Murder Game XI: The War of the Universe

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In response to Mastermind's inquiry, the pup gave a very distinctive bark after smelling the picture rather thoroughly. While offering the picture to the pup, Mastermind would see something on the back of the thing that he must've missed before - some neat writing, albeit slightly faded. It read, quite simply, 'Need to get out'. If and while Mastermind glanced this over, the pup would bark once again, seeming to sniff Mastermind over now that he was within range... Before promptly beginning to tug on something in his possession until it came loose, causing him to tumble back with it in his mouth.


Ah, it was the scarf from before. The dog dropped it, sniffing and rubbing on it while basking in Esper's affection. Soon enough though, he stopped, starting to sniff around with determination... Before tripping up. That was odd... It didn't look like there was anything to trip on, there...

@The Great Detective @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @Sen @Lizzy @Bomb @Prince Shattered Charming @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Librarian Goat @The Tactician @Dorms AND Hallways​

"... wait, what was that?"

Mastermind was able to take notice that the dog happened to trip on... something. It wasn't visible... With a quick signal, he had his drones go and investigate that one specific spot where something supposedly tripped up the dog.

@Hospes @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @Sen @Lizzy @Bomb @Prince Shattered Charming @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Librarian Goat @The Tactician @Dorms AND Hallways​
In response to Mastermind's inquiry, the pup gave a very distinctive bark after smelling the picture rather thoroughly. While offering the picture to the pup, Mastermind would see something on the back of the thing that he must've missed before - some neat writing, albeit slightly faded. It read, quite simply, 'Need to get out'. If and while Mastermind glanced this over, the pup would bark once again, seeming to sniff Mastermind over now that he was within range... Before promptly beginning to tug on something in his possession until it came loose, causing him to tumble back with it in his mouth.


Ah, it was the scarf from before. The dog dropped it, sniffing and rubbing on it while basking in Esper's affection. Soon enough though, he stopped, starting to sniff around with determination... Before tripping up. That was odd... It didn't look like there was anything to trip on, there...

@The Great Detective @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @Sen @Lizzy @Bomb @Prince Shattered Charming @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Librarian Goat @The Tactician @Dorms AND Hallways​

Toboe looked down at the pup. He was sure the pup could easily tell what he really was, like Blue could. Toboe tilted his head as he saw the pup trip up. He wasn't sure if he'd intimidate the pup by the fact he was really a wolf, but Toboe acted a lot like a pup himself at times and wasn't mean or anything so there's that.

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @The Great Detective @Gwazi Magnum @Prince Shattered Charming @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Dorm and hallway folk
Larfleeze grimaced. 'Bah, you can't beat me! The squawking sword will be MINE!'
He swatted a hand at Fidget. 'Annoying hairless wing-thing, always taking Larfleeze's things!'
He reluctantly dropped the sword. His ring flashed Orange, and the Orange Lantern symbol flickered briefly in Larfleeze's eyes.
'Glomulus!' he said. Turning to Fidget, he smirked. 'I should turn you into an Orange Lantern just to shut you up. But you, little wing-thing...'

An orange light shot from his ring, and slowly formed a transparent orange bubble around Fidget.
'Now you're all coming with Larfleeze, or you'll never get what you want!'
'A trade! You all become Larfleeze's Guardians and get him home, or the pipsqueak becomes MY Orange Lantern!'
'First, we go to Glomulus' chemicals.'

How diabolical.
Meanwhile, Glomulus picked up 2 Chemical Containers. And being the fool he was, he took one of them to Rey.
LanternRey! Glomulus Get Potion!

He held one out, grinning, and then drank the other one, seemingly unaware that he was merely an energy construct, lacking any actual internal organs.

@Mari @Cromartie Sarkissian @Sir Ni!-ck @The Others @york
Rey was interrupted in her attempt to figure out the monitors in the science lab. Another orange being (were they all going to be orange now, she wondered?) handed her a container of some liquid, as the smaller creature drank it down. She looked towards Roy, and smiled slightly. "Even if I were thirsty... even on a desert planet I would not just drink anything." She then looked at Glomulus curiously for a moment, before returning to the monitors to try to figure how how they worked, and if they would reveal any information to the group.

@Mighty Roman @Cromartie Sarkissian @Sir Ni!-ck @Krieg @york

"... wait, what was that?"

Mastermind was able to take notice that the dog happened to trip on... something. It wasn't visible... With a quick signal, he had his drones go and investigate that one specific spot where something supposedly tripped up the dog.

