that were outside of the door took off their helmet. Long black hair unfolded down to the soldier's waist. It was Doctor Kim. The CEO of Omnidyne-Cross. "You ruined it. You murdered my father for that power, and blindsided the entire UN all for control. I'm glad you'll be going to hell." She said, clutching her assault rifle. "If you even deserve that luxury."

"Well, what a surprise." Kenjiro laughed.

@Atomyk @Justin Charming @Jeremi @The Great Detective @Cromartie Sarkissian
I had to admit that this guy had a point; I mean, one of the largest terrorist attacks in the world took place in my home city two years ago, and the UN didn't do anything about it...ever! I can exactly blame them, mainly due to my universe being destroyed before they could make a statement, but the point still stands. It's just capitalism; the UN is always after money, and never used it when it's needed. They always store it away, using it on themselves instead of on AID. Or, at least, that's what they're like in my universe....

Maybe this city had been beautiful once. In a way, it still is; all those proud buildings standing erect on a shining floor, almost looked like pillars of diamond peaking out of a stone. How had it been ruined? Was it just the change in power? Or was it the murder? Maybe he's talking about another kind of beauty; maybe it was some kind of woodland area before hand.

I suppose it's probably not as beautiful from down below; everyone would praise Starling City for its bright lights and beauty, but always casted a blind eye when it came to the Glades...the slums. They treated us like parasites, ticks tangled in a dogs fur. They tried to cull us, cut out the infection, with an act of terror.

I suppose I'm talking in circles...either way....this guy has a point...he may be a killer...but he has a reason
"Wait!" I cry, stepping forward between Kim and the insurgent. "Maybe we don't have to kill him, or arrest him, or anything." I pause, taking in a deep, rough breath. I don't want them to think I'm a defect... "Perhaps we can work with this dude"
@The Great Detective @Justin Charming @Jerimi @Atomyk
Mobile post
The creature tried to reach out and grab the group but they were already too far from it. It would continue to shriek as it clawed the ground before falling back into its hole.

Seeing the best disappear back into the hole Shepard would stop her sprint and let off a sigh. "Well...I guess we know what they're keeping here."

"The creature resembled one of the Reapers inside a humanoid frame! Explain yourself Commander!"

"That's exactly what it is...a human Reaper. I thought we destroyed it, but I guess you can't keep monsters like that down for long." She'd look around the almost deserted base. "We can't do anything with it right now, not with the firepower we have. Not even you, Skeletor."

He'd huff in response. "I didn't say anything."

"Let's get the hell out of here and regroup."

@Crimson Spartan @The Tactician @Archmage Jeremiah @Team Shepard
"...Of all the times...." Six muttered under his breath wishing he had brought that mini nuke launcher after all. "...I don't think I can't forget somethin' like that without a drink.... So after all this is over would anyone be up fer a drink...?" Six would offer while he moved with the others to regroup.

@Jeremi @Archmage Jeremiah @The Tactician @ThisSomeShadyShit

"Well, my natural form is the wolf one. I usually use this one as a disguise. So, yeah this one is useful when hunters are around." Toboe explained with a smile.

Toboe followed along Rey with the smile still on his face.

"I'm Toboe, by the way." He added.

@Mari @Atomyk @Bomb @Crow @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Legion group

"Nice to meet you, Toboe", Rey said, finding Toboe an interesting... being. "It's an honor to have you by my side." She had known of so many different types of beings, so why not one that changes from the wolf to a human like form? And then, she tried to remember if she had introduced herself... it was not likely, as most of the time she was unaware that he could speak, or understand her. Now that she was certain, she thought, she may as well be sure that she introduced herself to her friend, now.


One less thing to worry about, while approaching the next objective, Rey thought as she felt the lightsaber's grip in her hand. She hoped she would be able to react quicker, this time.

@Lizzy @Crow @Bomb @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk @legiongroup
@Those Taking On The Army
@T.O.M. @Kaykay @DapperDogman
Dust was tearing through the dropships one by one... As if he was used to this... It actually got to the point where the AA batteries themselves took aim in a desperate measure to defend the remaining dropships... However, considering AA batteries weren't resigned for hitting smaller targets, the directed energy weapons found it difficult to hit Dust... Though both he and Fidget looked like they were cutting it really close... The Geth Anti Air batteries were having some difficulty, but, the Reaper made cannons appeared to have a deadly precision to their shots... In the meantime, it was very apparant that the Geth and Reaper forces were fighting a losing battle... However... Despite this, the red looking husks continued to advance on them, some of them detonating under either Korro's deadly tantacle strikes, or Broly's powerfull energy attacks... However, despite this, the surviving ranks drew ever closer... Shots rained down from the skies from the surviving dropships, but, suddenly ceased just as Broly charged an energy shot, decimating not just one... But four whole dropships! Along with Dust's incredible assault on the enemy, it would appear that the few dropships remaining are retreating from the battlefield. However... It was then that a nearby reaper AA battery charged up it's deadly laser with a deadly amount of speed... And suddenly, it fired a deadly beam of energy towards Broly, it was apparant that he had also attracted the attention of the very batteries they were meant to disable...