@Hospes @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @Sen @Lizzy @Bomb @Prince Shattered Charming @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Librarian Goat @The Tactician @Dorms AND Hallways​
Toboe looked down at the pup. He was sure the pup could easily tell what he really was, like Blue could. Toboe tilted his head as he saw the pup trip up. He wasn't sure if he'd intimidate the pup by the fact he was really a wolf, but Toboe acted a lot like a pup himself at times and wasn't mean or anything so there's that.

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @The Great Detective @Gwazi Magnum @Prince Shattered Charming @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Dorm and hallway folk

Upon investigating the spot where the small pup had tripped, Mastermind's drones would find that there was some sort of invisible... thing... there. It seemed almost like some sort of handle.

Welp, probably good to check that out.

@The Great Detective @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @Sen @Lizzy @Bomb @Prince Shattered Charming @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Librarian Goat @The Tactician @Hallways @Dorm folk that migrated​
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Klaus, being part werewolf, he smiled down at the little pup. He watched everything that went on around him, holding onto the book. "... Is this, was this your owner's?" He moved over to where the dog was now, putting the book in front of the pup's snout. "Maybe you can get a scent off of this... and we can find your owner." He grinned at the little puppy, wanting to pick it up and hold it.

Elijah had never seen this side of his chaotic little brother, he liked this side of him. He went over to the same spot that Mastermind's drones had investigated. He grabbed at what seemed to be a handle.

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @The Great Detective @Gwazi Magnum @Lizzy @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven Dorm and hallway folk

"You probably didn't hear him because that guy kept yelling so loud..." Haruka muttered, throwing a glance at Broly. Though at Skeletor's exclamation, she pondered who would and could do such a thing. "That's true. Who do you think could've done...that to her?"

Maybe asking the guy in a skeleton costume wasn't the best idea, but she'd have to deal with the present company somehow.

Having been put off by seeing that damn squid creature absorb his energy blast, Broly kept quiet for a change. He supposed blowing up the planet would have to wait for now. Making his way towards the body, Broly glanced around at those gathered. He didn't care a bit about this girl's demise. Naturally sort of got used to that when you murdered billions of people in the blink of an eye. But if he had to find out who offed her then he thought anyone who felt brave enough to tackle him or anybody else here, he had a good idea.

"Where is that Esper.."

Broly had seen that pest teleporting all over the damn place. Tossed an energy blast his way only for those Dynamos to simply defend against them. But what if he could use them to rip open this woman's suit and then he used whatever means to attack her himself? Didn't seem like that much of a stretch and Broly was an insane planet-destroying brute, not Sherlock Holmes.

_Vote for Esper/Mastermind_

@Jeremi @Kaykay @DBZ7 @Verite @JoshM
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Upon investigating the spot where the small pup had tripped, Mastermind's drones would find that there was some sort of invisible... thing... there. It seemed almost like some sort of handle.

Welp, probably good to check that out.

@The Great Detective @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @Sen @Lizzy @Bomb @Prince Shattered Charming @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Librarian Goat @The Tactician @Hallways @Dorm folk that migrated​


Klaus, being part werewolf, he smiled down at the little pup. He watched everything that went on around him, holding onto the book. "... Is this, was this your owner's?" He moved over to where the dog was now, putting the book in front of the pup's snout. "Maybe you can get a scent off of this... and we can find your owner." He grinned at the little puppy, wanting to pick it up and hold it.

Elijah had never seen this side of his chaotic little brother, he liked this side of him. He went over to the same spot that Mastermind's drones had investigated. He grabbed at what seemed to be a handle.

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @The Great Detective @Gwazi Magnum @Lizzy @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven Dorm and hallway folk

"Wonder why whatever's there is invisible. " Toboe said offhandedly.

"Think it's hiding something, like maybe some big secret?" He suggested almost lazily. Almost like he wasn't too interested in the find and was too busy thinking about something else.

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @The Great Detective @Gwazi Magnum @Prince Shattered Charming @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Dorm and hallway folk

Lisa Lisa, sunglasses covering her eyes and arms folded, continued standing, silently pondering her situation. Ignoring the crazy star man, the strange man with a skull for a face and a strange manner of speaking was correct. If the woman from the so-called United Nations was correct, then finding these "Reaper Signals" was top priority. Dying was the furthest thing from the woman's to-do list, much less dying in such a lowly manner like being killed by someone without even getting a chance to fight back.

Tch. How disgusting.

This Elliot must be a force to be reckoned with when it came to strategy, but if he has to resort to such lowly methods like cheating and mind control, then perhaps upfront battle is one of his weaker points. That was good. Lisa Lisa could deal with smart opponents. Lisa Lisa could also deal with physically weak opponents. If her manner of thinking was correct, then if what Joseph said a year ago was correct, then this "Elliot" was once nearly beaten into submission by the bartender-looking man with a short fuse from before, Shizuo Heiwajima. If an ordinary man such as he could beat the mastermind of all this into submission, then everyone here had very little to fear once they'd reach him.

If they reached him anyway.

But that was for soon, and this was now. And now, they had other matters to attend to at the moment.


Beginning to pace around the lab aimlessly, Lisa Lisa continued thinking to herself, though this time, the woman let her thoughts be known to everyone else in the room.

"Someone with the strength to rip the alien's suit open, and put a snarly burn on her chest..." Lisa Lisa murmured, recalling the details carefully as to make sure there weren't any mistakes, "Someone among us was the culprit, but they did well in covering their tracks, evidently. This is just like a game of cat and mouse... if the cat were blinded. How annoying."


"... Might be Grandpa Jonathan."

Lisa Lisa just smacked Joseph over the head for that remark, before continuing.


"We're dealing with someone who is not only rather strong, but can also burn up people. Personally, I think that if the person was smart enough to cover their tracks like this while nobody was looking, then we can add "intelligent" to their traits, which would lower the suspect list quite substantially. For that, I believe it is safe to say that it could not be those talking horses, nor this hulking beast of a man here."

Lisa Lisa threw shade like it was nothing, even at someone like Broly right there.

"With that being said, do any of you happen to recall... a man with green armor back on the ship? I'd only briefly passed by him, but... His mien was truly something else. I believe the dossier we received listed his name as... Boba Fett."

Leaning against a nearby wall, the woman continued speaking.


"I know danger, but the mien of that man... I could tell he knew more danger than JoJo here and I have ever seen. Whatever that man's profession might be, be it bounty hunter, assassin, or anything like that, I can only assume that that man is quite skilled at what he does. He must have great experience and intelligence if he knows danger like I do and is alive to this day," the woman added without missing a beat, "Furthermore, not only can we assume that that armor of his supplies him with a punch stronger than one that, say, JoJo would be able to inflict, I imagine that man also has a flamethrower in his possession if my assumptions are correct. Any objections?"

With that, Lisa Lisa submitted a vote for Boba Fett.


"You lost me completely!"

"... Just stick close to me, JoJo."

@Jeremi @Kaykay @DBZ7 @Kakarot! @DapperDogman @Josh M @Erryone

Upon investigating the spot where the small pup had tripped, Mastermind's drones would find that there was some sort of invisible... thing... there. It seemed almost like some sort of handle.

Welp, probably good to check that out.

@The Great Detective @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @Sen @Lizzy @Bomb @Prince Shattered Charming @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Librarian Goat @The Tactician @Hallways @Dorm folk that migrated​

Klaus, being part werewolf, he smiled down at the little pup. He watched everything that went on around him, holding onto the book. "... Is this, was this your owner's?" He moved over to where the dog was now, putting the book in front of the pup's snout. "Maybe you can get a scent off of this... and we can find your owner." He grinned at the little puppy, wanting to pick it up and hold it.

Elijah had never seen this side of his chaotic little brother, he liked this side of him. He went over to the same spot that Mastermind's drones had investigated. He grabbed at what seemed to be a handle.

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @The Great Detective @Gwazi Magnum @Lizzy @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven Dorm and hallway folk
"Wonder why whatever's there is invisible. " Toboe said offhandedly.

"Think it's hiding something, like maybe some big secret?" He suggested almost lazily. Almost like he wasn't too interested in the find and was too busy thinking about something else.

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @The Great Detective @Gwazi Magnum @Prince Shattered Charming @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Dorm and hallway folk
A handle? Surely that'll be leading up to something that they shouldn't even be going towards. However, secrets were bound to be found, and Mastermind was curious to figure out what was there to see once this handle had been... handled.


"Well well, that's a mighty nifty surprise we have, out of all things to be invisible, it's this little handle on the floor. A handle to a hidden trap door perhaps? While you go and get that situated, I'm just going to go on ahead and see what's there to be seen~ Later!"


"Wait, Esper, don't go a-"

Before Mastermind could object to his other self, Esper simply went past another one of those time rifts. Well, it was hard to say if he would even stick to his word about "going ahead," but there was always one way of figuring that out.


"Thanks to Esper, I have a feeling something might go wrong here..."

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Prince Shattered Charming @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Dorm and hallway folk​
A handle? Surely that'll be leading up to something that they shouldn't even be going towards. However, secrets were bound to be found, and Mastermind was curious to figure out what was there to see once this handle had been... handled.


"Well well, that's a mighty nifty surprise we have, out of all things to be invisible, it's this little handle on the floor. A handle to a hidden trap door perhaps? While you go and get that situated, I'm just going to go on ahead and see what's there to be seen~ Later!"