It looked like Korro and Bane were left to deal with the ground forces... Speaking of which, the clumps of red husks that remained suddenly made a mad dash for both of them... And judging by the way the detonated upon death... It was clear these were some sort of kemikaze unit however, to add to their troubles, the bigger, slower husk creatures appeared to be launching explosive biotic shots in their direction, however... They appeared to have significantly less range... Though, it would appear that their shots were able to pierce the cover of nearby rocks... Indicating that it was best not to let these things get too close... Last but not least, it would appear that the lumbering walkers were unleashing heavy machinegun fire in their direction... Seeming as if they were stalling as they charged up their main cannons... As for the remaining Geth infantry? Well, they were providing cover as best as they can, though, it looked like most of the heavy artillery was doing the fighting now... Perhaps it would be wise to seek cover? Or... Continue fighting... In either case, the battle looked to be reaching it's conclusion very soon...​

The squid laughed as various explosions reigned around him, the geth thinking their kamikaze attack would prove able to do much to him

"You're not worthy of being the one to assassinate me" he jokes as he looks up to one of the nearby walkers, grinning as he suddenly takes off, ramming the giant mech with all of his force, his tendrils forming a single, huge drill as he aimed to bore a hole right through it's cockpit, disabling it instantly

He'd look to Broly, noting the Saiyan seemed preoccupied with his own issues, before dropping back to the ground and grinning to himself

As a cluster of explosive Geth would draw closer, he'd suddenly shoot his hands out in a sort of net, sending them flying through the air, hoping the now explosive rain would help kill a few of the larger Geth. It wouldn't be easy to deal with all these Geth if they couldn't take cover at any point

"Masked man, Bane is it?" he chimes, coming to stop beside him "What's the plan here? I can stall them for both of us to get out of here, or we can keep fighting"

@Krieg @york @T.O.M.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Justin
Mid-Chapter Update

As Elizabeth had been the only one to object to the idea, the group inside the bunker would continue on, moving down the hallway the Big Daddy-like figure had been guarding. The long stone hallway eventually gave way to another stairwell, this one descending into a large room shaded in cyan light. As the group stepped down inside, they would find they were surrounded by unique architecture from the area above. Great walls of glass separated the room from what appeared to be the ocean outside. Looking up, it would seem the group was much further below the surface than the stairwells would have taken them. Whether the ocean was real or just an illusion, it seemed unwise to mess with the glass.


"Scans indicate the mainframe... is here." Legion moved to the center of the room where the broken statue stood. The synthetic moved a hand forward, conjuring a holographic interface for it to tap away at. "All Geth mobile platforms will be freed of their reprogramming in four minutes."

Half that time passed before there was any disturbance. Whether Kaidan and Dawnstar had missed a few Geth or they were coming from somewhere new, dozens of the robots began pouring down into the room. Legion was silent as it worked, leaving the others to defend it while it finished its work.

As the Geth started firing on her, Elizabeth opened a tear in space that brought an explosion with it. Shrapnel and fire sent the Geth flying, making the defense a smoother process. It wasn't before long that Legion was done and all the Geth in the room suddenly shut down. In turn, all of the Geth across Rannoch would shut down as well.

"It will take time for the Geth to reestablish their connection with the collective."

Elizabeth turned on the robot, looking anxious. "Okay, so... we've done what we came here to do, all right? I think it's time we head back."


"Wait." Legion continued tapping away at the computer interface. "We have found something."

At the back of the room opened a small sliding door in the wall. Beside a box of cigars and a bottle of old soda was a small black box. Elizabeth moved forward to grab it but Legion intercepted her. "It is safest if we open it," it said, taking the black box in hand. Opening it up, it was revealed a lone pendant sat inside. It shared a similarity with the pendant Elizabeth wore, but while hers depicted a cage, this one depicted a falling bird.


"We believe this is the artifact we've been looking for. We will have to inform Shepard-Commander."

Soon enough, the group was back out of the bunker and establishing contact with Commander Shepard. Once she got confirmation the three areas had been cleared of threats, she contacted Cortez to leave the Normandy and take the shuttle to pick up the crew. Junko had hopped on to the shuttle as well, saying, "I'm so done moping." It was decided that the inside of the bunker would be where they would have Dawnstar examine the artifact and so Steve eventually had everyone gathered at the bunker's entrance.

As the group made their way inside, they would find that Koro-Sensei and Courier Six were missing. Traveling back to the entrance, they would find what remained of Koro: a pile of goo and a single singed tentacle laying within it. Beside this gruesome scene was a strange-looking gun.


There was also a note next to the gun that read, "Your hope is but ashes." The handwriting was different than the note from the last kill.

Shepard sighed deeply at the sight. "Seems it never ends... come on, people, let's discuss this away from here."

The group traveled back into the bunker and stood around the strange device sitting in the middle of the room. Dawnstar was already at work examining the artifact so she could pinpoint Elliot's location. She had opened the pendant to reveal a picture inside, depicting a woman with bushy brown hair, whoever that was.


"The UN's in the middle of the operation, but I'm told they still have the resources to take one more suspect. In this case, the victim was burned to a pile of goo, however that occured. There was an odd gun found beside the remains, and we also seem to be missing another of the crew. I have Kaidan searching the premises now. You all know what to do."

@Atomyk as Steven Cortez [Mass Effect]
@Hospes as Kofuku Ebisu [Noragami]
@Verite as Joseph "JoJo" Joestar and Lisa Lisa [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]
@Kaykay as Haruka Kaminogi and Karasu [Noein]
@Bomb as Deemo and Little Girl [Deemo]
@The Silver Paladin as Emmeryn [Fire Emblem]
@Crow as Producer Kido and Hoshi Shouko [The Idolmaster]
@Justin Charming as Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson and Elijah Mikaelson [The Vampire Diaries/The Originals]
@CCC Kouhai as Sugar [OFF]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Applejack and Applebloom [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
@Lizzy as Toboe [Wolf's Rain]
@Sen as Sal [Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Big Daddy [Bioshock]
@Gwazi Magnum as The Master [Doctor Who]
@C.T. as Qrow Branwen [RWBY]
@Jeremi as Skeletor [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe]
@The Tactician as Shizuo Heiwajima [Durarara!!]
@DapperDogman as Koro-Sensei [Assassination Classroom]
@Josh M as Starman/Thom Kallor [DC Comics]
@OrlandoBloomers as Boba Fett [Star Wars]
@Sir Ni!-ck as The Tenth Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Raven as Ezekiel Jones [The Librarians] and Deathstroke/Slade Wilson [DC Comics]
@Crimson Spartan as Courier Six [Fallout]
@The Great Detective as Esper and Mastermind [Elsword]
@york as Dust and Fidget [Dust: An Elysian Tail]
@Mari as Rey [Star Wars]
@Librarian Goat as Asgore Dreemurr [Undertale]
@DBZ7 as Jonathan Joestar and Johnny Joestar [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Deadpool [Marvel Comics]
@Krieg as Bane [Nolanverse Batman]
@Gibbons as Sogiita Gunha [Raildex]
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as "Manly" Dan Corduroy [Gravity Falls]
@T.O.M. as Broly [Dragon Ball]
@Mighty Roman as Larfleeze [DC Comics]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Roy Harper [Arrow]
Boba Fett - Voted out - [Role - Vanguard]
Esper & Mastermind - Killed! - [Role - Refugee]
Broly -
Voted out - [Role - Reaper Signal]
Roy Harper - Killed! - [Role - Refugee]
Asgore Dreemurr - Voted out [Role - Refugee]
Lisa Lisa & Joseph Joestar - Killed! - [Role - Agent]
Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson & Elijah Mikaelson - Voted out - [Role - Reaper Signal]
Koro-Sensei - Killed! - [Role - Refugee]
Last edited:
  • Useful
Reactions: Jeremi
Mid-Chapter Update

As Elizabeth had been the only one to object to the idea, the group inside the bunker would continue on, moving down the hallway the Big Daddy-like figure had been guarding. The long stone hallway eventually gave way to another stairwell, this one descending into a large room shaded in cyan light. As the group stepped down inside, they would find they were surrounded by unique architecture from the area above. Great walls of glass separated the room from what appeared to be the ocean outside. Looking up, it would seem the group was much further below the surface than the stairwells would have taken them. Whether the ocean was real or just an illusion, it seemed unwise to mess with the glass.


"Scans indicate the mainframe... is here." Legion moved to the center of the room where the broken statue stood. The synthetic moved a hand forward, conjuring a holographic interface for it to tap away at. "All Geth mobile platforms will be freed of their reprogramming in four minutes."

Half that time passed before there was any disturbance. Whether Kaidan and Dawnstar had missed a few Geth or they were coming from somewhere new, dozens of the robots began pouring down into the room. Legion was silent as it worked, leaving the others to defend it while it finished its work.

As the Geth started firing on her, Elizabeth opened a tear in space that brought an explosion with it. Shrapnel and fire sent the Geth flying, making the defense a smoother process. It wasn't before long that Legion was done and all the Geth in the room suddenly shut down. In turn, all of the Geth across Rannoch would shut down as well.

"It will take time for the Geth to reestablish their connection with the collective."

Elizabeth turned on the robot, looking anxious. "Okay, so... we've done what we came here to do, all right? I think it's time we head back."


"Wait." Legion continued tapping away at the computer interface. "We have found something."

At the back of the room opened a small sliding door in the wall. Beside a box of cigars and a bottle of old soda was a small black box. Elizabeth moved forward to grab it but Legion intercepted her. "It is safest if we open it," it said, taking the black box in hand. Opening it up, it was revealed a lone pendant sat inside. It shared a similarity with the pendant Elizabeth wore, but while hers depicted a cage, this one depicted a falling bird.


"We believe this is the artifact we've been looking for. We will have to inform Shepard-Commander."

Soon enough, the group was back out of the bunker and establishing contact with Commander Shepard. Once she got confirmation the three areas had been cleared of threats, she contacted Cortez to leave the Normandy and take the shuttle to pick up the crew. Junko had hopped on to the shuttle as well, saying, "I'm so done moping." It was decided that the inside of the bunker would be where they would have Dawnstar examine the artifact and so Steve eventually had everyone gathered at the bunker's entrance.