"Wait, Esper, don't go a-"

Before Mastermind could object to his other self, Esper simply went past another one of those time rifts. Well, it was hard to say if he would even stick to his word about "going ahead," but there was always one way of figuring that out.


"Thanks to Esper, I have a feeling something might go wrong here..."

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Prince Shattered Charming @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Dorm and hallway folk​

"Don't worry, we'll punch asshole if he does ruin things for us," Shizuo remarked with a rather bored expression, keeping a tight hold on Kofuku to keep her from running off to a bed. Waiting for the handle to be pulled, he sighed and began thinking back to the murder, "Maybe we should all put down a vote for who we think the culprit, just in case we miss it while dealing with this."

"Don't worry, we'll punch asshole if he does ruin things for us," Shizuo remarked with a rather bored expression, keeping a tight hold on Kofuku to keep her from running off to a bed. Waiting for the handle to be pulled, he sighed and began thinking back to the murder, "Maybe we should all put down a vote for who we think the culprit, just in case we miss it while dealing with this."

"Might as well. The process of voting would be much simpler if more information can be found out, but with the time constraints and minimal amount of evidence we have, the very least we can do is follow what we got and make that vote. Either we get the culprit on a whim... or narrow down the suspect list. To be honest, I rather get the first outcome..."

With analytic look on his face, Mastermind had his Dynamos project a holographic database on the many individuals that he's run into thus far. As Apocalypse wasn't out and about in it's cat form, it was still recording substantial information of some that come by or are mentioned. Now, he had to narrow down that query on who can leave gashes that could go through Tali's suit... and leave an evident burn to top it off. There were two ways this could go: one way was that the burn was a resourceful way of misleading people to believe that they had something that could equal that end result, or another way could be that the burn was exactly from the arsenal of tools and abilities of the guilty individual but leave it at a minimal to make it appear that someone could've gotten a little something along the way to cause this. The more he thought about it, the more it gave Mastermind a headache. For now, he might as well leave a vote there, and wait for the results. It was only the first occurrence of this anyhow, so if another murder would to commence again, then it most likely will be by the same culprit... The key words "most" and "likely" pretty much gave it away that there was a chance of another killer, but how would he know that?


"Tch, this was much more of a headache then I thought it would be. I'll just place a vote for now in the case of not voting at all, since I may change my vote before then. So in the case, my vote will go towards Qrow Branwen for the time's being."

As his Dynamos only returned to his side and stopped the projection of the holographic screens which displayed a collective database of the people present in this event thus far, Mastermind rubbed the side of his head, a slight migraine beginning to take effect. The last time he felt like this was when he first started crafting his drones as a simple Tracer.

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Prince Shattered Charming @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Dorm and hallway folk​

"Might as well. The process of voting would be much simpler if more information can be found out, but with the time constraints and minimal amount of evidence we have, the very least we can do is follow what we got and make that vote. Either we get the culprit on a whim... or narrow down the suspect list. To be honest, I rather get the first outcome..."

With analytic look on his face, Mastermind had his Dynamos project a holographic database on the many individuals that he's run into thus far. As Apocalypse wasn't out and about in it's cat form, it was still recording substantial information of some that come by or are mentioned. Now, he had to narrow down that query on who can leave gashes that could go through Tali's suit... and leave an evident burn to top it off. There were two ways this could go: one way was that the burn was a resourceful way of misleading people to believe that they had something that could equal that end result, or another way could be that the burn was exactly from the arsenal of tools and abilities of the guilty individual but leave it at a minimal to make it appear that someone could've gotten a little something along the way to cause this. The more he thought about it, the more it gave Mastermind a headache. For now, he might as well leave a vote there, and wait for the results. It was only the first occurrence of this anyhow, so if another murder would to commence again, then it most likely will be by the same culprit... The key words "most" and "likely" pretty much gave it away that there was a chance of another killer, but how would he know that?


"Tch, this was much more of a headache then I thought it would be. I'll just place a vote for now in the case of not voting at all, since I may change my vote before then. So in the case, my vote will go towards Qrow Branwen for the time's being."

As his Dynamos only returned to his side and stopped the projection of the holographic screens which displayed a collective database of the people present in this event thus far, Mastermind rubbed the side of his head, a slight migraine beginning to take effect. The last time he felt like this was when he first started crafting his drones as a simple Tracer.

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Prince Shattered Charming @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Dorm and hallway folk​

Seeing as Mastermind wasn't serious about voting at the moment, Shizuo grumbled a bit before thinking on his own. Someone who had firepower, and someone who could rip apart Tali's suit... Goddamn, it really was a headache to think about it and try to narrow the list down, "Guess I'll go with that bounty hunter guy, Boba Fett. Bounty hunters seem like the easily persuaded type."