As the group made their way inside, they would find that Koro-Sensei and Courier Six were missing. Traveling back to the entrance, they would find what remained of Koro: a pile of ash and a single singed tentacle laying within it. Beside this gruesome scene was a strange-looking gun.


There was also a note next to the gun that read, "Your hope is but ashes." The handwriting was different than the note from the last kill.

Shepard sighed deeply at the sight. "Seems it never ends... come on, people, let's discuss this away from here."

The group traveled back into the bunker and stood around the strange device sitting in the middle of the room. Dawnstar was already at work examining the artifact so she could pinpoint Elliot's location. She had opened the pendant to reveal a picture inside, depicting a woman with bushy brown hair, whoever that was.


"The UN's in the middle of the operation, but I'm told they still have the resources to take one more suspect. In this case, the victim was burned to a pile of ashes, however that occured. There was an odd gun found beside the remains, and we also seem to be missing another of the crew. I have Kaidan searching the premises now. You all know what to do."

@Atomyk as Steven Cortez [Mass Effect]
@Hospes as Kofuku Ebisu [Noragami]
@Verite as Joseph "JoJo" Joestar and Lisa Lisa [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]
@Kaykay as Haruka Kaminogi and Karasu [Noein]
@Bomb as Deemo and Little Girl [Deemo]
@The Silver Paladin as Emmeryn [Fire Emblem]
@Crow as Producer Kido and Hoshi Shouko [The Idolmaster]
@Justin Charming as Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson and Elijah Mikaelson [The Vampire Diaries/The Originals]
@CCC Kouhai as Sugar [OFF]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Applejack and Applebloom [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
@Lizzy as Toboe [Wolf's Rain]
@Sen as Sal [Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Big Daddy [Bioshock]
@Gwazi Magnum as The Master [Doctor Who]
@C.T. as Qrow Branwen [RWBY]
@Jeremi as Skeletor [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe]
@The Tactician as Shizuo Heiwajima [Durarara!!]
@DapperDogman as Koro-Sensei [Assassination Classroom]
@Josh M as Starman/Thom Kallor [DC Comics]
@OrlandoBloomers as Boba Fett [Star Wars]
@Sir Ni!-ck as The Tenth Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Raven as Ezekiel Jones [The Librarians] and Deathstroke/Slade Wilson [DC Comics]
@Crimson Spartan as Courier Six [Fallout]
@The Great Detective as Esper and Mastermind [Elsword]
@york as Dust and Fidget [Dust: An Elysian Tail]
@Mari as Rey [Star Wars]
@Librarian Goat as Asgore Dreemurr [Undertale]
@DBZ7 as Jonathan Joestar and Johnny Joestar [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Deadpool [Marvel Comics]
@Krieg as Bane [Nolanverse Batman]
@Gibbons as Sogiita Gunha [Raildex]
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as "Manly" Dan Corduroy [Gravity Falls]
@T.O.M. as Broly [Dragon Ball]
@Mighty Roman as Larfleeze [DC Comics]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Roy Harper [Arrow]
Boba Fett - Voted out - [Role - Vanguard]
Esper & Mastermind - Killed! - [Role - Refugee]
Broly -
Voted out - [Role - Reaper Signal]
Roy Harper - Killed! - [Role - Refugee]
Asgore Dreemurr - Voted out [Role - Refugee]
Lisa Lisa & Joseph Joestar - Killed! - [Role - Agent]
Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson & Elijah Mikaelson - Voted out - [Role - Reaper Signal]
Koro-Sensei - Killed! - [Role - Refugee]
Dawnstar would grasp the pendant in her hands. Even with a small trinket like this she should be able to find Elliot wherever he may be. "I-I need more time. I thought I was fully healed from my...ordeal but I need more time. Right now trying to find the killer takes precedence."

Shepard had to agree on that. "Well as soon as you get something you let us now."

Dawnstar nodded. "I will, and thank you for your understanding."

Skeletor meanwhile would be looking over the remains of Koro-sensei. "I know I asked for fried calamari, but he is clearly overcooked. NYEHAHAHAHA!"
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Ringmaster
"Nice to meet you, Toboe", Rey said, finding Toboe an interesting... being. "It's an honor to have you by my side." She had known of so many different types of beings, so why not one that changes from the wolf to a human like form? And then, she tried to remember if she had introduced herself... it was not likely, as most of the time she was unaware that he could speak, or understand her. Now that she was certain, she thought, she may as well be sure that she introduced herself to her friend, now.


One less thing to worry about, while approaching the next objective, Rey thought as she felt the lightsaber's grip in her hand. She hoped she would be able to react quicker, this time.

@Lizzy @Crow @Bomb @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk @legiongroup

"Nice to meet you too, Rey." Toboe said with a grin.

Mid-Chapter Update

As Elizabeth had been the only one to object to the idea, the group inside the bunker would continue on, moving down the hallway the Big Daddy-like figure had been guarding. The long stone hallway eventually gave way to another stairwell, this one descending into a large room shaded in cyan light. As the group stepped down inside, they would find they were surrounded by unique architecture from the area above. Great walls of glass separated the room from what appeared to be the ocean outside. Looking up, it would seem the group was much further below the surface than the stairwells would have taken them. Whether the ocean was real or just an illusion, it seemed unwise to mess with the glass.