@Hospes @The Great Detective @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Prince Shattered Charming @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Dorm and hallway folk
"Oh I didn't do anything silly! It was them!" The Overseer replied pointing to the giant artifact in the middle of the room. "Our friends in the heavens. We used their schematics to build this place as a safe heaven, so that we could all be here waiting for our space friends once the arrive! The bust was just a little piece of this big thing. In fact... we have those all over the Vault so refugees can feel glad and happy and they never have to leave again!"

@The Silver Paladin @Gibbons @CCC Kouhai @Archmage Jeremiah


"A-ha! I told you that thing was nuthin' but trouble! They're brainwashin' people into thinkin' there's nuthin' wrong!" Applebloom shouted triumphantly, running up in front of the Overseer and pointing at her, "Joke's on you lady, cuz we're gonna put a stop to yer little game!" she continued, blowing a raspberry in the Overseer's face tauntingly.


"Hey now, hey now! Just what is goin' on in here?!" barked Applejack as she trotted down into the exposed passageway, the amount of bodies strewn about clearly affecting her. And at the sound of her sister's voice, Applebloom came running to her side, "AJ! Thank Celestia yer here! What happened to alone time?"

Applejack clicked her communicator on for a short second, just long enough to hear everyone else's buffoonery. Applebloom accepted this as an answer.

@Gibbons @The Silver Paladin @Jeremi @Office​
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"Might as well. The process of voting would be much simpler if more information can be found out, but with the time constraints and minimal amount of evidence we have, the very least we can do is follow what we got and make that vote. Either we get the culprit on a whim... or narrow down the suspect list. To be honest, I rather get the first outcome..."

With analytic look on his face, Mastermind had his Dynamos project a holographic database on the many individuals that he's run into thus far. As Apocalypse wasn't out and about in it's cat form, it was still recording substantial information of some that come by or are mentioned. Now, he had to narrow down that query on who can leave gashes that could go through Tali's suit... and leave an evident burn to top it off. There were two ways this could go: one way was that the burn was a resourceful way of misleading people to believe that they had something that could equal that end result, or another way could be that the burn was exactly from the arsenal of tools and abilities of the guilty individual but leave it at a minimal to make it appear that someone could've gotten a little something along the way to cause this. The more he thought about it, the more it gave Mastermind a headache. For now, he might as well leave a vote there, and wait for the results. It was only the first occurrence of this anyhow, so if another murder would to commence again, then it most likely will be by the same culprit... The key words "most" and "likely" pretty much gave it away that there was a chance of another killer, but how would he know that?


"Tch, this was much more of a headache then I thought it would be. I'll just place a vote for now in the case of not voting at all, since I may change my vote before then. So in the case, my vote will go towards Qrow Branwen for the time's being."

As his Dynamos only returned to his side and stopped the projection of the holographic screens which displayed a collective database of the people present in this event thus far, Mastermind rubbed the side of his head, a slight migraine beginning to take effect. The last time he felt like this was when he first started crafting his drones as a simple Tracer.

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Prince Shattered Charming @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Dorm and hallway folk​

Seeing as Mastermind wasn't serious about voting at the moment, Shizuo grumbled a bit before thinking on his own. Someone who had firepower, and someone who could rip apart Tali's suit... Goddamn, it really was a headache to think about it and try to narrow the list down, "Guess I'll go with that bounty hunter guy, Boba Fett. Bounty hunters seem like the easily persuaded type."

@Hospes @The Great Detective @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Prince Shattered Charming @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @Dorm and hallway folk

Klaus and Elijah knew neither one of the people that were being voted for, Elijah was busy with the invisible handle, so it was up to Klaus to make their vote final. Even though Klaus started off bad with Blonde, he trusts Blonde more than he trusts Brainiac over there. "I have heard of bounty hunters doing things for the right amount of money or power, so it seems like this Boba Fett you speak of might kill for the right price." Klaus put down his and Elijah's vote for Boba Fett.

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @The Great Detective @Gwazi Magnum @Lizzy @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven Dorm and hallway folk
"Yeah!" Yet again, Dan grabbed Asgore's hand, squeezing it ever so slightly in an attempt to discourage. Going in for the quick victory, he gave all his force in his arm at once, quickly noticing that this man would prove a bigger challenge than he first thought. "Hhhnnnnggg..."