"Scans indicate the mainframe... is here." Legion moved to the center of the room where the broken statue stood. The synthetic moved a hand forward, conjuring a holographic interface for it to tap away at. "All Geth mobile platforms will be freed of their reprogramming in four minutes."

Half that time passed before there was any disturbance. Whether Kaidan and Dawnstar had missed a few Geth or they were coming from somewhere new, dozens of the robots began pouring down into the room. Legion was silent as it worked, leaving the others to defend it while it finished its work.

As the Geth started firing on her, Elizabeth opened a tear in space that brought an explosion with it. Shrapnel and fire sent the Geth flying, making the defense a smoother process. It wasn't before long that Legion was done and all the Geth in the room suddenly shut down. In turn, all of the Geth across Rannoch would shut down as well.

"It will take time for the Geth to reestablish their connection with the collective."

Elizabeth turned on the robot, looking anxious. "Okay, so... we've done what we came here to do, all right? I think it's time we head back."


"Wait." Legion continued tapping away at the computer interface. "We have found something."

At the back of the room opened a small sliding door in the wall. Beside a box of cigars and a bottle of old soda was a small black box. Elizabeth moved forward to grab it but Legion intercepted her. "It is safest if we open it," it said, taking the black box in hand. Opening it up, it was revealed a lone pendant sat inside. It shared a similarity with the pendant Elizabeth wore, but while hers depicted a cage, this one depicted a falling bird.


"We believe this is the artifact we've been looking for. We will have to inform Shepard-Commander."

Soon enough, the group was back out of the bunker and establishing contact with Commander Shepard. Once she got confirmation the three areas had been cleared of threats, she contacted Cortez to leave the Normandy and take the shuttle to pick up the crew. Junko had hopped on to the shuttle as well, saying, "I'm so done moping." It was decided that the inside of the bunker would be where they would have Dawnstar examine the artifact and so Steve eventually had everyone gathered at the bunker's entrance.

As the group made their way inside, they would find that Koro-Sensei and Courier Six were missing. Traveling back to the entrance, they would find what remained of Koro: a pile of ash and a single singed tentacle laying within it. Beside this gruesome scene was a strange-looking gun.


There was also a note next to the gun that read, "Your hope is but ashes." The handwriting was different than the note from the last kill.

Shepard sighed deeply at the sight. "Seems it never ends... come on, people, let's discuss this away from here."

The group traveled back into the bunker and stood around the strange device sitting in the middle of the room. Dawnstar was already at work examining the artifact so she could pinpoint Elliot's location. She had opened the pendant to reveal a picture inside, depicting a woman with bushy brown hair, whoever that was.


"The UN's in the middle of the operation, but I'm told they still have the resources to take one more suspect. In this case, the victim was burned to a pile of ashes, however that occured. There was an odd gun found beside the remains, and we also seem to be missing another of the crew. I have Kaidan searching the premises now. You all know what to do."

@Atomyk as Steven Cortez [Mass Effect]
@Hospes as Kofuku Ebisu [Noragami]
@Verite as Joseph "JoJo" Joestar and Lisa Lisa [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]
@Kaykay as Haruka Kaminogi and Karasu [Noein]
@Bomb as Deemo and Little Girl [Deemo]
@The Silver Paladin as Emmeryn [Fire Emblem]
@Crow as Producer Kido and Hoshi Shouko [The Idolmaster]
@Justin Charming as Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson and Elijah Mikaelson [The Vampire Diaries/The Originals]
@CCC Kouhai as Sugar [OFF]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Applejack and Applebloom [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
@Lizzy as Toboe [Wolf's Rain]
@Sen as Sal [Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Big Daddy [Bioshock]
@Gwazi Magnum as The Master [Doctor Who]
@C.T. as Qrow Branwen [RWBY]
@Jeremi as Skeletor [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe]
@The Tactician as Shizuo Heiwajima [Durarara!!]
@DapperDogman as Koro-Sensei [Assassination Classroom]
@Josh M as Starman/Thom Kallor [DC Comics]
@OrlandoBloomers as Boba Fett [Star Wars]
@Sir Ni!-ck as The Tenth Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Raven as Ezekiel Jones [The Librarians] and Deathstroke/Slade Wilson [DC Comics]
@Crimson Spartan as Courier Six [Fallout]
@The Great Detective as Esper and Mastermind [Elsword]
@york as Dust and Fidget [Dust: An Elysian Tail]
@Mari as Rey [Star Wars]
@Librarian Goat as Asgore Dreemurr [Undertale]
@DBZ7 as Jonathan Joestar and Johnny Joestar [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Deadpool [Marvel Comics]
@Krieg as Bane [Nolanverse Batman]
@Gibbons as Sogiita Gunha [Raildex]
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as "Manly" Dan Corduroy [Gravity Falls]
@T.O.M. as Broly [Dragon Ball]
@Mighty Roman as Larfleeze [DC Comics]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Roy Harper [Arrow]
Boba Fett - Voted out - [Role - Vanguard]
Esper & Mastermind - Killed! - [Role - Refugee]
Broly -
Voted out - [Role - Reaper Signal]
Roy Harper - Killed! - [Role - Refugee]
Asgore Dreemurr - Voted out [Role - Refugee]
Lisa Lisa & Joseph Joestar - Killed! - [Role - Agent]
Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson & Elijah Mikaelson - Voted out - [Role - Reaper Signal]
Koro-Sensei - Killed! - [Role - Refugee]

During the transition, Toboe checked his arm. So far, it just stung and hadn't left too much blood on his clothes. So with a satisfactory nod he kept pace with Rey for now.