A little into the game, a voice behind him didn't speak. The ever so amusing "Geeeet 'im" from the high-pitched voice behind him, was annoyingly absent at the moment, getting Dan out of focus. His right, or "manly hand" being occupied with the match, he used his left for punching his own head, trying to regain focus. But the man, Tyler was his name, was always there to support him, and if not immediately manly himself, he sure knew how to get him pumped up for breaking something. It all was a little breaking Dan down, knowing that man was now dead, killed in an instant by the reapers.

Dan was now noticeably sweating, retreating his hand from the match, proceeding to roar and run over to a bunk bed, punching it. Leaning onto the now uncovered wall, he, while panting heavily, spoke to Asgore. "Why him? Why them? I... I'm sorry, get your tea." Just this moment, Dan had broken a lot of personal borders. He'd never usually leave a match of arm wrestling, neither apologize, and he had by far forgotten that there wasn't any tea machine here.

@Librarian Goat @Raven @The order of the dorms

Asgore was met with heavy strength with that of the Mr.Muscle, boy he really WAS pretty strong! Not joking! But Asgore stood firm against him, at least not with intent to hand him a win right away! (get it? HAND?) He gave the red-haired beefcake a stern look in his eyes, not taking them off for just a mere second of trailing off to another person.

He too thought of his loved ones, oh how they must be doing...especially with this reaper invasion killing us all and everything, he loved them all, loved them even if they didn't share the same feeling, even those he fought! Everyone! All DESTROYED by virtually black squids with laser beams.

He pushed harder and harder against the man's arm, but it would only come to slightly budge, although it became apparent through the look of his eyes, he was thinking the same exact thing as Asgore did.

Even this guy, with so much manliness, had people as well, people he's loved, people who he too, has lost to these...he cannot put a word on they even are (without insulting himself, that is.) He felt this guys power weaken, as well of that of his own to the point that this wasn't even an arm wrestling match anymore, or at least, it didn't feel like it.

All of a sudden, he just flipped his waffles! running over to a bed and punching the heck out of it, until it as but a pulp of stuff, telling Asgore to get his tea, with no tea in sight (in fact we now had to vote and stuff pretty soon!) so he went over to Mr.Muscle, even though he WAS human, he knows he has room for compassion in his heart for everything always(and besides, it's about time he stopped with his bias!)

He places his hand on Mr.Muscle's shoulder and spoke to him in a stern, yet calming voice.
"You know...we never even got to introduce ourselves...Is this a way we have to start this? Ugh...(I'm so bad at pep-talking) name's Asgore! Although these days, people are nicknaming me left and right! *chuckles* so you can call me whatever you want! Just nothing rude now!
I also suppose there is a name for the manliest man in this realm as well, no?"

@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Librarian Goat @The Tactician @Bomb @Raven @Sen @Hospes @Gwazi Magnum @Lizzy @Prince Shattered Charming @The Dorm Storm

Asgore was met with heavy strength with that of the Mr.Muscle, boy he really WAS pretty strong! Not joking! But Asgore stood firm against him, at least not with intent to hand him a win right away! (get it? HAND?) He gave the red-haired beefcake a stern look in his eyes, not taking them off for just a mere second of trailing off to another person.

He too thought of his loved ones, oh how they must be doing...especially with this reaper invasion killing us all and everything, he loved them all, loved them even if they didn't share the same feeling, even those he fought! Everyone! All DESTROYED by virtually black squids with laser beams.

He pushed harder and harder against the man's arm, but it would only come to slightly budge, although it became apparent through the look of his eyes, he was thinking the same exact thing as Asgore did.

Even this guy, with so much manliness, had people as well, people he's loved, people who he too, has lost to these...he cannot put a word on they even are (without insulting himself, that is.) He felt this guys power weaken, as well of that of his own to the point that this wasn't even an arm wrestling match anymore, or at least, it didn't feel like it.

All of a sudden, he just flipped his waffles! running over to a bed and punching the heck out of it, until it as but a pulp of stuff, telling Asgore to get his tea, with no tea in sight (in fact we now had to vote and stuff pretty soon!) so he went over to Mr.Muscle, even though he WAS human, he knows he has room for compassion in his heart for everything always(and besides, it's about time he stopped with his bias!)

He places his hand on Mr.Muscle's shoulder and spoke to him in a stern, yet calming voice.
"You know...we never even got to introduce ourselves...Is this a way we have to start this? Ugh...(I'm so bad at pep-talking) name's Asgore! Although these days, people are nicknaming me left and right! *chuckles* so you can call me whatever you want! Just nothing rude now!
I also suppose there is a name for the manliest man in this realm as well, no?"

@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Librarian Goat @The Tactician @Bomb @Raven @Sen @Hospes @Gwazi Magnum @Lizzy @Prince Shattered Charming @The Dorm Storm

"You're a giant goat man... Named Asgore... And you're dressed like some sort of weird king."