Dawnstar would grasp the pendant in her hands. Even with a small trinket like this she should be able to find Elliot wherever he may be. "I-I need more time. I thought I was fully healed from my...ordeal but I need more time. Right now trying to find the killer takes precedence."

Shepard had to agree on that. "Well as soon as you get something you let us now."

Dawnstar nodded. "I will, and thank you for your understanding."

Skeletor meanwhile would be looking over the remains of Koro-sensei. "I know I asked for fried calamari, but he is clearly overcooked. NYEHAHAHAHA!"


Toboe didn't think that Skeletor was funny, and would just give him this look as he went to investigate the remains as well.

@Mari @Atomyk @Jeremi @everyone else
"Nice to meet you too, Rey." Toboe said with a grin.

During the transition, Toboe checked his arm. So far, it just stung and hadn't left too much blood on his clothes. So with a satisfactory nod he kept pace with Rey for now.


Toboe didn't think that Skeletor was funny, and would just give him this look as he went to investigate the remains as well.

@Mari @Atomyk @Jeremi @everyone else

"What do you see of the remains?", Rey asked Toboe, as she wondered if she should think about the missing member of their group. She would start to look around the area, to see if there were any clues that might lead them to the missing member.


Finding things when least unexpected was one of the things she had become good at on Jakku, so she thought her experience in that matter would be helpful here.

@Lizzy @Atomyk
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron
Mid-Chapter Update

As Elizabeth had been the only one to object to the idea, the group inside the bunker would continue on, moving down the hallway the Big Daddy-like figure had been guarding. The long stone hallway eventually gave way to another stairwell, this one descending into a large room shaded in cyan light. As the group stepped down inside, they would find they were surrounded by unique architecture from the area above. Great walls of glass separated the room from what appeared to be the ocean outside. Looking up, it would seem the group was much further below the surface than the stairwells would have taken them. Whether the ocean was real or just an illusion, it seemed unwise to mess with the glass.


"Scans indicate the mainframe... is here." Legion moved to the center of the room where the broken statue stood. The synthetic moved a hand forward, conjuring a holographic interface for it to tap away at. "All Geth mobile platforms will be freed of their reprogramming in four minutes."

Half that time passed before there was any disturbance. Whether Kaidan and Dawnstar had missed a few Geth or they were coming from somewhere new, dozens of the robots began pouring down into the room. Legion was silent as it worked, leaving the others to defend it while it finished its work.

As the Geth started firing on her, Elizabeth opened a tear in space that brought an explosion with it. Shrapnel and fire sent the Geth flying, making the defense a smoother process. It wasn't before long that Legion was done and all the Geth in the room suddenly shut down. In turn, all of the Geth across Rannoch would shut down as well.

"It will take time for the Geth to reestablish their connection with the collective."

Elizabeth turned on the robot, looking anxious. "Okay, so... we've done what we came here to do, all right? I think it's time we head back."


"Wait." Legion continued tapping away at the computer interface. "We have found something."

At the back of the room opened a small sliding door in the wall. Beside a box of cigars and a bottle of old soda was a small black box. Elizabeth moved forward to grab it but Legion intercepted her. "It is safest if we open it," it said, taking the black box in hand. Opening it up, it was revealed a lone pendant sat inside. It shared a similarity with the pendant Elizabeth wore, but while hers depicted a cage, this one depicted a falling bird.


"We believe this is the artifact we've been looking for. We will have to inform Shepard-Commander."

Soon enough, the group was back out of the bunker and establishing contact with Commander Shepard. Once she got confirmation the three areas had been cleared of threats, she contacted Cortez to leave the Normandy and take the shuttle to pick up the crew. Junko had hopped on to the shuttle as well, saying, "I'm so done moping." It was decided that the inside of the bunker would be where they would have Dawnstar examine the artifact and so Steve eventually had everyone gathered at the bunker's entrance.

As the group made their way inside, they would find that Koro-Sensei and Courier Six were missing. Traveling back to the entrance, they would find what remained of Koro: a pile of goo and a single singed tentacle laying within it. Beside this gruesome scene was a strange-looking gun.


There was also a note next to the gun that read, "Your hope is but ashes." The handwriting was different than the note from the last kill.

Shepard sighed deeply at the sight. "Seems it never ends... come on, people, let's discuss this away from here."

The group traveled back into the bunker and stood around the strange device sitting in the middle of the room. Dawnstar was already at work examining the artifact so she could pinpoint Elliot's location. She had opened the pendant to reveal a picture inside, depicting a woman with bushy brown hair, whoever that was.


"The UN's in the middle of the operation, but I'm told they still have the resources to take one more suspect. In this case, the victim was burned to a pile of goo, however that occured. There was an odd gun found beside the remains, and we also seem to be missing another of the crew. I have Kaidan searching the premises now. You all know what to do."