"Goat King, that's your name now. I'm Shizuo, the strongest man where I'm from."

Asgore seemed okay for the moment, being polite and all. Maybe he could be one of the few sane people here.

Even if he was some sort of goat man.​
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"I hope you do", Rey said calmly. She kept the blaster ready to point at whatever it needed to fire at, though, just in case. This was an uneasy situation, still, and she was determined to end it quickly if it would get any worse.

@Cromartie Sarkissian

Rey then heard the doctor speak, it had been a while since she heard his voice. "Of course doctor," she said, still having the blaster in hand but still pointed down. "tell it to those who wish to cause trouble, then". She gestured towards some of the others in the science lab with them. "Or perhaps their lack of cooperation is a sign that they may be part of the villiany.

@Sir Ni!-ck

Rey then put the blaster away as the big thing walked into the darkness. Perhaps the danger was avoided for now, but would the thing return? She wondered...

Rey laughed as Lafleeze found a new obsession. At least it wasn't trying to get any of her possessions or Roy's this time, which was a good thing in her opinion. She then looked towards Roy and the doctor. "Perhaps while they are all occupied, I guess we look at those monitors?", she suggested. "Perhaps there is a way to access their database. Even without a droid to enable a quicker access, we might be able to learn something about this place."

@york @Krieg
View attachment 99010
"Or maybe the fact he doesn't want to discuss the situation is a sign of his...." My trust in the Doctor is failing by the second; Ye knows so much about the situation, but refuses to tell us anything.

"You've been telling us everything we want to hear, Doctor, but nothing we need to here. You tell us you've been in situations like this before, but won't tell us why. You tell us you know Rey's R3-D2 friend, but won't tell us your name...." Sarcasm clings to my voice "Do tell"

Perhaps I was being unreasonable with the Doctor, but he was being suspicious with a capital S

I didn't care that the metal man was overlooking me; I was far too focused with the Doctor's outburst to care. Besides, he doesn't seem to be causing too much harm to anyone.....

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mighty Roman @Mari @Sir Ni!-ck @everyonelese
Roy had a point, Rey thought... but being in certain situations were sometimes, many times, out of one's own control. Rey could very well speak to that herself, but, she chose not to at this time, perhaps the doctor needed to answer for himself. And for the understanding and trust of Roy and herself. She continued to try to play with the monitors and see if they would reveal anything, while she also awaited an answer from the doctor regarding Roy's questions.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Sir Ni!-ck @york
Larfleeze grimaced. 'Bah, you can't beat me! The squawking sword will be MINE!'
He swatted a hand at Fidget. 'Annoying hairless wing-thing, always taking Larfleeze's things!'
He reluctantly dropped the sword. His ring flashed Orange, and the Orange Lantern symbol flickered briefly in Larfleeze's eyes.
'Glomulus!' he said. Turning to Fidget, he smirked. 'I should turn you into an Orange Lantern just to shut you up. But you, little wing-thing...'

An orange light shot from his ring, and slowly formed a transparent orange bubble around Fidget.
'Now you're all coming with Larfleeze, or you'll never get what you want!'
'A trade! You all become Larfleeze's Guardians and get him home, or the pipsqueak becomes MY Orange Lantern!'
'First, we go to Glomulus' chemicals.'

How diabolical.
Meanwhile, Glomulus picked up 2 Chemical Containers. And being the fool he was, he took one of them to Rey.
LanternRey! Glomulus Get Potion!

He held one out, grinning, and then drank the other one, seemingly unaware that he was merely an energy construct, lacking any actual internal organs.

@Mari @Cromartie Sarkissian @Sir Ni!-ck @The Others @york
Rey was interrupted in her attempt to figure out the monitors in the science lab. Another orange being (were they all going to be orange now, she wondered?) handed her a container of some liquid, as the smaller creature drank it down. She looked towards Roy, and smiled slightly. "Even if I were thirsty... even on a desert planet I would not just drink anything." She then looked at Glomulus curiously for a moment, before returning to the monitors to try to figure how how they worked, and if they would reveal any information to the group.

@Mighty Roman @Cromartie Sarkissian @Sir Ni!-ck @Krieg @york
Dust & Fidget
@Mighty Roman

"Yaaah! Let me go you big mean lizard... Thing!!! You're... You're not gonna make us do anything!!!" Fidget shouted... That orange bubble surrounding her seemed to frighten her, but, that didn't stop her from attempting to blast her way out with alternating projectiles of sorts... Looks liks she was practically "switching" between electricity, and some strange projectile types, one of light, that seemed to scatter around her orange, round, prison, and one of fire, that appeared to blow up in (thankfully) contained pillars of fire as she attempted to break free of her prison, though, from an observer's point of view, her actions almost resembled those of a videogame character when their player just starts button-mashing or something...