@Atomyk as Steven Cortez [Mass Effect]
@Hospes as Kofuku Ebisu [Noragami]
@Verite as Joseph "JoJo" Joestar and Lisa Lisa [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]
@Kaykay as Haruka Kaminogi and Karasu [Noein]
@Bomb as Deemo and Little Girl [Deemo]
@The Silver Paladin as Emmeryn [Fire Emblem]
@Crow as Producer Kido and Hoshi Shouko [The Idolmaster]
@Justin Charming as Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson and Elijah Mikaelson [The Vampire Diaries/The Originals]
@CCC Kouhai as Sugar [OFF]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Applejack and Applebloom [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
@Lizzy as Toboe [Wolf's Rain]
@Sen as Sal [Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Big Daddy [Bioshock]
@Gwazi Magnum as The Master [Doctor Who]
@C.T. as Qrow Branwen [RWBY]
@Jeremi as Skeletor [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe]
@The Tactician as Shizuo Heiwajima [Durarara!!]
@DapperDogman as Koro-Sensei [Assassination Classroom]
@Josh M as Starman/Thom Kallor [DC Comics]
@OrlandoBloomers as Boba Fett [Star Wars]
@Sir Ni!-ck as The Tenth Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Raven as Ezekiel Jones [The Librarians] and Deathstroke/Slade Wilson [DC Comics]
@Crimson Spartan as Courier Six [Fallout]
@The Great Detective as Esper and Mastermind [Elsword]
@york as Dust and Fidget [Dust: An Elysian Tail]
@Mari as Rey [Star Wars]
@Librarian Goat as Asgore Dreemurr [Undertale]
@DBZ7 as Jonathan Joestar and Johnny Joestar [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Deadpool [Marvel Comics]
@Krieg as Bane [Nolanverse Batman]
@Gibbons as Sogiita Gunha [Raildex]
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as "Manly" Dan Corduroy [Gravity Falls]
@T.O.M. as Broly [Dragon Ball]
@Mighty Roman as Larfleeze [DC Comics]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Roy Harper [Arrow]
Boba Fett - Voted out - [Role - Vanguard]
Esper & Mastermind - Killed! - [Role - Refugee]
Broly -
Voted out - [Role - Reaper Signal]
Roy Harper - Killed! - [Role - Refugee]
Asgore Dreemurr - Voted out [Role - Refugee]
Lisa Lisa & Joseph Joestar - Killed! - [Role - Agent]
Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson & Elijah Mikaelson - Voted out - [Role - Reaper Signal]
Koro-Sensei - Killed! - [Role - Refugee]
For awhile the Courier would remain missing until suddenly he seemed to stumble out of nowhere. He looked pretty dazed for his condition being normal a couple of minutes ago. "Damn...How could I get jumped..." six would speak before he noticed what had happened. He noticed the plasma rife and instantly recognized it as it was his back up energy weapon. "The rifle is mine but.... I swear I didn't do this.... Someone jumped me back there... I didn't get a good look at my attacker but I did see a large black shadow and whoever it was stole my plasma rifle..." Six would explain as he recalled the events. He didn't even want to pick up the weapon with how disgusted he felt that it was used in this murder.

@EVERYBODY YO!!!!!!!!!!!
Mid-Chapter Update

As Elizabeth had been the only one to object to the idea, the group inside the bunker would continue on, moving down the hallway the Big Daddy-like figure had been guarding. The long stone hallway eventually gave way to another stairwell, this one descending into a large room shaded in cyan light. As the group stepped down inside, they would find they were surrounded by unique architecture from the area above. Great walls of glass separated the room from what appeared to be the ocean outside. Looking up, it would seem the group was much further below the surface than the stairwells would have taken them. Whether the ocean was real or just an illusion, it seemed unwise to mess with the glass.


"Scans indicate the mainframe... is here." Legion moved to the center of the room where the broken statue stood. The synthetic moved a hand forward, conjuring a holographic interface for it to tap away at. "All Geth mobile platforms will be freed of their reprogramming in four minutes."

Half that time passed before there was any disturbance. Whether Kaidan and Dawnstar had missed a few Geth or they were coming from somewhere new, dozens of the robots began pouring down into the room. Legion was silent as it worked, leaving the others to defend it while it finished its work.

As the Geth started firing on her, Elizabeth opened a tear in space that brought an explosion with it. Shrapnel and fire sent the Geth flying, making the defense a smoother process. It wasn't before long that Legion was done and all the Geth in the room suddenly shut down. In turn, all of the Geth across Rannoch would shut down as well.

"It will take time for the Geth to reestablish their connection with the collective."

Elizabeth turned on the robot, looking anxious. "Okay, so... we've done what we came here to do, all right? I think it's time we head back."


"Wait." Legion continued tapping away at the computer interface. "We have found something."

At the back of the room opened a small sliding door in the wall. Beside a box of cigars and a bottle of old soda was a small black box. Elizabeth moved forward to grab it but Legion intercepted her. "It is safest if we open it," it said, taking the black box in hand. Opening it up, it was revealed a lone pendant sat inside. It shared a similarity with the pendant Elizabeth wore, but while hers depicted a cage, this one depicted a falling bird.