"You know... There's nicer ways of asking favors... But... I'm used to the guardian thing... I guess..." Dust said, he looked quite worked up seeing Fidget freaking out in her little prison, but, well, frankly, he realized Larfleeze was capable of powers that he wasn't quite familiar with... For the time being, he decided it would be for the best to negotiate. "Before I accept your... Offer, can you at least tell me what being your guardians would require of us?" Dust asked, he seemed a little relieved Larfleeze had stopped trying to snatch Ahrah, but, well... Now Fidget was in trouble...

@Those At Chemicals
@Mighty Roman @Cromartie Sarkissian @Sir Ni!-ck @Krieg @Mari

Well... There were still quite a few containers left, but... It seemed the two Glomulus took in his hands had distinct colors... And frankly, there wasn't too much one could discern about them at first glance, exceot that one was green, and another was a blue color... But then again, no-one has tried smelling them or anything, though, well, maybe it was better to dig around for some more information? As for Glomulus, when he drank from container full of blue liquid... He didn't feel anything at first, but, then, he suddenly glowed blue for some reason, feeling his body flowing with some strange electricity... Whoa! What the crap was in this stuff?

Iiin the meantime, Rey appeared to nocie that her container full of green liquid seemed to have no odor, what could it mean? Well, who knows... But, well, she could either drink it to see what would happen, maybe put her life at risk in the process... Ooor, dig around in the documents... Or computer monitors, to see if there might be something on these potions... Or, any usefull information at all really.


"You're a giant goat man... Named Asgore... And you're dressed like some sort of weird king."


"Goat King, that's your name now. I'm Shizuo, the strongest man where I'm from."

Asgore seemed okay for the moment, being polite and all. Maybe he could be one of the few sane people here.

Even if he was some sort of goat man.​

"Isn't his name Fluffy?" the girl asked.

@anybody lol​
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"Isn't his name Fluffy?" the girl asked.

@anybody lol​

"Fluffy also works," Shizup didn't want to upset the kid, and besides, not like it was anything to argue over.​
Dust & Fidget
@Mighty Roman

"Yaaah! Let me go you big mean lizard... Thing!!! You're... You're not gonna make us do anything!!!" Fidget shouted... That orange bubble surrounding her seemed to frighten her, but, that didn't stop her from attempting to blast her way out with alternating projectiles of sorts... Looks liks she was practically "switching" between electricity, and some strange projectile types, one of light, that seemed to scatter around her orange, round, prison, and one of fire, that appeared to blow up in (thankfully) contained pillars of fire as she attempted to break free of her prison, though, from an observer's point of view, her actions almost resembled those of a videogame character when their player just starts button-mashing or something...

"You know... There's nicer ways of asking favors... But... I'm used to the guardian thing... I guess..." Dust said, he looked quite worked up seeing Fidget freaking out in her little prison, but, well, frankly, he realized Larfleeze was capable of powers that he wasn't quite familiar with... For the time being, he decided it would be for the best to negotiate. "Before I accept your... Offer, can you at least tell me what being your guardians would require of us?" Dust asked, he seemed a little relieved Larfleeze had stopped trying to snatch Ahrah, but, well... Now Fidget was in trouble...

@Those At Chemicals
@Mighty Roman @Cromartie Sarkissian @Sir Ni!-ck @Krieg @Mari

Well... There were still quite a few containers left, but... It seemed the two Glomulus took in his hands had distinct colors... And frankly, there wasn't too much one could discern about them at first glance, exceot that one was green, and another was a blue color... But then again, no-one has tried smelling them or anything, though, well, maybe it was better to dig around for some more information? As for Glomulus, when he drank from container full of blue liquid... He didn't feel anything at first, but, then, he suddenly glowed blue for some reason, feeling his body flowing with some strange electricity... Whoa! What the crap was in this stuff?

Iiin the meantime, Rey appeared to nocie that her container full of green liquid seemed to have no odor, what could it mean? Well, who knows... But, well, she could either drink it to see what would happen, maybe put her life at risk in the process... Ooor, dig around in the documents... Or computer monitors, to see if there might be something on these potions... Or, any usefull information at all really.

Rey put down the container of green liquid. She could not tell what it truly was, after all, and she was not feeling confident about her chances. She would continue to try to get the computer monitors to work. She looked towards Roy and the Doctor. "I don't suppose R2 taught you anything about monitors?", she asked the doctor. "Or perhaps you might know something about these liquids?"

@Mighty Roman @Cromartie Sarkissian @Sir Ni!-ck @Krieg @york
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