"We believe this is the artifact we've been looking for. We will have to inform Shepard-Commander."

Soon enough, the group was back out of the bunker and establishing contact with Commander Shepard. Once she got confirmation the three areas had been cleared of threats, she contacted Cortez to leave the Normandy and take the shuttle to pick up the crew. Junko had hopped on to the shuttle as well, saying, "I'm so done moping." It was decided that the inside of the bunker would be where they would have Dawnstar examine the artifact and so Steve eventually had everyone gathered at the bunker's entrance.

As the group made their way inside, they would find that Koro-Sensei and Courier Six were missing. Traveling back to the entrance, they would find what remained of Koro: a pile of goo and a single singed tentacle laying within it. Beside this gruesome scene was a strange-looking gun.


There was also a note next to the gun that read, "Your hope is but ashes." The handwriting was different than the note from the last kill.

Shepard sighed deeply at the sight. "Seems it never ends... come on, people, let's discuss this away from here."

The group traveled back into the bunker and stood around the strange device sitting in the middle of the room. Dawnstar was already at work examining the artifact so she could pinpoint Elliot's location. She had opened the pendant to reveal a picture inside, depicting a woman with bushy brown hair, whoever that was.


"The UN's in the middle of the operation, but I'm told they still have the resources to take one more suspect. In this case, the victim was burned to a pile of goo, however that occured. There was an odd gun found beside the remains, and we also seem to be missing another of the crew. I have Kaidan searching the premises now. You all know what to do."

@Atomyk as Steven Cortez [Mass Effect]
@Hospes as Kofuku Ebisu [Noragami]
@Verite as Joseph "JoJo" Joestar and Lisa Lisa [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]
@Kaykay as Haruka Kaminogi and Karasu [Noein]
@Bomb as Deemo and Little Girl [Deemo]
@The Silver Paladin as Emmeryn [Fire Emblem]
@Crow as Producer Kido and Hoshi Shouko [The Idolmaster]
@Justin Charming as Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson and Elijah Mikaelson [The Vampire Diaries/The Originals]
@CCC Kouhai as Sugar [OFF]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Applejack and Applebloom [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
@Lizzy as Toboe [Wolf's Rain]
@Sen as Sal [Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Big Daddy [Bioshock]
@Gwazi Magnum as The Master [Doctor Who]
@C.T. as Qrow Branwen [RWBY]
@Jeremi as Skeletor [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe]
@The Tactician as Shizuo Heiwajima [Durarara!!]
@DapperDogman as Koro-Sensei [Assassination Classroom]
@Josh M as Starman/Thom Kallor [DC Comics]
@OrlandoBloomers as Boba Fett [Star Wars]
@Sir Ni!-ck as The Tenth Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Raven as Ezekiel Jones [The Librarians] and Deathstroke/Slade Wilson [DC Comics]
@Crimson Spartan as Courier Six [Fallout]
@The Great Detective as Esper and Mastermind [Elsword]
@york as Dust and Fidget [Dust: An Elysian Tail]
@Mari as Rey [Star Wars]
@Librarian Goat as Asgore Dreemurr [Undertale]
@DBZ7 as Jonathan Joestar and Johnny Joestar [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Deadpool [Marvel Comics]
@Krieg as Bane [Nolanverse Batman]
@Gibbons as Sogiita Gunha [Raildex]
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as "Manly" Dan Corduroy [Gravity Falls]
@T.O.M. as Broly [Dragon Ball]
@Mighty Roman as Larfleeze [DC Comics]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Roy Harper [Arrow]
Boba Fett - Voted out - [Role - Vanguard]
Esper & Mastermind - Killed! - [Role - Refugee]
Broly -
Voted out - [Role - Reaper Signal]
Roy Harper - Killed! - [Role - Refugee]
Asgore Dreemurr - Voted out [Role - Refugee]
Lisa Lisa & Joseph Joestar - Killed! - [Role - Agent]
Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson & Elijah Mikaelson - Voted out - [Role - Reaper Signal]
Koro-Sensei - Killed! - [Role - Refugee]
For awhile the Courier would remain missing until suddenly he seemed to stumble out of nowhere. He looked pretty dazed for his condition being normal a couple of minutes ago. "Damn...How could I get jumped..." six would speak before he noticed what had happened. He noticed the plasma rife and instantly recognized it as it was his back up energy weapon. "The rifle is mine but.... I swear I didn't do this.... Someone jumped me back there... I didn't get a good look at my attacker but I did see a large black shadow and whoever it was stole my plasma rifle..." Six would explain as he recalled the events. He didn't even want to pick up the weapon with how disgusted he felt that it was used in this murder.

@EVERYBODY YO!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, wasn't this a simple case?

A weapon that only one person could possibly have was used. Both the victim and the suspect had gone missing at the same time as well. Now the suspect claims that he had been jumped by someone, someone large like himself and who was apparently very shadowy. Honestly, if that was a cover story, it was the worst and absolutely most stereotypical cover story ever, not at all a good cover up... But something felt fishy to Shizuo.

Everything was too perfect, too clear, too clean cut.

"Hey, drunk... Did that large black shadow have any... facial features that you could point out at all? Or did he seem pretty flat?"
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